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09-14 投稿



heterogeneity 发音

英:[ˌhetərədʒəˈniːəti]  美:[ˌhetərədʒəˈniːəti]

英:  美:

heterogeneity 中文意思翻译



heterogeneity 网络释义

n. [生物] 异质性;[化学] 不均匀性;[化学] 多相性

heterogeneity 反义词


heterogeneity 词性/词形变化,heterogeneity变形


heterogeneity 短语词组

1、heterogeneity of stem cell ─── 干细胞异质性

2、heterogeneity analysis ─── 异质性分析

3、heterogeneity of antigen ─── 抗原异质性

4、heterogeneity test ─── 非均匀性检验

5、heterogeneity index ─── 异质性指数

6、heterogeneity of english ─── 英语的异质性

7、heterogeneity not applicable ─── 异质性不适用

8、heterogeneity coefficient ─── 非均质性系数

heterogeneity 同义词


heterogeneity 相似词语短语

1、heterogeny ─── n.异型生殖;无生源说;世代交替;自然发生(等于heterogensis)

2、heterogeneous ─── adj.由很多种类组成的,混杂的;各种各样的;(化学)不均一的,多相的;(数学)不纯一的,参差的

3、heterogamety ─── [遗]配子异型

4、heterogeneities ─── 异种;多种多样;[物]非均匀性;[化学]不均一性(heterogeneity的名词复数)

5、heterogenetic ─── adj.异种的;异质的;异基因的

6、heterogenic ─── adj.异种的;异原的;异型的

7、heterogenesis ─── n.异形生殖;自然发生;异型世代交替

8、erogeneity ─── 性欲

9、heterogeneously ─── adv.不同类地

heterogeneity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For reservoirs with same degree of heterogeneity but abnormal interbed pressure, ... ─── 压力异常差油层对采收率和含水都有较大影响;

2、It is suggested that nonlinear theory should be set up on the basis of formation heterogeneity to realize localizable measurements. ─── 建议测井技术的发展要从非均质地层出发,建立非线性理论,实现局域化测量。

3、The nonuniform microcosmic stresses and plastic slips were induced by the microcosmic heterogeneity of single crystal dual phase alloy. ─── 塑性滑移变形首先发源于基体相。

4、Gasikule Oilfield is a typical low permeability sandstone reservoir with strong inter-layer and intra-layer heterogeneity. ─── 尕斯库勒油田为典型的低渗透砂岩油藏,储层差异大,层间、层内非均质严重。

5、WSNs bring new challenges, including its heterogeneity, mobility, ubiquity, etc. ─── 传统理论与模型难以描述无线传感网络的传感、构、线、动、在和互连、及单个传感器的能量、储和计算能力有限的基本特性。

6、Additionally, while wireless standards are emerging, there is still tremendous heterogeneity in the standards supported by wireless devices. ─── 其次,尽管无线标准正在形成,但无线设备所支持的标准还存在着巨大差异。

7、The difference between each sandbody in small intralayer heterogeneity is strong. ─── 储层砂体层间差异小,但层内非均质性很强。

8、Sorensen's similarity coefficient for species composition in the seed bank and the seedling bank was 0.667, showing little spatial heterogeneity. ─── 土壤种子库与幼苗库种类组成上的相似性系数为0.667,表现出较小的异质性。

9、The characterization of these highly sulfated cyclodextrins by ESI-MS and NMR shows that they are mixtures of species wity a narrow range of heterogeneity. ─── MS和NMR测定结果表明,这些多硫酸盐环糊精是具有较小差别的混合物。

10、From the general ecology of a species it is possible to derive a quasi-quantitative measure of environmental heterogeneity. ─── 从物种的一般生态可以推导出环境异质性的拟数量测度。

11、Heterogeneity of a channel reservoir sandbody is related to these beds and internal architecture units. ─── 同时可以与储层内部构成单位共同导致河道储层砂体的不均一性。

12、This leads us to focus on demandside drivers: marginal utility from performance improvements, consumer taste for quality, and the extent of consumer heterogeneity. ─── 使得我们能着重于需方驱动力之上:即效能提高之边际利润分析工具,消费者对质量之要求,以及消费者分化程度等。

13、However, don't fall into the trap of assuming that this preparation for heterogeneity is not necessary for your SOA tools and technologies. ─── 但是不要想当然的认为这种为异构性做的准备工作对于你的SOA工具和技术来说就不是必要的。

14、Soil nutrient and water have a great spatiotemporal heterogeneity. ─── 在森林土壤中,养分和水分具有很大的时间和空间异质性.

