unparalleled 发音
英:[ʌnˈpærəleld] 美:[ʌnˈpærəleld]
英: 美:
unparalleled 中文意思翻译
unparalleled 网络释义
adj. 无比的;无双的;空前未有的
unparalleled 词性/词形变化,unparalleled变形
名词: un-palatability |副词: unpalatably |
unparalleled 反义词
unparalleled 短语词组
1、unparalleled in the world ─── 天下无双的
unparalleled 同义词
unpleasant | disagreeable | bad |inedible | nasty | distasteful | harsh | indigestible | painful | disgusting | revolting | unacceptable
unparalleled 相似词语短语
1、parallelized ─── v.使平行于;平行放置;使(程序)适合并行计算(parallelize的过去式和过去分词)
2、parallelised ─── 平行线
3、paralleled ─── adj.并行的,平行的
4、nonparallel ─── 独特的;非平行的
5、in parallel ─── 并行的;并联的;平行的
6、unparallelled ─── 无与伦比的
7、parallelled ─── 与…平行;与…媲美(parallel的过去式和过去分词)
8、unparallel ─── adj.不平行的;无法匹敌的
9、parallel ─── n.平行线;对比;vt.使…与…平行;adj.平行的;类似的,相同的
unparalleled 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Pinot Noir .A medium-bodied wine, aromatic, caramel, and an unparalleled Sauternes like sweetness, floral and a touch of forest floor. ─── 周六2008年6月28日酒精度:13.5%.酒的种类:100%黑比诺.品酒记录:一个中等健全的酒,芳香,与焦糖,几乎味道像索特尔尼一样的甜度,插花及接触的森林地上。
2、My experience in this field is unparalleled,and my ability to adapt makes me believe that I can take this job to the next level. ─── 在这方面的经验是他人所不能及的,我的适应能力也让我相信我能把工作干得更好。
3、China has returned to world prominence through a 20-year economic boom, the speed and breadth of which is unparalleled in the history of mankind. ─── 20年的经济崛起之后中国又回到了世界的前列,这种广度和速度在人类历史上是无可比拟的。
4、The gloss of novelty being gone, that which was once thought unparalleled proves only ordinary (oft said of women). ─── 失去了光泽,昔日独秀而今日平平(通常指女人)
5、The scope of these fundamental reforms was unparalleled in Russian history since the time of Peter the Great. ─── 自彼得大帝时代以来,这些根本性改革的范围,在俄国历史上是空前的。
6、Could we render this inimitable picture properly, then would everybody exclaim, "Beautiful, unparalleled Italy!" ─── 如果我们能把这幅独一无二的图画恰当地描绘出来,那么人人都会惊叹:“美丽无比的意大利!”
7、The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent publishing history. ─── 这本书在近期出版史上是空前的成功。
8、People love for the child achieve unparalleled degree, close enough, not enough love, children born days began to embrace to embrace. ─── 人们对孩子的爱达到了无与伦比的程度,亲不够,爱不够,孩子出生几天就开始抱来抱去。
9、Through a solemn act of law, the Central People's Government has granted Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy, unparalleled anywhere in the world. ─── 国家以严肃的法律形式,授予了香港举世无双的高度自治权。
10、Xiao Baoma is like a priceless jade, and its value is not measured by money, which in Cheng Lianyin's eyes is a treasure, unparalleled. ─── “小宝马”好比一块无价的金镶玉,其价值是不能用金钱来衡量的,它在程连印的眼中就是一个稀世珍宝,无可比拟。
11、Our guerrilla war will present a great drama unparalleled in the annals of war. ─── 它将在人类战争史上演出空前伟大的一幕。
12、Fuller discovered that if a spherical structure was created from a network of triangles, it would have unparalleled strength. ─── 富勒基于物尽其用的信念,倡导这个建筑新设计,就是利用三角形组成的网络,形成非常坚固的球形结构。
13、Your kung fu skills may be unparalleled old chum, but your comic delivery leaves something to be desired... ─── 大胆戴世伍德:你的武功也许无人能比,但是你讲笑话的水平还有提升的空间。
14、Don Hutson - "Jim Rohn's perspective on personal development is simply unparalleled. ─── " 唐赫特森 -“吉姆罗恩的角度对个人的发展仅仅是无可比拟的。
15、The one-piece, cast rims share one common feature: the unparalleled dynamic Abt look. ─── 在单件,铸铁轮辋都有一个共同特点:无与伦比的动态阿伯特看看。
16、An Ogre Mage himself, Vey has proven himself time and again that his command skills are unparalleled. ─── 作为军人,维尔无数次证明了他自己拥有超群的领导才能。
17、"The huge number of mummies from one period of time provides an unparalleled opportunity for new information about the Incas. ─── 大量同一时期的木乃伊为进一步研究了解印加文明提供了千载难逢的好机会。"
18、Copying, printing, color scanning and faxing with powerful engine to offer you unparalleled new office experience. ─── 复印、打印、彩色扫描、传真,劲擎动力,非凡的办公新体验。
19、Broadcom and Qualcomm will have unparalleled access to the detailed functions of IT chips, and vice versa. ─── 博通和高通将空前接触德州仪器芯片的详细的功能,反之亦然。
20、Featuring unparalleled ferocity and iron discipline, they can be mustered on a moment's notice. ─── 以举世无双的残暴和铁一样的纪律为特征,他们可以在收到通告后极短的时间内集合起来。
