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09-13 投稿



horrific 发音

英:[həˈrɪfɪk]  美:[həˈrɪfɪk]

英:  美:

horrific 中文意思翻译



horrific 词性/词形变化,horrific变形

副词: horrifically |

horrific 相似词语短语

1、morbific ─── adj.致病的

2、honorific ─── adj.尊敬的;敬称的;n.敬语

3、honorifics ─── 敬语(honorific的复数)

4、cornific ─── 角质化

5、horrifies ─── vt.使恐惧;惊骇;使极度厌恶

6、terrific ─── adj.极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的

7、mortific ─── 屈膝的

8、horrified ─── adj.惊骇的;带有恐怖感的;v.惊骇(horrify的过去式和过去分词);使…战悚

9、horrify ─── vt.使恐惧;惊骇;使极度厌恶

horrific 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I don't miss the schedules, which were just horrific, not compared with the American ones, but then they get a few extra zeros on the end in their wage packets. ─── “我不需要日程安排,那些安排都令人毛骨悚然,不和美国的那种比,但是他们会在每页的最后加上很多东西。

2、In 1992, Doohan suffered a horrific crash,while yesterday Criville become the latest rider to end up in a Dutch hospital. ─── 1992年,杜汉经历了一场可怕的车祸,昨天克里维尔成为又一个受害者而躺进了荷兰一家医院。

3、Then inspiration struck in the form of a rash of horrifyingly gruesome car accidents.Benedictus noticed that the more horrific injuries from these crashes were due to flying shards of windshield. ─── 在对一连串可怕的车祸展开研究后,贝尼迪库斯获得了灵感,他发现这些车祸的受伤者一般都是被挡风玻璃碎片划伤的。

4、Perhaps we have unconsciously repressed such bestial and horrific attributes only to see them reoccur in what is simply another manifestation of the same evil presented by the Antichrist. ─── 也许我们曾经无意识的压抑自己对这些残忍可怕的事物的印象,反而让我们不停看到的是同一个邪恶生命,反基督者,的不同显现。

5、That is, not to diminish the loss, which was horrific, but to affirm our duty to his memory and to the living. ─── 她这样做并不是为了减轻可怕的丧亲之痛,而是为了我们能够更好地纪念死者、照顾生者。

6、We had a horrific trip. ─── 我们的旅行糟糕透顶。

7、Set in a spooky old penitentiary with turrets and towers, the movie manages to be true to its Big House origins while incorporating such horrific mainstays as the clanking of chains and the creaking of the walls. ─── 影片一开始设定在阴森、古老、围绕着高台和塔楼的监狱里面,不寒而栗的锁链的叮当声,城门开启的嘎吱声,让监狱更富真实感。

8、PAUL: I cried after a particularly horrific gig.If we don't come off stage on the edge of collapse, then we never made enough effort and i become inconsolable until the next gig. ─── 在一次可怕的演出后我哭了,如果我们不直到崩溃边缘才下台,我们就无法达到效果,直到下一场演出之前我都会很沮丧。

9、The family wakes the next morning to a horrific discovery: an unimaginably gruesome murder has taken place in their home. ─── 翌日早晨,家人醒来时,惊骇地发现家里发生了一桩毛骨悚然的凶杀案。

10、A terrifyingly horrific story based on the novel by Thomas Harris, the film takes viewers on a sickening journey through Lecter's violent, cannibalistic mind. ─── 另一方面,亿万富豪韦爵虽然侥幸逃出历达的魔掌,却被历达在脸部留下永不磨灭的疤痕。

11、On balance, too, despite the horrific deadly or sinister potential in technology, ─── 另外,尽管科技有可怕的致命或凶恶潜质,

12、Most obviously, nearly 200 days into office, he has avoided making any horrific mistakes, especially in the fraught business of economic policy. ─── 最起码在他就职近200天来,他避免了一切毁灭性的错误,尤其是在有关经济政策的纷繁事务中。

13、And a volunteer reassess the true meaning of her life after suffering a horrific road accident. ─── 一位志工经历重大车祸后,了解生命的意义。