15、In tropical areas, larger plots have proved more useful due to greater heterogeneity of the forest. ─── 在热带地区,由于森林的异质性较大,已证实大一些的样地更有效。

16、Large-scale bubbling or heterogeneity is not observed under normal conditions. ─── 在正常情况下观察不到大规模的鼓泡或不均一性。

17、Whereas our minor enterprise is a aggregative concept, its component elements have strong heterogeneity, technology span is large, and industries involved are widely distributed. ─── 但是,在技术创新的数量、质量、效率、周期等方面与美国中小企业的差距特别明显。

18、Heterogeneity across studies was determined, and sensitivity analyses were conducted. ─── 对所有研究进行异质性检验和敏感性分析。

19、There are various pore types,complicated pore structure and high heterogeneity in volcanic reservoir in Xingcheng area of Xushen gas field. ─── 徐深气田兴城地区火山岩储层孔隙类型多,孔隙结构复杂,储层非均质性严重。

20、Enormous quantities of information are available on the Internet, but its sheer quantity and heterogeneity almost guarantee that no regular system could ever be imposed on it. ─── 互联网上有大量的信息,但是因为其数量庞大,结构迥异,一般的系统根本无法管理它。

21、The heterogeneity of VEGF protein expression in esophageal squamous carcinoma was observed. ─── VEGF在食管鳞癌中的表达存在有异质性。

22、In P2P system,peer has heterogeneity characteristic, it is a great challenge to enhance the search performance of P2P system by using the heterogeneity. ─── 在P2P系统中,节点具有异构性,利用异构性来提高P2P系统的搜索性能是一个重大的挑战;

23、Heterogeneity allows the coexistence of the inconsistent elements. ─── 异质性允许不一致的东西共存。

24、On the oilier hand, exhibition of the sand body, causes of septal interlayer and heterogeneity in reservoir are researched from reservoir sedimentology. ─── 另一方面从储层沉积学角度研究砂体的展布、隔夹层的成因及储层内部的非均质性。

25、"Broadleaf evergreen and deciduous mixed forests in subtropical zone" has the lowest heterogeneity degree for its smallest area and less disintegration. ─── “亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶混交林”分布面积最小,分化程度最弱,异质性最低。

26、While groundwater flows through an unconfined aquifer due to heterogeneity, the vertical average saturated hydraulic conductivity is a function of hydraulic head. ─── 地下水流于非拘限含水层流动时,因含水层之非均质性,使得垂直平均之饱和水力传导系数随地下水水位高低而变化。

27、The relationships among biological effects, the formation of depression, strength heterogeneity of sediment and distribution of mud are also discussed. ─── 在此基础上探讨了生物活动与滩面凹坑,沉积物强度非均匀性以及研究区浮泥之间的关系。

28、Second, we use traditional econometric modeling in the form of duration models with unobserved individual heterogeneity. ─── 其次,我们采用传统的统计经济学模型方法,以持续模型为形式作评估,对个体的多样值则忽略不计。

29、To analyze ethnic heterogeneity is helpful for us to understand ethnic recognition and the change of ethnic boundary. ─── 分析族群内部异质性有着重要的意义,它有助于我们深入理解族群认同、族群边界的变迁。

30、Irreplaceability means heterogeneity, so the stronger heterogeneity is, the weaker substitutability is, and the less competiveness is . ─── 不可替代性意味着异质性,异质性越强,替代性越弱,竞争性也越小。

31、The same query example was also used to explain the distribution characteristics of DGIS, including subquery synchronization, heterogeneity handling and transaction management. ─── 在此基础上以实例说明了DGIS中的同步、异构处理和事务管理等具有分布式特征的功能。

