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09-14 投稿



virility 发音


英:  美:

virility 中文意思翻译



virility 短语词组

1、virility for men ─── 男子气概

2、virility drug ─── [网络] 毒性药物

3、virility plus ─── 男子气概增强型

virility 相似词语短语

1、virality ─── 病毒式

2、civility ─── n.礼貌;礼仪;端庄

3、vagility ─── [生态]漫游;[生态]散布力

4、viridite ─── n.针铁绿泥石;青绿泥石

5、virilely ─── 男性

6、viability ─── n.生存能力,发育能力;可行性

7、viridity ─── n.绿色;鲜绿;朝气

8、-ibility ─── 可行性

9、nihility ─── n.虚无

virility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To tonify the kidney and promote virility. ─── 补肾助阳。

2、All the interpretation above confirm the virility of Archbishop Lo's philosophy of life. ─── 以上的诠释证明罗总主教生命哲学的真实性。

3、And smote all the firstborn in Egypt, The first issue of their virility in the tents of Ham. ─── 在埃及击杀一切长子、在含的帐棚中、击杀他们强壮时头生的。

4、To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate. ─── 使丧失精力或精神;使软弱。

5、It is a great aid to men with a low sperm count or low virility. ─── 对精虫稀少或活动力差者,很有帮助。

6、The third nipple was supposed to be a sign of sexual virility. ─── |那个额外的乳头是一种男性象征。

7、To deprive of virility or spirit;emasculate. ─── 使无男子气使丧失精力或精神;使软弱

8、Research of occupation and behavior in sufferer of virility infertility ─── 男性不育症患者职业分布及行为调查

9、Virility infertility ─── 男性不育

10、manliness; virility ─── 阳刚之气

11、He has great virility. ─── 他很有男子汉气概。

12、Lau, who has worked on conservation projects along the Malacca coast for three years, said poachers dig eggs out of their sandy nests and sell them to locals who believe they boost male virility and sooth pregnancy-related ailments. ─── 一位在麻六甲海峡为保育计画工作三年的刘女士表示,盗猎者会偷挖海龟蛋,并且卖给当地人,因为当地人相信海龟蛋有壮阳的功效,并能治疗与怀孕相关的疾病。

13、Non-rational space presents more vitality and virility in post modernism. ─── 纵观世界雕塑史就是一部感性空间和理性空间的探索历史。

14、Invigorating spleen and restoring virility ─── 健脾与补肾

15、And his fresh mind, untaxed for twenty years and impelled by maturity of desire, gripped hold of what he read with a virility unusual to the student mind. ─── 他那二十年没曾动过的脑筋受到成熟的欲望的驱使,更对书本紧抓不放,孜孜吃吃,就初学者而言其啃劲之猛十分罕见。

16、Chicken not only symbolizes the vitality in folksy culture with the virility,briliance and good luck,but also is a kind of symbol safeguard god and superhuman power. ─── 鸡在民间文化中象征生命力和生殖力、光明和吉祥,是保护神和神力的象征。

17、And he certainly questions the diminishing of his virility, what the Dutch call "the shutting of the door. " ─── 并且他一定会担心自己的男儿气概在不断衰减。按荷兰人的说法,就是“门在慢慢关上。”

18、Objective:To research the effection factor of occupation and behavior in sufferer of virility infertility. ─── 目的调查男性不育症患者职业分布及行为因素影响。

19、The severe winter, body and soul in adversity though, is after all a tendency of hiding virility ready to develop. ─── 寒冬,身心处于逆境,却是阳刚之气潜藏与滋发的动向。

20、2.Under the patriotism, a virility feminie formed a democratic union. ─── 在爱国主义的精神下,具有男子气概的妇女组成了一个民主联盟。

21、Because of this suggestive shape it has long been believed by the Chinese that the root has a medicinal value and would greatly prolong the virility as well as the life of a man. ─── 因为这种具有暗示性的外型,长久以来中国人相信它的根部具有能够延长人类寿命的强大药效。

22、a need to prove his virility ─── 需要证明他有生殖力

23、Whole cultural industries derived from his much mythologized virility. ─── 整个文化充斥着由他散发出的神话般生命力。

24、Anti-American bravado was always a sure way to excite a crowd and strike a pose of national virility ─── 反美呼声一直是一种激发群众和显示民族气概的可靠方法。

25、The wall stands on swords, virility from fear. ─── 壁立千仞,无惧则刚 的英语表述?谢谢.