14、Two inches had covered the ground when the Sneeds had buried their blond, blue-eyed five-year-old son, Derek, following a horrific car crash. ─── 史尼德夫妇五岁的儿子,金发蓝眼的德里克在一场可怕的车祸中丧生,给他下葬的时候,地面盖上了2寸多厚的雪花。

15、But a horrific incident last year in which a drunk driver killed three young children in Fukuoka, a southern town, has prompted a change of heart. ─── 但是去年,在日本南部福冈市,一人酒后驾车造成三名儿童死亡,这一可怖的事故改变了人们的观念。

16、In the case of the Estonia and other disasters, the freezing response may have been a natural and horrific mistake. ─── 在Estonia号和其它的灾难例子中,冻住的反应是天生而可怕的错误。

17、President Barack Obama, interrupting a speech in Washington, said the incident was a "horrific outburst of violence" . ─── 总统奥巴马中断了在华盛顿的演讲,表示这起事件是一次“可怕的暴力事件”。

18、In our modern world of horrific imaginative poverty, solutions are presented to us as dichotomies: Party A or Party B, socialism or capitalism, SUV or hybrid, Brand X or Brand Y. ─── 在我们的现代社会中,人们的想象力异常贫乏,两种解决方案往往摆在面前:A党或B党,社会主义或资本主义,运动型多功能车或混合车,X牌或Y牌。

19、The horrific scream jarred the silent night. ─── 可怕的尖叫划破了夜的宁静。

20、S. a way to vent out feelings about the horrific situation going on in Gaza,” a protestor, who asked not to be identified, said. ─── “许多人以为我们相隔万里,好像无能为力,事实上,在这种情况下说些话,做些善举也是非常重要的。

21、The Conclave of Shadows has ended the murderous Nighthawk brotherhood's horrific reign of terror and death. ─── 在线阅读本书 The dread plot to destroy the Empire of Great Kesh has failed.

22、I want to kill these sluts in the most horrific way and the twat that wrote the song. ─── 我真想杀了这些荡妇用最吓人的方式,和用逼写了这首歌的人。

23、Fiorentina defender Massimo Gobbi has suffered horrific facial injuries after a violent clash of heads in training. ─── 佛罗伦萨后卫戈比在训练中与队友发生强烈碰撞,面部遭受重伤。

24、Gawain, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. ─── 加韦给自己打气,硬着头皮去见可怕的新娘。

25、Some think that growing to look more like your partner is an horrific idea. ─── 有些人认为伴侣间越来越相像这个说法骇人听闻。

26、From the streets of major metropolises to the secret places of the wild, horrific creatures stalk unseen, preying on the innocent and the weak. ─── 从大城市灯红酒绿的街道到旷野幽深安静的角落,不为人知的可怖造物正在捕食那些或天真或软弱的家伙。

27、Extremists from all factions could compete to fill that vacuum, causing sectarian killing to multiply on a horrific scale. ─── 各种极端主义将会乘虚而入,宗教残杀事件会以惊人规模增长。

28、Nagoya artist Washio Tomoyuki entered a new phase when he got into a horrific accident several years ago. ─── 来自日本名古屋的艺术家鹫尾友公,从他几年前一场非常严重的车祸中得到了创作新生命。

29、They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage. ─── 他们带回了残杀掳掠的可怕消息。

30、Armies of slaves fought for their lives in horrific recreations of famous battles. ─── 在以著名战役为背景的骇人节目中,成群奴隶为生存而战。

31、The Assen track has claimed plenty of victims over the years.In 1992, Doohan suffered a horrific crash,while yesterday Criville become the latest rider to end up in a Dutch hospital. ─── 多年来艾森赛车场发生了许多事故。1992年,杜汉经历了一场可怕的车祸,昨天克里维尔成为又一个受害者而躺进了荷兰一家医院。

32、What a beautifully written story which conveys the heroism of the Chinese people under such horrific cirumstances. ─── 多么美丽的故事!它展示了中华儿女在艰苦环境下的英雄主义精神。

