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09-15 投稿



internationalism 发音

英:[ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəlɪzəm]  美:[ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəlɪzəm]

英:  美:

internationalism 中文意思翻译



internationalism 反义词


internationalism 词性/词形变化,internationalism变形

名词: internationalist |

internationalism 同义词


internationalism 相似词语短语

1、internationalist ─── n.国际主义者;国际法学家;参加国际比赛的国家队选手;adj.国际主义的

2、internationalising ─── vt.使国际化

3、internationalists ─── n.国际主义者;国际法学家;参加国际比赛的国家队选手;adj.国际主义的

4、internationalize ─── vt.使国际化;置于国际管理下

5、internationals ─── n.世界赛选手;国际组织;侨居外国者;国家代表队(international的复数)

6、internationalises ─── vt.使国际化

7、internationality ─── n.国际性

8、internationalised ─── v.(使)国际化(internationalise的过去式及过去分词,internationalise等于internationalize)

9、internationalise ─── vt.使国际化

internationalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As an intern, when I have free time, should I ask my colleagues to give me some of their jobs to do? ─── 作为一个实习生,当我有时间的时候,我应该向同事要求一些工作来做吗?

2、What kind of spirit is this makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people 'liberation as his own? It is the spirit of internationalism. ─── 一个外国人,毫不利己的动机,把中国人民的解放事业当作他自己的事业,这是什么精神?这是国际主义精神。

3、Like retaliation tariff, preferential tariff is used as a weapon in internation relations. ─── 与报复性关税一样,特惠关税在国际关系中也被当成一种武器使用.

4、In the age of globalization, the Olympic movement will still have to deal with the modern transition of nationalism in order to realize its ideal of peaceful internationalism. ─── 全球化时代,奥林匹克运动要实现和平国际主义理想,仍须面对民族主义的现代转向。

5、Dr Frank Trentmann, New Visions of World Economic Order and Co-ordination: Internationalism in Britain after World War I. ─── 世界经济秩序与合作新景象:一战后英国的国际主义。

6、Of all the internationalism manifesting themselves on this planet, I do not hesitate to proclaim Olympism as the wisest and the most effective. ─── 在这个地球上表现出的所有的国际主义当中,我毫不犹豫地宣告,奥林匹克精神是最明智、最富有成效的。

7、Our Statagem is getting well known brand and enter internation market. ─── 公司发展战略以科技打出品牌,进入国际市场。

8、Dr. Berthune has been held up as an example of internationalism in China. ─── 在中国,白求恩大夫作为国际主义的一个例子。

9、My undergraduate education included a semester working as an intern at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. ─── 在我的大学本科教育阶段,我在华盛顿D.C.的法国大使馆做了一个学期的实习。

10、One must be different from international, before one can have genuine, significant internationalism. ─── 不同于国际,才有真正意义上的国际性.

11、College degree or above, students with intern experience is ok as well. ─── 大专以上学历,在校学生有实习经验者亦可。

12、It is kind of nationalism as internationalism. ─── 像国际主义一样,这是一种国家主义。

13、Intern:Have you had any chills? ─── 实习医师:你有过寒战吗?

14、I worked as an intern for six months. You know. ─── 你知道,我实习过半年的。

15、You're kidding? It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get. ─── 你在开玩笑吧?这是任何实习生都想得到的最大的机会.

16、I did intern in that company last summer. ─── 去年夏天我在那家公司实习。

17、Generally, the intern teacher who graduated from university has disturber in practice. ─── 一、国小实习教师的整体实习困扰属普遍现象。

18、The intern teacher in the big scale of the elementary school has the disturber in practice in the item of workload. ─── 三、大学部国小实习教师,其整体实习困扰程度较高。

19、As a result,in the period of the Anti-Japanese War ,many Soviet Volunteers had integrated patriotism and internationalism and made great contribution to China's liberation. ─── 因此参加过中国抗日战争的许多苏联志愿者能够将爱国主义与国际主义有机结合,并为中国人民的解放事业作出了重要贡献。

20、He was accused of many marital infidelities, most famously with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. ─── 他曾被指控犯有多次对婚姻不忠的行为,最有名的是与白宫实习生莫尼卡·莱温斯基的丑闻。

21、To train or serve as an intern. ─── 做实习生作为一名实习生而培训或服务

22、You'll see how properly to separate all the mechanisms of internationalism from the content displaying widgets. ─── 您将看到如何正确地从内容显示小部件分离所有国际化机制。

23、Salesman to intern's backwards. ─── 从推销员倒退到实习生?