32、There was the heterogeneity of in vitro chemosensitivity in gastric cancer and had marked statistical significance (P

33、Differentiation to general meaning is referring things transmit from homogeneity to heterogeneity. ─── 分化在一般意义上是指事物从同质性向异质性的转变。

34、There was a high fragmentation and heterogeneity, also it had a trend toward desertification. ─── 景观的破碎度和异质性较高,且有沙化的趋势;

35、There are different pool-forming stages for different structural zones, resulting in the heterogeneity of oil-and-gas distribution both laterally and vertically. ─── 不同构造带存在不同的油气成藏期次,因而油气分布在平面上及垂向上存在不均一性。

36、This study revealed that distribution of most species within the Lanjenchi forest was related to habitat heterogeneity. ─── 在所有的分析中没有任何物种表现出规则分布。

37、This kind of unusual eclogite provides an opportunity to study the deep subduction of mafic lower continental crust and its recycling and effects on the mantle heterogeneity. ─── 大别山这种不寻常的镁铁质下地壳俯冲成因榴辉岩为研究大陆深俯冲和陆壳物质再循环以及对地幔不均一性的影响提供了重要对象和可能性。

38、CD44 is a highly heterogeneity family of cell surface proteoglycan, represent products of a single gene and widely expressing in various tissues. ─── CD44是单一基因所编码的具有高度异质性的单链膜表面糖蛋白家族,在各种组织中广泛表达。

39、Since the birth of the landscape ecology,heterogeneity,an important part of landscape planning and design,has been the focus of landscape ecologists research. ─── 从景观生态学产生的那一刻起,景观异质性就成了景观生态学家们关注和研究的焦点,它也是景观规划设计的重要组成部分。

40、Everything considered, heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size. ─── 从各方面考虑,异质性和不寻常的行为似乎是人口规模庞大的结果。

41、NARASIMBAN C,ZHANG Z J.2000.Market entry strategy under firm heterogeneity and asymmetric payoffs[J].Marketing Science,19(4):313-327. ─── 徐建伟.2000.连锁商业企业跨城市发展初探[J].商业经济与管理(10).

42、Labor heterogeneity is the unity of naturality and sociality,and might be changed by them or their variation. ─── 劳动异质性是自然性与社会性相互作用的有机统一,自然性、社会性以及二者结合的变异都可能引起劳动异质性。

43、Note that a random effects model does not 'take account' of the heterogeneity, in the sense that it is no longer an issue. ─── 注意随机效应模型没有考虑异质性,在某种意义上,它不是一个议题。

44、Poetics of dynamics includes heterogeneity, velocity, spontaneity and interaction between the reader and the text. ─── 动力诗学观包括异质性、速度性、即兴性、读者文本互动性等特征。

45、The carbonate reservoir in Tahe oilfield has a feature of multiple distribution in space,complicated reserve type,much heterogeneity and complex well's condition. ─── 塔河油田的碳酸盐岩储层储集空间多样,储集类型复杂,非均质性强,井况复杂。

46、However, there exists great heterogeneity between the two languages in logical cohesion because of their different sentence-building patterns. ─── 但由于英汉小句复合体的构句方式的巨大不同,两者在逻辑衔接上表现出本质性差异。

47、Genetic heterogeneity existed among clinical isolates,and the major class of the flp 1 gene was class 2. ─── Aa临床分离菌株flp 1基因具有遗传多样性 ,基因型主要为 2型

48、In debouch bar, heterogeneity in bar side is the most serious, and that in bar host is more serious, and that in bar top is middle. ─── 其中在河口砂坝内,侧缘储层的非均质性最强,坝主体次之,坝顶部则呈中等非均质性。

49、During practical production,due to heterogeneity and control ascending of water cut latterly,reservoir pressure will be below bubble point pressure locally. ─── 在实际生产过程中,由于储层非均质性,以及开发后期为了控制含水的上升,油藏中局部地区的压力会降到饱和压力之下。

