elaborately 发音
英:[ɪˈlæbərətli] 美:[ɪˈlæbərətli]
英: 美:
elaborately 中文意思翻译
elaborately 词性/词形变化,elaborately变形
动词第三人称单数: elaborates |动词现在分词: elaborating |动词过去分词: elaborated |副词: elaborately |名词: elaborateness |动词过去式: elaborated |
elaborately 反义词
simple |rude | plain
elaborately 同义词
detail | expand | dilate | enlarge | extravagant | intricate | work out | work up | sumptuous | complex | refine | complicate | ornate | dwell on | detailed | clarify |develop | expound | exposit | luxuriant | go into detail | build on | decorative | rarify | expatiate | lucubrate | elaborated | flesh out | complicated
elaborately 相似词语短语
1、elaborates ─── adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;vt.精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物);vi.详细描述;变复杂
2、elaboration ─── n.苦心经营,精巧;详细阐述
3、deliberately ─── adv.故意地;缓慢而谨慎地
4、overelaborately ─── 实验室
5、elaborating ─── v.尽心地做;详细说明(elaborate的ing形式);n.阐释;意义化
6、elaborated ─── 详尽的;复杂的;精心的;精美的;v.详细地说明(elaborate的过去式和过去分词);详细制定;用心制作;推敲;变得复杂
7、inelaborately ─── 不自然地
8、elaboratory ─── 计算机
9、elaborate ─── adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;vt.精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物);vi.详细描述;变复杂
elaborately 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Occasionally dine in a quiet clean and elaborately arranged restrourrant with our best friends and have a casual chat with them in a cafe whenever we have the mood. ─── 偶尔精心选择一家安静干净饭店与我们最好的朋友一起吃饭或每当我们有心事的时候,偶尔选择家咖啡馆与他们聊聊天。
2、Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them. ─── 分给凯伦的是一支瞄准精确的狙击步枪,这支队伍里数她的枪法最准。
3、The climax was the elaborately planned armed rebellion in Lhasa on March 10, 1959. ─── 1959年3月10日在拉萨发生的全面武装叛乱,就是经精心策划而挑起的。
4、It was disadvantageous for Xiao Luan to control royal court and usurp state power finally, then he elaborately fabricated the imperial edict. ─── 因此,萧鸾不利于操纵朝纲并最终夺取皇权,便精心杜撰出来了一道伪诏。
5、Like a matter calligrapher, sometimes, and he needs to exaggerate the thickness or thinness of a stroke, elaborately straighten or curve it. ─── 一位书法家有时要夸张某个字的一个笔画的粗细,将其故意拉直或卷曲。
6、conceal one's true motives from,esp. by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end ─── 为了达到一定的结果,隐瞒真实的动机而假装是好意
7、Divas of the avian world, elaborately feathered birds of paradise, like this ribbon-tailed species, practice elaborate courtship rituals. ─── 迪瓦狮鸟的世界,苦心经营地有羽毛的天堂鸟,像这只缎带-有尾的物种,实践完美求偶典礼。
8、Open tonight, and a lot of people wonder why Sampras won't make more of the event, allow himself to be more elaborately feted. ─── 很多人都想知道为什么桑普拉斯不制造多点新闻,从而使自己受到更精心的款待。
9、Every staff of Goldway Wood sticks to the philosophy of Quality is the life of an enterprise,Quality is produced elaborately not tested strictly,this inspires all the staffs to work hard. ─── 我们每一位员工始终坚持着一个理念------质量就是企业的生命“质量是精心生产出来的,不是精心检验出来的”,这无疑是对金道全体员工的最大鼓舞。
10、The adjutant, by his elaborately formal courtesy, seemed to wish to guard himself from any attempt at familiarity on the part of the Russian adjutant. ─── 侍从武官文质彬彬,非常谦虚,仿佛要俄国副官不必对他太客气似的。
