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09-15 投稿



heritance 发音

英:[ˈherɪtns]  美:[ˈherɪtəns]

英:  美:

heritance 中文意思翻译



heritance 相似词语短语

1、Resistance ─── n.阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

2、heritage ─── n.遗产;传统;继承物;继承权;n.(Heritage)人名;(英)赫里蒂奇

3、desistance ─── 断念

4、inheritances ─── n.继承;遗传;遗产

5、exitance ─── n.出射度;出射率

6、inheritance ─── n.继承;遗传;遗产

7、hesitance ─── n.踌躇;犹豫

8、heritable ─── adj.可继承的;可传让的

9、permittance ─── n.电容性电纳;电容;静电电容

heritance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this paper, the influenceof remelt and insulation during the secondremelt on the carbide structural in- heritance of high chromium cast iron were studied. ─── 内应力是造成高铬白口铸铁磨球在生产和服役过程中出现变异和失效的主要原因。

2、His grand thought system shows the dominate features of American philosophy affected by American native culture and also exhibits the marks of heritance of European traditional ideas. ─── 其博大的思想体系既受美国本土文化的影响而表现出鲜明的美国哲学的特征,也有承继欧洲传统思想的痕迹。

3、The process of Yu-shan School"s founding, developing and changing showed the historical rule of Qin"s heritance, development and immortality. ─── 虞山琴派的产生,传承与流变的过程,体现了古琴音乐不断继承、发展并得以生生不息的历史规律。

4、The Unique Experience of the Sense of Life--Research on Xiao Hong and Lu Ling's heritance from Lu Xun from the Angle of Tragedy ─── 对生命主体意识的独特体验--从悲剧角度看萧红、路翎对鲁迅的继承

5、The Heritance of Ancient Chinese "Poetic Methodology" ─── 中国古代"诗法"的承传

6、The "Heritance" and "Reference" in the Development of Chinese National Vocal Music Art ─── 中国民族声乐艺术发展中的“传承”与“借鉴”

7、Keywords ion implantation;environmental microorganism;protoplast;heritance stability; ─── 离子注入;环境微生物;原生质体;遗传稳定性;

8、The Heritance of Ancient Chinese "Poetic Methodology" ─── 中国古代“诗法”的承传

9、Diqing Tibetan Women and the Heritance of Traditional Handicraft ─── 迪庆藏族妇女与传统手工技能的传承

10、Administrative guidance is not an act of authority in traditional opinion, the deep-seated reason of which is the heritance of analysis jurisprudence from Germany by Japan. ─── 传统观点认为,行政指导是一种非权力行为,这一定论形成的深层次原因是日本法学从德国继受而来的分析法学传统。

11、Title heritance ─── 袭爵

12、The Meaning of Confucius's Narration (shu) and Creation (zuo) and the Heritance of Culture ─── 孔子"述、作"之义与文化的继承性

13、Core values: be the specialist of infant and children supplies which are the passing on and heritance of Britain's royal aristocracy culture ─── 核心价值:传承英伦皇室贵族文化的婴童用品专家

14、3.It is the heritance of name and status that counts, and marriage facilitates the transfer of these essentials. ─── 继承姓氏和地位是事关重大的,婚姻促成了这些“实质”的转化。

15、It is the heritance of name and status that counts, and marriage facilitates the transfer of these essentials. ─── 继承姓氏和地位是事关重大的,婚姻促成了这些“实质”的转化。

16、My work might be a heritance of the tradition of contemporary Jazz; ─── 它或许是对于现代爵士乐的传统继承;

17、The Unique Experience of the Sense of Life--Research on Xiao Hong and Lu Ling's heritance from Lu Xun from the Angle of Tragedy ─── 对生命主体意识的独特体验--从悲剧角度看萧红、路翎对鲁迅的继承

18、With the increase of personal income, there exists the difference between the poor and the rich.It is necessary to impose heritance tax to re-distribute asset for equality of social allotment. ─── 随著一部分人个人财富的不断积累和急剧膨胀,贫富差距也就越来越大,需要国家通过开徵遗产税对社会财富进行“二次分配”,以保持社会分配的相对公平。

19、It concludes that commercial liberalism is a comparatively integrated research program, and with a long theoretical heritance and development, it still has important practical value today. ─── 本文认为,商业自由主义是一个比较完整的研究纲领,有着悠久的学理传承和理论发展,当今仍然有着重要的现实意义。

