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incorruptness 发音

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incorruptness 中文意思翻译



incorruptness 反义词


incorruptness 同义词


incorruptness 词性/词形变化,incorruptness变形

名词: in-corruptness |副词: incorruptly |

incorruptness 相似词语短语

1、incoherentness ─── n.不相干性;无黏结性,无内聚性

2、incorruptible ─── adj.清廉的;不能收买的;不腐败的;不会腐烂的,不受腐蚀的;不动摇的

3、incorrupt ─── adj.纯洁的;不腐败的;无差错的;不被收买的

4、incorrupted ─── 廉洁

5、corruptness ─── n.腐败;堕落

6、correctness ─── n.正确性

7、incorrectness ─── n.错误;不合适;不真实

8、incorruptibleness ─── 廉洁

9、incompactness ─── 松散

incorruptness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Exercising"The Three Represents", Fortifying and Promoting the Building of the Party Conducts and of Incorruptness ─── 践行"三个代表",加强和推进党风建设和廉政建设

2、A Few Reflection On Strengthening the Construction of the Party Conduct and Incorrupt Government ─── 对加强党风廉政建设的几点思考

3、This split caused a big difference in the development of vampire lore - the Roman church believed incorrupt bodies were saints, while the Orthodox church believed they were vampires. ─── 这场分裂对关于吸血鬼知识发展上造成了巨大的影响:罗马教认为拥有不死身躯者为圣人,然而东正教则认定他们为吸血鬼。

4、Incorrupt administration construction of party for state-owned enterprises ─── 关于国有企业党风廉政建设的思考

5、The Anti-corruption Experience and the Enlightenment from Incorrupt Nations in CPI ─── 腐败排行榜中廉洁国家廉政建设的经验及启示

6、86. The qualities of loyalty, discipline, justice, incorrupt, civilization have the connection of the law . ─── 警察院校学生品德中“忠诚、纪律、正义、廉洁、文明”中具有法的内涵。

7、construction of incorrupt government ─── 廉政建设

8、Feng Dao: a Cleanhanded Official in "Wolves and Tigers"--On the Essence of Incorrupt Government for People ─── 冯道:一个"狼虎丛中也立身"的清官--兼论廉政的为民本质

9、the harmony condenses the strength;the incorruptness forges the image honorably;the sureness breeds resplendence。 ─── 并作了进一步阐发:包容显现境界,和谐凝聚力量,廉明锻造形象,踏实孕育辉煌。

10、If our acdres are all pure and incorrupt,we will not worry about their over entertainment at all.they will not do it at all,because there are only taxpayers and conscience in their heart! ─── 如果我们的官员两袖清风,一身正气,我们根本不用害怕他们过度娱乐,他们根本就不会过度娱乐,因为他们心里只有他们的纳税人和良心。

11、an incorrupt edition of a book ─── 一本书之完整的版本

12、The Democratic Centralism's Functions for Corruption Prevention and Incorruptness Promotion ─── 民主集中制的防腐促廉功能

13、Study on the Role of Incorruptness in Economic Development ─── 清廉度促进经济发展的实证研究

14、36. The supervisory system of civil servant is of importance to establish efficient,incorrupt government and select highly quali-fied civil servant 's team. ─── 公务员监督制度是建立高效、廉洁政府和选拔高素质公务员队伍的重要保证。

15、On Incorrupt Government's Theoretical Meaning, Basic Content, Development Line and Historical Experiences ─── 论廉政的理论涵义、基本内容、发展脉络及历史经验

16、Realizing Administrative Responsibilities by Legislation for Incorruptness and against Corruption ─── 反腐倡廉亟需实现行政责任法制化

17、Incorrupt judges ─── 清官

18、Intensify Incorruptness Building and Push the Four Transformations ─── 强化廉政建设推进四个转变

19、The CPC's Historic Experience in Incorruptness during Democratic Revolution Time ─── 民主革命时期我党廉政建设的历史经验

