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09-16 投稿



introgression 发音

英:[[ɪntrə'greʃən]]  美:[[ˌɪntrə'greʃən]]

英:  美:

introgression 中文意思翻译



introgression 词性/词形变化,introgression变形

形容词: introgressive |

introgression 短语词组

1、introgression lines ─── 导入系渐渗系渗入系

2、introgression population ─── 渐渗群体

3、introgression line ─── 渐渗杂交系

introgression 相似词语短语

1、retrogression ─── n.[医]退化;后退

2、intromission ─── n.插入;入场许可;干涉

3、retrogressions ─── n.[医]退化;后退

4、introgressive ─── 基因渗入的(introgression的变体)

5、introgressant ─── 渐渗剂

6、introgressions ─── n.基因渗入;渐渗现象

7、introversion ─── n.内省性,内向性

8、progression ─── n.前进;连续

9、ingression ─── n.进入;进入许可

introgression 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Preliminary Study on the Genetic Improvement of Rice Japonica Restorer Line by Introgression of International Rice Breeding Germplasm ─── 利用国际水稻品种资源改良粳稻恢复系研究初探

2、Introgression of Dominant Male Sterile Gene of Chinese Cabbage into Purple-caitai ─── 大白菜显性核基因雄性不育性向紫菜薹的转育初报

3、Introgression (introgressive hybridization) The introduction of genetic material from one gene pool to another by hybridization and subsequent back-crossing to one or other of the parents. ─── 渐渗现象(渐渗杂交):是通过杂交或其后代与某个亲本回交,遗传物质从一个基因库被引入另一个基因库的现象。

4、Preliminary report on quantitative trait loci mapping of false smut resistance using near-isogenic introgression lines in rice ─── 近等基因导入系定位水稻抗稻曲病数量性状位点的研究初报

5、Marker- assisted introgression ─── 标记辅助导入(MAI)

6、Possibility of Target Gene Introgression from Transgenic Wheat into Non-transgenic Plants Through Pollens ─── 转基因小麦目标基因通过花粉漂流的可能性研究


8、Further analysis indicated that the A. chinensis/A. deliciosa complex was probably highly influenced by both shared ancestral chloroplast polymorphism and recent hybridization introgression. ─── 进一步分析表明, 中华/美味猕猴桃复合体近缘种间存在明显的共祖多态性和杂交渐渗现象, 近缘种植株分布的交错程度以及是否存在亚居群结构对杂交渐渗存在着重要影响。

9、Keywords Green vaccine;Transgenic plant;Immune response;Transgenic silencing;Introgression;Immune tolerance; ─── 绿色疫苗;转基因植物;免疫应答;转基因沉默;基因渐渗;免疫耐受;

10、Backcross selected introgression lines (SBILs) ─── 回交选择导入系

11、genome introgression ─── 基因组导入

12、7. Introgression (introgressive hybridization) The introduction of genetic material from one gene pool to another by hybridization and subsequent back-crossing to one or other of the parents. ─── 渐渗现象(渐渗杂交):是通过杂交或其后代与某个亲本回交,遗传物质从一个基因库被引入另一个基因库的现象。收藏指正

13、Wheat Introgression of Protein Quality and Disease Resistance Genes via Technique of Five Generations per Year ─── 应用一年五代快速育种技术聚合优质抗病基因

14、introgression The spread of inherited characters between species by hybridisation. ─── 基因渗入在种之间藉由杂交的遗传特徵传布。

15、When gene introgression requires the spontaneous development of a polyploid, the likelihood of gene introgression is very low. ─── 当基因渗入需要一个自发性多倍体的产生(即杂交种是不可生育的),则基因渗入的可能性变得很小。

16、Introgression from Genetically Modified Plants into Wild Relatives ─── 从基因修饰植物到野生亲缘植物中的渐渗现象

17、QTL Mining Favorable Salt-tolerant QTL from Rice Germplasm Using a Backcrossing Introgression Line Population ─── 利用回交导入系群体发掘水稻种质资源中的有利耐盐

