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09-14 投稿



irrevocability 发音

英:[ɪrevəkəˈbɪlɪti]  美:[ɪrevəkəˈbɪlɪti]

英:  美:

irrevocability 中文意思翻译



irrevocability 相似词语短语

1、irresolvability ─── 不可解性

2、irrefutability ─── n.不可辩驳的事;不可反驳性

3、irremovability ─── n.无法移动,不能消除;不能免职

4、irresolubility ─── 不可溶解性

5、irreducibility ─── n.[数]不可约性

6、irreformability ─── 不可恢复性

7、revocability ─── n.可撤回;可撤销;可解除

8、irreparability ─── n.不可修补;不能恢复;不可挽回

9、irrevocably ─── adv.不能取消地;不能撤回地

irrevocability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The irrevocability of death is further questioned by the appearance at Clarissa's party of her old nurse and her aunt Helen, previously described as deceased. ─── 当已逝去的海伦姨妈出现在克拉莉莎的聚会上时,她是名老护士,死亡的不可挽回性遭到了置疑。

2、The authorship Right is an important personal right to author and is protected by law,with characteristic of non negotiability,perpetuity and irrevocability. ─── 署名权是受法律保护的一项重要的著作人身权,具有不可转让性、永久性和不可剥夺等特点。

3、He mainly explains his philosophy of time about "the present" through three concepts: irrevocability, events and reconstruction. ─── 他主要通过不可唤回性、事件、重构三个概念阐发了其关于“现在”的时间哲学。

4、So long as the monetary union is forged between sovereign states the principles of irrevocability and enforceability are contradictory. ─── 只要货币联盟是由主权国家打造的,不可逆转和可以强制执行的原则就是矛盾的。

5、the offeror has specified a time limit for the acceptance, or has explicitly indicated in any other manner the irrevocability of the offer; ─── (一)要约人确定了承诺期限或者以其他形式明示要约不可撤销;

6、there are grounds for the offeree to maintain the irrevocability of the offer and the offeree has made preparations for the fulfillment of the contract. ─── (二)受要约人有理由认为要约是不可撤销的,并已经为履行合同作了准备工作。

7、Article 7. Issuance, form and irrevocability of undertaking. ─── 第7条保函的签发、形式及其不可撤销。

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