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09-16 投稿



ingrowth 发音

英:[['ɪnˌgrəʊθ]]  美:[['ɪnˌgroʊθ]]

英:  美:

ingrowth 中文意思翻译



ingrowth 词性/词形变化,ingrowth变形

名词: ingressiveness |

ingrowth 相似词语短语

1、upgrowth ─── n.发育;生长;发达;成长物

2、ingrown ─── adj.向内生长的;天赋的;生进肉内的

3、growth ─── n.增长;发展;生长;种植

4、antigrowth ─── 抗生长的

5、misgrowth ─── 异常生长

6、nongrowth ─── 不生长

7、ingrowths ─── n.长在肉内;向内成长

8、regrowth ─── n.[生物]再生长;后生;再生植被

9、intergrowth ─── n.共生,交互生长

ingrowth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords bone ingrowth;osseointegration;models;,,,,alendronate;osteoclast;osteoblast;,,,,cell culture;apoptosis; ─── 骨长入;骨整合;模型;阿伦磷酸钠;破骨细胞;成骨细胞;细胞培养;

2、Ingrowth characteristics of the interface between hydroxyapatite coated intervertebral implant and vertebral cortex ─── 羟基磷灰石喷涂型椎间植入物与皮质骨界面的结合特性

3、The urinary stream decreased 9 months after the stent placement due to ingrowth of granulation tissue at the proximal end of stent lumen. ─── 经九个月后支撑器内近端长入结疤组织而致尿流注逐渐减小。

4、Nerve ingrowth into lumbar intervertebral discs ─── 腰椎间盘内神经侵润生长

5、When the stem has been fixed within the femur by bone ingrowth, load is preferentially borne by the stiffer structure and the bone of the proximal femur is relieed of stress. ─── 当柄通过骨生长固定于股骨内时,负荷首先由较硬的结构承担,因而股骨近端骨质所受应力减弱。

6、Tylose A bladderlike ingrowth from a parenchyma cell into an adjacent tracheid or vessel through a paired pit. ─── 侵填体:薄壁细胞向内生长的泡状物通过纹孔伸入相邻的管胞或导管形成的结构。

7、Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs appear to delay fracture healing and bone ingrowth although these effects are reversible. ─── 非甾体抗炎药可以减慢骨折的愈合和骨的生长,尽管这些作用是可逆的。

8、As a result good diaphyseal bone ingrowth took place but unfortunately many of these designs were associated with a high rate of cortical atrophy proximal stress-shielding and bone loss. ─── 其骨干端骨长入良好,但遗憾的是很多该类假体常发生骨皮质萎缩,近端应力遮挡和骨丢失。

9、The urinary stream decreased 9 months after the stent placement due to ingrowth of granulation tissue at the proximal end of stent lumen. ─── 经九个月后支撑器内近端长入结疤组织而致尿流注逐渐减小。

10、Ingrowth of blood vessel tissue and osteo-blast could be seen in both sides. ─── 植骨区域内均可见到大量的破骨细胞,并有血管纤维组织长入。

11、More attention should be paid to the risk of valve malfunction by thrombosis or tissue ingrowth. ─── 但要重视因血栓形成或内膜组织长入导致机械瓣功能障碍的危险性。

12、epithelial ingrowth ─── 上皮向内生长

13、A study of the effects of basic fibroblast growth factor on fibrovascudar ingrowth into hydroxyapafite orbital implants ─── 碱性成纤维细胞生长因子应用于羟基磷灰石眶内植人物的研究

14、Study Design. In io histologic study of nerve ingrowth in the rabbit annular-puncture disc degeneration model. ─── 研究设计。这是在兔环状穿刺椎间盘退变模型中长入神经纤维的体内组织学研究。

15、These deices may hae surface roughening or other surface modifications that proide a macrointerlock with bone, but they hae no capacity for bone ingrowth ( Fig. 7-31 ). ─── 这些假体有沟槽和其它表面改良结构,以与骨质产生大块结构性交锁,但不具备骨长入的能力(图7-31)。

16、Objective To explore the efficacy of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) inducing bone ingrowth around the humeral head prosthesis in rabbits. ─── 目的探讨骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)对兔人工肱骨头周围骨长入的影响。

17、The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula. ─── 内长一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

