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09-16 投稿



hexahedron 发音

英:[ˌheksəˈhiːdrən; ˌheksəˈhedrən]  美:[ˌheksəˈhiːdrən; ˌheksəˈhedrən]

英:  美:

hexahedron 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 六面体


hexahedron 词性/词形变化,hexahedron变形


hexahedron 短语词组

1、regular hexahedron ─── 正六面体

2、hexahedron fraction two ─── 六面体分数二

3、hexahedron city ─── 六面体城市

4、hexahedron virus ─── 六面体病毒

hexahedron 相似词语短语

1、hexahemeron ─── n.创世的六日

2、decahedrons ─── n.[数]十面体

3、decahedron ─── n.[数]十面体

4、hemihedron ─── 半面体

5、heptahedron ─── n.[数]七面体

6、heptahedrons ─── n.[数]七面体

7、hexahedra ─── 六面体(hexahedron的复数)

8、hexahedral ─── adj.六面体的;具有六面的

9、hexahedrons ─── n.[数]六面体

hexahedron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces. ─── 有六个相等的正方形面的六面体。

2、The finite element grid was divided by manual operation and the frame of three-axis turntable was established by adopting 8-node hexahedron units and discrimination processing. ─── 通过手动划分有限元网格,选用8节点六面体单元并离散化处理,建立三维有限元模型。

3、In this paper,strain and stiffness matrix of isoparametric element with eight nodes and hexahedron are derived in detail. ─── 推导了八节点六面体等参单元的应变矩阵、刚度矩阵,对该单元的位移解收敛性和畸变敏感性进行了分析。

4、non - orthogonal hexahedron grids ─── 非正交六面体网络

5、The pre-disposing module of which, ICEM CFD, has special function of plotting hexahedron girdding through mapping technology, building slippery and close-fitting girdding. ─── (3)运用有限元软件ANSYS CFX对圆柱周围的流场进行了模拟,利用CFX的前处理模块ICEM CFD独特的采用映射技术的六面体网格划分功能,生成光滑的贴体网格。

6、Research on the Method of Multi-grid Generation Based on Regular Hexahedron ─── 规则六面体多重网格生成方法的研究

7、Smallest outer-contained parallel hexahedron and the smallest outer-contained cylinder ─── 最小外包容平行六面体和最小外包容圆柱

8、This paper, using cutting method, calculated the equivalent resistance of any two points of the circuit in the normal hexahedron. ─── 本文用剖割的方法计算了正六面体电路任意两端子间的等效电阻。

9、tetrakis hexahedron ─── 四重六面体

10、A Hexahedron Generalized Conforming Element with High Accuracy ─── 一种高精度六面体广义协调元

11、As for the square and regular hexahedron arrays, there are five items in x direction and nine items in y direction which are forty five items at whole. ─── 本文结果显示第一种是漏斗型集光器,可以改变漏斗型集光器内部材质来提升光通量;

12、Design of the Die for Forming the Hexahedron Block by a Single Drawing ─── 六方料一次拉拔成型模设计

13、Research on Hexahedron Remeshing in Finite Element Simulation of Metal Bulk Forming ─── 金属体积成形过程有限元模拟中六面体网格重划技术的研究

14、As full hexahedron mesh generation is one of difficulties of mesh generation methods, it's signal to realize full hexahedron mesh generation. ─── 另外,全六面体网格划分一直是有限元网格划分中的难点之一,实现开孔构件的全六面体网格划分具有重要的现实意义。

15、Keywords longwall remaining coal pillars support;continuous beam;structural analysis;downpour hexahedron;numerical simulation; ─── 长壁留煤柱支撑法;连续梁;结构分析;待垮六面体;数值模拟;

16、Research on Visualization of Arbitrary Hexahedron Elements Data ─── 基于任意六面体单元数据场的可视化研究

17、When using this technique in the finite element simulation of rectangular solid upsetting, the hexahedron remeshing problems are solved well. ─── 将该技术应用于矩形块体镦粗过程的有限元模拟中,较好地解决了六面体网格重划问题。

18、Integrated block is a generalization of hexahedron around, except to execute components installed side pipe fittings, the other three face plate hydraulic valves can be installed. ─── 集成块的推广,除执行六面体元件安装管接头,另一边三个面板液压阀可以安装。

19、hexahedron phase ─── 六方相

20、hexahedron element with 9 nodes ─── 六面体9节点单元

21、cube hexahedron ─── 正六面体

22、Characteristics: white glossy hexahedron crystal or white crystalline powder. ─── 特性:白色有光泽六面体结晶或白色结晶性粉末。