21、Rare-earth as the only listed company with unparalleled market position, will support its high valuation level. ─── 作为国内唯一的稀土类上市公司,拥有无以伦比的市场地位,将支撑其高估值水平。
22、It is strange to see how “faith” and “hope” goes unparallel : faith, but hopeless. ─── 22就是现在,我也知道,你无论向神求甚麽,神也必赐给你。
23、Screening public figures for connections to the old regime is common in eastern Europe, but the new law has unparalleled scope. ─── 对公众进行审查,以期找到他们与旧体制之间的联系,这在东欧国家来说是一件很普遍的事情,但是这一新法案波及的范围却是空前的广大。
24、The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement. ─── 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。
25、As you know , China increased its participation in Sydney and bought home unparalleled success with 28 gold medals. ─── 大家都知道,中国增加了其在悉尼奥运会的参赛项目并以二十八枚金牌取得空前的胜利。
26、Laurent: But, he's got unparalleled sense, absolutely lethal. ─── 劳伦:但是,他有著无比的嗅觉,绝对的致命。
27、With eight Olympic gold medals, unparalleled in the world, Wuling vehicles join hands with China's weightlifting team to creat a greater future. ─── 八金壮举,举世无双五菱汽车携手中国国家举重队共举梦想未来。
28、Customers can look forward to an utterly unparalleled driving experience. ─── 客户可以期待一个完全无与伦比的驾驶体验。
29、The Tang Dynasty( AD618-907) was an era of unparalleled importance which produced some of China's greatest literature and, in particular, poetry. ─── 从公元618年至907年,大唐王朝是中国文学的昌盛时期,尤以诗歌最为繁荣。
30、His contribution in the field of geology was unparalleled. ─── 他在地质学方面的贡献是无与伦比的。
31、Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River. ─── 从南外滩优越的地理位置能尽赏到浦江两岸的旖旎风光。
32、The hypnotic apparatus, an unparalleled wonder in Both ancient and modern times, Brings aBout revolution on sleep. ─── 催眠辅助仪,妙绝古今,睡眠新革命。
33、Just to be alive in America, just to be alive at this time is an experience unparalleled in history. ─── 仅仅是生活于美国,仅仅是生活于这一时期就是一个前所未有的经历。
34、The unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy. ─── 劳动力数量的空前的规模促进了经济的发展。
35、Chinese snuff-Bottle has Been unparalleled up to now. ─── 中国鼻烟壶,至今无与伦比。
36、Located at a transportation hub, Kwai Chung Town Lot 215 office development offers unparalleled accessibility. ─── 位于葵涌市地段215号的写字楼项目邻近运输系统沿线,尽享交通便捷优势。
37、That artchitecture style aound mountain and set pagoda fall in palace in the Buddhism temple of Chia north. are unparalleled. ─── 其依山走势坐塔落殿的建筑风格,在我国北方佛教寺院中独具一格。
38、It was this seclusion that made the artist even more unworldly and helped mould his exceptionally elegant style unparalleled by mos... ─── 倪瓒的隐遁,成就了他超脱的人格和高逸的画品,以至于后辈文人画家几乎无人可及。
39、It's SuperCroc's skull that's unparalleled. ─── 但至尊鳄鱼的颅骨才真正是其他鳄鱼无可比拟的。
40、He must extract assistance unparalleled in America's relationship with any other country. ─── 他必须设法取得超过美国在同任何其他国家的关系中所给予的援助。
41、The unparalleled location is a testament to the Zendai Group's visionary insight, which is at the foundation of the Himalayas Center's prospects. ─── 万中选一的地利方位,除展现证大集团的远见与实力,亦为喜玛拉雅中心的未来打稳了商务发展的前景基础。
42、It is an unparalleled strange phenomenon that FDI in Chinese circulation actually meets no obstacle. ─── 外资在中国流通业“事实上不设防”的奇特状况,在全世界独一无二、绝无仅有;
43、ISO14000 system certification SPARY technology has unparalleled advantages. ─── ISO14000体系认证方面有着SPARY技术不可比拟的优势。
44、As an actor, Brando's talent was unparalleled. ─── 作为一名演员,白兰度的才华无与伦比;
45、Its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features complete. ─── 同类公园之冠。
46、Unparalleled support for supplementary and enhanced PSTN services helps grow voice revenues. ─── 它能强有力地支持、增强PSTN服务,帮助提高声音的接收。
47、It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel. ─── 它描绘了一个由字符组成人拥抱着一位女子,以此来表达“一封充满情感的信所产生的作用是无可匹敌的”。
48、Former players like Larry Byrd and Magic Johnson continue to command respect for their personal integrity and unparalleled sportsmanship. ─── 像赖瑞?博德和魔术师约翰逊等已退休的球员,因为个人的崇高道德和无人能比的运动精神而依然受人尊敬。
49、A scene of unparalleled grandeur is revealed late at night. ─── 一派特别雄伟的景象,出现在深宵。
50、In the boundless universe, you are unparalleled!! ─── 在无穷无尽的宇宙中,你是举世无双的!!!