26、Finally add virility with a Cedar note . ─── 以富男性气质的雪松为后调。

27、In the same speech, he proclaimed Iran a superpower, trumpeting its development of nuclear and rocket technology as symbols of national virility. ─── 在同一演说中,他宣称伊朗是一个超级大国。大肆宣扬核技术和火箭技术的发展是国家壮大的标志。

28、But is unable to endure the concubine child to be difficult to own virility capital. ─── 但无法忍受妾子对自己性能力的资难。

29、Children are also considered proof of a man's virility. ─── 儿女也被视为男子生殖力的证明。

30、Experiment on the Sexual Virility of Immature Mice Immunized with LHRH Fusion Protein Vaccine ─── LHRH融合蛋白疫苗对性成熟前小鼠性腺轴系的影响

31、Higher male virility, sexual stamina and increased penis size will peak your sexual performance, thus leading to not only significantly improved sexual performance, but also increased self-confidence. ─── 女人在生理上都更喜欢有足够的性精力、持久力和性活力的男人,大多数男人和女人,不管他们的年龄和身体条件如何,都会通过性来提升彼此的身体和身心健康。

32、At the same time a wave of intense virility seemed to surge out from him and impinge upon her ─── 同时,一股强烈的男性气概似乎从他身上涌出来,冲击着她。

33、These were once used in underwater duels to attract a mate, and were seen as a sign of the males' strength and virility. ─── 该物曾在的水下求偶中用于吸引配偶,并被视为男性力量与气概的标志。

34、Deprived of virility, strength, or vigor. ─── 无男子气的、无力的或无生机的

35、virility drug ─── 壮阳药

36、Never mind that beer actually reduces a guy's virility and ability to succeed in sports (especially NASCAR). ─── 别介意啤酒实际上会减少男人的生殖力和强烈运动的能力(特别是纳斯卡) 。

37、forget the marlboro man - new research shows that smoking , often marketed as a symbol of virility , increases the risk of impotence. ─── 虽然香烟经常作为“阳刚之气”的代名词出现在中,但吸烟其实会大大增加男性阳痿的危险。

38、In Ancient Egypt, diamonds were symbols of eternity and were used in funeral rites.In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility. ─── 在古埃及,钻石是永恒的标志,被用于葬礼仪式。

39、10.In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility. ─── 中世纪,男人们佩戴钻石,作为勇敢和刚强的象征。

40、A need to prove,assert,etc one's virility ─── 需证明、表明...自己有生殖能力.

41、political/economic virility ─── 政治/经济活力

42、But first it needs to regain its virility. ─── 但它首先需要恢复它的元气。

43、Vincento: So? There's a Shrine to Sharess under the stairs. Helps with virility, some say. I wouldn't know. ─── 文森特:哦?楼下那个夏芮丝的圣地要进行什么活动。我是听说的也不是很清楚。

44、a need to prove, assert, etc one's virility ─── 需证明、 表明...自己有生殖能力.

45、General Situation of Adjustment Effect to Virility Procreation Function Obstacle with Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中医药对男性生殖功能障碍的调节作用研究概况

46、displays of male virility ─── 男子生殖力的表现

47、But it may be harder going for those who see exports as a sign of national virility. ─── 但要争取那些视出口为国家活力象征的势力的支持却更加困难。

48、The severe winter, body and soul in adversity though, is after all a ten-dency of hiding virility ready to develop. ─── 寒冬,身心处于逆境,却是阳刚之气潜藏与滋发的动向。

49、political virility ─── 政治活力

50、SEX TYPE : Well accentuated. The males are more viril, stronger and more massive than the females. The sexual dimorphism is clearly obvious. ─── 性别形态:特征明显。雄性更雄壮,和雌性比起来更强壮更魁梧。两性特征区分明显。