23、The Relationship Between Angles and Errors at Angle(Edge) Dropping Test of a Packaged Hexahedron and Their Controlling Method ─── 包装六面体角(棱)跌落时各跌落角误差的关系及控制方法

24、non-orthogonal hexahedron grids ─── 非正交六面体网格

25、Product characteristic: The product is truncated hexahedron cone metal ingots, product quality is stable and reliable. ─── 产品特点:为截角锥六面体金属锭,质量稳定可靠。产品锑、铅等元素含量可根据用户不同要求生产。

26、Special type non-standard products: Rectangle type and hexahedron type of hard alloy products and tungsten base high specific alloy products for military application. ─── 异型非标产品系列:合金长条、六方块、军工用钨基高比重合金制品等。

27、arbitrary hexahedron plays an important role in finite element analysis. ─── 任意六面体单元在有限元分析中有着重要的作用。

28、This paper tries to generalize the throwing objects from the one dimension pin to the convex curve in two dimension,and even the three dimensional regular tetrahedron and regular hexahedron. ─── 在蒲丰投针问题的基础上,把投掷物由一维的针推广到二维的凸曲线,三维的正四面体、正六面体;

29、Based on the structural and movement characteristics of this kind of radial mechanism, a new hexahedron mechanism is proposed. ─── 本文在其结构和运动特点分析的基础上,进一步提出一种新型六面体机构。

30、Then, we divide the entire region into many hexahedron elements, and interpolate conductivity and electric potential with a trilinear function in each element. ─── 然后利用有限单元法解变分问题,采用六面体单元对研究区域进行剖分,对电导率及电位均用三线性函数进行插值;

31、Keywords BN fiber;hexahedron;tensile strength; ─── 关键词BN纤维;六方相;抗张强度;

32、Generating method of surface contour lines of eight-node hexahedron element in three dimensional FEM numeric simulation ─── 基于六面体八节点单元的三维有限元数值模拟表面等值线的生成算法

33、Keywords file;tapered hexahedron;roll forging die and mold;conjugation;meshing; ─── 锉刀;六方锥形体;辊锻模具;共轭;啮合;

34、Accordingly, a technique for automatic hexahedron mesh of rock-mass with complex structure was realized using multiply mapping mesh. ─── 在此基础上,利用多重映射网格,实现了复杂构造岩体六面体网格剖分;

35、Keywords longwall remaining coal pillars support mining;continuous beam;numerical simulation;structural analysis;downpour hexahedron; ─── 长壁留煤柱支撑法开采;连续梁;数值模拟;结构分析;待垮六面体;

36、Keywords hexahedron type isolator;experimentation of dynamic and static characteristic;data batch processing; ─── 六面体隔振器;静、动态试验;试验数据批处理;


38、Novel morphologies of vaterite, including hexahedron plate-shaped, top-shaped, and peanut-shaped were found. ─── 合成出六边形板状结构、陀螺形、花生形等形貌新颖的球霰石。

39、Keywords arbitrary hexahedron collocated grids;dislocation corrections;finite volume method;SIMPLE algorithm;building wind field; ─── 任意六面体同位网格;错位修正;有限体积法;SIMPLE算法;建筑风场;

40、downpour hexahedron ─── 待垮六面体

41、Accordingly, a technique for automatic hexahedron mesh of rock-mass with complex structure was realized using multiply mapping mesh. ─── 在此基础上,利用多重映射网格,实现了复杂构造岩体六面体网格剖分;


43、The outer-contained parallel hexahedron smaller then that in the now existing document is presented according to the given point series, and the definition and solution model of smallest outer-contained cylinder are introduced. ─── 摘要根据已给点列,给出了比现有文献更小的外包容平行六面体,并引进了最小外包容圆柱的定义、求解模型。

44、A kind of complete automatic subdivision method for mesh of hexahedron based on quadratic subdivision of tetrahedron was put forward and the corresponding program was developed. ─── 摘要提出了一种基于四面体二次剖分的六面体网格全自动剖分方法,研制了相应的程序。

45、The Technique of Ensuring Mutual Perpendicular in Face Milling Hexahedron ─── 端铣六面体各面互相垂直的技巧

46、2 Novel air conditioned hexahedron cab having wide horizon,damping seal driving comfort and good look. ─── 2、整机造型美观,更具时代感,新颖的弧型六面体空调驾驶室,视野开阔,密封性能好。

47、hexahedron element ─── 六面体单元

48、Chip is of a general hexahedron surrounded addition to the installation of a pipe leading to the implementation of joint components, the remaining three hydraulic valve plate can be installed. ─── 集成块是一个通用化的六面体,四周除一面安装通向执行元件的管接头外,其余三面都可安装板式液压阀。

