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09-15 投稿



migrating 发音

英:[ˈmaɪˌɡretɪŋ]  美:[maɪˈɡreɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

migrating 中文意思翻译



migrating 反义词

remain | stay

migrating 同义词

move about | pull up stakes | move | travel | stakes | trek | immigrate | wander |roam | relocate | pull | voyage | emigrate | move around | expatriate | up | nomadize | drift | resettle | journey | range | transmigrate | transfer | rove

migrating 词性/词形变化,migrating变形

名词: migrator |动词过去分词: migrated |动词现在分词: migrating |动词第三人称单数: migrates |动词过去式: migrated |

migrating 短语词组

1、migrating abscess ─── [医] 游走性脓肿

2、migrating bird ─── 候鸟

3、reflection migrating ─── 反射迁移

4、migrating whales ─── 迁徙的鲸鱼

5、migrating cheilitis ─── [医] 传染性口角炎

6、non-migrating ─── [网络] 无渗移

7、migrating group ─── [化] 迁移基团

8、migrating birds cover distance ─── 候鸟覆盖距离

9、migrating birds ─── 迁徙候鸟

migrating 相似词语短语

1、misrating ─── 误判

2、-grating ─── n.栅栏,格子;摩擦,摩擦声;衍射光栅;adj.刺耳的;磨擦的;令人气恼的;v.磨碎(食物);擦响,发出刺耳的声音;激怒,使人烦躁(grate的现在分词)

3、immigrating ─── 移居入境

4、aggrating ─── 聚合

5、disrating ─── v.使(海员或军官)降级

6、remigrating ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

7、grating ─── n.栅栏,格子;摩擦,摩擦声;衍射光栅;adj.刺耳的;磨擦的;令人气恼的;v.磨碎(食物);擦响,发出刺耳的声音;激怒,使人烦躁(grate的现在分词)

8、migrations ─── [动][地质]迁移

9、emigrating ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

migrating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In any political arena, the migrating minority is "them", not "us". ─── 在任何政治舞台上,移居国外的少数人总是“他们”,而不是“我们”。

2、There are two gas accumulation models of accompanying gas of oil migrating through long distance into each trap and biogas migrating through short distance into each trap. ─── 天然气成藏模式为原油伴生气远距离运聚成藏和生物气近距离运聚成藏。

3、Use this page to locate tutorials that demonstrate common tasks, as well as information about registering and repairing Visual Studio and migrating applications. ─── 使用本页可查找演示常见任务的教程,以及有关注册和修复Visual Studio以及迁移应用程序的信息。

4、Migrating birds have marvelous directional sense. ─── 候鸟有非凡的方向辨别 力.

5、Adjacent explants were connected to each other by the migrating cells with the occurrence of autorhythmic beating of the explants. ─── 在三维胶原中,心脏组织块生长良好,迁出的细胞将相邻组织块连接起来,组织块有自发的搏动。

6、Migrating down calls the down methods in reverse order. ─── 向下迁移则以相反的顺序调用。

7、In truth, say academics, plantation owners migrating from the lowlands have been more of a threat to the trees. ─── 学者说,事实上,由低地移民到山地的所有者对破坏森林有着极大的威胁。

8、Homo sapiens, he said, fell to as few as2,000 people, in southern Africa, before migrating up and multiplying through the“ meat locker” of east Africa's savannah and beyond. ─── 他讲道,在南非最初出现的智人仅有2000人,后来才得到迁移并在东非大草原及远方地域的牧马放牛的生活中得到繁殖。

9、World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a global initiative devoted to celebrating the beauty of migrating birds and for promoting their conservation worldwide. ─── 世界候鸟日(WMBD)是一个全球投入庆祝候鸟之美以及为了加强它们在世界范围内保育的倡议(计划)。

10、Before migrating, it is recommended that you scan your Web application and look for names that conflict with feature classes and namespaces in the.NET Framework 2.0. ─── 在迁移之前,建议扫描Web应用程序并查找与.NET Framework 2.0中的功能类和命名空间冲突的名称。