24、Beijing's internation airport is really very beautiful. ─── 北京的国际机场实在是太漂亮了。

25、Only those who are politically muddle-headed or have ulterior motives talk nonsense about our having made a mistake and abandoned internationalism. ─── 只有政治上糊涂的人,或者别有用心的人,才会瞎说我们做得不对,瞎说我们抛弃了国际主义。

26、Intern ATI onal Business Machines, IBM. ─── 个人计算机业务计入了重组支出。

27、The internationalism if film distribution has always guaranteed the rapid dispersal of any significant discovery. ─── 电影发行的国际性一直在保证任何重大的发现都能得到迅速的传播。

28、The has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. ─── 党一贯以爱国主义和国际主义精神教育我们。

29、The great Resist-America-Aid-Korea Movement is a brilliant example of internationalism. ─── 伟大的抗美援朝运动是光辉的国际主义典范。

30、Excellent students will get the chance to work at here and other encouragements after intern period. ─── 在实习期满优秀学生将会得到我公司工作,机会及其他奖励。

31、Deal communication between inner-country and internation. ─── 办理志愿服务者国内交流与国际交流。

32、Only one country seems to have the necessary mixture of wealth, generosity, internationalism, optimism and modesty required to pull it off. ─── 似乎只有挪威一个国家拥有能够推动上述构想的一系列必要条件——财富,慷慨,国际化,乐观主义和谦逊。

33、I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. ─── 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。

34、Thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism. ─── 因此,爱国主义就是国际主义在民族解放战争中的实施。

35、As an intern for the X Company,I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years. ─── 在公司实习时,我获得了该公司给予起员工的几项最高评价。

36、Is there strict request for the working hours for intern in Google? ─── 实习中每天有没有严格的时间要求呢?

37、Hello. Are you the new intern Han Jia? ─── 嘉宾:你好。你就是新来的实习生韩佳?

38、You're an attending, and I'm your intern. ─── 你是主治医师,并且我是实习医生.

39、This energy will bring a fresh start and ideas that have to do with publishing, higher learning, the legal system, or internationalism . ─── 产生的能量将给你带来全新的开始,以及带来与出版、高等教育、法律系统或国际主义的想法。

40、Excellent students will get the chance to work at PDE and other encouragements after intern period. ─── 在实习期满优秀学生将会得到PDE公司工作,机会及其他奖励。

41、During the Cultural Revolution,internationalism replaces all other principles and became the supreme principle. ─── “文革”时期国际主义甚至取代其他原则而成为中国外交的最高准则。

42、He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. ─── 在夏天的这几个月到我这里来当实习生。

43、Andrew read the rest of the file-including the intern's note about penicillin allergy. ─── 安德鲁看完了整个记录,包括实习医生关于青霉素过敏的记录。

44、Their spirit of proletarian internationalism has won the praise of the Malian people. ─── 他们的无产阶级国际主义精神赢得了马里人民的赞扬。

45、The future of internation trade looks very cloudy. ─── 国际贸易的前景看来很是不容乐观。

46、Intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or scarlet fever as a child? ─── 实习医师:你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热吗?

47、The brand has the characteristics of historic, nationalism, culture, culture, sports, regionalism and internationalism. ─── 全运会品牌形象具有历史性、民族性、文化性体育性、地区性和国际性的特点。

48、They remained true to the banner of proletarian internationalism. ─── 他们一直忠于无产阶级国际主义的旗帜。

49、The internationalism of internet makes us to consider this problem from the angle of global market. ─── 因特网的国际性又使得我们可以从全球市场的角度考虑这一问题。

50、One local official was quoted in the Chinese newspapers proclaiming the future launch centre's distinctive qualities of “commercialism, internationalism and openness”. ─── 中国报纸引用当地一位官员的话,宣称未来的发射中心将拥有独特的“国际性、商业性和开放性”。

51、mix of Frenchness and internationalism is very much Ms Lagarde’s hallmark, and can be a source of tension. ─── 主义和国际主义的混合是拉加德的显著标志,或许也是造成紧张的源头之一。

52、Internation ..... ..... will visit all the 申办 cities for deciding which city can gain the right to host. ─── 国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。

53、This energy will bring a fresh start and ideas that have to do with publishing, higher learning, the legal system, or internationalism. ─── 产生的能量将给你带来全新的开始,以及带来与出版、高等教育、法律系统或国际主义的想法。

54、Not everyone has a great experience as an intern. ─── 不是每个人都能在实习生期间获得伟大的经验。

55、The learner Profile is all about Internationalism. ─── 学习者总体培养目标完全是国际性的。

56、The Party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. ─── 一贯以爱国主义和国际主义精神教育我们。

57、Summer Intern Program of Jones Lang LaSalle will be initiated in recent weeks! ─── 仲量联行将于近期启动暑期实习生计划!