49、And for regular hexahedron and cylinder, they are same detector area which is 1mm2.After that, we can start to find and compare the relationship of concentrator ratio. ─── 第二种是透镜型集光器,改变透镜的放大的比例可提升集光比,且随著太阳入射角度增加,集光比会下降。

50、Induced Permutation Group's Rotation Index of Rotation Group of Cube Hexahedron ─── 正六面体的旋转群导出的点边面置换群的轮换指标

51、Numerical Simulation of Wind Fields around Buildings Using Arbitrary Collocated Hexahedron Grids ─── 建筑风场任意六面体同位网格系统的数值模拟

52、Text Super Cooper died in the fighting injuries, as in animal Hexahedron car"s second front commander. ─── 超级柯柏文在战斗中重伤不治,六面兽担任地汽车人第二方面军司令。

53、regular hexahedron group ─── 正六面体群

54、This paper deduced a generalized formula for calculating theelectrostatic disturbance torque of gimbaled electrostatically suspended gyro(ESG)with regular hexahedron electrodes arrangement. ─── 本文推导了正六面体电极分布的常平架静电陀螺仪电场干扰力矩计算的一般公式。

55、hexahedron synthetic diamond press ─── 六面顶金刚石压机

56、In this paper, an automatic hexahedron mesh generation method based on the advancing front method is described for the multi-medium 3D complicated domain. ─── 使用自适应有限单元法在三维复杂域内求解水工及岩土工程问题,讨论了应用行波法在多介质三维复杂块体内六面体单元网格的自动生成过程。

57、arbitrary collocated hexahedron grids ─── 任意六面体同位网格

58、convenient and applied geometric transformation function, which is suit for interface of quadrangle or hexahedron, is proposed. ─── 提出方便实用的、适合于内外域交界面为四边形或六面体情况的几何变换函数。

59、Slope protection of mixed living being and concrete hexahedron frame ─── 生物与六棱体混凝土框架混交式护坡

60、a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces. ─── 有六个相等的正方形面的六面体。

61、Keywords BN fiber;hexahedron phase;tensile strength; ─── BN纤维;六方相;抗张强度;

62、Abstract Isoparametric element of arbitrary hexahedron plays an important role in finite element analysis. ─── 内容摘要 等参数任意六面体单元在有限元分析中有着重要的作用。

63、Abstract: Body-fitted hexahedron grid was obtained of high speed train head surface based on mapping approach. ─── 摘 要: 利用映射法生成高速列车头部流场的六面体贴体网格。

64、We can now use tetrahedron and hexahedron elements in three-dimensional stress analysis ─── 我们现在在三维应力分析中采用四面体单元和六面体单元。

65、Harappan engineers followed the decimal division of measurement for all practical purposes, including the measurement of mass as revealed by their hexahedron weights. ─── 哈拉帕的工程师沿用着十进制的刻度划分。实际上,包括质量的测量,都是通过他们的六面体法码而表现。

66、a regular hexahedron ─── 六面体

67、The calculation accuracy and the calculation efficiency of hexahedron mesh generated by author are higher than tetrahedron element. ─── 所剖分的六面体单元的-算精度和计算效率都高于四面体单元。

68、Four kinds of situations between the smallest outer-contained hexahedron of the same point series and axis of cylinder are presented, and the reliability of the above stated model and analysis is verified by living example. ─── 给出了同一点列的最小外包容六面体与圆柱轴线间的4种情况,并用实例验证了所述模型和分析的可靠性。

69、Based on the meshing equations of bevel gears, using the method of setting solid model by bottom-up and 8-nodes element of hexahedron, its finite element 3D model of three gear tooth is set up. ─── 根据螺旋锥齿轮啮合方程,采用“自底向上”的实体建模方法和八节点六面体等参元,建立其三齿的有限元分析3D模型;

70、A Modal Experimental Investigation of Hexahedron Flexible Multi-body Truss ─── 六面体柔性桁架多体结构的模态测试实验研究

71、rectangular hexahedron ─── 矩形六面体

72、This dissertation take the artificial diamond hexahedron press synthesizes PDC as the experimental object, has researched and developed measure system of PDC temperature field. ─── 本文以生产金刚石复合片的人造金刚石六面顶压机为对象,研制了金刚石复合片温度场测量系统。

73、hexahedron virus ─── 六面体病毒

74、Calculation for equivalent loads of prestress in hexahedron element ─── 六面体单元下预应力等代荷载计算

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