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09-16 投稿



instinctively 发音

英:[ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli]  美:[ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli]

英:  美:

instinctively 中文意思翻译



instinctively 短语词组

1、learn instinctively ─── 本能地学习

instinctively 词性/词形变化,instinctively变形

副词: instinctively |

instinctively 相似词语短语

1、infinitively ─── 无限地

2、indistinctively ─── adv.不显著地;无特色地;难区别地

3、initiatively ─── 初步地;首创地

4、instinctive ─── adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的

5、instructively ─── adv.有益地;教育地

6、injunctively ─── 强制

7、instinctivity ─── 本能

8、distinctively ─── adv.特殊地;区别地

9、institutively ─── 制度上

instinctively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't trust nothing except your instinct. ─── 只管相信你的直觉。

2、What do we instinctively do? ─── 本能,我们会怎么做?

3、Instinct is not always a good guide . ─── 凭本能行事不一定都对.

4、She has an instinct for music. ─── 她有音乐天才。

5、Instinct told Nancy Molineaux she was onto something. ─── 南·莫利诺的直觉告诉她,她碰上了一件不寻常的事。

6、Instinctively I knew he was the game warden . ─── 凭直觉,我知道他是个护猎员。

7、I've always been a bit confused about self and egotism because I instinctively felt both were barriers to understanding. ─── 对于自我及自负,我总是有些迷惑,因为我直觉上认为它们都会妨碍理解。

8、He even supposes that art is a manifestation of the sexual instinct. ─── 他甚至认为艺术也是性本能的一种流露。

9、Her instinct in the matter of dress was naturally better. ─── 在穿着打扮上,她的眼力和趣味天生高人一筹。

10、Libby had an instinct for essentials. ─── 利比具有善于抓住事物实质的本能。

11、He has an instinct for making money. ─── 他有赚钱的本领。

12、She instinctively darts her nails at his face. ─── 她本能地要抓他的脸。

13、He figured Kessler had got bad news, yet instinctively knew he hadn't. ─── 他揣测凯斯勒得到了什么噩耗。可是他直觉地感到,凯斯勒并没有得到噩耗。

14、Man's instinct for life will burst out in dangerous situations. ─── 人的求生本能会在身处危情时爆发。

15、He does this good thing from his instinct. ─── 他做这件好事是出于本能。

16、It is his instinct to reckon on women as constant by their nature. ─── 他的直觉使他认为女人在本质上就是一成不变的。

17、Both ladies instinctively gathered themselves into more tidy posture . ─── 两位女士本能地恢复了端庄的姿态。

18、As he leaned towards her she instinctively recoiled. ─── 他向她靠近,她本能地往后缩。

19、The instinct of the celibate warned him to hold back . ─── 单身汉的本能告诫他回头是岸。

20、Product quality is my plant survival instinct! ─── 产品的质量是我厂生存的本能!

21、I don't think so. I stuffed everything carefully with cotton, " replied Li, as he began instinctively opening the drawers. " ─── 李梅亭嘴里说:“我想不会,我棉花塞得好好的,”手本能地拉抽屉了。

22、They instinctively embrace him. ─── 她们本能地抓住他。

23、He seemed to have an instinct about the cards. It was uncanny. ─── 他好象对牌有一种本能似的,简直神了。

24、She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal. ─── 她有天生擅长做生意的本事。

25、The possessive instinct never stands still. ─── 占有欲是从来不会停止不前的。

26、But either out of some warning instinct or sheer funk he had not done so. ─── 他没有这样着急,其原因不是出于本能的警觉就是出于单纯的惊恐。

27、As a living species we instinctively try to deflate physical pain. ─── 作为一个生物的物种,我们的本能是立即消除生理的痛苦。

28、Instinctively he felt the change in Drouet. ─── 他本能地感到了杜洛埃身上的变化。

29、He was by every instinct urban. ─── 他在本质上已城市化了。

30、At such times you have to trust to instinct. ─── 在这种情况下就只能凭直觉办事了。

31、You should not go by instinct in deciding a question. ─── 在决定一个问题时,你不能靠直觉。

32、She appeared to know it by instinct. ─── 她似乎凭着本能就认出了它。

33、Even in civilized mankind faint trace of a monogamic instinct can sometimes is perceive. ─── 即使在文明人之中,时不时也可以看出那么一丁点一夫一妻本能的痕迹。

34、Please, break yourself of this instinct. ─── 但是,请不要这样想当然(打破原有固定思维)。

35、Instinctively, I knew she was ill. ─── 凭直觉,我知道她病了。

36、He has a strong possessive instinct. ─── 他有强烈的占有欲。

37、He hated instinctively any attempt to get into the depths of his feelings. ─── 他出于本能,对任何想要深究她的感情的做法都十分反感。

38、Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong. ─── 儿童并非生来就会分辨是非。

39、Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self-preservation. ─── 两个超级大国都有自我保护的本能。

40、Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewed men. ─── 乔丹·贝克本能地回避聪明机警的男人。