11、The streets of the historic center of the Sansia are home to numerous older residences and buildings,many with elaborately adorned facades. ─── 三峡古街是三峡早期的市集中心,在街上的古老房楼,外观雕刻精巧,其中的民权街,是全台湾现存最完整的老街。
12、An elaborately decorated wagon used to transport musicians in a parade. ─── 乐队彩车游行中乐师所坐的五彩缤纷的彩车
13、conceal one's true motives from esp. by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end. ─── 为了达到一定的结果,隐瞒真实的动机而假装是好意。
14、In a faded sepia picture, a young Chinese woman wearing an elaborately embroidered blouse, sarong and finely beaded slippers, stares out from history. ─── 在已经褪色的深褐色图片中,一名年轻的华人女子穿著精致绣花的上衣、纱笼和绣珠鞋,仿佛从历史中凝视大家。
15、"The furniture of the hall consisted of some ponderous chairs, the backs of which were elaborately carved with wreaths of oaken flowers;" ─── 大厅中的家具,包括几把笨重的椅子,椅背上精雕着团团簇簇的橡树花
16、Elegantly or elaborately ornate. ─── 优雅华丽的,精美堂皇的
17、The critics roasted the elaborately staged work. ─── 剧评家将那用心演出的作品评得一文不值。
18、An elaborately beaded necklace with numerous Aurora Borealis and clear crystal beads that form numerous love knots. A sparkling look! ─── 一个精心串珠项链与无数北极光和清晰水晶珠,形成了无数爱海里。一个亮晶晶看!
19、a type of popular Japanese drama,evolved from the older No theater,in which elaborately costumed performers,nowadays men only,use stylized movements,dances,and songs in order to enact tragedies and comedies ─── 一种流行于日本的剧种,从更古老的能乐剧演化而来,剧中有穿着精美戏装的表演者,现在仅限于男演员,用程式化的动作、舞蹈和歌曲展现悲剧和喜剧
20、Before elaborately thinking, facing to the overflowed information, we may lose our imperturbable analysis and choose the unsuitable alternative. ─── 个人认为从文章的内容来看,更恰当的是:随着时间、社会的变化,是否“缺乏选择”这种情况也在变化。
21、to dress(oneself) more formally or elaborately than appropriate or desirable ─── 使(自己)穿得过于正式或讲究
22、They had leaders and noble families, but no quasi-divine monarch surrounded by an elaborately organized court. ─── 他们有领袖,有贵族家庭,但是并没有类似上帝的君主,四周簇拥着精心安排的朝臣。
23、A large, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons and often accompanied by entertainment; a banquet. ─── 宴会精心准备的大筵席,通常有很多人参加,并有娱乐活动;酒席
24、The Museveni I have failed to get an interview with is an elaborately decorated replica of the Ugandan leader. ─── 刚才我没能采访成功的那个“穆塞韦尼”,只是乌干达总统精心打造的一个复制品。
25、The World of Chinese is an elaborately produced magazine created in response to the enthusiasm of our reader friends for learning Chinese. ─── 《汉语世界》为双月刊,国际大16开本,风格明快、时尚,图文并茂,特种纸四色印刷,厚达96页。
26、an ornate appearance; being elaborately decorated. ─── 华丽的外表;精心装饰。
27、46. Her hair, as a rule so elaborately arranged, was tumbling untidily over her neck. ─── 她的头发通常梳得十分讲究,现在却乱蓬蓬地披在后面。
28、Open tonight, and a lot of people wonder why Sampras won't make more of the event, allow himself to be more elaborately feated. ─── 当晚,大多数的人们想知道,为什么桑普拉斯不再参加更多的比赛,不再创造更精彩的表演。
29、DNA replication is one of the crucial steps to normal cell division.This process is regulated elaborately. ─── DNA复制是细胞分裂的中心环节之一,在细胞周期中受到严谨的调控。
30、The climax was the elaborately planned armed rebellion in Lhasa on March 10,1959. ─── 1959年3月10日在拉萨发生的全面武装叛乱,就是经精心策划而挑起的高潮。
