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09-15 投稿



hyperspace 发音


英:  美:

hyperspace 中文意思翻译



hyperspace 短语词组

1、hyperspace wars ─── 超空间战争

2、hyperspace niche ─── 超空间小众

3、hyperspace jump ─── 超空间跳跃

hyperspace 相似词语短语

1、hyperplane ─── n.[数]超平面

2、hyperpure ─── 超纯的;超纯

3、interspace ─── n.空隙,空间;中间;vt.留…的间隔;留空隙;占据…之间

4、hypersphere ─── n.[天]超球面

5、cyberspace ─── n.(电子计算机创造的)通讯、信息空间

6、hyperope ─── n.远视者

7、hyperaware ─── 超软件

8、hyperopic ─── adj.远视的

9、hypersurface ─── n.[数]超曲面

hyperspace 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the Royal Starship sustained damage to its shields, it was R2-D2 who repaired the ship, allowing it to escape into hyperspace. ─── 皇家舰艇的防护罩严重受创,幸赖R2-D2将它修复,太空船才得以逃入超空间。

2、TO: Wait! Picking up a hyperspace signature! It's right on top of us! ─── 战术情报官:等一下!收到超太空信号!它正好在我们头顶上!

3、"I'm inclined to favor the hyperspace hypothesis," Lang was saying, eyes glued to an immense tabletop display screen in his office. ─── “我倾向于赞同超空间假设,”朗盯着自己办公室桌上那幅巨大的显示屏说到。

4、When the Royal Starship sustained damage to its shields, it was R2-D2 who repaired the ship, allowing it to escape into hyperspace. ─── 当王家星际飞船的护盾遭到破坏时,是R2-D2修好飞船,使其逃入了超空间。

5、The GAT is one of the smallest Imperial Navy vessels to be equipped with a hyperdrive, providing class two hyperspace performance. ─── GAT是帝国海军中装备超空间推进器的最小的船只,推进器赋予它二级超空间性能。

6、The Hyperspace of the Regions Below of Upper Semi-Continuous Functions from a Compact Space to a Space of Finite Points ─── 紧空间到有限点上半连续函数下方图形超空间

7、Intuitive control allows players to set waypoints, pre-plot hyperspace travel routes, and move fluidly through the universe! ─── 直觉控制玩家设定路径,预先积超旅行路线,并提出通过满足宇宙!

8、That boundary was time, making it appear to those first travelers into hyperspace that the universe around their starship had suddenly begun to shrink in size. ─── 当然,所发生的情况是,在飞船的速度接近于光速时,那也就到达了“正常的”空间和超空间的交接之处。

9、It's just a writer on one side of the world, and an editor on the other, serving this up to the Hyperspace community. ─── 它只有一个作者在地球的这一边,一个编辑在地球的另一边,他们一起把片场日记放到超空间网站上。

10、"You know," he said to himself, "integral hyperspace capabil ity is rather useful in a starfighter; why don't we have it yet?" ─── “你看,”他自言自语道,“拥有完整的超空间跳跃设备对一架战机来说至关重要;可为什么我们就没有一台呢?”

11、Hyperspace Chute to end Maelstrom ─── 进入超空间斜槽,结束大旋涡超级终端捕获

12、Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. ISBN 0192861891 ─── 确实现在有说在超光速的状态下会有超空间。超空间不存在时间,但不能表示在三维尺度上。它会产生在多维空间。

13、The Daragons then attempted to carve out a career as hyperspace explorers, blazing new navigational routes into poorly charted regions of space. ─── 自谋生路的达拉贡兄妹想成为超空间探索者,在尚未精确测绘的太空区域开辟新航路。

14、An enormous Sith invasion followed, sparking the Great Hyperspace War that tore many worlds and civilizations asunder. ─── 因为一支庞大的西斯侵略军紧随其后,发动了超空间大战,许多星球和文明毁于战火。

15、One day, a nes function of traversing hyperspace comes out.Scientists put it into a phone named “silly girl”. ─── 这一天,一种穿梭多维空间的新功能问世了,科学家将这种功能植入一款名叫“傻妞”的手机中。

16、Hyperspace members can view this scene by clicking here. If you're not a member of Hyperspace, make the jump today! ─── 超空间成员可以点击这里观看这一场景。如果你不是超空间成员,今天就加入吧。

17、And we get that if the Banach space is separable, then its hyperspace W_k ( X ) and hyperspace W_(kc)( X ) are also separable. ─── 得到了如果原Banach空间为可分的,那么它的超空间W_k ( X )和超空间W_(kc)( X )也是可分的。

18、After the earth is destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Arthur Dent scours the Galaxy armed only with the bizarre and yet indispensable Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! ─── 故事的主人翁亚瑟是个倒楣的地球人,诸事不顺,有一天更发现好朋友阿福居然是外星人!

19、Ma'shan Goa'uld carrier, used to transport a small number of Gliders through hyperspace. ─── 可携带滑翔机穿越超空间的运输机。

20、?Aw, we've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower. Some kind of asteroid collision. ─── 那是什么...