20、The first part deals with the formation and development of Mao Zedong"s Incorruptness Thought. ─── 中国传统文化的精华是其形成的历史文化渊源;

21、In CPI,some nations such as Finland,Denmark etc.,belong to the incorrupt nations(regions),but China belongs to the seriously corrupt nation. ─── 在透明国际推出的腐败排行榜中,北欧、西欧、北美、澳洲地区以及亚洲的新加坡和我国香港属于廉洁的国家(地区),我国则属于腐败较为严重的国家。

22、Incorrupt cultural construction is the combination of cultural construction and incorrupt construction, and also a new-style cultural construction. ─── 摘要廉政文化建设是文化建设和廉政建设相结合的产物,是近年来催生出的一种新型的文化建设。

23、Judging of a leader,we should ask whether he has the ability to lead the city,whether he is incorrupt,and whether he has done something really for people's lives. ─── 总之,领导怎么去上下班不是值得我们去关注的事,我们真正看的领导的工作能力,是否清廉,是否真为老百姓做没做实事。

24、Abstract: Plentiful construction idea of incorrupt government was embodied among Zhou Enlai's numerous masterpieces, discussions and speeches. ─── 摘 要: 在周恩来的众多著作、论述和讲话中,体现了丰富的廉政建设思想。

25、Innovation is the soul of incorrupt cultural construction, which must stick to innovate in theory as well as in practice. ─── 创新是廉政文化建设的灵魂,廉政文化建设必须坚持理论和实践的创新。

26、9 When I was an official, I was incorrupt and loved my people even my salary was petty and consequently, had little saving.Now I am retired. ─── 当我做官时虽然薪水微薄,然而我却依然清廉爱民,以致于鲜有积蓄。

27、incorrupt auditing ─── 廉政审计

28、The supervisory system of civil servant is of importance to establish efficient, incorrupt government and select highly qualified civil servant's team. ─── 摘要公务员监督制度是建立高效、廉洁政府和选拔高素质公务员队伍的重要保证。

29、Incorrupt government ─── 廉政

30、Intensify Incorruptness Building and Push the Four Transformations ─── 强化廉政建设推进四个转变

31、Carry on and Promote the Great Spirit and Strengthen the Construction of the Party Conduct and the Incorrupt Government ─── 弘扬浩然正气加强党风廉政建设

32、School incorruption education is the main path that trains the incorrupt consciousness and fair justice character of teenager, can also result the social culture to be incorrupt. ─── 摘要学校廉洁教育是培养青少年廉洁意识和公平正义素质的主要途径,也可为社会培育廉政文化发挥辐射、引导和示范作用。

33、Seeking the Validity and Dealing with the Concrete Work, Strengthening the Management, Deepen the Construction of the Party Conduct and Incorrupt Government and the Struggle against Corruption ─── 求真务实,加强管理把党风廉政建设和反腐败工作引向深入

34、The socialist idea of honors and disgraces provides new resources for the construction of the culture of incorruptness and also serves as a guidance for the construction. ─── 社会主义荣辱观还为廉政文化建设提供了新素材,对廉政文化建设具有指导作用。

35、culture of incorruptness ─── 廉政文化

36、incorruptness education ─── 清廉教育

37、The ethics they should have include equity, justice, sincerity, incorruptness and diligence, which would be achieved by administrative individual, administrative organ and Administrative system. ─── 本文提出了构建和谐社会主要的行政伦理诉求,即公平正义、廉洁奉公、诚实守信、勤政为民,并认为应从行政人员个人、行政机关及制度保障三方面入手加强行政伦理建设。

38、an incorrupt edition prepared from the original text ─── 根据原始稿本修订的未窜改版本

39、This paper gives out somewhat good approaches for the promotion of incorruptness and self-restraint after a lot of reflection. ─── 切实加强党风廉政建设,真正做到党员干部廉洁自律,是全党当前和今后很长一段时间的重要政治任务。