31、In order to facilitate your tasty food tourism, we elaborately made this brief introduction. ─── 为便于您的美食之旅,我们制作了这本简介。
32、He apologized slowly and elaborately for the accident. ─── 他便慢吞吞地,勉勉强强地为发生这次事故向他们道了歉。
33、This product is made of wine juices of Chardonnay imported from well-known wine region of Australia. It is elaborately vinified as an elegant quality white wine. ─── 产品介绍:本品采用澳大利亚著名产区上等莎当妮葡萄酒制酿制,是一款精心打造的高雅别致的白葡萄酒。
34、I will make the custom design elaborately for you, please quickly contact with me. ─── 我会精心为您做微雕,刻专项设计---发刻,牙雕,骨雕......等.请赶快联系我。
35、To succeed, the enterprise must design brand elaborately, which combines the knowledge of linguistics, rhetoric, sociology, psychology, aesthetics and management. ─── 品牌命名涉及语言学、修辞学、社会学、心理学、美学、营销学等多方面的知识,本文探讨品牌命名的方式和技巧。
36、Try to meditate using your imagination, God of nature is working in her studio, elaborately designing magical sculpt for each wing, seriously daubing charming color for each squama. ─── 你试用想象力去凝想:“自然之神”在他的工作室里,精心设计每一枚蝶翼的造型,认真涂抹每一粒鳞片的色彩。
37、Now appeared Joe Harper, as airily clad and elaborately armed as Tom. ─── 这时,乔·哈帕出现了,他和汤姆一样,轻装上阵,武器精良。
38、A long,wide-sleeved Japanese robelike dress worn with an obi and often elaborately decorated. ─── 和服日本的宽大宽袖阔腰带长袍式服装,经常被精心装饰。
39、The paper describes content of fuzzy evaluation,and it illustrates the realization of fuzzy evaluation in Environmental Analysis and Evaluation System with source code elaborately. ─── 并叙述了模糊评价方法的内容,结合源代码对模糊评价在环境分析评价系统中的具体实现情况进行了详细说明。
40、It is no coincidence that the most elaborately decorated instruments are those in which maple was used rather than the dark, exotic rosewood. ─── 并非偶然最精心制作地装饰的仪器是那些槭树被使用而不是黑暗, 异乎寻常的红木。
41、To dress(oneself)more formally or elaborately than appropriate or desirable. ─── 使(自己)穿得过于正式或讲究
42、as airily clad and elaborately armed as Tom. ─── 和汤姆一样,他精心装备,轻装上阵。
43、It discusses the principle and implement elaborately of SYN Cookie scheme, and put s forward the shortage of SYN Cookie scheme. ─── 对SYN Cookie方案的原理进行细致的分析,在vxWorks平台上实现了SYN Cookie技术,从而成功验证了SYN Cookie在预防SYN Flood攻击时的有效性。
44、He elaborately devised a new computer. ─── 他精心设计了一台新电脑。
45、I am so excited, just like getting new toys when I was a child.I also found that those books are made so elaborately that almost every book has an attached tasteful bookmark. ─── 我难以形容当我翻开那清香的书页,看到里面漂亮的印刷字体、精致的花边和清晰的插图时的兴奋心情,就像儿时刚拿到新玩具那种感觉。
46、“Fresh Every Day” is elaborately produced from fresh meat and vegetables by professional nutritionist and will completely meet your loved pets' daily needs for nutrients. ─── 使用新鲜肉类、蔬菜经专业营养师精心调配而成,满足爱宠每日全面的营养需求。
47、Mr. Barkis had elaborately written the fable on the lid of the box. ─── 巴奇斯先生把这个瞎话在箱子盖儿上大书特书。
48、A soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes, sometimes elaborately decorated. ─── 姜饼一种软的糖蜜生姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰
49、If a 26-year-old sends elaborately punctuated text messages, does this herald the end of an era? ─── 如果一名26岁的年轻人发送短信时,标点符号都费心推敲过,这是否预示着一个时代的终结?