21、AMMO - Turns on unlimited ammo and fuel. Weapons no longer need to recharge in hyperspace. ─── 开启无限弹药和燃料。武器在太空中不需要装弹。

22、It provides basic energetic reactions for powering the ships systems, thrusters and hyperspace propulsion. ─── 它提供了基本的动力,用于驱动飞船系统,助推器和超空间驱动器。

23、Using the concept of the hyperspace measure, grey decision principle is expanded to the optimization of monitoring spots in this paper. This method has been used in practice. ─── 运用多维测度空间概念,拓广了灰色决策原理,使之适用于大气监测点的优选,并运用于实际工作之中.

24、It didn't matter if it was Jabba or Ziro who denied hyperspace passage to Republic forces. ─── 不管是贾巴还是齐罗,只要有人能拒绝让共和国军队使用他境内的超空间航道就行。

25、HPLC curves was treated as vector of hyperspace, the similarity between them was calculated by using the cosine value of the angle between them. ─── 将HPLC指纹图谱看作多维空间内的向量,利用向量夹角余弦的基本公式计算两个指纹图谱间的相似度。

26、Steam injection will have a big impact on cyclic oil-steam ratio,but it is a complex combination of multi-relation and hyperspace. ─── 蒸汽吞吐中注汽量对周期油汽比影响巨大,但注汽量是多相关、多维空间的一个复杂组合。

27、The Hyperspace Access Code you entered is not valid. ─── 但是,当我兴高采烈输入后,

28、General, there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace in sector four ─── 你也一样!将军!第四空间有东西飞来

29、Hyperspace travel using hidden dimensions that have yet to be sensed would fall into this category. ─── 利用隐蔽的维度进行多维空间旅行,但什么是隐蔽维度还需要被进一步理解。

30、Following are some of the features of the Hyperspace module. ─── 以下是Hyperspace模块的一些特点。

31、Eliminate the Vaygr Hyperspace Gates and the Vaygr Fighters. ─── 摧毁敌战机和跳跃门。

32、The concept of hyperspace is used to imagine these solutions. ─── 多维空间的概念就是用来推测这些问题的解。

33、Hit Hyperspace Chute or Launch Ramp ─── 击中超空间斜槽或发射坡道

34、Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy! ─── 我们必须准备进入外层空间了

35、Khab 'Chariot'; a light transport incapable of hyperspace ─── 不能进入超空间的轻型运输机

36、This is Somtaaw Fleet Command to all ships Prepare for emergency hyperspace. ─── 舰队指挥官:这里是萨姆塔舰队指挥官。所有舰只请注意,准备进行紧急超太空跳越。

37、Thousands of years ago, the Sith Lord exile Naga Sadow fled to Yavin 4, escaping enemy forces from the Great Hyperspace War. ─── 数千年前,流亡的西斯大君纳加?沙度从超空间大战逃往亚汶四号,躲避敌人追击。

38、In the script, Anakin's original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship's hull. ─── 剧本中,安纳金最初的登上“恶毒”号的计划包括一个胆大包天的超空间小跳跃,把“曙光”号放到离敌舰外壳只有几厘米的地方。

39、The chapter 2 firstly introduce Curtis-Schori-West Hyperspace Theorem. Let X be a compactum and L be a subset of real set R. ─── 第二章,首先介绍Curtis-Schori-West超空间定理。

40、When a frantic cry for help pierces the void, the crew responds with a near fatal, hyperspace dimension jump into the unknown. ─── 拯救了一个于穿梭飞船内的 神秘生还者及一个奇怪的外星生物后,夜莺号将要面对一个 骇人的秘密,并必须于新星球炸毁他们前尽快逃离。

41、The bubble provides no thrust for the ship, but sustains the ship's presence in hyperspace while its forward momentum carries it along. ─── 这种超空间泡不能为飞船提供推力,但是能够让飞船维持在超空间中并以原有的动力继续运行。

42、In the hyperspace of the information,he can get acknowledge with their own percipience and cognition ,and ,seek the solutin ,and form the new conception. ─── 用户在多维信息空间中,依靠自己的感知和认知能力全方位地获取知识,发挥主观能动性,寻求解答,形成新的概念。

43、This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Republic banner after a great Jedi Master was killed. ─── 这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。

44、The Duros blazed some of the oldest trade routes and hyperspace lanes in the galaxy as they ventured into the unknown, millennia ago. ─── 数千年以前,杜罗人就开始进入未知空间冒险,他们探明了银河系最古老的几条商贸路线和超空间路线。

45、Capture the Vaygr Hyperspace Gate. ─── 捕获瓦格族的超空间门。

46、The GAT is one of the smallest Imperial Navy vessels to be equipped with a hyperdrive, providing class two hyperspace performance. ─── gat是帝国海军中装备超空间推进器的最小的船只,推进器赋予它二级超空间性能。

47、A dream, she told herself, the recurrent one her mind reserved for hyperspace folds. ─── 她告诉自己是一个梦,一个不断重复的关于超空间折叠的梦。

