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09-15 投稿



hived 发音

英:[haɪvd]  美:[haɪvd]

英:  美:

hived 中文意思翻译




hived 反义词


hived 词性/词形变化,hived变形

动词现在分词: hiving |动词过去分词: hived |动词第三人称单数: hives |动词过去式: hived |

hived 同义词

dispatch | score | sensation | remove | box | mill | slay | flap | bump off | come upon | polish off | poke | blow | cuff | stumble | overtake | smasher | buffet | impress | hammer | whack | swat | pip | bang | club |strike | bat | striking | collide with | whip | discover | crash into | thrash | arrive | lick | affect | run into | beat | punch | attain | arrive at | kick | lash | meet | cane | wing | bang into | thump | wallop | slug | sarcasm | crack | hitting | stroke | sock | winner | gain | smash | collision | shot | at | shoot | reach | find | off | upon | tally | clout | impinge on | murder | knock | spank | rack up | slap | bump | come | clash | smack | triumph | come to | success | pound | afflict | make

hived 常用词组

hive off ─── 脱离编制;分出

hived 相似词语短语

1、hive ─── n.蜂巢,蜂箱;蜂群;(喻)充满繁忙人群的场所;v.使(蜜蜂)进入蜂箱;存贮,积累;群居,生活在蜂房中

2、hied ─── v.快走,急行;赶快,加速;n.(Hie)(美)希埃(人名)

3、hiver ─── n.养蜂人;n.(Hiver)人名;(法)伊韦

4、hiked ─── n.远足,徒步旅行;(价格等)大幅上升,猛涨;v.远足,徒步旅行;拉起,提起(衣物);把(价格等)大幅提高;n.(Hike)(美、俄)海克(人名)

5、hives ─── n.蜂巢,蜂房(hive的复数);[皮肤]荨麻疹;假膜性喉头炎;v.使(蜜蜂)入蜂箱(hive的第三人称单数);n.(Hives)人名;(匈)希韦什;(英)海夫斯

6、jived ─── n.摇摆舞;隐语;vi.跳摇摆舞;哄骗;vt.取笑;演奏;欺骗;adj.假的

7、hired ─── v.雇用(hire的过去式及过去分词形式);租用

8、dived ─── v.(使)潜水;俯冲;(使)跳水;急剧下降;钻研(dive的过去式和过去分词)

9、hided ─── vt.隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打(hide的变形)

hived 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Next,Von Frisch and his colleagues set up a feeding place close to the hive. ─── 为了查明他的假设是否正确,他建立了两个喂食点。

2、He built a special hive,containing only one honeycomb . ─── 他特制了一个只有一个蜂窝的蜂箱。

3、In the 11th century BC, ji was a nation hived from the Dynasty of West Zhou governing the north of China. ─── 公元前十一世纪时,蓟国是统治中国北方的西周王朝的一个分封国。

4、They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved. ─── 于是一窝蜂似地突袭了马戏团,逮捕了所有涉案人员。

5、I will hole you like a hive if you dare to touch my wife once. ─── 如果你胆敢碰我妻子一个手指头,我就把你打成筛子。

6、Only playing out a hive will tell you if a colony is immixed in a bee. ─── 只有完成蜂巢的运行才能够揭示单个蜜蜂体内是否融合着蜂群特性。

7、He smoked out the bees from their hive. ─── 他将蜜蜂从他们的巢中熏出。

8、He came down holding the hive at arm's length, behind which trailed a cloud of bees. ─── 他伸直胳膊托着蜂箱从梯子上下来了,后面跟着一大群蜜蜂。

9、Bees that have hived in our grove go to seek honey in theirs. ─── 在我们树里做窝的蜜蜂,飞到他们林中去采蜜。

10、A colony of be had turned the engine into a hive. ─── 一群蜜蜂把发动机变成了蜂房。

11、Soon,the bees in the hive flew out.They flew right to the dish. ─── 一会儿,在蜂巢里面的蜜蜂飞出来了。它们飞向盘子的右边。