50、There are not only big open spaces but also verdant gardens and elaborately designed fountains in the square. ─── 在广场中不仅仅有大块的空地,还有郁郁葱葱的花园和设计精巧的喷泉。
51、How about if you received this news mere weeks before your elaborately planned wedding day? ─── 如果你得到此消息,在你精心策划的婚礼的几星期之前?
52、Harnessing the marking principles and combining its own characteristics with the market, Yanbian enterprises are supposed to plan elaborately and strengthen the deploitation constantly. ─── 延边企业要会运用市场营销原理,结合市场与自身的特点,精心策划,不断开拓壮大。
53、A Basic Concept of Establishing Platforms for Operational Techniques in Systems of Elaborately Selecting Small Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 建立中药小复方精选系统操作技术平台的基本构想
54、Secondly, a Ku-band Vt-DRO is designed . Oscillator and its phase noise performance are elaborately analyzed by ADS software, which is also used to optimize DRO circuit. ─── Ku波段电调谐介质稳频振荡器的设计,通过计算机软件对振荡电路及其相位噪声性能进行了详细的分析,优化设计了反射型DRO电路并进行了测试。
55、The paper describes content of fuzzy evaluation, and it illustrates the realization of fuzzy evaluation in Environmental Analysis and Evaluation System with source code elaborately. ─── 并叙述了模糊评价方法的内容,结合源代码对模糊评价在环境分析评价系统中的具体实现情况进行了详细说明。
56、His face shows such surprise at the collision, and he is so elaborately apologetic, that Ruth laughs. ─── 对这次冲突,他脸上露出十分惊讶的神色,道起歉来又那么一本正经,把露丝都逗笑了。
57、He apologized slowly and elaborately for the accident ─── 他便慢吞吞地,勉勉强强地为发生这次事故向他们道了歉。
58、He plans to announce his retirement in a ceremony at the U.S.Open tonight, and a lot of people wonder why Sampras won't make more of the event, allow himself to be more elaborately feted. ─── 他计划在美国公开赛当晚宣布退役,大家都很好奇为什么桑普拉斯不趁此机会,大肆宣扬一番,为自己精心策划一场告别会。
59、Kimono: a long, wide-sleeved Japanese robelike dress worn with an obi and often elaborately decorated ─── 和服,日本的宽袖阔腰带长袍式服装,经常被精心装饰
60、They were richly gilt, and their lofty prows and sterns were elaborately carved. ─── 它们都漆成富丽的金色,高大的船头和船尾都是精雕细琢的。
61、Tell me elaborately, sometimes the stories may give us a relax. ─── 仔细讲给我听听,有时候这些故事可以放松心情。
62、A style of jazz characterized by elaborately syncopated rhythm in the melody and a steadily accented accompaniment. ─── 拉格泰姆节奏爵士乐的一种风格,特点是旋律中强切分音和伴奏中有规律的重音
63、The wall in relief is 58 meters long and 9 meters high.It was elaborately carved by veteran artists with bluestone. ─── “八相成道”大型浮雕墙,长58米,高9米,由多位老艺人用青石精心雕刻而成。
64、Karl Siegbahn's career is introduced briefly.The contributions of how he innovated the X-ray spectrometers and X-ray tubes elaborately and discovered M and N series are recounted. ─── 摘要介绍了卡尔西格班的生平,回顾了他为适应不同波长的测量精心改进X射线光谱仪、改进X射线管,发现标识谱中M和N线系所做的重要贡献;
65、a soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes,sometimes elaborately decorated ─── 姜饼,一种软的糖蜜生姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰
66、It is elaborately confected and made from high-qualitymaterials with advanced technology. ─── 具有适应性广,去污能力强的特点。
67、Like a matter calligrapher,sometimes, and he needs to exaggerate the thickness or thinness of a stroke, elaborately straighten or curve it. ─── 一位书法家有时要夸张某个字的一个笔画的粗细,将其故意拉直或卷曲。
68、" Their mastery of woodwork resulted in elaborately organic and ornate designs carved directly from the enormous trees that serve as their homes. ─── 他们的住所是藉由高超的木工直接从这些大树雕刻制作出精巧而华丽的有机设计。
69、Boots went completely out of style in favor of these new elegant heels, now elaborately decorated with ribbons, rosettes or buckles. ─── 如今还用缎带,圆花饰和扣子精心装饰,这些时新的高雅的后跟让靴子彻底过时。
70、His work was elaborately shown both in forms of picture and text to reminisce his life and artistic achievement. ─── 作品、图片、文字并茂,追忆张先生生平及艺术成就。
71、Phoenix Palace Beijing Hotel is elaborately creating a cosy “Home Away from Home”, making every guest feel at home. ─── 北京凤凰台饭店精心营造温馨的“家外之家”,让每一位宾客宾至如归!