18、Previous studies showed that there were many sequencing changes in the genome of offspring introgression lines. ─── 先前的研究表明渐渗系后代基因组中存在大量的序列变异。

19、Keywords Brassica napus;Orychophragmus violaceus;Introgression;Fatty acids;Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH);Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP);Cytology; ─── 甘蓝型油菜;诸葛菜;遗传渗入;脂肪酸;基因组原位杂交(GISH);扩增片断长度多态性(AFLP);细胞学;

20、Chromosome introgression lines ─── 染色体导入系

21、introgression(introgressive hybridization) ─── 渐渗杂交, 种质渗入

22、Diallel analysis of quantitative traits of hybrid between Gossypium barbadense L. And G. Hirsutum L. Using 7 substitution and introgression lines ─── 利用7个置换系和渐渗系的双列杂交研究海陆杂种的数量性状遗传

23、Over the years, our laboratory has found that Zizania DNA introgression could induce a large number of genetic and epigenetic changes of the rice genome. ─── 我们发现将菰的基因组DNA导入水稻中能诱导水稻基因组发生广泛的基因组变异和表观遗传变异。

24、Introgression line (ILs) ─── 导入系

25、Furthermore, For the introgression of desirable characters from maize relatives into maize, there are considerable genetic and breeding materials were achieved. ─── 此外,还对玉米近缘材料在玉米遗传育种中的应用进行了探讨。

26、The result indicated that selection stress was the main reason resulting in the significant deviations of synthetic introgression loci from expected segregation ratios. ─── 人工选择压力可能是导致遗传位点出现偏分离行为的重要原因。

27、When gene introgression requires the spontaneous development of a polyploid, the likelihood of gene introgression is very low. ─── 当基因渗入需要一个自发性多倍体的产生(即杂交种是不可生育的),则基因渗入的可能性变得很小。

28、Higher fiber quality introgression line ─── 优质纤维渐渗系

29、The accessions with introgression from Mesoamerican to the Andean group could be useful as bridge varieties for common bean breeding. ─── 由中美基因库向安第斯基因库渗透的天然杂交种质可为普通菜豆高产、优质、抗逆育种提供有价值的桥梁品种。

30、Keywords introgression lines;molecular marker;marker-assisted,,,, selection(MAS);RFLP markers;RAPD markers;SCAR markers;ISSR markers;,,,, DNA fingerprinting;wheat powdery mildew;wheat powdery m ─── 渐渗系、分子标记、分子标记辅助选择、RFLP标记、RAPD标记、;SCAR标记、ISSR标记、DNA指纹图谱、小麦白粉病、小麦白粉病抗性基因;

31、Positive results from marker-facilitated selection and introgression studies have further strengthened this conclusion. ─── 积极的成果时标记的选择和便利渐渗的研究,进一步加强了这一结论。

32、Identification and Screening of Favorable Genes from Rice Germplasm in Backcross Introgression Populations ─── 回交导入后代水稻种质有利基因的鉴定与筛选研究

33、A methodologies on gene mining, germplasm enhancement and new variety development using the introgression lines and molecular m... ─── 育成了一批高产稳产优质节水抗旱的新品种(系)。

34、Introgression loci ─── 渐渗位点

35、Backcross introgression lines ─── 回交导入系

36、Paternal introgression ─── 父系渗入

37、The successful establishment of alien species may attribute to hybridization with and introgression from native species; ─── 对于外来种,主要讨论了其通过杂交和渐渗杂交的方式适应新的环境;

38、The nuclear genome contains approximately 50% repetitive DNA sequence in rice. Amplification and introgression of repetitive DNA sequences in the genome of higher eukaryotes are unknown clearly. ─── 水稻基因组中DNA重复序列占了50%左右,重复序列在基因组间扩增和互渗的机理还不十分清楚。

39、Keywords: wild species ofA rachis, Hybrid progenies, Genetic variation, Introgression identification, SSR, ─── 关键词:花生野生种,杂种后代,遗传多态性,渗入鉴定,SSR

