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09-16 投稿



hippodrome 发音

英:['hɪpədrəʊm]  美:['hɪpədrom]

英:  美:

hippodrome 中文意思翻译



hippodrome 网络释义

n. 竞技场;跑马场(古希腊)

hippodrome 短语词组

1、hippodrome of the americas ─── 美洲竞技场

2、hippodrome of constantinople ─── 君士坦丁堡竞技场

3、hippodrome de chantilly ─── 尚蒂伊竞技场

4、hippodrome casino ─── 竞技场赌场

5、hippodrome casio ─── 卡西欧竞技场

hippodrome 相似词语短语

1、hippodamous ─── 河马

2、hippodromic ─── 半色的

3、hippodames ─── 河马

4、hippydom ─── 嬉皮士

5、hippodromes ─── n.竞技场;跑马场(古希腊)

6、hippodame ─── 河马

7、prodrome ─── n.[临床]前驱症状

8、hippophobe ─── 嬉皮士

9、hipped roof ─── [建]四坡屋顶

hippodrome 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Back in the 1920s, you could have seen all this at New York City's famous Hippodrome Theater. ─── 回到1920年代,你可以在纽约市最有名的竞技场剧院看到这些表演。

2、The most popular vaudeville (variety stage) artists of the day, including Harry Houdini, performed at the Hippodrome during its heyday. ─── 当时最受欢迎的杂耍表演艺术家,包括哈利.胡迪尼等人,都在竞技场剧院全盛时进行表演。

3、The most popular vaudeville (variety stage) artists of the day, including Harry Houdini, performed at the Hippodrome during its heyday. ─── 当时最受欢迎的杂耍表演艺术家,包括哈利?胡迪尼等人,都在竞技场剧院全盛时进行表演。

4、The era that made the Hippodrome famous lives on in the American memory. ─── 然而,那个辉煌的时代还是让竞技场剧院活在所有美国人的回忆里。

5、The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. ─── 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。

6、In 1918, in the middle of the brightly lit stage of the Hippodrome theater in New York City, Houdini made a 10,000-pound elephant named Jennie disappear. ─── 1918年时,在纽约市竞技场戏院内的明亮舞台上,胡迪尼让一头重达10,000磅,名叫珍妮的大象消失。

7、The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome ─── 环绕圆形栏杆的车道象座富丽堂皇的竞技场。

8、The early beginnings of the sport can be traced to 1907, when Annette Kellerman caught the national eye as the first underwater ballerina by performing “water ballet ” at the New York Hippodrome. ─── 运动最早开始于1907年,安妮特•凯勒曼在纽约竞技场表演水上芭蕾,第一次引起了全国的关注。

9、The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome. ─── 环绕圆形栏杆的车道象座富丽堂皇的竞技

10、The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome. ─── 环绕圆形栏杆的车道象座富丽堂皇的竞技场。

11、But by the late 1920s, the growing popularity of motion pictures replaced the vaudeville acts and circus spectacles presented at the Hippodrome. ─── 但是在1920年代晚期,电影吸引了大批观众,使得杂耍表演与马戏团表演的观众大量流失,竞技场剧院的人气也不如以往。

12、But on August 16, 1939, the Hippodrome closed its doors for the last time. ─── 但是在1939年8月16日,竞技场剧院在最后一场表演退出后,也正式关闭了。

13、the Brighton Hippodrome ─── 布赖顿剧院.

14、Back in the 1920s, you could have seen all this at New York City's famous Hippodrome Theater. ─── 回到1920年代,你可以在纽约市最有名的竞技场剧院看到这些表演。

15、In the Greek fashion the city had its stadium, gymnasium, hippodrome, and theatre, as well as its fine temples and the royal palace. ─── 城里还有希腊风格的体育馆、体操馆、椭圆形露天赛马

16、2.The early beginnings of the sport can be traced to 1907, when Annette Kellerman caught the national eye as the first underwater ballerina by performing “water ballet ” at the New York Hippodrome. ─── 运动最早开始于1907年,安妮特?凯勒曼在纽约竞技场表演水上芭蕾,第一次引起了全国的关注。

17、The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade ─── 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。

18、After it closed its doors in 1939, the Hippodrome Theater presented its final spectacle: the building's demolition. ─── 在竞技场剧院于1939年关闭前,最后一场表演是:建筑物的破坏。

19、Built in 1905 with a seating capacity of 5,200 people, the Hippodrome was at one time the largest and most successful theater in New York. ─── 竞技场剧院建于1905年,可以容纳5200位观众,曾经是纽约最大也最成功的剧院。

20、The first show took place in May 1877 at Gilmore's Gardens (the Hippodrome) on the site now occupied by the New York Life Building, which also contains the AKC headquarters. ─── 1877年的比赛地点为吉尔摩的花园,现在被纽约人寿大楼所取代,AKC总部也设在该大楼中。

21、So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin. ─── 所以赛马场就是拉丁语中的马戏表演场。

22、The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. ─── 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的赛马场中偷出来的。

23、After it closed its doors in 1939, the Hippodrome Theater presented its final spectacle: the building's demolition. ─── 在竞技场剧院于1939年关闭前,最后一场表演是:建筑物的破坏。

24、The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. ─── 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的赛马场中偷出来的。

25、Chariot races and bare-back riding races were held in a big oval space called the hippodrome(The word comes from the Greek hippos meaning "horse" and dromos meaning "running course."). ─── 战车赛和无鞍马赛在一个称为hippodrome的巨大的椭圆形空地上进行(希腊文hippos作“马”解,dromos意为“赛跑

26、She cried amid a redoubled uproar of laughter and bravoes , which little by little overspread the whole Hippodrome. ─── 她喊道,四边的喧闹声、笑声、喝彩声越来越高,渐渐响遍了跑马场。

27、In 1918 in the middle of the brightly lit stage of the Hippodrome theater in New York City Houdini made a 10000-pound elephant named Jennie disappear. ─── 1918年时,在纽约市竞技场戏院内的明亮舞台上,胡迪尼让一头重达10000磅,名叫珍妮的大象消失。

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