20、1.Conclusion VHL disease is a heritance family multi systems neoplasm syndrome.Familiarity with the imaging features of VHL will be helpful to the accurate diagnosis. ─── 结论VHL病为家族性遗传性多系统肿瘤综合征,熟悉其影像学表现有利于正确诊断。

21、Research on Ontology-based Mathematical Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Heritance Mechanism ─── 基于本体的数学知识获取与知识继承机制研究

22、world cultural heritance ─── 世界文化遗产

23、The spontaneous SCE rate might be a characteristic of individual in heritance. ─── 自发sce率可能是个体遗传特征之一。

24、During the past one and a half centuries, Marxism’s orientalism has undergone unsmooth and great historical heritance . ─── 在过去的近一个半世纪里,“马克思主义东方学”经历了曲折而伟大的历史传承;

25、In the history of literature, heritance is the most impetus to the development of literature. ─── 在文学发展史上,传承因袭是促进文学发展重要动力。

26、Effect of Family Selfishness Centering on Blood Relationship on Wushu Heritance and Development ─── 重视血缘关系的家族本位思想对武术继承和发展的影响

27、man lesves his children the rishest in heritance. ─── 男人会给他的孩子留下最丰厚的遗产。

28、Two hybrids, C1 and C2, show no parthenocarpic characteristics, which means the heritance of parthenocarpy is not dominant. 5. ─── C1与C2都没有单性结实的能力。

29、Presently, facing "crazily pursues" of the entire society to the foreign language, the political education must reveal the cultural line heritance value and establish the leadership culture idea; ─── 当前,面对全社会汁外语的“疯狂追逐”,思想政治教育必须彰显文化传承的价值,确立主导文化理念;

30、Also it should abide by the principle of human development, heritance and development, effective information obtainance, process control and feedback, dynamic change. ─── 按照促进人的发展,继承与发展,有效获取信息,过程控制与反馈和动态权变的原则;

31、VHL disease is a heritance family multi systems neoplasm syndrome. Familiarity with the imaging features of VHL will be helpful to the accurate diagnosis. ─── VHL病为家族性遗传性多系统肿瘤综合征,熟悉其影像学表现有利于正确诊断。

32、Design of expert system database based on heritance mechanism ─── 基于继承的专家系统知识库的设计模式

33、One dilemma of narrowing the differences between west China and east China is the contradiction between economic development and cultural heritance. ─── 摘要缩小东西部差距的一个两难处境是经济发展和文化传承的矛盾。

34、In the history of literature, heritance is the most impetus to the development of literature. ─── 摘要在文学发展史上,传承因袭是促进文学发展重要动力。

35、the stress put on the hand on and heritance prevented Wushu from making innovations. ─── 过分地注重传承在一定程度上阻碍了武术的创新。

36、will be you claiming your Divine Heritance in full. ─── 你们会完全拥有你们的神性继承。

37、To inherit Hakka martial art,we should focus on meeting the needs of people in reality world on the basis of emphasizing the heritance of cultural heritage. ─── 客家武术的传承,要在突出文化遗产继承的基础上,注重人们现实需要的满足。

38、Supposition on imposing heritance tax in China ─── 我国开征遗产税的设想

39、My work might be a heritance of the tradition of contemporary Jazz; ─── 它或许是对于现代爵士乐的传统继承;

40、Considering of the high mutative rate of the coding regions and the conservative heritance of the noncoding regions in human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). ─── 针对人类mtDNA编码区突变率高和非编码区遗传保守的特点,对利用mtDNA分析人类母系血缘关系进行了初步的探索。

41、On principle, women are excluded from the estate heritance of traditional law, women have no succession. ─── 传统法律中的财产继承在原理上是排除女性的,女儿没有继承权。

42、heritance and development ─── 继承与发展

43、nation culture heritance ─── 民族文化遗产

44、This view is similar to the view of youth Marx about radicals of democracy, which suggests the deep and complex heritance between the orientation of radical democracy and Marxist political thoughts. ─── 这一主张接近青年马克思对民主的激进理解,显示出激进民主思潮与马克思政治思想之间深刻而复杂的传承关系。

45、Resources investigation of medicinal plants of Eucalyptus L'Herit ─── 桉属药用植物资源调查

46、The Heritance and Innovation in Phoenix Painting Art of the Chinese School ─── 华派凤画艺术的继承与创新

47、heritance AdaBoost ─── 继承型AdaBoost

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