40、Objectives of our study were to introgress elite subtropical and tropical germplasm with elite U.S.Corn Belt germplasm. ─── 我们的研究目标是将优良的热带和亚热带种质通过渐渗杂交的方式导入美国玉米带种质。

41、Keywords marker aided backcrossing;gene introgression;marker density;length of donor chromosome segment; ─── 标记辅助回交育种;基因渐渗;标记密度;供体染色体片段长度;

42、These loci have been used in parent-age determination, genetic diversity and population structure, population introgression, as genetic marker gesta-tion length and wintering survival et al. ─── 这些位点被广泛应用到父权鉴定、遗传多样性和种群结构分析、种群基因渗入的检测、孕期长短及越冬存活率等的遗传标记等方面的研究中。

43、Construction of Exogenous DNA Introgression Lines and Analysis of its Main Traits in Rice ─── 水稻外源DNA导入系的创建及主要性状分析

44、In conclusion, the Lanyu pig is a unique breed without gene introgression from exotic pig breeds, but it had sustained loss of heterozygosity. ─── 综合以上之结果,推论保种兰屿猪与以上6个台湾外来猪种间发生基因交流之可能性低为一独特之族群,但此族群可能因近亲配种致其基因多型性流失。

45、Screening of Near-isogenic Introgression Lines Resistant to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses ─── 近等基因导入系对生物和非生物胁迫的抗性筛选初报

46、role of introgression in shaping the genetic variation pattern of the species should be seen in the same light. ─── 在形成种的遗传变异型中,种质渗入所引起的作用也应当用同样的见地来看待。

47、Because of this, exotic germplasm has most commonly been used in attempts to introgress single genes, and it may not prove useful in the improvement of characters under complex genetic control. ─── 因为这一点,外源种质常常被用于单基因整合,但是对于在复杂基因控制下的性状改良可能是无用的。

48、Selected introgression lines ─── 选择导入系

49、Comparison of different background selection methods in marker-assisted introgression ─── 标记辅助导入中不同背景选择方法的比较

50、Study on Introgression of Useful Genes from Hordeum bulbosum to Common Wheat ─── 苏联球茎大麦有利基因引入普通小麦的研究

51、Resistivity of Introgression lines Derived from Wild Species of Oryza of IRRI to Rice Blast, Bacterial Blight and Brown Planthopper ─── IRRI野生稻渗入基因系稻瘟病、白叶枯病、褐飞虱抗性鉴定

52、The role of introgression in shaping the genetic variation pattern of the species should be seen in the same light. ─── 在形成种的遗传变异型中,种质渗入所引起的作用也应当用同样的见地来看待。

53、Evaluation of resistance to bacterial blight in introgression lines derived from wild species of rice ─── 野生稻渗入基因系对稻白叶枯病的抗性评价

54、East Asian forms tend to have more obvious awns than usual, perhaps due to introgression from Alopecurus longearistatus. ─── 这是一根世界的北温带地区的广布的,半水生杂草,到澳大利亚和在别处现在引进栽培。

55、Over the years, our laboratory has found that Zizania DNA introgression could induce a large number of genetic and epigenetic changes in some introgression lines. ─── 我们实验室的前期工作发现将菰的基因组DNA导入水稻中能诱导水稻基因组获得渐渗杂交系发生广泛的基因组变异和表观遗传变异。

56、Single segment introgression lines ─── 单片段渐渗系

57、Keywords rice (O.sativa L.),common wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.),SSR,AB-QTL analysis,introgression lines,graphic genotype; ─── 水稻;普通野生稻;SSR标记;AB-QTL分析法;渗入系;图示基因型;

58、Study on Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Marker-Assisted Introgression ─── 影响标记辅助导入效率的因素研究

59、Introgression may take place in such situations. ─── 在这种情况下可能发生渐渗现象。

60、Construction of Near Iso-genic Introgression Lines of Rice for High Grain-quality, Yield and Disease Resistance ─── 优质高产抗病性状近等基因导入系的构建