12、A poltergeist-like storm of tiny wills materializes over the hive box.It grows to be a small dark cloud of purpose, opaque with life. ─── 出于极小的愿望,蜜蜂在蜂巢上空形成喧闹鬼般的风暴,渐渐成长为具有生命、目的明确、不透明的黑色小云朵。

13、In New York,scientists from the American Museum of National History placed the hive in a specially prepared laboratory in the museum. ─── 在纽约,来自美国国家历史博物馆的科学家们把蜂箱设置在博物馆特别准备好的实验室里。

14、A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to populate the cluster hive. ─── 向导试图填充群集配置单元时发生错误。

15、Prior to its inaugural launch, its crew became infected with a hive virus that drove them mad. ─── 在它开始进入太空前,它们的船员感染了一种使人发疯的筑巢病毒。

16、At exactly 3:15 p.m. New York time- a precise 24 hours after having been ged in Paris- the bees swarmed out of their hive. ─── 在纽约时间下午3点15分整,也就是在巴黎进食整整24小时之后,蜜蜂涌出它们的蜂箱。

17、A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! ─── 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。

18、Yet one has but to watch it a little to see that there is no life in the hive. ─── 但是只要仔细地往里瞧瞧,便会明白,这座蜂巢里没有了生命。

19、They also found out that bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 Kilometres between their hive and a feeding place. ─── 他们还计算出了,蜜蜂从蜂箱到喂食处的最大飞行距离为3.2公里。

20、They busied themselves at the door of the CHapel like bees at the mouth of a hive. ─── 他们在教堂的门口忙碌着,就像蜜蜂在蜂巢的入口处一样。

21、The forecastle was like an angry hive of bees aroused by some marauder . ─── 前舱里活象是被某种侵入者所激怒的一群狂暴的蜜蜂。

22、The contractor's house is seething like a swarming hive. ─── 一个穿着和时节不相称的拷绸衫裤的男子大声地呼喊:

23、So, immediately after a night feeding in Paris,the hive was sealed and rushed off on an air liner. ─── 为此,在巴黎进行了一次晚间喂食后,蜂箱立刻被密封,迅速送上飞往纽约的航班。

24、Asia's central banks hold foreign exchange reserves of about $3,800bn;some is being hived off into actively managed funds. ─── 亚洲央行持有约3.8万亿美元外汇储备,其中部分分流到了积极管理的基金。

25、Tom has hived off again. ─── 汤姆又不辞而别了。

26、A swarm of honeybees absconds from the hive and then dangles in a cluster from a tree branch. ─── 一群蜜蜂逃出蜂巢,然后悬在一根树枝上聚成一群。

27、The boy hived off into the garden and we have hardly seen him all day. ─── 男孩一下子跑进花园,我们几乎整天没有再见到他的影子。

28、It was ornamented by a small brass sign, and seemed to be the entrance to a vast hive of six or seven floors. ─── 大门口有一块小铜招牌,看来这里是一幢六七层楼大厦的入口。

29、He hived off into the garden and we have hardly seen him all day. ─── 他一下子钻进园子,我们几乎一整天都没看见他。

30、Included in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers, and slightly bigger workers who did the interconnecting chambers of the hive. ─── 在特殊的翼蚁世界里,所有的蚁巢都是由工蚁和一些大一点的普通蚂蚁建筑起来的.

31、Bee, the queen of the hive, ascended to Olympus to present Jupiter some honey fresh from her combs. ─── 一只蜜蜂,蜂巢的王后,到奥林巴斯送给木星一些鲜新的蜂蜜。

32、Cluster hive snapshots are taken whenever the quorum log is reset and once every four hours. ─── 一旦仲裁日志被重置就将取得群集配置单元快照,并且每隔四小时执行一次。

33、Six little nigger boys playing with a hive;A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five. ─── 六个小黑人玩蜂窝;一只黄蜂叮住一个还剩五个。

34、Everyone would be hived off to set up his own family. ─── 每一个人都会另立自己的家庭。

35、There is only one queen in a hive of honey bees. ─── 一个蜜蜂的蜂群中只有一只蜂后。

36、If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive offsome of the work to another firm. ─── 如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以分出一些工作给另外一个公司。