48、"Hyperspace" members got to determine the look of Obi-Wan Kenobi's a new astromech droid R4-G9 by entering a poll on starwars.com between July and August of 2003. ─── “多维空间”小组于2003年7月到8月之间在星战主页上进行了一项民意调查,他们必须决定欧比万.肯诺比的新助手卓伊R4-G9型机器人的造型。

49、During the mass exodus of Yavin to Hoth, Admiral Griff miscalculated his task force's hyperspace jump, bringing the three Destroyers out on top of the Executor. ─── 在大批飞船从雅汶到霍斯的转移中,格瑞夫上将算错了他任务力量的超空间跳跃,将三艘歼星舰弄到了执行者号的上方。

50、The main result is as follows: Let X be a regular space, then the nonempty closed subsets hyperspace is locally compact iff X can be represented as the sum of a compact space and a discrete space. ─── 主要结果是:X正则,则其闭子集超空间局部紧当且仅当X可表示成一个紧空间与一个离散空间的拓扑和。

51、hyperspace system ─── 超空间系统, 多维空间系统

52、If you have purchased or received a Hyperspace Access Code, please enter it here. The time will be added to your current subscription. ─── 将近一个月后,我今天终于收到正确的超空间帐号激活码了,并且可以与免费7天相累加,感动啊!!!

53、He didn't realize that this was because of an old drinking game that Ford learned to play in the hyperspace ports that served the madranite mining belts in the star system of Orion Beta. ─── 他丝毫没有意识到这是福特在他身上玩了把一种古老的酒桌游戏,这种游戏是福特从为猎户座贝塔星系马德里奈特矿带服务的超空间港里学来的。

54、hyperspace niche ─── 多维生态位

55、Twenty millennia after its founding, the Republic saw one of its most destructive conflicts in the Great Hyperspace War. ─── 建国两万年后,共和国在超空间大战见证了最具毁灭性的冲突之一。

56、Jamason's Spatial Thinking: From Hyperspace to Aesthetic of Cognitive Mapping ─── 詹姆逊的空间化思考:从超空间到认知测绘美学

57、Exedore: Impossible, sir. There was no evidence that the ship has jumpped into hyperspace. ─── 非常有可能,长官。没有任何迹象显示那艘飞船已经进入了超太空。

58、As the freighter made its way through hyperspace, Nar grew increasingly desperate. ─── 货船在超空间里行进着,纳尔越来越绝望。

59、In their insanity, they slaved the ships together as the whole fleet disappeared into hyperspace, jumping to parts unknown. ─── 在疯狂中,他们控制整个舰队消失在超空间,跳跃到不为人知的地方。

60、forgot where he was and was prone to miscalculations in his hyperspace routes, all of which worried Luke. ─── 他会忘记自己身处何地,会时常算错超空间航路,这一切让卢克很担心。

61、Steam injection will have a big impact on cyclic oil-steam ratio, but it is a complex combination of multi-relation and hyperspace. ─── 蒸汽吞吐中注汽量对周期油汽比影响巨大,但注汽量是多相关、多维空间的一个复杂组合。

62、It's possible that we're still in hyperspace, although there is no evidence to support the hypothesis. ─── 可能我们还在超空间里面,虽然现在没有证据来支持这种假设。

63、It's just a writer on one side of the world, and an editor on the other, serving this up to the Hyperspace community. ─── 它只有一个作者在地球的这一边,一个编辑在地球的另一边,他们一起把片场日记放到超空间网站上。

64、These generators formed the backbone of the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net. ─── 这些发生器是帝国超空间安全网的中坚力量。

65、With Hyperspace, you can customize every bit of your Spaces with different desktop pictures, naming on each space or even hotkeys. ─── 使用Hyperspace,你可以使用不同的桌面图片自定义每一个空间。

66、It's been a while since the last Coffee at the Moment article, and that doesn't mean the coffee world stood still - if anything, it's been going at hyperspace the last little while. ─── 次从上篇"咖啡此刻"发布之后到现在已经有段时间了,但是并不意味着咖啡的世界停止了脚步,即便是的话,也只是在不同的空间里停留了片刻。


68、Hyperspace Core was found enclosed within a crystalline lattice, supported within the heart of a shattered starship of awe-inspiring scale. ─── 这句话说超空间核是在一艘有着骇人的巨大裂缝的飞船的中心透明方阵中被发现的。

69、in science and medicine, blue box, bronchodilator, creutzfeldt-jakob disease, feynman diagram, hyperspace, nicad, packet switching, repetitive strain injury, and wormhole. ─── 在科学和医学领域,新词有bluebox、bronchodilator、creutzfeldt-jakobdisease、feynmandiagram、hyperspace、nicad、packetswitching、repetitivestraininjury和wormhole等等。

70、For initial exploration of mineral resources, the Guild would dispatch probe droids via hyperspace pods. ─── 为了探查矿产资源,商业行会通过超空间舱向那里派遣探测机器人。

71、This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Republic banner after a great Jedi Master was killed. ─── 这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。

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