72、In making a feature-length film, Disney would have an opportunity to use more complex plots and develop more elaborately the characters in the story. ─── 在把动画片制成一部正片一样长的过程中,迪斯尼就有机会加入更加复杂的情节,并更加生动地刻画故事中的人物。
73、I love to live a relaxed and leisurely life. I don't like a tight schedule. I don't like an elaborately arranged program. ─── 我喜欢松散而闲适的生活,我不喜欢精密地分配时间,不喜欢紧张地安排节目。
74、If you feel a plain design would look dull, but are not confident about being able to coordinate elaborately patterned hosiery, lace tights with a design woven in to the piece are a great option. ─── 如果你觉得纯色袜子太平淡,但对搭配图案袜子没什么自信,那蕾丝织成的袜子会是很好的选择。
75、All his plans were suddenly overthrown, and the existence, so elaborately pictured, was no more than a dream which would never be realised. ─── 眨眼间,他的种种设想都被打乱了,朝思暮想勾勒出来的生活图景到头只不过是一枕黄粱,永远成不了现实。
76、Administering the College Rigorously and Educating the Person Elaborately ─── 严谨治校精心育人
77、Deli multi-drill has been elaborately made.It has multiple purposes with high speed and fine accuracy. ─── 得力排钻,精心打造,一机多用,快速准确。
78、He showed me its melody playing every single note elaborately and I sang like tracing it. ─── 他向我展示精心制作的每首歌曲的曲谱本,然后我演唱。
79、an elaborately fretted border ─── 回纹饰边.
80、It was clearly an elaborately planned operation. ─── 这显然是一次经过周密策划的行动。
81、Similarly, the First Epistle of Peter has some of the most elaborately organized sentence structure of the New Testament, while the Second Epistle of Peter is almost the exact opposite. ─── 同样,第一本彼得使徒全书具有新约圣经里最精心的组句结构,而第二本彼得使徒全书则几乎完全相反。
82、26 Only when each product is elaborately made like an art piece, can it become perfect. ─── 26只有把每一件产品都视作艺术品来精工细做,才能成就完美。
83、His blaster was slung low, and he wore it in an elaborately tooled black gunbelt. ─── 他腰部围着精心改造过的黑色枪带,枪套挂在腰部以下,里面插着他的手抢。
84、The Hamar are among the most elaborately attired of Ethiopia's ethnic groups. ─── 哈马族是埃塞俄比亚所有种族中最善于用鹿角制作首饰。
85、Through a gap came an elaborately described ray. ─── 从一个空洞透出一束精心描绘的光线。
86、A long, wide-sleeved Japanese robelike dress worn with an obi and often elaborately decorated. ─── 和服日本的宽大宽袖阔腰带长袍式服装,经常被精心装饰
87、The ladies their hair have elaborately dress to imitate wigs , wear brocade silk gowns trimmed with gold and silver lace. ─── 他们的头发有的那些女士精心制作穿模仿假发,戴用金和银花边装饰的锦锻丝绸长袍。
88、Visits to factories are hard to arrange, are often cancelled, and, when they do occur, are sometimes elaborately stage-managed. ─── 工场现场检查不好安排,并且经常会被取消,或者即便有,大多也是逢场作戏而已。
89、He was elaborately courteous to her as if they were both actors in a play. ─── 他对她煞费苦心地有礼,好象他们是戏剧中的两个演员。
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