37、At the Empire Theatre she found a hive of peculiarly listless and indifferent individuals. ─── 在帝国剧院,她看到一群特别无精打采、无动于衷的人。

38、Distributed being and hive minds have their own rewards, such as greater immunity to disruption. ─── 分布式和蜂群思维有其自己的收获,比如,对分裂具有强大的免疫力。

39、To create new colonies, a healthy double hive, teeming with bees, can be separated into two boxes. ─── 创造一个新的群体,一个更加健康的蜂箱,大量出现的蜜蜂被分为两个箱子。

40、And yet you can search a bee forever with cyclotron and fluoroscope, and you will never find the hive. ─── 可是,尽管你能利用加速器和X光机不断地探查一只蜜蜂,但是,你永远也不能从中找出蜂巢的特性。

41、Back in the hive it is removed by other bees, who may spend hours pasting it over cracks in the hive structure. ─── 在蜂箱里,蜂胶由其他蜜蜂剥下,它们可能会花上好几个小时把蜂胶粘到蜂箱结构有裂隙的地方。

42、The beekeeper closes the partition, chalks a mark on the hive, and choosing his own time, breaks it up and burns it. ─── 养蜂人关上蜂桶,用粉笔作上记号,到时候砸毁它、烧掉它。

43、Meanwhile, the messy and unglamorous business of financial stability was hived off to a separate microprudential regulator. ─── 同时,这份枯燥乏味旨在稳定财政的差事被分开来由一个个谨小甚微的调整者来执行。

44、A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive. ─── 一只带有标记的蜜蜂在碟子里吃了东西以后,便飞回到蜂箱.

45、The beekeeper hived the swarm. ─── 养蜂人把蜂群装入蜂箱。

46、However, you can't use EFS to protect access to sensitive areas of the system, such as the registry hive files. ─── 不过,您无法使用EFS保护对系统敏感区域的访问,如注册表配置单元文件。

47、The marvel of "hive mind" is that no one is in control, and yet an invisible hand governs, a hand that emerges from very dumb members. ─── “蜂群思维”的神奇在于,没有一只蜜蜂在控制它,但是有一只无形之手,一只从大量愚笨的成员中突现出来的手,控制着整个群体。

48、They would swarm around her like bees around a hive, and certainly Ashley would be drawn from Melanie to join the circle of her admirers. ─── 他们会聚在她周围,像蜜蜂围着蜂房一样,而且艾希礼也一定会被吸引从媚兰那边跑过来,加入这个崇拜她的圈子。

49、This train which had been on the mind of so many people finally appeared. The somber station became a hive of activity. ─── 不知几多人心系着的来车居然到了,闷闷的一个车站就一变而为扰扰的境界。

50、is being hived off into a new company. ─── 技术部正被分离出来,成立新公司。

51、If the hive were flown to New York between feedings, which time would the bees follow-Paris' or New York's? ─── 如果蜂箱在两次喂食之间被空运到了纽约市,蜜蜂会遵循哪个时间?巴黎的或是纽约的?

52、The design of Geonosian hive interiors are forever in shadow, evoking a creepy sense of the unknown. ─── 在设计中,吉奥诺西斯巢穴内部永远处于阴影下,带来一种令人不寒而栗的未知感。

53、Oh no, hive me lobster every time. ─── 哦不,我只喜欢龙虾。

54、Explain to students that worker honeybees communicate with other bees in the hive by dancing. ─── 向学生解说蜜蜂在蜂巢中透过舞蹈与其他同伴沟通。

55、A colony of bees has turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! ─── 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存下来。

56、Some of the firm's operations have been hived off into a separate company. ─── 公司的一些业务已分离出来,成立了一家独立公司。

57、Meanwhile the last Hive Mother of the drones is about to give birth for the first time in millennia. ─── 同时过去的蜂群的母亲正准备以前年中第一次生育。

58、A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey. ─── 一个养蜂人看见蜜蜂从花里收集花粉,带去蜂房,就说蜜蜂为了采蜜而存在。

59、The IT department is being hived off into a new company. ─── 信息技术部正被分离出来,成立新公司。

60、His hive had so long been replenished with honey. ─── 他的蜂箱早就装满了蜂蜜。

61、Why is she going back into the Hive? ─── 为什么她返回到蜂房?

