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09-15 投稿



liaison 发音

英:[liˈeɪzn]  美:[lɪ'ezɑn]

英:  美:

liaison 中文意思翻译



liaison 反义词


liaison 同义词

weakness | prejudice | problem | charge | responsibility | disaster area | guilt | jinx | bill | disadvantage | financial obligation | burden | accountability | millstone | prospect | legal responsibility |obligation | indebtedness

liaison 词性/词形变化,liaison变形

动词过去式: liaised |动词过去分词: liaised |动词现在分词: liaising |动词第三人称单数: liaises |

liaison 短语词组

1、liaison man ─── [经] 联络员

2、liaison hostel ─── 联络宿舍

3、Liaison Assistance Office ─── 联络援助办公室

4、Liaison Branch Capitol ─── 国会大厦联络处

5、Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao S ─── 中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络处

6、liaison officer n. ─── 联络官

7、Liaison (French) ─── 链接(英文)

8、Liaison Action Record ─── 联络行动记录

9、Briefing and Liaison Team ─── 简报和联络小组

10、Liaison Wing Net ─── 永网链接

11、Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Ko ─── 中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络处

12、Counter Mortar Liaison Officer ─── 反迫击炮联络官

13、Liaison Call Sheet ─── 联络电话

14、Counterintelligence Liaison Officer ─── 反情报联络干事

15、Audiovisual Liaison Officer ─── 视听联络主任

16、liaison office ─── 联络处

17、Liaison Office Support ─── 办公室支助联络

18、Liaison Engineering Order ─── 联络工程令

19、Liaison Office of the Central Peopl ─── 中央警察联络处

liaison 相似词语短语

1、livraisons ─── n.分册(指分册出版的著作中的一册)

2、liaises ─── vi.保持联络;担任联络官

3、liaisons ─── n.联络人(liaison的复数)

4、liaise ─── vi.保持联络;担任联络官

5、lewisson ─── n.[建]吊楔;鸠尾起重机(等于lewis)

6、liaised ─── v.建立合作关系;保持连络(liaise的过去分词)

7、diapason ─── n.和谐;调音;全协和音;音叉

8、livraison ─── n.分册(指分册出版的著作中的一册)

9、liaising ─── v.(与某人)联络;做联系人(liaise的现在分词)

liaison 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Ministry of Magic's Muggle Liaison Office was short-staffed, and no one had read the Muggle newspapers all that week. ─── 魔法部的麻瓜联络处的人手永远短缺,因此,整整一周没人阅读那些麻瓜报纸也就不奇怪了。

2、The liaison with scientists working on the same or allied problems will be facilitated. ─── 同从事相同或类似课题研究的科学家们的合作会更加方便。

3、Coordinate and liaison among the members of Mazda Division. ─── 在马自达事业部的成员之间进行协调和联络。

4、The headquarters'hall with a area of nearly 2000 sq. M. Of CHINA-NS.COM America Liaison Center in San Francisco. ─── 中国国情网美国联络中心洛杉矶总部近2000平米的大厅。

5、Two days after the landing on 15 September 1950, a liaison party was sent to Pyongyang. ─── 1950年9月15日登陆行动的两天之后,一个联络团被派往平壤。

6、Staff Sergeant Dignam is our liaison to the undercover section. ─── 参谋警官迪克曼负责与卧底部门联系

7、She acts as a liaison between patients and staff. ─── 她担当病人和医务人员之间的联络员。

8、When we read any text, we should pay attention to sentence stress , sense groups, pause and liaison. ─── 在读课文时,我们要注意句子重音、意群、停顿和连续。

9、Even when seeking only a casual liaison, do not go out dressed like an unmade bed. ─── 即便只是寻求一种临时的联系,也不要出门仍旧穿着家居服。


11、The company develops and produces artware and gifts, has a headquarters in SH and a liaison office in Yiwu of Zhejiang. ─── 从公司成立至今,始终致力于对高档工艺品及礼品的设计开发、生产和销售。