33、Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease, an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. ─── 之 后 她 开 始 表 现 出 亨 廷 顿 舞 蹈 病 的 症 状,这 种 病 是 一 种 遗 传 性 大 脑 紊 乱 , 会 使 病 人 产 生 可 怕 的 幻 觉 和 无 法 控 制 自 己 的 行 为 。

34、Commercial piracy may not be as horrific as the seaborne version off the Horn of Africa (see article).But stealing other people's R&D, artistic endeavour or even journalism is still theft. ─── 商业盗版也许没有非洲和恩角的海盗那么可怕,但剽窃他人的科研成果,艺术创意,哪怕是新闻报道依然是一种盗窃行为。

35、Finally, during a horrific accident performing forbidden Alchemy, Al's body was sealed inside a suit of armor. ─── 最后,正当他在进行一项被禁止的炼金术时,一件可怕的事情又发生了,他的身体被封入了一副铠甲之中。

36、'However, our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate,' said Professor John Croxall, of the British Antarctic Survey. ─── 信天翁每一或二年繁殖一次,为了喂养孩子,他们跋涉数千英里去觅食。也正是这样的长途跋涉增加了信天翁碰上捕鱼船的几率。

37、Less than 48 hours later he was involved in a horrific car accident that saw two of his friends killed on Speke Boulevard. ─── 两天后,他卷入了一场惨烈车祸,他亲眼看着他的两个好朋友在斯皮克大道上被撞死。

38、They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage. ─── 他们带回了残杀掳掠的可怕消息。

39、On one horrific night these angels will battle the forces of Evil to be free, free at last. ─── 一个可怕的夜晚,这些美人儿将会为了成为真正的吸血鬼而搏斗,最终如愿以偿。

40、Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease,an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. ─── 之后她开始表现出亨廷顿舞蹈病的症状。这种病是一种遗传性大脑紊乱,会使病人产生可怕的幻觉和无法控制自己的行为。

41、The captain still kept calm when the horrific storm came. ─── 当暴风雨袭来时,船长仍然沉着镇定。

42、Black was adamant that although the injury looked horrific, Smith has the right mentality to make a full recovery. ─── 布莱克坚持虽然上看起来很重,史密斯有信心痊愈。

43、Her injuries were horrific. ─── 她的伤势极为严重。

44、The sensation of falling headfirst through the air was horrific. ─── 头向下栽下去的感觉太可怕了。

45、This is also a story about the extraordinary feeling which rescued them from death, but could not outshine the horrific shadow of the Shoah. ─── 本片讲述了一段使他们能够从死亡中解脱的故事,尽管如此,这段往事仍摆脱不了战争的悲惨阴影。

46、And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise. ─── 如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。

47、Commercial piracy may not be as horrific as the seaborne version off the Horn of Africa (see art icle). ─── 商业盗版也许并没有非洲之角的海上走私那么可怕。

48、The wedding night approached : Gawain, steeling himself for a horrific night, entered the bedroom. ─── 新婚的夜晚来临了:加温依然坚强地面对可怕的夜晚,走进新房。

49、You shouldn't be killing everything you meet. That will most probably result in horrific deaths. Some monsters should be avoided, unless you have means to combat them. ─── 你不应该杀死每个你看到的怪兽。这会带领你步入可怕的死亡。除非你有充分的理由,否则有些猛兽是你该躲开的。

50、Warriors fight horrific abominations with tooth and claw, while mystics hunt evil with supernatural insight. ─── 勇士用他们的牙和爪与可怖的邪兽战斗,同样秘者用超人的洞察力追逐邪恶。

51、Strangely, the sign of Hope was also reversed, and the horrific aspect of Death, ever present, lay above the entire tableaux. ─── 不过奇怪的,美好的希望突然从占星图上消失了,突然出现的魔鬼和死亡的标志被指向了这里。

52、Why suffer an horrific death when you can join me and live? ─── 你可以和我一起活下去,又何必冒险惨死呢?