51、With unparalleled performance and scalability, Titan serves a variety of needs from the largest enterprise to the small workgroup. ─── 可以满足从企业到小工作组的各种需求。提供一整套高级功能,赋予你灵活性和控制力。
52、Blog gateway station has a large area whether from traffic or from the weight in terms of resources the advantages are unparalleled. ─── 大型的门户站都有博客专区,不论是从流量还是从权重来讲,资源的优势都无可比拟。
53、When an unparalleled series of meteorites plummet to Earth, a scientist and his assistant race against time to provide vital information to Dr. ─── 免责声明:本站所有内容均来源于互联网,本身并不存在这些资源,所有播放连接均由网友提供;
54、In every field of endeavor, in public and private sector alike, they have endowed our Nation with unparalleled energy and vision. ─── 在奋斗的各个领域,在公共和私营部门,他们赋予了我们民族以无比的精力和远见。
55、His navigation, fieldcraft and logistics are superb and his awareness of what dogs can and can't do unparalleled. ─── 他的航海学知识、野外生存技能与后勤学知识都是一流的;
56、The new city, which was finished in 1258,is the unparalleled Yuan Capital in the itinerary by Italian traveler Marco Polo. ─── 1258年新城全部建成,这便是意大利旅行家马可·波罗在游记中称之为“世界莫能与比”的元大都。
57、The 800 reels will give an unparalleled visual record of late Victorian and early Edwardian British life. ─── 800卷电影胶片对维多利亚时代晚期和爱德华七世时代早期英国人的生活给予了空前的形象化的记录。
58、The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature, especially the old Testament, are unparalleled. ─── 作为一部文学作品,《圣经》,特别是《旧约》的丰富多彩,是前所未有的。
59、In 2007, XX introduced unparalleled Austrian “Big Tree”Flooring and German “Alive”Flooring which is the key to the success of KOLM flooring. ─── 2007年KOLM地板的制胜法宝奥地利“参天大树”地板和德国“活”地板至今尚无对手能与之匹敌。
60、He brings an unparalleled class to every performance! ─── 他把一个无匹的类带到每表演!