50、Second, the research on heterogeneity is lack of elaboration and systematism. ─── 三是未动摇周作人女性观“进步”、“启蒙”、“解放”的基调;

51、On the basis of formation heterogeneity and the flow characteristics of gas in the reservoir, this paper gives out an equation of materia... ─── 利用新方法计算出的生产动态及各项指标,与气田的生产实际和人们的经验都较符合。

52、In the aspect of trust, education heterogeneity has different impact on particularistic trust and universalistic trust. ─── 在信任方面,教育异质性对特殊信任和普遍信任也产生了不同方向的影响。

53、By deconstructing metanarratives,Pynchon presents the reader a postmodern world of heterogeneity and multiplicity. ─── 另网上有虹专用的德文和赫克雷词典,便于阅读。

54、The SOA consumers must not be aware of this underlying heterogeneity but must be able to access the integrated information transparently. ─── SOA使用者不必了解基础异构性,但必须能够透明地访问集成的信息。

55、Given the heterogeneity of cancer, this approach makes intuitive sense. ─── 以各式各样的癌症而言,这项做法在直觉上说得过去。

56、The two loci all have sequence heterogeneity. ─── 两基因座均存在序列异质性。

57、Increased heterogeneity of the SEH was found as time progressed.Three of 5 cases received intravenous contrast media and showed enhancement of the SEH on MRI. ─── 在五位接受静脉注射对比剂的患者中,有三位早期硬膜上血肿块中出现显影剂增强,其原因可能为急性出血致对比剂渗漏或急性扩大的血肿块包埋了部份硬膜上的软组织。

58、Attention should be given to their local heterogeneity, and better still to the geographic trends to this heterogeneity. ─── 应该注意这些因子的局部异质性,最好还要注意这种异质性的地理趋势。

59、Spatial Heterogeneity of Agricultural eco-environment Sensitivity and Counter Measure. ─── 农业生态环境敏感性地域分布及整治对策。

60、Establishment of accurate logging interpreting models for reservoir parameters is the foundation and premise for characterizing the reservoir heterogeneity. ─── 建立准确的储层参数测井解释模型,是进行储层非均质性表征的前提和基础。

61、Because of the stronger heterogeneity of the palaeo - karstification, predicting cavernous reservoir distribution is very difficult. ─── 以塔里木盆地轮西地区为例,开展了古岩溶洞穴型储层分布规律的研究,探讨了预测该类储层分布的测井地质方法。

62、The spatial heterogeneity of the lithospheric mantle beneath North China may have resulted from the diachronous thinning processes. ─── 华北岩石圈组成的空间不均一性可能与岩石圈减薄过程的时空差异有关。

63、There was heterogeneity in seed time in the euphratica meta-population. ─── 胡杨集合种群在种子时间上存在异质性。

64、The comprehensive reservoir heterogeneity indicator is obtained by the superimposition of each of the parameters based on the wave superimposition principle. ─── 利用波的叠加原理在平面上对每个参数进行叠加从而得出了非均质综合指数值。

65、Heterogeneity in societies will be the rule in the 21st century, and failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems. ─── 社会的多样性将成为21世纪的规则,而未能认识到这种多样性并为其制定计划可能会导致严重的犯罪问题。

66、The mean patch size and heterogeneity of cultural residences and industry land were the highest. ─── 居民及工业用地的斑块密度最大,破碎化程度最高;

67、The characters of heterogeneity widely exist in shaly sand, carbonate and igneous reservoirs. ─── 储集层的非均质性质普遍存在于砂泥岩储层、碳酸盐岩和火成岩储层中。

68、Trials could not be statistically pooled because of heterogeneity in treatment and control groups. ─── 因为在治疗组和对照组之间有不均一性,试验不能统计学联合分析。

69、heterogeneity will always exist whether or not we happen to be able to detect it using a statistical test. ─── 不管我们是否能采用统计学方法检验到它,异质性总是存在的。

70、Here we propose that the heterogeneity of lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and tectonic inheritance are the controlling factors for intracontinental deformation. ─── 大陆岩石圈热-流变学结构非均质性及其构造继承性对大陆内部构造变形起控制作用。