53、the horrific scenes after the earthquake ─── 地震後的惨状

54、Not only are they forced to suffer famine, persecution, war and natural disaster, but also the horrific plight of being forced to keep on the move. ─── 不仅因为他们被迫要经历饥荒,迫害,战争和自然灾害,而且还要被迫迁移。

55、He soon found himself unable to sleep at night, plagued constantly by nightmares of the things he saw in that village as well as other things, horrific and unrecognized by his conscious mind. ─── 他很快发现自己晚上无法入睡,总是被在那个村庄所看到的事情,和他下意识的思想里的其它类似的可怕、模糊的事情导致的噩梦所困扰。

56、" "She and her team - Pete Marino, Benton Wesley, and her niece Lucy - track the odd connections between several horrific crimes and the people who are the likely suspects. ─── 不久之后就在失踪案附近,一名抱怨柑橘树巡查员上门打扰的老妇人遭到残虐的谋杀,陈尸床上。案子不但起出极其诡异的证物,所有线索更指向一个极度狡狯灵巧的犯罪心灵。

57、Atty did not produce hospital records &other evidence corroborating horrific abuse Judy &daughter suffered at hands of husband she killed. ─── 律师没能提供医院证明以及其他证据来证明朱蒂和她女儿在死者手上遭受了可怕的虐待。

58、To fire someone based only on sexual orientation, not job performance, is a horrific thing to have happen. ─── 仅仅因为一个人的性倾向而不是工作表现而遭解雇,这简直太可怕了。"

59、With Nowhere enter into a stunning horrific adventure that's full of twists. ─── 同任何地方进入一个惊人的可怕的冒险是充满了曲折。

60、And remember the curse of No. 6 -- for some reason, an inordinate number of players taken with the sixth overall pick have been horrific failures. ─── 回想起第6顺位,由于某些原因,球员被第六顺位这个紊乱的数字挑选到的,都成为了可怕的失败。

61、They also tend to lead to some horrific data declarations. ─── 他们还往往导致一些可怕的数据宣告。

62、Professor Edward Baranowski of California State University said that the results reflected the "horrific" drop-out rates of US high schools. ─── 来自加利福尼亚州大学的教授说这一结果反映出美国高中教育可怕的落后速度。

63、The result: resumption is now off the table, saving at least 50, 000 sheep a year from a horrific three-week long journey. ─── 结果是:现在生新开始出口的问题已不再被讨论了,这让每年至少50000只绵羊避免了可怕的,为时三个星期的长途运输。

64、A woman and a man driver are involved in a horrific collision, but amazingly both escape completely unhurt - though their cars are written off. ─── 一个男司机和一个女司机经历了一次可怕的撞车事故,但让人吃惊的是两个人都完好无损,只有他们的车全部报废了。

65、Productive grief passes through you in waves, which feel horrific, but which steadily erode your sadness. ─── 有成果的悲伤行为是一阵阵波浪的方式产生,它们感觉可怕,但是却在稳定地腐蚀你的悲。

66、At turns exciting, suspenseful, horrific, unexpectedly funny, and in the end, tragic, OP35(" Beyond the Veil") brilliantly captures the chaos and confusion of battle. ─── 从兴奋,到紧张,再到可怕,再到出乎意料的好笑,再到最后的悲剧,《凤凰社》第35章(帷幔彼岸”)出色地截取了战斗的混乱。

67、After I discerned the gap between home and overseas, some indignation that is not ejectable could be delivered by the savage and horrific images, a couple of popular artists appeared then. ─── 于是,也有各种各样的理论和说法,尽管有的前后矛盾,辞不达意,但却有钢铁般的意志;

68、I am shocked and saddened by the horrific tragedy at Virginia Tech. ─── 我的心被维吉尼亚理工大学可怕的悲剧深深地镇静和刺痛了。

69、As we watch and experience this horrific disaster, it increasingly seems to me that wits and guts are very much what it is all about. ─── 在我们亲眼目睹、亲身经历这场可怕灾难的过程中,我日益清楚地认识到,这基本上就是一个关于智慧和勇气的问题。