51、Many men might fear that a male pill based on introducing female hormones into the body could affect their virility or other aspects of masculinity, even though the results of the first clinical trials have found no evidence for this. ─── 虽然一期临床的结果表明没有证据证明该男性避孕药将雌激素带入人体会影响他们的生育能力或其他男性特征,但很多男性还是担心这一点。

52、But also because his deviance is psychologically subversive to the others' spontaneous virility. ─── 同时也因为他的偏差,对于他人潜意识中的男性气质有著心理学上的破坏性。

53、Listen to their voices, high permeability delicacy, sweetest fluidity tenor and bass virility powerful. ─── 聆听其声音,高音通透细腻,中音清脆圆润,低音雄浑有力。

54、A carnivorous animal, living on a straight meat diet, he was in full flower, at the high tide of his life, over-spilling with vigor and virility. ─── 作为一只完全依靠肉食生存的食肉动物,他正值年富力强之时,精力充沛,活力旺盛。

55、He remembered reading somewhere , though , that baldness shows virility . ─── 不过他记得在什么地方读过说秃顶代表阳刚气概。

56、Conclusion: The sufferer of virility infertility have Occupation and Behavior characteristic. ─── 结论男性不育症患者有职业分布特点和行为因素特点。

57、viril response ─── 强劲性反应

58、French virility had been symbolically castrated by an Anglo-American height conspiracy. ─── 法兰西的雄性尊严就这样被英美身高同盟无情地践踏了。

59、It is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility. ─── 女人很难理解男人对诋毁其男子气概的敏感。

60、10.At the same time a wave of intense virility seemed to surge out from him and impinge upon her. ─── 同时一股强烈的生命之力似乎从他身上磅礴喷出,向她滚滚扑来。

61、The new kind of poetry characterized by quest for the primitive virility of life carried on by later poets Liao Yi Wu and Hai Zi to a new height. ─── 这类追寻生命原生动力的诗歌,被后起的诗人廖亦武和海子推演到了一定的高度。

62、Soon I learned that the identity they had built for me not only stood on wealth and cultural and familial loyalties, but around virility and manliness as well. ─── 不久我意识到他们为我所树立的形象不仅是在财富和文化家族信仰上,而且同时也在男性的特征上。

63、The Influence of Invigorating Spleen and Restoring Virility on the Arginine Vasopressin Level in Brain and Gene Expression ─── 健脾与补肾对脑内精氨酸加压素水平和基因表达的影响

64、The simplest starts by the oath giver saying, "I swear by my virility." ─── 最简单的由宣誓人这样说开始:“吾以吾男子气概之名发誓。”

65、to deprive of virility ─── 使无男子气

66、Lacking virility or strength. ─── 缺乏男子气概和力量的

67、He felt that each building should “be a monument to the virility of our society”. ─── 他觉得每幢大楼都应该成为体现我们社会强大气息的的纪念碑。

68、Travel especially, have the tired cancellation, restore virility, strong dint, promote special effect of the blood circulation. ─── 特别是旅游,有消除疲劳、补肾、强力、促进血液循环的特殊功效。

69、Maasai men are known to demonstrate their virility by spearing elephants. ─── 马赛族人以刺戳大象展现男性气概闻名。

70、Research, he says, indicates they may actually increase virility. ─── 通过研究,他说,这的确能增加男性生殖能力。

71、This may hobble the bull in the future.But first it needs to regain its virility. ─── 这头牛会在未来步履蹒跚,但是首先需要让它恢复牛气。

72、These were once used in underwater duels to attract a mate, and were seen as a sign of the males' strength and virility. ─── 该物曾在的水下求偶中用于吸引配偶,并被视为男性力量与气概的标志。

73、By restoring your hormone levels to those of a 20-year-old, you can restore your energy, productivity, physique, and appearance, as well as your virility. ─── 恢复您的激素水平到20岁,您就可以恢复您的力量,能力,体型,和外观,以及您的性能力。

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