18、cell-wall ingrowth ─── 低钾逆境

19、Additionally, the porous structure of DCA is argued to promote earlier/more complete ingrowth. ─── 另外,DCA的多孔结构认为可以更早和更完全的骨长入。

20、Estimate Model of Ingrowth Diameter for the Middle and Young Artifical Forest of Pinus elliottii in Xiajiang County ─── 峡江县人工湿地松中幼龄林进界胸径预估模型

21、Effect of bone morphogenetic protein on bone ingrowth in rabbit artificial joint ─── 骨形态发生蛋白对兔人工关节周围骨长入的影响

22、Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties. ─── 孔隙结构对骨长入有关键性的影响。

23、This design feature has been associated with early deelopment of osteolysis about the tip of the stem despite bone ingrowth proximally. ─── 该设计特征与近端骨长入良好而柄末端周围早期发生的骨溶解有关。

24、We encounter a patient with recurrent jaundice resulting from tumor ingrowth to the metallic stent. ─── 我们经历一个病人,有复发性的黄疸,源自肿瘤直接侵入先前置放的金属支架之内。

25、Since healing of such a repair is dependent on bone ingrowth into the repaired tendon, we hypothesized that osteoinductive growth factors would improve rotator cuff tendon-healing. ─── 由于这种修复的愈合依靠于所修复肌腱内的骨长入,我们假设:骨诱导生长因子将改善肩袖的肌腱愈合。

26、Many uncemented components have predominantly fibrous tissue at the fixation interface instead of bony ingrowth.64 Hydroxyapatite has been used to enhance bone ingrowth and stimulate bony gap closure. ─── 很多非骨水泥假体的固定表面主要是纤维组织长入而非骨长入。应用羟基磷灰石涂层促进骨长入以及刺激骨空隙闭合。

27、The two prerequisites for bone ingrowth are immediate implant stability at the time of surgery and intimate contact between the porous surface and iable host bone. ─── 骨长入的两个先决条件是手术时假体获得即刻稳定及多孔表面与活性宿主骨的密切接触。

28、Thus,a balance must be reached depending on the mechanical properties and bone ingrowth of the biomaterials. ─── 因此,在保证材料力学性能的基础上,探索最佳的孔隙结构是很有必要的。

29、Tricuspid valve reoperation was required in 4 patients, whose mechanical valves were failure due to prostheses thrombosis or tissue ingrowth. ─── 4例由于血栓或内膜组织长入人工瓣口导致机械瓣功能障碍,需要二次手术(均为单叶瓣)。

30、41.Microscopically, the abscess has a mixture of inflammatory cells,but the wall of the abscess is "organizing" with ingrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts. ─── 镜下,脓肿由各种炎细胞混合组成,但脓肿壁由毛细血管和纤维母细胞生长进行机化。

31、These devices were designed around the idea that a curved stem in a curved bone would provide good initial stability and thus subsequently increase bony ingrowth. ─── 该类柄设计理念认为生理曲度柄固定于有生理曲度的股骨中能提供极好的初始稳定,随后能促进骨长入。

32、This fact has led some inestigators to question whether bone ingrowth is in fact necessary for implant fixation. ─── 该事实使一些研究人员开始怀疑,对于假体固定,骨长入是否确实必要。

33、Stents coated with polymers that time-release drugs to prevent tissue ingrowth were approved in the U. ─── 2003年,美国核准上市一种新支架,外表覆盖了可以随时间释放药物的聚合物,以避免组织生长,因此扩大了支架的应用。

34、Keywords Bone morphogenetic protein;Joint prosthesis;Bone ingrowth; ─── 关键词骨形态发生蛋白;人工关节;骨长入;

35、Preliminary study of rhBMP-2 induced bone ingrowth at the interface into hollow implants ─── rhBMP-2诱导界面骨长入中空金属植入物的初步实验研究

36、For stent malfunction caused by tumor ingrowth, endoscopic treatment can be frequently unsuccessful. ─── 如果因为肿瘤侵入支架而导致支架功能不良,则内视镜或其导引所进行的治疗通常无法成功。

37、The number of ingrowth was very small in all stands, the ingrowth mainly occurred for shade-tolerant tree species such as Spruce, Fir, Korean Pine and broad-leaved tree species. ─── 林分进界株数严重不足,进界的主要树种是云冷杉、阔叶树和红松,以耐荫树种为主。

