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09-16 投稿



haustoria 发音

英:[hɔːsˈtɔːrɪə]  美:[hɔːˈstɔːrɪə]

英:  美:

haustoria 中文意思翻译



haustoria 词性/词形变化,haustoria变形

形容词: haustellate |名词复数: haustella |

haustoria 短语词组

1、arbuscule vs haustoria ─── 丛枝与吸器

haustoria 相似词语短语

1、haustorial ─── adj.有吸器的;吸器的

2、pastoria ─── n.牧师宅邸(pastorium的变形)

3、haustorium ─── n.(寄生植物的)吸根

4、auditoria ─── n.听众席,观众席;礼堂

5、Astoria ─── n.阿斯托里亚(俄勒冈州西北端的城市)

6、haustella ─── n.吸器(haustellum的变形)

7、historian ─── n.历史学家

8、auctorial ─── adj.作者的,著作者的

9、cafetoria ─── 自助餐厅

haustoria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lateral haustorium ─── 侧生吸器

2、When the haustorium cell began to degenerate,the reaction of ATPase activity on nucleus membrane is markedly reduced. ─── 在开始退化的吸器细胞中,核膜上的ATP酶活性的反应减弱较早,内质网稍晚;

3、suspensor haustorium ─── 胚柄吸器

4、micropylar haustorium of endosperm ─── 胚乳珠孔端吸器

5、Haustorium(pl. haustoria) A specialized outgrowth of many parasitic fungi and certain parasitic plants such as dodder (Cuscuta) and broomrape (Orobanche), that penetrates into and withdraws food material from the cells of the host plant. ─── 吸器:是某些寄生真菌和某些寄生植物如菟丝子(菟丝子属)和肉苁蓉(列当属)所长出的特化结构,它可以刺入寄主植物体内并从寄主细胞中吸取营养物质。

6、Early necrosis or post haustorium formation necrosis of haustoria might take place. ─── 吸器可以在发育早期受抑坏死,也可迟滞至吸器体形成之后坏死。

7、3. A remarkable feature of the endosperm in some plants is the presence of haustoria. ─── 某些植物胚乳的一个显著特点是具有吸器。

8、Inheritance of Haustorium of Puccinia Striiformis in Wheat ─── 小麦条锈菌吸器的遗传分析

9、secondary haustorium ─── 次生吸器

10、From its undersurface a narrow infection hypha or penetration tube pushes through the cell wall or intercellular spaces and develops into a series of hyphae or a HAUSTORIUM. ─── 从下表面的较细的感染性的菌丝可以穿过细胞壁而发育为一系列菌丝。

11、The primary chalazal haustorium ramifies around the vascular tissues of the ovule ─── 初生合点吸器沿着胚珠的维管组织分支。

12、On the basis of observation results, there are two different modes of haustorium formation from the host intercellular hyphae in the pycnio- and aeciostage of Gymnosporangium haraeanum. ─── 观察结果表明:梨胶锈菌性子期和锈子期寄主胞间菌丝吸器的形成方式有两种:一种是由寄主胞间菌丝直接形成吸器;

13、endosperm haustorium ─── 胚乳吸器

14、appressorial haustoria",," ─── 附着吸器"

15、Morphology of seed germination and haustorium formation in Cistanche deserticola ─── 荒漠肉苁蓉种子萌发与吸器形成的形态学研究

16、formation of the dikaryotic haustorium, there were collars formed around the neckand tubles in cytoplasm in host cell. ─── 在双核吸器形成过程中,寄主细胞可分泌胼胝质和产生与侵染有关的管状结构。

17、megaspore haustorium ─── 大孢子吸器

18、chalazal haustorium ─── 合点吸器

19、Lots of starch grains in nucellar cells and integumentary cells surrounding endosperm haustoria decreased and disappeared with the development of endosperm haustoria. ─── 随着胚乳吸器的发育,吸器附近的珠心细胞和珠被细胞中贮存的大量淀粉粒逐渐减少和消失。

20、The developments of haustorial mother cells and haustoria were retarded, malformed, and necrotized. ─── 吸器母细胞和吸器发育受阻,畸形,坏死。

21、haustorium cell ─── 吸器细胞

22、In the compatible interaction, the mycelia grew around the wheat cells and developed haustoria in the wheat cells. ─── 亲和互作中菌丝吸器生长正常,菌落面积大,初期小麦细胞无坏死,侵染后期个别细胞有死亡的现象。

