individualism 发音
英:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm] 美:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm]
英: 美:
individualism 中文意思翻译
individualism 反义词
individualism 常用词组
rugged individualism ─── 顽强的个人主义
individualism 短语词组
1、methodological individualism ─── 方法论的个体论
2、collectivism and individualism culture ─── 集体主义与个人主义文化
3、rugged individualism ─── [网络] 个人主义;强烈的个人主义;粗犷个人主义
4、free spirit of individualism ─── 个人主义的自由精神
5、individualism-collectivism ─── 个人主义-集体主义
6、collectivism vs individualism world map ─── 集体主义vs个人主义世界地图
7、collectivism vs individualism ─── 集体主义与个人主义
individualism 同义词
independence | uniqueness |egoism | individuation | distinctiveness | selfishness | laissez faire | eccentricity | individuality
individualism 相似词语短语
1、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)
2、individualist ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者
3、individualists ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者
4、individualised ─── adj.针对个人的,个性化的;v.使个性化;使适应个别需要;使表现出区别(individualise的过去式及过去分词,individualise等于individualize)
5、individualises ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)
6、individuality ─── n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数)
7、individualisms ─── n.个人主义;利己主义;个人特征
8、individualiser ─── 个人主义者
9、individualize ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的
individualism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Don't know the people's thought drive the individualism of the west assimilation, still our own reason with the result that? ─── 不知道人们的思想是被西方的个人主义所同化,还是我们自己的原因所致呢?
2、They are the supporters of what Acheson calls "democratic individualism". ─── 他们就是艾奇逊所说的“民主个人主义”的拥护者。
3、The former advocated a concurrent democratic system, whereas the latter maintained a Social-Darwinist kind of individualism. ─── 例如卡、桑二人从有限政府的观点著眼,认为不宜过度强调多数统治。
4、Individualism is misunderstood and one- side explained in the traditional academic field of China. ─── 个人主义在中国传统学界存在着误解和片面性解释。
5、In the Red Army there are also quite a few people whose individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking. ─── 个人主义见于享乐方面的,在红军中也有不少的人。
6、The result was an idea of democracy strongly qualified by individualism. ─── 其结果产生了个人主义成份极重的民主观念。
7、Individualism. Do not be afraid to invent your own way of doing things, if it works and it does not harm the company. ─── 独特性。只要你的方式行之有效,且无害于公司的利益,那么就别害怕发明创新一套自己的工作方式。
8、In football the quarterback dictates the terms of every play. It's top-down control with little room for individualism from anyone else. ─── 在美式足球中,四分卫决定了每场比赛的走向,这是一种自上而下的控制,给其他人留下很小的发挥空间。
9、Adventurous individualism and the spirit of independence characteristic of the previous era yield to a desire for system and regularity. ─── 上一个时代中的冒险的个人主义和独立人格的精神屈从于对制度和规律性的渴望。
10、Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes. ─── 个人主义和社会阶层在民间文化群体中的发展十分薄弱。
11、Second,the valuesthat play the leading role in socialist market economy should be socialist collectivism ratherthan individualism. ─── 二、在社会主义市场经济中起主导作用的人生价值观应该是社会主义集体主义而不能是个人主义;
12、In an essay called" The Gospel of Wealth," Andrew Carnegie discussed his views on wealth, the public good, and individualism. ─── 交响乐队是由许多不同的铜乐器,木管乐器,打击乐器,弦乐器组成。
13、His moral standpoint is based on "just me" and "spirit individualism",through realism it change to objective law. ─── 他的道德观以“唯我论”为基础,以“精神个人主义”为核心,通过现实主义表现出向客观道德律的转向。
14、In China, we believe in collectiveness, but in America,people believe in individualism. ─── 中国的年轻人即使婚后也经常是和父母一起住,但在美国年轻人一般不住在父母家里。
15、Nor should we conveniently lay the Blame on an influx of Western individualism or an undesirable anxiety to achieve quick success. ─── 也不要老套地指向西方个人主义思想的泛滥,或是急功近利的短见。
16、Individualism, pragmatism, and an anti-historical bent, combined with a watered-down theology, resulted in shallow Christianity and a multitude of new sects. ─── 个人主义、实用主义、以及一个反历史的倾向,结合了一个被冲淡的神学,造成了肤浅的基督教和许多的新教派。
17、The sacred nature of individualism referred to here is a reference to the origins of Western individualism in our monotheistic religions, the Judeo-Christian tradition. ─── 刘:对我来说,我觉得个人主义的神圣性实际上是来源于西方的这种宗教意识,就是西方的这个基督犹太传统,从这个宗教传统当中呢,能够找到这个个人主义的神圣性。
18、Behaviorism and rational choice which rebell against the tradition, belong to the science of behavior from the perspective of individualism. ─── 作为反叛政治学传统的行为主义和理性选择主义则是个体主义视野下的行为科学;
19、The growing individualism of Western culture, rooted in Christian doctrine, seems to have contributed significantly. ─── 西方文化中植根于基督教教义的个人主义的兴起,可能在其中起着重要作用。
20、The book also wrestles with the idea of individualism. ─── 书中也与个人英雄主义的观念进行搏斗。
21、The U. S. , which has plenty of individualism, is clearly testing that theory: Will an innate entrepreneurial spirit power up a bad economy? ─── 美国是个性横溢的社会,它正在对下面的理论进行检验:创新的企业家精神会在经济形势不好时推动经济发展吗?