58、A medical student or intern. ─── 医学生,实习医生

59、Internationalism and patriotism also belong to this realm. ─── 国际主义、爱国主义都属于精神文明的范畴。

60、He'll have to work as an intern before he can become a doctor. ─── 他必须先当实习医师后才能成为医生。

61、They know the former intern was killed. ─── 他们知道前见习医生死了。

62、A little later, she appeared to qualify that, saying that internationalism was the way forward. ─── 过了一会儿,她似乎想做些修正,说国际主义是前进的方向。

63、Intern:Have you had any chest pain? ─── 实习医师:你有过胸痛吗?

64、Our long-term goal is to give every student the chance to study or intern abroad. ─── 大学的长远目标是让每位学生也有机会到海外交流或实习。

65、Meanwhile, I am a world musician, belonging to a marvellous era of genuine internationalism. ─── 与此同时,我也是一名世界的音乐人,属于一个真正实现了国际化的绝好时代。

66、Internation hotel work experience is priority. ─── 国际品牌酒店从业经验优先。

67、Intern: Have you noticed any of these symptoms recently? ─── 实习医师:最近你注意到这些症状了吗?

68、Not everyone has a great experience as an(a) intern. ─── 不是每个人都能在实习期获得宝贵的经验。

69、As an intern with the NLRB, I investigated unfair practices by employers as well as by unions. ─── 在NLRB实习时,我从调查中发现雇主和工会对员工所做出的不公平对待。

70、In fact, it's probably not appropriate for you to be "friending" her or the cute summer intern in the first place. ─── 事实上将你的助手或美丽的暑期实习生加为好友在一开始就并不合适。

71、After that, she worked for 10 months in Latin America as an intern for UNICEF. ─── 之后,她在联合国儿童基金会实习,在拉丁美洲工作了10个月。

72、The themes of this summit are internationalism and professionalism. ─── 在本次首脑会议的主题是国际主义和敬业精神。

73、Nor-man Bethune was a fine type of internationalism. ─── 白求恩是模范的国际主义战士。

74、To what extent does the socialist heritage and the tradition of communist internationalism form a reservoir of wealth that China can draw on in such a process? ─── 在何种程度上,社会主义遗产和共产主义国际主义传统为中国提供了投入这样一个进程的财富?

75、Intern: Then you didn't actually experience unconsciousness? ─── 实习医师:那么你实际上没有过不省人事吧?

76、Not everyone has great experiences as intern. ─── 作为实习生,并不是每个人都能学习到宝贵的经验。

77、But genuine internationalism also includes an exchange of ideas and experiences of the workers struggle in different countries. ─── 但真正的国际主义还包括不同国家的有关工人斗争思想和经验的交流。

78、I am very honored to become an intern of the CSDL, IBM in April 2005. ─── 2005年4月,我非常荣幸的成为IBM中国软件开发中心的一名实习生。

79、Rich in its history as a premier liberal arts college, Beloit College is equally rich in its commitment to internationalism. ─── 伯洛伊特学院作为一所有着悠久历史的人文学院,一直以来致力于发扬国际主义。

80、Blackout Dates of China domestic routes also apply to China domestic sector of internation routes. ─── 中国大陆国内航线的限定使用日期同样适用国际航线中的国内段。

81、Intern: Is there any history of heart disease in your family? ─── 实习医师:你的家庭成员中有心脏病史吗?

82、Later, I entered a large IT company in the identity of a intern student. ─── 后来我以实习生的省份,进入一个大的IT企业实习。

83、Intern Have you ever had any chest pain before? ─── 实习医师以前你有过胸痛吗?

84、Internationalism, which had been part of the Western creed of the '60s, was now an increasingly suspect word. ─── 国际主义在60年代曾经是西方的一项信条,现在它却是一个使人疑虑日增的字眼。

85、Carter Duryea: You an intern or something? ─── 妳是实习生还是其他的工作人员呢?

86、freedom's centrality to liberal internationalism has consequences. ─── 个人自由在自由国际主义中的中心地位会带来一些不利后果。

87、Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive. ─── 在布尔什维克人的示范下,在只要能赚钱、什么国家都一样的那种人的示范下,国际主义在我看来是个面目可憎的东西。

88、Internationalism enables Chinas paper industry to grow from its adolescence to maturity, thus ending the history of production-dominated success. ─── 国际化促使中国纸业从成长期发展到成熟期,生产制胜的历史已经结束。

89、It was as if the melting pot of the between-wars city had been upended and distended, internationalism going vertical not horizontal. ─── 它就像是这个经历两次战争的城市的大熔炉被倒立起来,并且已经扩大,国际主义是垂直而非水平发展的。

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