11、You might find that this is the easiest path; alternatively, you could create a batch file that queries you for the information type prior to migrating each topic. ─── 您会发现这是最简单的方法,也可以创建一个批处理文件在迁移每个主题之前首先询问信息类型。

12、But Tim du Plessis, the editor of an Afrikaans newspaper, argues that Afrikaners are merely migrating to a new space, between dead-end radicalism and ANC co-option. ─── 但一份南非荷兰语报纸的编辑TimduPlessis认为,荷裔南非人不过是迁移到了一个新空间,介于坚持末路的激进主义与认同非国大对其吸收。

13、Then it organized migrating workflow service by service ontology to realize service discovery. ─── 在此基础上,通过服务本体描述和组织迁移工作流服务,实现服务发现。

14、In the case of migrating birds, arrival at the summer breeding site may require precise timing of departure from wintering grounds. ─── 以候鸟为例,从渡冬地出发的时间必须准确,才能在适当时间抵达夏季繁殖地。

15、The authors suggest that such transmissions are perpetuated mainly by the movement of poultry and poultry products, rather than by migrating birds. ─── 作者表明这种传播主要是通过家禽的活动和家禽产品产生的,而不是通过鸟类的迁徙。

16、Many migrating animals such as birds, whales, and butterflies use magnetism for navigation. ─── 很多迁徙的动物,如鸟、鲸鱼和蝴蝶用地磁来导航。

17、All POPs migrating are programmed to seek jobs within your country first, then in your country's colonies, and lastly in other countries. ─── 他们会首先在本土寻找工作,然后再你的殖民地,如果仍然没有工作则他们会到国外寻找。

18、When migrating a non-Unicode to a Unicode database, string data types have to be changed in case of UCS-2 encoding. ─── 在将非Unicode数据库迁移到Unicode数据库时,对于UCS-2编码的情况,字符串数据类型必须转换。

19、Along the way, the turtle may have encountered swordfish, tuna, and other migrating leatherbacks returning after a successful foraging season off the North American coast. ─── 一路上,它还可能遇到过旗鱼、金枪鱼和其他棱皮龟。其他棱皮龟可能是迁徙到北美海岸附近度过了一个成功的觅食季节后又返回原地的。

20、At the same time, based on the character of particle swarm optimization (PSO), "migrating operator" and local area deep-searching is introduce into PSO. ─── 同时根据粒子群算法的特点,作了改进,引入了“迁徙操作”和局部深度搜索方法。

21、Background: Recently, people from the rural area migrating to the urbans is ongoing worldwide, and the urbanized speed continues to increase. ─── 中文摘要背景:近年来在世界各地,人口由乡村向都市移动的现象普遍存在,并且都市化的速度仍然持续的增加。

22、Nowadays, educated young Argentines are migrating to Europe and the United States. ─── 如今,受过教育的阿根廷青年正移民欧洲和美国。

23、It's necessary to consider fully the influence of groundwater environment system and all kinds of hydrogeochemistry balance to the migrating of pollutant. ─── 一个合理的地下水水质模型必须充分考虑地下水环境系统和各种水文地球化学平衡对污染迁移的影响,这在数学处理上是个难点。

24、Motivations for migrating again: more development opportunities in cities (71%); economic pressures (36.4%); rural life is dull (15.1%). ─── 再次流动的动力:城市中发展机会更多(71%);经济压力(36.4%);农村生活单调(15.1%)

25、In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban area. ─── 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。

26、But astronomers don't know how that gas makes it through a final hurdle, migrating the last dozens or hundreds of light years to be eaten. ─── 但天文学家并不清楚气体怎么穿越最后的屏障,迁移几十乃至数百光年被吞噬。

27、Migrating Canada geese, flying northward, their steady wingbeats accompanied by that familiar wild honking, herald springtime to people who live in the North. ─── 定期移栖的加拿大雁,以人们熟悉的鸣叫声伴随着它们那稳健而有节奏的振翅向北飞去,告诉住在北方的人们春天来了。

28、She also provides tips and tricks for migrating your code to ASP.NET and reviews the architectural and syntactical design differences between ASP and ASP.NET. ─── 她还提供了将代码迁移到ASP.NET的小窍门,并回顾了ASP和ASP.NET之间架构和句法上的设计差异。