22、Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes.Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. ─── 人际关系冷漠,劳动分工明确,由此产生了许多专门的职业。
23、Those who strive only for themselves also know how to destroy themselves, such are the two extremes of individualism. ─── 为个人努力的也知道怎样毁灭个人,这是个人主义的两端。
24、Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism. ─── 资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。
25、In our educational work we must explain that in its social origin individualism is a reflection within the Party of petty-bourgeois and bourgeois ideas. ─── 个人主义的社会来源是小资产阶级和资产阶级的思想在党内的反映,当进行教育的时候必须说明这一点。
26、Superficially, this kind of individualism is completely different from the traditional music. ─── 从表面来看,这种个性化与传统的音乐相比已面目全非。
27、It is insinuated that some of the worst ills of Western society are the result of democracy, which is seen as the progenitor of unbridled freedom and selfish individualism. ─── 他们暗示西方社会的某些最大流弊正是拜民主所赐,诸如鼓吹放任的自由和自私自利的个人主义。
28、This shows the ascendency of individualism among university students here. ─── 从这点可以看出,个人主义在新加坡大学生中是如此地强盛。
29、But such evils are inherent in all human systems, in the family system, as well as in the individualism and nationalism of the West, because of defects in human nature . ─── 可是这种弊害在一切人类制度里都存在着,无论是在家庭制度里,或西方的个人主义和民族主义里,因为人类的天性根本是有缺点的。
30、The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics. ─── 中国美学现代性的伦理话语是个体主义与普遍主义的统一形态。
31、The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation. ─── 在现代性语境下,美学的伦理话语主要表现为个体主义、普遍主义以及两者的复杂关系。
32、China's general public still finds it difficult to understand the concept of individualism and personal creativity. ─── 中国的大多数公众仍然很难理解个人主义和个性创造力。
33、Individualism and holism are of the basic principles belonging to political and ideological education. ─── "个人主义"和"整体主义"是伦理学和思想政治教育领域的两大基本原则,在一定意义上看,是对立的。
34、To begin with, the overemphasizing of individualism is detrimental to our society. ─── 你在自己找工作时,也要做同样的努力,以确保获得一份合适的工作。
35、In a society known for competitive individualism, pay cuts and furloughs are calling forth a spirit of collectivism. ─── 在一个以竞争性个人主义著称的社会中,裁员和无薪休假却催生出了集体主义。
36、The advantage of this is that it can spur people on to greater heights. The flaw is that it results in self-centered individualism, which affects creativity indirectly. ─── 其好处是启发人的进取心,弊端是导致以个人为中心,间接影响创新。
37、It is trifling to argue between individualism and collectivism. ─── 个人主义和集体主义的辩论是微不足道的。
38、Karl Marx endowed burgher society with economical basis, and there is no burgher society which always pursues individualism in a more general sense. ─── 在马克思看来,市民社会具有经济基础的同等含义,不存在一般意义上的、始终奉行个人主义的市民社会。
39、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。
40、An antinomy but again related allied of story, performance 1 kind and west the opposite spirit will of the individualism. ─── 一个矛盾除了再相关的联盟故事, 表现 1 亲切的和西方那相对事物精神意志个人主义。
41、An advocate of individualism. ─── 个人主义者支持个人主义的人
42、Individualism is the principle that the individual is sovereign in his life and actions. ─── 个人主义是指个人在他的生活与行动中是至高无上的这样一种原则。
43、For example, due to its ideal of individualism the United States has spent less on social welfare programs compared to the nations of Europe. ─── 举例说来,出于个人主义的观点,美国对社会福利所付出的相对欧洲国家来说要少一些。
44、Individualism extends even to matters domestic: nearly one-third of American households consist of only one person. ─── 个人主义甚至渗透到了家庭中: 几乎三分之一的美国家庭只由一个人组成。