23、At the early globular embryo,the chalazal portion of the embryo sac grown into tubular haustorium,which still remained coenocytic. ─── 球形胚早期,胚囊合点端的壁伸长发育成一管状胚乳吸器,进而吸器靠近胚乳本体端膨大为囊状。

24、microphlar haustorium ─── 珠孔端吸器

25、Advances in research of the parasitic angiosperm haustorium ─── 寄生被子植物吸器的研究


27、Triadimefon caused developing haustoria to be severe malformations and inhibited septum formation. ─── 三唑酮对吸器发育具有致畸作用,并抑制隔膜的形成;

28、When the embryo differentiated cotyledons,the haustorium cells gradually degenerated,then disappear. ─── 胚分化出子叶时,胚乳吸器自合点端向珠孔端退化。

29、embryo sac haustorium ─── 胚囊吸器

30、antipodal haustorium ─── 反足吸器

31、Hyphae in certain species may become specialized to form rhizoids which serve as rootlike anchors or they may become the feeding structures known as haustoria. ─── 某些种类的菌丝可能特化形成假根,具有根样的固定作用,或者他们成为饲喂结构称吸器。

32、micropylar haustorium ─── 珠孔吸器

33、A Method for Stimulating Seed Germination and Haustorium Formation of Cistanche ─── 一种刺激肉苁蓉种子萌发和吸器发育的方法

34、there is endosperm haustorium at chalazal end. ─── 合点端存在胚乳吸器。

35、The haustorium cellularizated from the micropylar end to chalazal end at the later globular stage. ─── 球形胚晚期吸器自珠孔端向合点端逐渐细胞化。

36、Keywords Cistanche deserticola Y C Ma;seed;germination;haustorium; ─── 关键词荒漠肉苁蓉;种子;萌发;吸器;

37、The development of endosperm haustorium and the ultracytochemic localization of ATPase activity in the haustorium of watermelon ─── 西瓜胚乳吸器的发育及ATP酶的超微细胞化学定位

38、6.With embryo sac haustorium in chalazal end,the embryo sac is Endymion type. ─── 胚囊发育类型为英地百合型 ,合点端形成胚囊吸器。

39、The results suggested that the endosperm haustoria played roles in the absorption and transportation of nutrients to endosperm. ─── 结果表明胚乳吸器起营养物质的吸收和转运作用,向胚乳提供养料。

40、The tracheid and sieve tube elements are all differentiated from the procambia in the center of the haustoria, and the former occurs prior to the latter. ─── 器中管胞和筛管都是从吸器中央具有原形成层特性的细胞分化的,管胞的分化先于筛管,或同时进行。

41、synergid haustorium ─── 助细胞吸器

42、Endosperm formation is nuclear type and the endosperm forms chalazal haustorium . ─── 核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。

43、Tuber-like-organ formatin, haustorium formation and bud formation are key steps of C. tubulosa seedling development. ─── 结论:寄生过程遵循种子萌发长出芽管,接触寄主根形成吸器并侵入寄主根,管花肉苁蓉幼体出现3个阶段。


45、The development of endosperm haustorium in watermelon (Citrulluslanatus) was observed,and the ultracytochemical localization of ATPase activity was carried out in the endosperm haustorium cells. ─── 报道了西瓜(Citrulluslanatus)胚乳吸器发育过程,并对胚乳吸器细胞中的ATP酶进行了超微细胞化学定位。

46、primary haustorium ─── 初生吸器

47、Stems twining, filiform, obtaining nourishment from hosts by haustoria. ─── 茎缠绕,丝状,获得食物从寄主以。

48、The developments of haustorial mother cells and haustoria were retarded, malformed, and necrotized. ─── 吸器母细胞和吸器发育受阻,畸形,坏死。

49、During formation of the dikaryotic haustorium, there were collars formed around the neckand tubles in cytoplasm in host cell. ─── (4)在双核吸器形成过程中,寄主细胞可分泌胼胝质和产生与侵染有关的管状结构。

50、Two end endosperm haustoria. ─── 具合点端与珠孔端胚乳吸器。

51、Early necrosis or post haustorium formation necrosis of haustoria might take place. ─── 可以在发育早期受抑坏死,也可迟滞至吸器体形成之后坏死。

52、The roots of sandalwood saplings attach themselves to the root of the host plant with the help of haustoria. ─── 檀香树苗的根部附着到与寄主植物的根系吸器的帮助。

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