70、However, while Saddam Hussein has, in the past, committed horrific acts against his own people, the U.S. has not argued that intervention is necessary to address ongoing crimes against humanity. ─── 但是,对于萨达姆在过去对其人民所作的残忍行为,联合国并没有提出进行干预以便阻止那些反人道主义的罪行的必要。

71、Some crimes are so horrific that I lost sleep wondering what would happen if they were set free ─── 一些罪行是如此可怕,以至于我整晚都在想他们越狱后会发什么事而无法入睡。

72、for clinical rabies and the horrific nature of the disease, ─── 对于临床狂犬病和可怕的自然疾病,

73、I guess thats kind of horrific, if I wasnt so desensitized to violence. ─── 本来想让姚明退场的,可是他开价太高,现在预算很紧你也知道的。

74、Neville also took time out to hail Smith's courage following his horrific injury in the final stages of the match. ─── 内维尔话题一转,赞扬起了阿兰的勇敢。

75、She looked into the sky and then noticed it a dark swirling mass of back cloud sucking up everything it touched and hurling objects at horrific speeds straight up or straight to the side. ─── 她向天空一望,然后看到了它--一大团黑压压旋转的乌云将所有碰到的东西都吸了进去,并且以骇人的速度将各种物体直接甩到空中或旁边。

76、Cech's heroics prompted Mourinho to claim the gap at the top would be much closer but for the Czeh Republic star's horrific head injury at Reading in October. ─── 切赫的表现依然神勇,要不是这位捷克球星在十月对雷丁的比赛脑部严峻受伤,也许球队的积分差距会更小。

77、To fire someone based only on sexual orientation, not job performance, is a horrific thing to have happen." ─── 仅仅因为一个人的性倾向而不是工作表现而遭解雇,这简直太可怕了。

78、Earlier this season, the sides met at Reading's Madejski Stadium in a match that became infamous for the horrific injury suffered by Chelsea keeper Peter Cech. ─── 本赛季早些时候,双方曾在雷丁主场马德伊斯基球场交手,比赛中由于切尔西门将切赫严重受伤使这场比赛的名声并不是很好。

79、Her injuries were horrific. ─── 她的伤势极为严重。

80、a horrific crash, murder ─── 令人心惊胆颤的相撞事故、 谋杀.

81、Many of them have been abducted, tortured in horrific ways, and forced to name their fellow believers-while the Mauritanian government looks the other way. ─── 他们中的许多人被绑架,遭受酷刑的可怕的方式,并被迫名称同胞信徒,而毛里塔尼亚政府期待的其他方式。

82、The film is remarkably effective at creating a horrific "you-are-there" feel. ─── 影片非常成功地创造了令人恐惧的"身临其境”之感。

83、But the fantasy adventure is revealed to possibly have been a fabrication by the narrator in the last pages of the book, with the real story emerging of a horrific tale of cannibalism and murder. ─── 但读到书的最后几页,“真相”会大白,这一奇幻历险的故事可能是叙述者虚构出来的。真实的故事源于一个有关同类相食和残杀的可怕传说。

84、In fact, one of your hardest jobs is to explain horrific acts to the students. ─── 实际上,您的最坚硬的工作的当中一个将解释可怕行动对学生。

85、The wedding night approached : Gawain, steeling himself for a horrific night, entered the bedroom ─── 新婚的夜晚来临了:加温依然坚强地面对可怕的夜晚,走进新房。

86、Other killing methods include gassing and suffocation.A recent investigation exposed horrific cruelty in the Chinese fur industry. ─── 其它虐杀动物的方法还包括使用毒气来毒杀和窒息致死。

87、The blood in my veins curdle d at the horrific sight. ─── 我血管中的血液因这个可怕的景象而冻结;

88、We've gathered intelligence that the Invid are actually using humans for horrific experiments. Do you call that living? ─── 我们已经收集了情报,那些因维德人实际上用人类来进行可怕的试验,你把那个叫做生命?

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