45、Individualism as an economic, humanistic and political principle has increasingly been practiced in various aspects of the daily life in China, and instituted in the Chinese law. ─── 作为婚姻准则、经济规则、人文精神和政治原则的个体主义,既存在于现实生活中,也通过法律的不断完善得以体现。
46、The main obstacle is not partisanship, but individualism. ─── 主要的障碍并非是党派意识,而是个人的利己主义。
47、In this paper, the role of transcendentalism in the transformation is explored in terms of individualism, American values, tolerance,. ─── 从个人主义传统、美国价值观、自由宽容精神以及实践创新精神等方面,论述了超验主义在塑造美国国民性格中的作用。
48、Individualism and fashion are two factors in clothing design,and mastery of the two represents the designer's level. ─── 个性化和流行性是服装设计中二位一体的两个要素,二者不可分割。
49、Thus covenant theology shuns religious individualism in favor of an emphasis upon the family and upon the corporate people of God (the church). ─── 因此,圣约神学不认同极端的个人主义,强调家庭、强调神的全体选民(教会)。
50、So we need a trend away from excessive individualism and towards greater social responsibility. ─── 因此,我们必须远离过度的个人主义,朝着具有更高社会责任感的方向前进。
51、Secondly,it is the crux of a good system to keep the balance between individualism and collectivism. ─── 二、制度成功关键在于保持个人主义与集体主义的平衡。
52、"The old values of individualism, capitalism and egoism must be demolished," says the president. "New values must be created, and that can only be done through education. ─── “任何关于个人主义,资本主义和自我主义的旧观念都应该被废除,”他们的总统宣称,”应该创造新的价值观,而这只能通过教育来实现.”
53、It encourages the spread of all kinds of individualism and causes people to doubt or even to reject socialism and the Party's leadership. ─── 助长形形色色的个人主义思想泛滥,助长一部分人当中怀疑以至否定社会主义和党的领导的思潮。
54、Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests. ─── 个人主义思潮的盛行会危及集体利益。
55、They turned to individualism as their salvation. ─── 他们转而以个人主义作为其解救办法。
56、However, Macpherson put it that there is a tension between individualism and democracy, which is called the dilemma of twentieth century by himself. ─── 但是,麦克弗森指出,拥占性个人主义伦理尽管仍然是20世纪西方自由民主社会的基础,却与民主制度之间日益形成了一种张力,麦克弗森称之为“20世纪的困境”。
57、But in a sense, she overlooks the complicated relations among art, nature and history, which is something of a nihilism and individualism. ─── 但是,从某种意义上说,她忽略了艺术与自然和历史之间千丝万缕的联系,具有虚无主义和个人主义之嫌。
58、Nor, for that matter, is "the west" the one-dimensional land of individualism and irresponsible capitalism it is often made out to be. ─── 就这点而言,“西方”也并非一块一元化的、由个人主义和毫无责任感的资本主义主导的土地——尽管人们常常误以为如此。
59、Yet American farmers have shown a spirit of individualism and egalitarianism that the rest of U.S. society has admired and often sought to emulate. ─── 但是美国农民显示出来的个人主义和平等主义精神赢得了其他阶层美国人的赞扬,成了他们努力学习的榜样。
60、Individualism is in danger of being swamped by a kind of corporatism. ─── 个人主义正处于被社团主义淹没的危险之中。
61、Departmentalism is magnified individualism. ─── 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。
62、In criticizing Po I-po's erroneous ideas, some say his mistake stems from petty-bourgeois individualism;that's not quite right. ─── 在对薄一波错误思想的批判中,有人说,薄一波的错误是小资产阶级个人主义,这是不妥当的。
63、In China, we believe in collectiveness, but in America ,people believe in individualism. ─── 在中国,我们相信集体主义,而在美国人们相信个人主义。
64、Even if only some of a small part of the people in the world is enormous, which means that more and more statistical research individualism is really difficult today. ─── 即使只有部分的一小部分人在世界上是巨大的,这意味着越来越多的统计研究个人主义今天真的很难。
65、People who are the real personality of this role will be, but it means that if others do so, they will also get the brand of "individualism"? ─── 人们谁是真正的人的人格,这一作用将得到,但它意味着,如果别人这样做,他们也将获得品牌的“个人主义”?