41、His first instinct was to run away. ─── 他的本能反应就是逃跑。

42、Man is born with instinct for language. ─── 人天生具有语言才能。

43、He knew instinctively that something was wrong. ─── 他凭直觉知道出事了。

44、His jaw instinctively closed, and his gray eyes narrowed. ─── 他本能地闭紧嘴巴,灰色的眼睛收缩成一条线。

45、She nicked her instinct not to fight with him. ─── 她克制住自己的冲动,没和他动手打架。

46、All human beings have a gregarious instinct. ─── 人类有群居的本性。

47、Instinctively she squeezed the trigger. ─── 她本能地扣紧了扳机。

48、As I said, these things must be lived instinctively, so there really isn't much to say. ─── 就像我说的那样,这些事是作为一种本能而存在,所以并没有真正值得去说的。

49、He knew instinctively where he would find her. ─── 他本能地知道在哪儿能找到她。

50、Animals know their enemy by instinct. ─── 动物凭本能识别敌人。

51、Presley, Cash, Perkins and Lewis instinctively understood Phillips's ambition and believed in it. ─── 普雷斯利、卡什、帕金斯和刘易斯本能地理解菲利普斯的雄心壮志并对此抱有信心。

52、Why we are instinctively scared of snakes instead of guns? ─── 为什么我们本能地怕蛇而不是怕枪?

53、Sometimes people act on instinct. ─── 人们有时凭本能行动。

54、They instinctively gathered themselves into more tidy postures. ─── 她们本能地恢复了端庄的姿态。

55、Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals, including human beings, instinctively acquire and display. ─── 这样的交流手段是动物包括人类,本能地索取和展示的一项基本机能。

56、The natural instinct of the human body is to throw out all invaders. ─── 人体的自然本能是排除一切入侵物。

57、He instinctively knew that goal-sacrificing was paramount on Flight 1549. ─── 他本能地知道1549次航班上什么才是最重要的。

58、She shut up her heart instinctively against her aunt. ─── 她不禁对这位姨母有些寒心了。

59、She had, too, a true instinct as to the man. ─── 她对这男人还有一种正确的直觉。

60、One is prompted by instinct. ─── 人为本能所驱使。

61、Hearing this, he instinctively thought of Xiao Lin. ─── 听到这话,他本能地想起了小林。

62、By instinct he catches hold of a small tree with his right claw. ─── 他那只无望的右爪本能地抓住一棵矮树的枝干,一下就抓住不放了。

63、He had an unerring instinct for when people were lying to him. ─── 他具有准确的直觉,能判断别人什么时候是在说谎。

64、I withdrew my hand instinctively and looked at him with panic. ─── 我本能地想抽回手,惊恐地望着他。

65、The British people sense this instinctively. ─── 英国人民凭直觉感受到了这点。

66、Instinct is not always a good guide. ─── 凭本能行事不一定都对。

67、I work in the plastic arts, the instinct to think of the "swindle. ─── 从事造型艺术工作的我,本能地想到“造假”。

68、He had little academic training but a very sure musical instinct. ─── 他没有受过什么专门训练,但确实有音乐天才。

69、It is conceivable that it is man's instinct to get close to nature. ─── 可想而知接近自然是人类的本性。

70、Ladies have an instinct for carefulness. ─── 女性天性认真细致。

71、Wu Yu's instinct gave away his smartness and confidence in himself. ─── 吴宇的直觉充分体现了他的聪明和自负。

72、It was the automatic instinct to live. ─── 人类下意识求生本能。

73、Koenig: my instinct, i will let him to fight me. ─── 使用我的本能, 我会让他来找我。

74、He repressed this first, generous instinct, and recoiled before heroism. ─── 他抑制了最初的那种慷慨心情,在英雄主义面前退缩了。

75、He is instinct with confidence. ─── 他充满信心。

76、The verdict will by no means silence those who recoil instinctively at the thought of two men or two women marrying. ─── 该判决绝不会让那些一想到两个男人或两个女人结婚就本能排斥的人就此沉默。

77、Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever, shrewd men. ─── 乔丹?贝克本能地回避聪明机警的男人。

78、Instinct told him that to be feeble before her was not helping him. ─── 他本能地感觉到,在她面前显得体力不济对自己很不利。

79、Why do we possess this instinct, this gift? ─── 为什么我们会有这种本能,这种恩赐呢?

80、But his class instinct led him to turn history upside down. ─── 但是他的阶级本能使他把历史弄颠倒了。

81、You need, I don't know - a certain instinct. ─── 你需要有,我不知道怎么说---有某种本能。”

82、All animals have an instinct to seek survival. ─── 动物都有求生的本能。

83、Suckling is an instinct in mammals. ─── 哺乳是哺乳动物的本能。

84、In this extremity his instinct led him to Gudrun. ─── 在这种极端情况下,本能将他驱向古娟。

85、It's my instinct to try to do everything well. ─── 努力做好每一件事是我的天性。

86、It was as though we were being guided by instinct. ─── 似乎本能在指挥着我们。

87、He seems to have an instinct for always doing the right thing. ─── 他好像有做事永不出错的本能。

88、Instinctively, his accelerator foot slammed to the floor. ─── 他本能地用力一脚把风门踩到底。

89、Women know these things by instinct. ─── 女人凭本能知道这些事情。

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