61、One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups. ─── 实现它们之间的种质渗入是百合育种的主要方向之一。

62、allopatric introgression ─── 异地渐渗性

63、Introgression plant ─── 近等基因导入植株

64、marker - assisted introgression ─── 标记辅助导入

65、Keywords new-typed B. napus;pollen germination;embryo sac development;genome introgression;genetic distance; ─── 甘蓝型油菜;花粉萌发;胚囊发育;基因组导入;遗传距离;

66、Evaluation of Resistance to Bacterial Blight of Introgression Lines Derived from Wild Species of Oryza ─── 高抗白叶枯病渗入基因系的鉴定初报

67、This would be a very efficient method to increase the selection intensity in a large population but with a manageable number of marker genotyping for a gene introgression experiment. ─── 这是一种非常有效的方法。

68、96. Introgression may take place in such situations. ─── 在这种情况下可能发生渐渗现象。

69、Development and Application of Single Segment Introgression Lines from Wild Species in Lycopersicon ─── 野生番茄单片段渐渗系的创建及应用

70、Song Wei, Hao Xie, Qing Liu, Chaojie Xie, Zhongfu Ni, Tsomin Yang, Qixin Sun, Zhiyong Liu 2007 Molecular identification of Pm12-carrying introgression lines in wheat using genomic and EST-SSR markers. ─── 胡铁柱,李洪杰,刘子记,解超杰,周益林,段霞瑜,贾旭,尤明山,杨作民,孙其信,刘志勇2008普通小麦品种“豫麦66”抗白粉病基因的鉴定与分子标记。

71、And also typical wild soybeans were inferred to have had introgression from cultivated soybeans. ─── 并推测典型野生大豆也可能与栽培大豆发生过基因交流。

72、introgression line ─── 渐渗杂交系

73、Molecular Evidence for Gene Introgression from Wild Species to Cultivated Varieties in Peanut ─── 野生花生遗传物质渗入到栽培种的分子证据

74、introgression of indica and j aponica ─── 籼粳渐渗

75、Near isogenic introgression line; ─── 等基因导入系;

76、Establishment of introgression lines ─── 导入系构建

77、or the abilities to use both those of introgression and retrogression - and mostly retrograded, as we are in the present. ─── 或利用优化和退化的这两方面的能力-而大部分是退化的,至少目前是这样的。

78、Keywords Marker-assisted introgression;Foreground selection;Background selection;MBLUP; ─── 标记辅助导入;前景选择;背景选择;MBLUP;

79、76 Visscher P M,Haley C S Thompson R. Marker-assisted introgression in backcross breeding programs. Genetics 1996 144: 1923-1932 ─── 首次提出功能标记的概念相信是分子育种的方向尤其设计育种.

80、Backcross introgression ─── 回交导入

81、One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups. ─── 实现它们之间的种质渗入是百合育种的主要方向之一 。

82、Keywords Brassica napus;B. carinata;B. juncea;O. violaceus;Aneuploids;Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH);Amplifed fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP);Introgression; ─── 埃塞俄比亚芥;甘蓝型油菜;芥菜型油菜;诸葛菜;非整倍体;基因组原位杂交(GISH);扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP);渗入;

83、Introgression identification ─── 渗入鉴定

84、Keywords Malus toringoides;genetic diversity;oringin;introgression hybrid;AFLP; ─── 变叶海棠;遗传多样性;起源;渗入杂交;AFLP;

85、For the best use of marker information in a marker aided backcrossing program for gene introgression, a stepwise marker genotyping and individual selection were suggested. ─── 这就是:先根据少数标记对所有个体作初步选择,再根据较多标记对少数个体作精细选择。

86、Meanwhile, MAALs can be used to study the introgression mechanism and the pairing status of homologous chromosomes. ─── 同时, 也便于研究同源染色体的渗入机制和配对状态。

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