12、To effect or establish a liaison. ─── 取得联系或建立联络关系

13、The activities of representative offices are restricted to representational and liaison activities. ─── 代表办事处只可从事代表和联络性质的活动。

14、He had already contracted a liaison with some girl. ─── 他和某个姑娘私通。

15、Liaison with relevant Corporate Headquarter supporting departments. ─── 协调与集团总部配合部门内容的调配与申请。

16、The Blantyre Liaison Office will then verify these documents and enter the data onto the Intertek computer system. ─── 办事处将证实这些文件,并将资料输入Intertek的计算机系统。

17、When we read any text, we should pay attention to sentence stress, sense groups, pause and liaison. ─── 在读课文时,我们要注意句子重音、意群和连读。

18、Coordination and liaison the work between the representative offices and local business partners. ─── 协助负责协调代表处与当地合作伙伴的业务关系。

19、The explanation offered by Li Gang, vice-director of the central government's liaison office in Hong Kong, raises more questions than it answers. ─── 中联办副主任李刚的解释只有制造更多问题。

20、He provided a liaison with the guerrillas. ─── 他为游击队提供了联络渠道。

21、He acts as a liaison between players and management. ─── 他主要做球员与经理间的联络工作。

22、Acts as the direct line of authority over all Reservations Sales agents within the Hotel and acts as a liaison with all other departments. ─── 既是酒店所有预定销售代理的直接上司,也是与其它部门合作的协调人。

23、Grant will be responsible for liaison on, and co-ordination of, football matters across the various areas of Chelsea FC. ─── “格兰特将会负责切尔西各个部门的协调和联系工作。”

24、Business Liaison of exp.%26imp. Trade, and related market investigation on textile. ─── 从事有关纺织品进出口贸易的业务联络和相关的市场调研。

25、Liaison with the Fabrication, Erection Departments, Sub-contractor and the client etc on a regular basis. ─── 定期与制造部,安装部,分包商和客户联络。

26、It's important that we work in close liaison with other charities in this field. ─── 在这一领域与其他慈善团体在工作中保持紧密联络非常重要。

27、Foreign operators of international shipping services shall have the above-mentioned forms sent by their entrusted liaison office. ─── 外国国际船舶运输经营者的上述材料由其委托的联络机构报送。

28、Help sales manager track email and assist external liaison. ─── 协助销售经理处理跟进电子邮件和协助对外联络。

29、At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices. ─── 原先的设想是,联络处主任由中级职业外交官担任。

30、Act as liaison to facilitate development of continuous improvement culture within XXX Shanghai. ─── 作为协调人在世腾上海公司营造持续提高的文化理念。

31、The Observatory has been keeping close liaison with the Education and Manpower Bureau during severe weather situations. ─── 天文台在恶劣天气情况时,与教统局一向保持紧密沟通。

32、The Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group was set up in 1990 to facilitate exchanges on environmental issues of mutual concern. ─── 一九九零年成立的粤港环境保护联络小组,有助两地就双方关注的环境问题交流意见。

33、The liaison between software development teams and management has always been a sticking point in IT. ─── 软件开发团队和管理层之间的联系始终是IT中的一个关键所在。

34、He wondered if there had been liaison between the two groups. ─── 他纳闷这两个组织是否有过什么联系。

35、Immigration officers pay regular visits overseas to maintain close liaison with their counterparts abroad. ─── 入境事务人员定期到海外探访,与外国的出入境部门人员保持紧密联系。

36、They began living together in 1936, but the liaison was kept secret, and she was never seen in public with him. ─── 他们1936年开始同居,但他们的私通是秘密的,她从未和他在公开场合露过面。

37、For the address and telephone no. Of the marriage registries, please call the Information and Liaison Section at 2824 6111. ─── 如欲索取婚姻登记处的地址及电话,请致电2824 6111向查询及联络组查询。

38、Both parties shall carry out and complete design and design liaison in accordance with Appendix 8. ─── 为使本合同项目建设工作的顺利进行,双方应按本合同附件八和本章的规定实施设计和设计联络