40、degree of incorruptness ─── 清廉度

41、The paper discusses the anti-corruption experience of incorrupt nations in CPI.It is hoped that the successful experience will contribute to the anti-corruption construction in our country. ─── 这些廉洁国家在权力监督和廉政制度建设、廉政立法、廉政执法、反腐机构设置等方面所积累的成功的历史经验,对我国反腐败和廉政建设具有重要的借鉴意义。

42、Countermeasures Innovation of incorrupt that Seeing from the cause in New Period ─── 从新时期腐败成因看反腐败对策创新

43、Pondering over Strengthening the Construction of Incorrupt and Political-legal System ─── 关于加强我国廉政法制建设的思考

44、Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation. ─── 但由于国王政府保持廉洁,整个国家还是比她登基时繁荣昌盛。

45、If coming toinspect face to face from the cultural layer, an important cause among them, isrotten culture being in vogue and incorrupt government culture hiatus. ─── 若从文化层面来考察,其中一个重要的原因,就是腐败文化的盛行和廉政文化的缺失。

46、The reality final , being tied inwedlock the present stage our country social development, the concrete measurehaving set forth the new period incorrupt government cultural advancement. ─── 最后,结合现阶段我国社会发展的实际情况,阐述了新时期廉政文化建设的具体措施。

47、Enhancing the Supervision to Abstract Administration Behavior Is the Necessary Approach for Strengthening Incorruptness ─── 强化对抽象行政行为的监督是加强廉政建设的必要途径

48、a policeman who was incorrupt and incorruptible. ─── 廉洁的、不可收买的警察。

49、Incorruptness: A Moral Base Line of Public Administration ─── 廉洁:一道公共行政的道德底线

50、2 warmhearted public-spirited businesses, the responsibility is strong, fair incorrupt, have the social public's trust; ─── 2热心公益事业,责任心强,公正廉洁,具有社会公信力;

51、" The official considered him a sage and recommended him as Filial and Incorrupt. ─── 本幅款题盛懋所画,但画法已是明人学他的风格,而加以改变者。

52、According incorrupt kit manager on : In May this year, all Batongxian will start in 2002 Batongxian have been opened to traffic, opening all single operating time is about 27.5 minutes direction. ─── 据廉明杰经理介绍:今年5月,八通线将全线开工,2002年八通线全线通车,通车后全线单方向的运行时间约为27.5分钟。

53、Speech on a collective incorruptness meeting for new cadres appointed in city commission for disciplinary inspection ─── 在市纪委第十期新任职领导干部集体廉政谈话会议上的讲话

54、Keywords style of Party work;incorruptness;system construction; ─── 党风;廉正;制度建设;

55、Market Economy Incorruptness and Financial Supervision ─── 市场经济、廉政建设与财政监督

56、incorrupt education ─── 廉洁教育

57、HAN: filial and incorrupt defender of the right (police officer in the capital city) ─── 孝廉右尉

58、Latin America is a serious corrupt area,but Chile's incorruptness is very remarkable. ─── 拉丁美洲是一个腐败严重的地区,但智利的廉政成效却十分显著,是第一个走出腐败泥沼的拉美国家。

59、The essense of tea art not only seeks the cleanness of the appearance of things, but also pursues the loneliness, tranquility, and incorruptness of the mind. ─── 茶艺的精髓不仅仅是寻求事物外在的一种清静,更是内心对淡泊宁静以致远的一种追求。

60、Enhancing incorruptness and regulating procurement management ─── 加强廉政建设,规范采购管理

61、incorruptness construction ─── 廉政氛围建设

62、A Rational Analysis and Reflection of Earnest Money System of Incorrupt Government ─── 廉政保证金制度的理性分析与反思

63、“Honesty is the best policy,Quality is the best guide”,this is our faith.Providing the best quality, incorrupt and health tea ; ─── 茶源坊人以“诚信为本,质量至上”,为茶界中人奉上最优质、洁净、健康的好茶;