62、And indeed there is no leader, no grand plan, for this hive. ─── 事实上,这个蜂巢中没有领导,也没有宏伟的方略。

63、If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm. ─── 如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以分出一些工作给另外一个公司。

64、If you need some money, please let me know, I've hived up a sum of money. ─── 如果你需要用钱时请告诉我,我存了一笔钱。

65、After that, the GSEs could be phased out from their role as MCIs, and the guarantee function hived off to a government agency. ─── 接下来,两房就应该逐步卸掉他们作为MCI的职能,而其贷款担保职能则会拆分给政府机构。

66、The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. ─── User Profile Hive Cleanup服务可帮助确保在用户注销时彻底终止用户会话。

67、The construction site of a new school was a hive of activity. ─── 一所新学校的建筑工地上一片繁忙紧张的景象。

68、Wind your way through the hive tunnels to find the exit! ─── 储存好的蜂蜜时间太长会有蜜蜂从中爬出,所以动作要快!

69、The beekeeper opens the upper door and examines the super of the hive. ─── 养蜂人打开顶巢查看蜂箱的上端。

70、Even so, some elements of fiscal policy could be hived off to technocrats. ─── 即便如此,财政政策的某些部分还是可以交予技术官僚操作。

71、You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. ─── 你再也找不到比这儿,更是龙蛇混杂之地

72、The Lurker Den requires a Hive. ─── 地刺巢需要三本。

73、She's a canny guttersnipe, and the Hive seems to be a second skin for her. ─── 她是个精明的流浪儿,巢穴就像是她的第二层皮肤一样。

74、They hived off the youngest campers into another tent. ─── 他们把年幼的露营者分到另一个帐篷里去。

75、The role as head of the civil service will be hived off, after a competition, to a top mandarin running a government department. ─── 经过竞选,文职总长将由一个当今政府部门中的高官担任。

76、He hived off into the garden and we have hardly seen him all day. ─── 他一下子钻进园子,我们几乎一整天都没看见他。

77、The Palace Museum was soon a hive of activity. ─── 各项工作开展得有声有色,人文荟萃,极一时之盛。

78、Where's Jim? I suppose he has hived off again. ─── 吉姆到哪儿去了?我想他已溜掉了。

79、To an observer, the thin layer of bright red propolis is clearly visible in a cross-section of the hive. ─── 一个观察者可以在蜂箱横断面上清楚地看见一层薄薄的鲜红色蜂胶。

80、If you need some money, please let me know, I've hived up a sum of money. ─── 如果你需要用钱时请告诉我,我存了一笔钱。

81、It is also known in English as "bee glue", since it is used to cover the cracks and fill up tiny gaps in the hive. ─── 在英语里,这种东西也被称作“蜂胶”,因为它可用来掩蔽蜂箱的裂缝,并填补蜂箱的微小豁口。

82、Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely. ─── 他们回到蜂箱旁,仔细观察摆尾舞。

83、A hive cannot exist without queen. ─── 中文:蜂房不可无蜂王.

84、Six little nigger boys playing with a hive; A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five. ─── 六个小黑人玩蜂窝;一只黄蜂叮住一个,还剩五个。

85、He told his servant to get rid of the hive, but the bees were buzzing busily around the hive, and the servant was afraid of getting stung. ─── 他命令仆人把蜂窝处理掉,但是蜜蜂在蜂窝边来回嗡嗡叫,仆人们都害怕被蛰。

86、District 13 is a walled-off slum, a hive of crime that the police have given up on. ─── 13区是一个被围墙环绕的平民窟,是一个已被警方弃之不理的犯罪巢穴。

87、But it would probably have been better to hive off its most toxic assets into a separate “bad bank”. ─── 但是,如果把大多数的不良资产集中在一个独立的“坏银行”里或许会更好。

88、Taken as a whole, what are fads but the response of a hive mind to its own reflection? ─── 作为一个整体看来,时尚若非蜂群思维对自身映像的反应又是什么呢?

89、Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive? ─── 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂?

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