38、Preliminary inestigations suggest such treatment can dramatically improe the osseous integration of a press-fit implant and proide skeletal fixation as durable as bone ingrowth into a porous surface. ─── 初步研究表明这种处理方法可极大地促进紧压配合假体的骨结合,能为假体提供骨骼固定,直到骨长入到柄的多孔表面内。

39、All bone-prosthesis interface of acetabulum and femoral stem achieved bone ingrowth stable. ─── 股骨柄及髋臼骨假体界面的评估均为骨性稳定。

40、The ingrowth epithelium stoped expanding and disappeard gradual,and the dent did not enlarge tonger. ─── 角膜边缘缺损状如月蚀;

41、Nerve fiber ingrowth ─── 神经内生长

42、Microscopically, the abscess has a mixture of inflammatory cells,but the wall of the abscess is "organizing" with ingrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts. ─── 镜下,脓肿由各种炎细胞混合组成,但脓肿壁由新生的毛细血管和纤维母细胞构成的肉芽组织机化。

43、Hayashi K. The effect of hydroxyapatite coating on bony ingrowth into grooved titanium implants. Biomaterials 1999,20(2):111-9 ─── 李配佳,周维江.羟基磷灰石涂层假体的比较研究.中国矫形外科杂志1996,3(3):210-211

44、Study Design. In io histologic study of nere ingrowth in the rabbit anular-puncture disc degeneration model. ─── 研究设计.这是在兔环状穿刺椎间盘退变模型中长入神经纤维的体内组织学研究。

45、Tylose a bladder like ingrowth from a parenchyma cell into an adjacent tracheid or vessel through a paired pit. ─── 薄壁细胞向内生长的泡状物通过纹孔伸入相邻的管胞或导管形成的结构。

46、the ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells,as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula ─── 一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

47、The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, AS in the formation of a gAStrula from a blAStula. ─── 内长一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

48、When placed in an osseous environment,the cancellous structure allows easy ingrowth of living tissue for the host bed,which results in new bone formation and incorporation of that structure. ─── 多孔结构可以允许新生组织长入,并在适当的环境中形成骨组织。

49、Malfunction of the metallic stent can be caused by encrustation of crystals, bacterial sludge, bile salts, and tumor compression or tumor ingrowth. ─── 金属支架的功能障碍可以由胆管内的结晶凝块,细菌性污泥,胆盐,及肿瘤压迫或肿瘤直接侵入支架。

50、the fracture rate of the hollow stemmed hip joint with complete ingrowth of bone was higher than the solid one; ─── 空心骨柄设计在骨头完全长入之情形下,其破坏机率较实心高;

51、Developing the quantity models of the artificial forest ingrowth ─── 森林资源动态管理系统中人工林进界木株数模型研究

52、The animal experiment had shown that the MEDPOR had good organotrophic characteristics allowing tissue ingrowth. ─── 颅骨缺损7例,眶骨缺损8例,外伤性全外耳缺损2例,鼻骨凹陷畸形2例,先天性下颌角发育不良1例。

53、The Expression of Extracellular Matrix in Epithelial Ingrowth after LASIK ─── 细胞外基质在LASIK术后上皮植入中的表达

54、This design feature has been associated with early development of osteolysis about the tip of the stem despite bone ingrowth proximally . ─── 该设计特征与近端骨长入良好而柄末端周围早期发生的骨溶解有关。

55、Histological evaluation showed ingrowth of connective tissue elements, blood vessels, neurofilaments, and Schwann cells into the hydrogels. ─── 损伤的形态测定分析显示:与对照相比较处理对象的假囊肿腔容积在统计意义上显著减少。

56、Higher porosity and pore size result in greater bone ingrowth but diminish mechanical properties. ─── 高孔隙率和大孔径有利于骨长入,但有损于力学性能。

57、Ingrowth characteristics of the interface between hydroxyapatite coated intervertebral implant and vertebral cortex ─── 羟基磷灰石喷涂型椎间植入物与皮质骨界面的结合特性

58、interface of acetabulum and femoral stem achieved bone ingrowth stable. ─── 股骨柄及髋臼骨-假体界面的评估均为骨性稳定。

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