61、As the pace of the contraction over the last six months is unparalleled since the war, some stabilisation is not surprising. ─── 由于过去6个月的萎缩速度为二战以来前所未有,如今出现某些企稳迹象并不奇怪。
62、Former players like David Robinson Magic Johnson continue to command respect for their personal integrity and unparalleled sportsmanship. ─── 像大卫?罗宾逊和魔术强森等已退休的球员,因为个人的崇高道德和无人能比的运动精神而依然受人尊敬。
63、GILDEMEISTER is the leading manufacturer of cutting machine tools worldwide.The company's know-how is unparalleled in the industry. ─── 吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商,其先进的技术在行业中无与伦比。
64、Its unparallel uniqueness in modernistic literature and its corresponding linguistic presentation pose a great challenge to its translators. ─── 其语言风格对翻译工作者提出新的挑战,对其中文译本中意识流语言风格的再现情况值得探讨。
65、With these test firings RAM demonstrated its unparalleled success against today's most challenging threats. ─── RAM在对抗当今最艰巨的测试中取得了空前的成绩。
66、The Model 4100 Optical Power Meter offers an unparalleled combination of speed, accuracy, repeatability, ease of use, and low cost. ─── 4100型号的光功率计提供的速度,精确度,可重复性不等,使用方便,成本低。
67、It is unparallel in the scripture where there is such emphasis on joy. ─── 在经文的描述中,这样重复地强调欢乐是绝无仅有的。
68、With its unparallel advantage, the Graphical User Interface becomes the dominant pattern of the modern software interface. ─── 图形界面以不可比拟的优势成为现代软件界面的主导形式。
69、Another unparalleled advantage of purifying water pipe, copper can inhibit Bacterial growth, the growth of copper in the water, wholesome. ─── 另一个无可比拟的优点是净化管内水质,铜可以抑制细茵生长,增长水中的铜含量,有益健康。
70、Proanthocyanidins are a special class of highly bioavailable, water-soluble bioflavonoids with unparalleled free radical scavenging activity. ─── 原花青素是一种高生物利用率、水溶性生物类黄酮,具有无与伦比的清除自由基的活性。
71、The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes. ─── 原子能释放出来的力量改变了一切,除了我们的思维方式,于是我们坠入无与伦比的灾难。
72、TheWorld Motor Sport Council considers Renault F1's breaches relating tothe 2008 Singapore Grand Prix to be of unparalleled severity. ─── 世界汽车运动理事会认为雷诺F1的违反2008年与新加坡大奖赛将空前严重程度。
73、The University has provided me with excellent environment and unparalleled learning opportunities to acquire knowledge and develop my ability. ─── 大学提供了一个良好的学习环境及不同的学习机会,让我汲取知识及发挥所长。
74、His own eight years of work experience unparalleled confidence, convinced that the interview would not have too much trouble. ─── 他对自己八年的工作经验无比自信,坚信面试不会有太大的麻烦。
75、The global presence of the Davidoff group is unparalleled and we are proud to become members of such a respected team. ─── 大卫杜夫全球的销售是无与伦比的,我们很自豪地成为受人尊敬的团队中的一员。”
76、Many scenic spots in China with mountains, waters, flowers, grass and pavilions, tower Buildings and terraces have Beautiful colours unparalleled. ─── 中国很多风景区,山水花草、亭台楼阁色彩优美无比。
77、This unparalleled feat would almost certainly have won Sommerfeld a Nobel Prize for Education if there were one. ─── 可以说,如果诺贝尔奖设立教育奖的话,他那无与伦比的成就毫无疑问将为他赢得这一奖项。
78、Anna Sui's collections take you on a creative journey that is unparalleled in the world of fashion. ─── 安娜苏的设计系列将你带入一场创意之旅,这在时尚界绝无仅有。
79、For recreation, the Southland offers unparalleled recreational activities for the adventurous visitor! ─── 对于娱乐,南加州提供爱冒险的访客的无比的娱乐活动!
80、None of these measures would have been possible without the Fed's unparalleled authority derived from its role as bank supervisors. ─── 作为银行监管机构,美联储拥有无与伦比的权威,若非如此,美联储不可能出台上述措施。
81、Waves is designed to give professionals and clients unparalleled control over their Internet presence. ─── 其目的是让专业人士和海浪无与伦比控制其因特网用户。
82、The gloss of novelty being gone,that which was once thought unparalleled proves only ordinary(oft said of women. ─── 失去了光泽,昔日独秀而今日平平(通常指女人)
83、But for those people who know love, love is unparallel advisability. ─── 但是对那些懂得爱的人而言,爱是独一无二的明智。
84、To have a native-born Nobel Laureate is what most developing and developed countries crave for as an unparalleled honor. ─── 多数先进和发展中国家都渴望能够培育出一个诺贝尔得奖人为国争光。
85、A.Crosby Forbes and an unparalleled "Survey of Chinese Export Silver" by Mr.Marlowe, this is a reference packed full of invaluable information. ─── A.克罗斯比和无与伦比福布斯“调查我国出口银”马洛先生,这是一个参考挤满了宝贵的信息。
86、STN International (SM) is a service providing online access to an unparalleled collection of essential science and technology databases. ─── STN国际性组织(SM)在线提供对基本科学技术数据库收藏的存取服务。
87、These differentiators are an unparalleled commitment to your success, superior performance, and smart risk-taking. ─── 对这些品牌特色的咨询是对您的成功、卓越绩效以及明智冒险的另一(空前未有)的承诺。"
88、You need the kind of advanced guidance that inspires vision and helps you discover superior insight and achieve unparalleled results. ─── 你需要先进的指导,去激励你开阔视野,帮助你获取敏锐的洞察力,取得空前无可比拟的成就。
89、In Mainland China, new skyscrapers have kept springing up because of the unparalleled economic boom. ─── 在中国大陆,因空前的经济繁荣,新摩天大楼如雨后春笋般落成。
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