39、In liaison and networking with industry and providing general support services. ─── 则协助工商科与业界保持联系和建立网络,并提供一般支援服务。

40、She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison. ─── 她就自己在短时间内的联络给了我一个确凿的大事记。

41、Acting solely a tool manufacturing enterprises in Shandong product sales liaison work. ─── 全权代理山东一家工具制造企业的产品销售联络工作。

42、The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon. ─── 图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。

43、Added Illumination Rounds and Transceiver ability to Artillery Liaison Officer. ─── 为炮兵联络官增加了照明弹和无线电收发器技能。

44、He is acting as liaison with the film crew. ─── 他担任拍摄组的联络员。

45、Li Da was accompanied by Wang Dingnan, our liaison officer, whom I met many times. ─── 同李达一起去的还有王定南,当时是我们的联络,我见过多次。

46、The religious leaders were agitator, liaison and provider of spirit power in the struggle against Thai government before the Second World War. ─── 在穆斯林民族情绪酝酿阶段,宗教领袖在反政府斗争中充当了鼓动者、联络者和精神力量的提供者。

47、For assistance in translation of these requirements, please contact your Community Liaison which can be found on the home page of www. Aici. Org. ─── 如需此文翻译,请联络当地联络人,名单在。

48、Liaison between customer and legal division for follow-up. ─── 在客户与法务部门之间提供一个很好的沟通与跟进。

49、Harbison for the Overseas Liaison Committee. ─── 作者声明: by Frederick H.

50、International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ─── 与ISO 保持联系的各国际官方的或非官方组织也可以参加.

51、After I got out of the Military Academy , I was a platoon leader. Then I was company commander.And then I was a brigade liaison officer. ─── 军校毕业之后我当排长, 然后我当连长, 然后我再当旅部联络官。

52、Jones grew up in Paris and is fluent in French. As a young officer in the 1980s he was the Marine Corps' liaison to the U. S. Senate. ─── 琼斯将军在巴黎长大,能说一口流利的法语。在1980年代,他是一名年轻的海军陆战队驻美国参议院联络官。

53、While Alex's attention is drawn to the jewels, his stepson is drawn to Gabrielle , unaware of her liaison with his stepfather. ─── 其后,雅历与妻子发生冲突、被苏珊袭击,苏珊以为雅历已死去,匆忙间连钻石炼也一拼带走。

54、The issue escalating and liaison with counterpart for issue follow up. ─── 与总部及其它区域相关人员联系以期解决问题。

55、From the late 1990s until 2001, the Iraqi embassy in Pakistan played the role of liaison to the Al Qaida organization. ─── 90年代后期至2001年,伊拉克驻巴基斯坦大使馆扮演了与基地组织的联络角色。

56、Liaison with customer on contract price and terms. ─── 与客户就合同的内容和价格进行谈判。

57、Maintain a close liaison with Civil Defence. ─── 保持一次与民防短距离的通信。

58、He will act as guide and liaison. ─── 因此他将会作为你们的向导和联络员。

59、Professor and Head of External Liaison Beijing Eastern Specialist Medicine Research Institute, Beijing China. ─── 北京特色东方医药研究院教授与外联主任。

60、He began a liaison with Cleopatra. ─── 他开始和克利奥帕特拉结盟。

61、She is responsible for liaison with researchers at other universities. ─── 她负责与其他大学的研究人员联系。

62、In May, the liaison offices bagan to function. ─── 同年5月,两国联络处开始工作。

63、In 1980, NIKE came to China and set up the first manufacture liaison agency in Beijing. ─── 1980年,NIKE进入中国,在北京设立了第一个NIKE生产联络代表处。

64、Expand the establishment of joint laboratories to pool research expertise, and of liaison offices in mainland China to enhance coordination. ─── 增建与内地合办的实验室以集结研究人才,增设内地联络处以加强协调。

65、Liaison with finance, tax, treasury, legal and insurance representatives. ─── 与金融、税务、财政、法律和保险方面的代表联系。

66、To gain the maximum advantage from this system, there must always be clear liaison between the factory and site organizations. ─── 为获得最大程度的收益,构件制造厂与现场施工的各部门需保持联络畅通。

67、Could he obtain money, locate an outside liaison who would become another Birdsong? ─── 他能够获得经费并选择另一个伯德桑来担任外界联络员吗?