29、During the later months of the year south Florida starts to get all the migrating birds from all over the country. ─── 在一年的最后几个月,在南佛罗里达洲开始聚集起全国各地迁徙至此的候鸟。

30、The analysis showed that the birds that hit the plane were much closer to geese migrating from Canada's Labrador region than the geese who live year-round in New York. ─── 事故调查员将飞机引擎上的羽毛样本送到了有专门羽毛鉴定实验室的史密森研究院。科学家化验了羽毛的氢同位素。

31、Are the glitterati migrating to Brooklyn? ─── |-名人纷纷涌到布鲁克林区?

32、GFW: It just seems that with everybody else migrating to the consoles, it would be so obvious and easy for you guys too, and yet it hasn't happened. ─── 其他许多公司都转向了家用游戏机平台,你们可能也觉察到了,实际上这样做对你们来说很简单。

33、A seasonal route followed by birds migrating to and from their breeding areas. ─── 候鸟飞行的固定路线候鸟从繁殖地往返的季节性路线

34、The migrating methane by cross-borehole in coalseam is used in this condition. ─── 交又钻孔抽放本煤层瓦斯正是在这种条件下产生的。

35、Provides guidance for users migrating from a Visual SourceSafe environment to Team Foundation source control. ─── 为从Visual SourceSafe环境迁移到Team Foundation源代码管理的用户提供指导。

36、The lpp_source and SPOT NIM resources that have been selected for the migration MUST match the AIX level to which you are migrating. ─── 已经为迁移选择的lpp_source和SPOTNIM资源“必须”匹配要迁移到的AIX级别。

37、When I grew up on my father's farm in south-central Ontario, migrating flocks of wild geese would pass high above, honking their way either north or south in great chevrons. ─── 我在安大略省中南部父亲的农场里长大,常见高空中成人字形的雁阵向南或向北呼啸飞过。

38、Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish. ─── 因产卵顺流入海的在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类

39、In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas. ─── 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。

40、In the majority of cases, migrating add-ins is recommended to leverage the new Visual Studio functionality. ─── 在大多数情况下,建议对外接程序进行迁移,以利用新的Visual Studio功能。

41、After migrating the project, you can recreate them manually and reorganize the rules as you wish. ─── 在迁移了该项目之后,您可以手工重新创建它们并以您希望的方式重新组织。

42、That worry has spurred efforts to develop vaccines for the virus as well as to test migrating wildfowl in an effort to detect movement of the disease. ─── 它们会引发免疫系统作出反应,特别是红血球凝聚素,当身体需要产生预防流感抗体时,身体会主动找寻这种蛋白质。

43、I don't get it. How do migrating swallows know their way to Africa? ─── 我不明白,定期移栖的燕子是怎么辨认它们去非洲的路的?

44、Perhaps migrating birds are the greatest mystery of all. ─── 候鸟也许是所有鸟类中最费解的谜。

45、A reengineering methodology is proposed for migrating from an object-oriented legacy system to a component-based system.This methodology is divided into three parts. ─── 再工程开发人员依据构件合同从遗留系统中提取每个构件,此时会出现交叉构件共享重叠类。

46、Farmers have been migrating to cities since the 90s, but Hesketh believes the numbers have soared in recent years and it has become easier for migrants to settle in the cities. ─── 从90年代开始,农民就开始向城市迁移,但是赫斯基认为最近几年迁移人口开始快速增长,并且农民也更容易在城里扎下根来。

47、The migrating birds stop at Lake Karo to fuel up on small trouts before they move further southwards. ─── 候鸟在卡洛湖停留歇息,饱餐一顿丰富的鳟鱼大餐,然后再往南迁徙。

48、Apparently they were even capable of migrating between stars, presumably while in some kind of larval form. ─── 似乎他们甚至能在行星间迁徙,据猜测这种能力是在其幼生形态时进行的。

49、North and South American species migrating across the Isthmus now came into competition with each other. ─── 北美和南美的物种迁徙穿过地峡,现在开始互相竞争。

50、And of course by migrating any existing user information, if applicable. ─── 当然,如果可行的话,也可通过迁移任何现有用户信息。