64、Exercising "The Three Represents" , Fortifying and Promoting the Building of the Party Conducts and of Incorruptness ─── 践行“三个代表”,加强和推进党风建设和廉政建设

65、A Simple Comment on Ancient Incorrupt Judges'Lanful Personity of China ─── 简论中国古代清官的法律人格

66、Chile is the first country getting rid of corruption,which not only keeping the highest level of incorruptness in Latin America,but also overtaking some developed countries. ─── 其清廉水平不仅高居拉美之首,而且已赶超部分发达国家。

67、incorrupt food and air ─── 洁净的食品和空气

68、Supervising the administrative personnel brings about necessary guarantee of an incorrupt, efficient and law-abiding administration. ─── 摘要行政监察是依法行政、廉洁行政、高效行政的重要保证。

69、For the sake of strengthening the inner management and incorruptness, we have set the surveillant video system linking to the system software that can meets the demand of proposer. ─── 为加强内部管理和廉政建设,在接待前台设置影像监控系统,并与系统软件有机的结合在一起,提供对申请人受理接待、发证等环节的影像查询。

70、Administrative publicity, which makes administrative acts more transparent, is essential to the protection of the right to know and the incorruptness of the government. ─── 实行行政公开,增加行政行为的透明度,对于维护政府的高效廉洁,保障公民知情权和监督权,具有不可轻视的作用。

71、incorruptness research organization ─── 廉政研究机构

72、"The Culture of Incorruptness at Universities" is an innovative act of "the Construction of a Clean Government" of The CPC Central Committee. ─── 摘要廉政文化进大学校园是中央关于反腐倡廉教育思路和方法的重要创新。

73、Enhancing the Supervision to Abstract Administration Behavior Is the Necessary Approach for Strengthening Incorruptness ─── 强化对抽象行政行为的监督是加强廉政建设的必要途径

74、incorrupt government administration ─── 政府廉政管理

75、The generation and formation of Mao Zedong"s Incorruptness Thought experience four stages. ─── 其形成和发展经历了四个阶段。

76、Realizing Administrative Responsibilities by Legislation for Incorruptness and against Corruption ─── 反腐倡廉亟需实现行政责任法制化

77、Investigation on Performance of Duty and Role of Supervisors of Party Incorrupt Conduct in Beijing Sport University ─── 关于北京体育大学党风廉政监督员履行职责与发挥作用的调研报告

78、Cheap government must be the government of "small government and large society", "low cost and high efficiency" and "incorrupt and cheap" government. ─── 廉价政府的基本特征是:小政府大社会、低成本高效率,廉洁又廉价。

79、Open the Exhibition to the University Student Incorrupt and Educational What Time Consider ─── 对大学生开展廉洁教育的重要性和必要性

80、The objective of "The incorrupt Auditing" is to improve "Special Auditing system".The paper illustrates the objective, contents, methods and differences of the two system. ─── 廉政审计目标就是改进“特种审计制度”,并具体阐述了“廉政审计”的目标、内容和方法,比较了两者之间差异。

81、Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation. ─── 但由于国王政府保持廉洁,整个国家还是比她登基时繁荣昌盛。

82、Speech on a collective incorruptness meeting for new cadres appointed in city commission for disciplinary inspection ─── 在市纪委第十期新任职领导干部集体廉政谈话会议上的讲话

83、Thearticle decides connotation, characteristic property and function having set about,setting forth incorrupt government culture first from incorrupt governmentculture boundary; ─── 文章首先从廉政文化的界定着手,阐述了廉政文化的内涵、特性和功能;

84、Keywords Against-corruption novels;Legal culture;Image of incorrupt officials; ─── 反腐小说;法律文化;清官形象;

85、Scan Hong Kong's Incorrupt Government Office ─── 香港廉政公署扫描

86、9 When I was an official, I was incorrupt and loved my people even my salary was petty and consequently, had little saving. ─── 我做官时虽然薪水微薄,我依然清廉爱民,以致鲜有积蓄。

87、incorruptness transmission ─── 廉政传播

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