68、But we are not forgotten once "Moon on Liu Shao head, Evening Liaison after" romantic then? ─── 可是我们是不是忘记了曾经的“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”的浪漫呢?

69、Maintain liaison with assigned customer technical and commercial personnel. ─── 与指定客户的技术和业务人员保持联系。

70、These resident offices can only take up tourism consulting, liaison, and promotion work. They shall not engage in tourism businesses. ─── 外国旅行社常驻机构只能从事旅游咨询、联络、宣传活动,不得经营旅游业务。

71、Liaison with external experts to finalize glossary and follow up on revising. ─── 与外部专家联络,完善术语翻译对照表,并跟进完成相应的修改。

72、Israel has invariably chosen to turn a deaf ear to turkey's occasionally fierce rhetoric for the sake of that strategic liaison. ─── 以色列为了战略联盟起见,对土耳其偶尔激烈的言辞始终如一地选择了充耳不闻。

73、He is our Polish and Russian Liaison Officer. ─── 他是我们的波兰与俄罗斯联络人员。

74、As an international television correspondent in the White House, she also served President Ronald Reagan in the White House, office of public liaison. ─── 她曾任白宫的国际电视特派员,也在白宫为列根总统效力,负责公共关系。

75、In Vilna she had formed a liaison with a young foreign prince. ─── 在维尔纳,她又与一位年轻的外国亲王过从甚密。

76、He served in the National Security Council and was a military liaison with the CIA. ─── 他曾在国家安全委员会任职,并且是军队与CIA的联系人。

77、If the clients have any specific requirements, the liaison staff can pass them on to London for incorporation into the structure of the product. ─── 假如客户有任何特定要求,该名联络人员可把要求转达伦敦,以便纳入产品的结构内。

78、The CHP will maintain close liaison with the Ministry of Health to obtain more information on the case. ─── 卫生防护中心会继续与卫生部保持密切联系,以了解个案的详情。

79、Liaison librarians play an important role in promoting the construction and utilization of library resource . ─── 学科馆员在促进图书馆资源建设与利用方面有着重要的作用。

80、The role of the liaison staff is to act as a link between the clients and Company A in London. ─── 该联络人员的角色是担当客户与在伦敦的A公司之间的桥梁。

81、In order to make things go smoothly, the leading Party members' group should designate a comrade to serve as a liaison with the Party branch. ─── 为工作上的便利,党团应有一同志与支部发生经常关系,以求密切地配合一致。

82、Liaison with external providers to ensure availability of IT equipments and services. ─── 与外部的供应商联络,来保证IT设备及服务的有效性。

83、In charge of liaison with Italy HQs and ensure the smooth communication channel and relevant coordination. ─── 与国外总部相关部门的联络、沟通和协调。

84、Act as the liaison between customer and SSCI. ─── 作为客户与公司的桥梁。

85、Liaison with HQ technical Dept. And execute project plan to ensure that all deliverables are met timely and qualified. ─── 与总部开发部门合作并执行项目开发计划,保证新产品达到客户需求并按时发布。

86、CHINA-NS.COM president Xia Yueling took photos with America Liaison Center director Lisa Jiang. ─── 中国国情网总裁夏岳灵先生与美国联络中心负责人蒋丽莎女士合影。

87、Li Da was accompanied by Wang Dingnan,our liaison officer,whom I met many times. ─── 同李达一起去的还有王定南,当时是我们的联络官,我见过多次。

88、Act as the primary liaison for all service readiness items to WW services team. ─── 为所有服务准备项目和ww服务团队提供主要联络.

89、CHINA-NS.COM America Liaison Center was registered successfully in America. ─── 中国国情网美国联络中心在美国注册成立!

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