51、Both are designated primarily for migrating and wintering birds. ─── 它们都主要是过路和越冬鸟类的栖息地。

52、The suction role of seismic pumping can induce fluid flowing into fault zone and further migrating into the fault zone. ─── 地震泵抽吸作用是在断裂活动开启过程中,引发流体进入断裂带,并发生垂向运移的作用方式。

53、The migrating antelopes are crossing the WuDaoLiang passageway on August 18th. ─── 图为8月18日,迁徙的藏羚羊正顺利通过五道梁通道。

54、Today I suddently recalled the sence that a boy and a pretty girl seat toghter looking at the migrating birds and te sky, the clouds. ─── 呵呵,好忧伤的说,嗯,春天来了,我生活的很好,贤贤霸道地说:“知道韩国为什么有四季吗?

55、Spring Festival, the floating, migrating to you, I also migrating to prosit neujahr! ─── 又是一年春来到,祝福满天飘,飘到你、也飘到我,恭贺新禧!

56、There are three kinds of views to the source of Shuidonggou artifact industry:Migrating theory,natively ofigining theory and merging theory. ─── 对水洞沟工业之源存在三种观点:远距离迁徙论、本土论和融合论。本文以史论事,看历史论现状,提出加强石制品分类研究等几点建议。

57、Astronomers think that material from the outer ring is migrating in toward Iapetus, splattering its leading hemisphere. ─── 天文学家猜测,外环的部分物质移向土卫八,并溅落在其(朝外的)半球上。

58、The trouble related to the data migrating solution we provide will be escalated to appropriate party automatically if it is out of us. ─── 如果我们对本公司提供的数据转移方案中出现的故障无能为力,该故障将被自动升级到适当一方。

59、If you are using Cached Exchange Mode, it is recommended that you use the Exchange Profile Update tool after migrating your mailbox to preserve your user's. Ost files. ─── 如果使用了缓存Exchange模式,则建议您在迁移邮箱后使用Exchange配置文件更新工具,以保留用户的.ost文件。

60、Also dependent on the park fall grasses, mosses, and shrubs are migrating birds and bull moose, which gather in their cows for the mating season. ─── 也依赖于公园秋季草地,苔藓植物,和灌木是候鸟和大型的驼鹿,因为将奶牛聚集在一起是它们的交配季节。

61、Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for revocation. ─── 全户迁出户口管辖区的,应向户口登记机关缴销居民户口簿。

62、Most attempts to explain a hot Jupiter's existence envision it forming farther away, then migrating inward. ─── 大多数试图解释热木星存在的设想是,它在更远的地方形成,然后向内迁移。

63、My brother you're migrating west And I your sister have a bitter heart I don't know how long you'll be away And my hair may turn white waiting for you. ─── 哥哥你走西口,小妹妹我苦在心头,这一走要去多少时候,盼你也要盼白了头。

64、He spends the winter in the West Indies and summer in England, commuting back and forth like the migrating swallows. ─── 他在西印度群岛过冬天,在英国过夏天象定期移栖的燕子一般固定来回。

65、He is talking about migrating abroad. ─── 他正在谈论移居国外的事.

66、Migrating birds filled the pale sky. ─── 迁徙的鸟布满了灰白的天空。

67、For nearly a century talented youth have been migrating out of rural areas. ─── 几乎一百年来,有才能的青年一直流出农村地区。

68、In this article, I use Ant and cpptasks to build a multiplatform C/C++ application, and share tips for migrating existing projects from Make to Ant. ─── 在接下来的文章里面,我将使用Ant和cpptasks来构建一个多平台的C/C++应用程序,并共享一些从Make迁移到Ant的经验给大家分享。

69、Nmi(Nmi|s)could form large protein complexes exhibiting as different migrating band in separate cell lines. ─── 在不同的细胞系中 ,Nmi表现为不同的蛋白复合物迁移带 ;

70、In winter, some of these migrating birds live in the southeastern U.S., but most fly further afield in search of neotropical climates. ─── 在冬季,这些候鸟住在美国东南部的,但大部分飞更远寻找热带气候。

71、With the changing of seasons comes a desire for a change of scenery.The migrating instinct awakes in our souls. ─── 冬去春来,我们想要看一看不一样的风景.灵魂中迁移的本性正在觉醒.