71、Production potential of each well in an oilfield or gasfield is mainly controlled by the reservoir heterogeneity. ─── 储层非均质性是油气田地质和开发工程中经常需要解决的问题,因为它在某种程度上决定了油气田内各井的油气产能。

72、Identifying the etiological risk factors of DD remains difficult because of its heterogeneity. ─── 且辨别异质性的发展迟缓病因仍相当困难。

73、Heterogeneity is severe in Shuanghe Oilfield, at present integral water content is over 35%, reserves producing is highly unequal. ─── 双河油田非均质严重,目前综合含水高达93%,采出程度35%以上,储量动用很不均衡。

74、By using synchronizing server, the heterogeneity of background center database is shielded, and the updating conflicts among mobile terminals while synchronizing are solved. ─── 利用同步服务器屏蔽了后台中心数据库系统的异构性,并且能够解决多个移动终端在同步时的更新冲突。

75、The lithogeochemical heterogeneity in rocks are mainly due to measurement error, closure and petrological controls. ─── 介绍了造成岩石地球化学不均匀性的原因,主要有测量误差、闭合问题及岩石学方面的控制等。

76、Both the macro-and micro-physical structures of cloud systems and precipitation features indicate that heterogeneity existed in different parts of the stratiform cloud systems. ─── 云系宏微观结构和降水特征都表明在层状云系不同部位存在不均匀性。

77、Also, we calculated I2, the percentage of ariation across studies due to heterogeneity rather than chance12. ─── 同时,我们计算I值,以确定研究中的变量比例由异质性造成而非机遇。

78、It should be no surprise that by the time the albumin gets to the urine, een greater heterogeneity exists. ─── 因此当白蛋白进入尿液后表现出更大的不均一性就不足为奇了。

79、However patients way differ in these factors and mechanisms, which contributes to the clinical and pathological heterogeneity of AITD. ─── 因而造成AITD临床和病理学表现的异质性。

80、From the general ecology of a species it is possible to derive a quasi-quantitative measure of environmental heterogeneity. ─── 从物种的一般生态可以推导出环境异质性的拟数量测度。

81、Can Information Heterogeneity Explain the Exchange Rate Determination Puzzle? ─── 信息异质性能否解释汇率决定问题?

82、Based on the modification, an engineering method for elastic-plastec fracture analysis of welded joints with mechanical heterogeneity is studied. ─── 、C_v,并以此为基础研究了非均质焊接接头塑性断裂力学分析的工程方法。

83、Haplotype and linkage analysis indicate that the Ashkenazi haplotypes is not associated with HMPS in Singapore Chinese families,which suggests genetic heterogeneity. ─── 单倍型及遗传连锁分析提示,Ashkenazi单倍型与华人HMPS无关,两者存在遗传背景的差异性。

84、The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance. ─── 中国经济的不统一、不平衡,对于抗日战争反为有利。

85、Many species cause pattern heterogeneity only by their growth form or their aggregation or shoot clustering. ─── 大多数植物种许多种类在分布格局上不一致的原因,仅是由于它们的生长型或它们的聚生性或由于簇生性的不同。

86、The heterogeneity of reservoirs was mainly controlled by sedimentary microfacies on the plane. ─── 平面上储层非均质性主要受控于沉积微相。

87、This heterogeneity in orientation and purpose will increase the need for universities to delineate their roles clearly if they are to be seen as being responsive to social needs. ─── 在这种方向和目的存在分歧的情况下,大学须明确界定角色,才不会被视为漠视社会需要。

88、A key element of personal collections is their heterogeneity -- photos, documents, books, receipts, tax forms, software, video, audio, pin buttons, etc. Etc. ─── 个人馆藏的关键特征就是资源的异质性:图片、文档、书籍、便条、纳税单据、软件、视频资料、音频资料等。

89、Man-made and man-made blue glass Although SPINEL with its similar color, but all of the heterogeneity, nil II color, draw a distinction. ─── 人造玻璃和人造蓝色尖晶石颜色虽然与其相似,但是都为均质体,无二色性,以此为区别。

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