66、The writer is from the cultural characteristics that three English prlberbs of typical model hinted social "individualism","beg to change" of west and "money worship". ─── 从三个较为典型的英语谚语中可以看出西方社会不同于东方社会的“注重个人主义”、“求变”和“拜金主义”的文化特点。
67、It's a convergence of the individualism we all crave and believe we can obtain, and our craving for calm in the fast pace at which we both live and of technological developments. ─── 在我们的生活和科技发展的快速步调中,我们渴望和相信我们能有所获,并且我们迫切需要能平静下来,这是个人主义的会合。
68、Auditors maximize the synergy that comes from team effort, sharing their own knowledge and expertise for collective success, while maintaining their unique individualism. ─── 内审人员最大程度发挥团队合作精神,为集体的成功分享自己的知识和专长,同时内审人员又要自力更生。
69、Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. ─── 在美国社会,物质主义和个人主义是最大的障碍。
70、He described individualism as "a nobler ideal that man should labor, not for himself alone, but in and for a brotherhood of his fellows, and share with them all in common. ─── 他把个人主义描述为“人应该为了他的家人,为了他的兄弟朋友,而不是为了他自己而劳动,并与他们一起分享,这是一种高贵的理想。”
71、However, with the development of capitalism, rationalist individualism evolves gradually into irrationalist individualism. ─── 但随着资本主义的发展,理性主义的个人主义逐渐演变成了非理性主义的个人主义。
72、Generation X tends to individualism. ─── X一代倾向于个人主义。
73、Children suffer because adults put their own needs first, the panel concluded, and only a wholesale shift away from competitiveness and individualism can save them. ─── 他们总结道:孩子们受苦,因为成年人总是以己欲为先;若不能完全脱离竞争和个人主义,孩子们就无法脱离苦海。
74、Individualism acknowledges that each person is best able to determine the affairs of his or her life. ─── 个人主义承认,每个人是他或她的生活的事务的最好的决定者。
75、You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your individualism. ─── 你看,在最后的分析里,这是你吓你的个体之间的事。
76、What is "the doctrine of self-interest properly understood"? How does it combat individualism? ─── 什么是”正确理解的私益原则?”它又如何对抗个人主义?
77、A spirit of rugged individualism pervades virtually every aspect of American life. ─── 事实上,严格的个人主义精神渗透到了美国生活的各个方面。
78、The institutional analysis of Marxism displays the unification of the individualism and the collectivism, but it sticks to the value judgment of collectivism. ─── 与西方制度主义不同的地方是,马克思主义的制度分析方法坚持了价值观集体主义。
79、Individualism is one important dimension of modernity and modern concept of value coming from enlightening movement in the later Middle Ages. ─── 个人主义是现代性的重要维度之一,是发轫于中世纪晚期经启蒙运动而形成的现代性价值观念。
80、The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the “irresistible momentum of individualism” over the last century. ─── 一位法国社会学家评论道,从家庭到单身的生活方式的转变,乃是上个世纪不可阻挡的个人主义席卷浪潮的一部分。
81、In China, we believe in collectiveness,in America,people believe in individualism. ─── 在中国,相信集体主义,而在美国人们相信个人主义。
82、Amid concern about rampant individualism and excess, she evokes a simpler, gentler era. ─── 在大家对猖獗的个人主义和浪费担忧之馀,她唤起一种更单纯和温柔的年代。
83、However,with the development of capitalism,rationalist individualism evolves gradually into irrationalist individualism. ─── 但随着资本主义的发展,理性主义的个人主义逐渐演变成了非理性主义的个人主义。
84、But in the Asian concept of personality there is no ideal attached to individualism or to the independent self. ─── 但是,在亚洲的性格概念中,个人主义或独立的个人并没有被理想化。
85、Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy, but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism. ─── 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。
86、Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships. ─── (个人主义还是集体主义,也是经济学和哲学的一个重要概念。
87、Traditional individualism is rationalist individualism. ─── 传统的个人主义是理性主义的个人主义。
88、Also, the notion of individualism contained in the Stoa philosophy and Christian theory was not enough to cause the appearance of the concept of Right. ─── 十二世纪出现了世俗个人主义和权利概念的萌芽。
89、Their individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking. ─── 他们的个人主义表现为享乐思想。
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