72、Most microbes infect catheters by migrating intraluminally from colonized hubs, or extraluminally from colonized skin. ─── 大多数微生物通过从导管注射部位或经皮肤移行入管腔造成感染。

73、Users migrating from SQL Server version 7.0 To SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2000 users. ─── 从SQL Server 7.0版迁移到SQL Server 2000的用户和SQL Server 2000用户。

74、Migrating without failover offers a simpler procedure that does not require you to fail over to your secondary server . ─── 执行不带故障转移的迁移是一个比较简单的过程,在此过程中无需故障转移到辅助服务器。

75、Are any of the children not migrating with you in your care and legal custody? ─── 子女不和主申请人一起赴澳大利亚,何人对其承担抚养义务?

76、Three migrating cranes brush inky strokes across the waning moon's empty page. In silvered silence we read their cryptic message like an ancient haiku scroll. ─── 三只迁徙的鹤用它们的笔触刷过残月的空页在银色静默里我们读它们神秘的信息如展读一卷古老的俳赋。

77、When migrating a cluster, it is sensible to carry out a staged migration and migrate queue managers one at a time. ─── 迁移一个集群时,最好进行分步迁移,即每次只迁移一个队列管理器。

78、Articles about migrating ASP-based applications to PHP under Windows even appear on Microsoft's very own MSDN! ─── 关于在Windows下如何转换ASP程序到PHP的文章甚至出现在了微软自己的MSDN上!

79、The migrating birds took off for their seasonal flight. ─── 候鸟们飞了起来,开始了它们的季节性飞行。

80、The total sedimentation was that rivers were branching and migrating frequently,and the sedimentary structures and fossil of ichnite were growing generally. ─── 其总体沉积特征为:河道频繁分支与迁移,发育各种沉积构造及生物遗迹化石。

81、At 14 days post-grafting, SC were migrating along ependyma, meninges and blood vessels.In the area of corpus callosum, SC were arranged like chains. ─── 14天后可观察到细胞沿软脑膜、室管膜、血管周间隙迁移,并在胼胝体部位排列成索条状。

82、Experts worried migrating birds might transmit the deadly virus if they flew out of the epidemic-stricken areas. ─── 专家们担心从被传染病攻击的地区(疫区)迁徙的候鸟可能会传播致命性病毒。

83、Be careful about these differences if you are migrating to Woody or using a non-Debian system. ─── 如果系统正迁移到Woody或使用非Debian系统,请注意版本差异。

84、It is used in packaging materials ... it is used in some can liners, and there is the possibility of migrating," Sundlof said. ─── 它被应用于材料包装。它还被用于一些罐头盒中,还有可能用的别的什么东西上。”

85、To make sure the petroleum migrating direction and pool-forming model in the Weixinan sag,4 wells were chosen to do research on fluid inclusions and petrography. ─── 为查明北部湾盆地油气运移方向及成藏模式,在涠西南凹陷选取有代表性的4口井进行储集层流体包裹体研究和系统的岩相学研究。

86、When migrating a system from some other MTA to qmail--even if you've got some qmail experience under your belt--it's a good idea to formulate a plan. ─── 即使你已经有了许多qmail的安装经验,但是当你在从其他MTA转入qmail时请你制定下自己的一个明确的计划。

87、People were attracted by the jobs and wages on offer and Britain would have been a lot poorer without people migrating internally. ─── 人们受到了就业机会和工资的吸引,如果没有国内人口流动,英国会比现在贫穷许多。

88、To find out, he extracted cryptochrome fromthe eyes of some unfortunate garden warblers at a time when they would normallyhave been migrating. ─── 为了弄清这些问题,他从一些花园鸣禽眼中提取了隐色素(此时这些鸟儿本来已经开始迁徙了,可真够不走运的)。

89、From 2005 onwards, TJC members started migrating to Adelaide and there was also a gradual increase of overseas students. ─── 从2005年起,真教会的信徒开始移民到阿得雷德,留学生人数也渐渐增多。

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