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09-14 投稿



petulance 发音


英:  美:

petulance 中文意思翻译



petulance 网络释义

n. 易怒;生气;性急;暴躁

petulance 词性/词形变化,petulance变形


petulance 短语词组

1、petulance of mankind ─── 人类的任性

2、petulance wpg ─── 任性wpg

petulance 相似词语短语

1、ambulance ─── n.[车辆][医]救护车;战时流动医院

2、penance ─── n.忏悔;苦修;苦差事;v.使忏悔;使苦修

3、exultance ─── n.狂喜;欢欣;得意

4、parlance ─── n.说法;用语;语调;发言

5、elance ─── 投射式动作

6、petulantly ─── adv.任性地;脾气坏地

7、petulancy ─── n.性急;闹气;狂妄

8、petulant ─── adj.暴躁的;任性的;难以取悦的

9、postulancy ─── 姿势学

petulance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, such hunger and dynamism seem less evident in American life than petulance that the world is not cooperating. ─── 今天,美国人身上的这种渴望和活力看上去弱于他们对世界不与其合作而产生的急躁感。

2、He tore up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. ─── 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了.

3、His impolite manners incurred her petulance. ─── 他不礼貌的举动激怒了她。

4、He came on late in his career to transform himself, but that was never necessary with Bryant.At 29, he's been great for most of a decade.He's paid his price for petulance. ─── 已经29岁的科比过去的这些年中,他已经为自己的任性的折腾付出了代价,他已经完成了自己的转变。

5、Also, some women's brains are wired to interpret anger and petulance as love because of their early negative experiences with men. ─── 另外,因为一些女性和男性早起的消极经历,她们的大脑因爱生狠,还要耍性子,从而让她们感到兴奋。

6、He didn't allow himself to be consumed instantaneously by petulance and bitterness. ─── 他没有向公众暗示说自己或许是一个政策的牺牲品,而并非因为球技。

7、Hammers boss Alan Pardew was furious with Tevez's display of petulance, and the Argentina striker has responded by saying sorry to his manager and team-mates at training today. ─── 铁锤帮帮主对特维斯不理智的行为很不满意。为此,特维斯在周一的训练中向教练和队友进行了道歉。

8、He tear up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. ─── 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了。

9、He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star. ─── 他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性。

10、Notting Hill makes clever use of Roberts' reputation for bad choices and occasional petulance. ─── 媒体紧追不放,如今,还反咬一口,生生让人觉得可悲。

11、What Mr. Radcliffe does not seem to possess is the arrogance or petulance that typically comes with such fortune and fame. ─── 一般而言,巨额财富和显赫声名接踵而至,人就会变得傲慢自大、任性无礼,然而雷德克里夫先生似乎并没有这种毛病。

12、Control yourself, sir. These outbursts of petulance are not seemly . ─── 您哪,就克制点吧。这么使性子可不像话。

13、Second, in a pinch, the government lapses into bully boy petulance, throwing economic and military weight around the region. ─── 其次,在必要时,中国政府会表现出街头霸王的任性,在区域内利用经济和军事实力以势压人。

14、He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star ─── 他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性

15、babyish tears and petulance. ─── 孩子气的眼泪和撒娇。

16、Wayne Rooney's nasty side reared its head at Windsor Park, as he was chastised by skipper David Beckham following a show at petulance towards the referee. ─── 当队长贝克汉姆因为鲁尼怒对裁判而被出示黄牌而警告鲁尼时,鲁尼在温莎公园表现出相当不服气的样子。

17、"He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star" (Annalyn Swan). ─── “他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性” (阿那林·斯旺)。

18、in a fit of petulance ─── 一怒之下

19、He mention he assaulted a prisoner this morning out of sheer petulance? ─── 他有没有说他今天早上因为不爽痛殴了犯人?

20、Discipline isn't all about getting the wrong side of the referee. There will no doubt also be quiet focus on Ronaldo's worrying decline into animated petulance. ─── 作为世界足球先生,罗纳尔多却对对手的抢断、甚至队友充满怨言,举止不当,这也令其他球迷对曼联更为反感。

21、Even so, the writers and broadcasters didn't take kindly to Kobe's selfishness, arrogance and petulance. ─── 即便如此,专栏作家和解说们并不放过科比的自私、傲慢和小脾气。

22、Why show our weakness in front of people.Maybe our cries are considered petulance. ─── 何必人前示弱,再落个撒娇之嫌。

23、7.Zeus`s pride and petulance became more and more intolerable. ─── 宙斯的傲气和喜怒无常的脾气实在太叫人难以忍受。

24、babyish tears and petulance ─── 孩子气的眼泪和撒娇

25、I write you to address my growing concerns regarding your recent petulance and that of your fellow Archbishops. ─── 我怀着对你和手下近日无常的暴躁的担忧给你写这封信。

26、Latin petulance. ─── 拉丁人的暴躁个性。

27、He tears up the manuscript in a fit of petulance. ─── 他一怒之下把手稿撕碎了。

28、His petulance made her impatient. ─── 他的任性让她无法忍受。

29、The quality or state of being irritable; testiness or petulance. ─── 激怒激怒的性质或状态;烦躁或生气

30、The footnotes the conference now occupies in the history book relate mainly to Franklin Roosevelt's petulance. ─── 这次会议如今在历史书上占用的脚注主要与富兰克林-罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的莽撞有关。

31、But Mourinho insists the Ivory Coast international's actions were caused by frustration rather than petulance. ─── 但是穆帅坚持认为这位象牙海岸国脚的行为是被不顺心引起的,而不是发脾气。

32、For this, Bryant can blame himself.This is the price paid for petulance. ─── 因为这个,科比需要自我检讨,这是他为了自己曾经的折腾所付出的代价。

33、Mr Rooney, however, is hampered by the characteristic English vices of insubordination and petulance. ─── 然而,鲁尼受到了不服从命令和任性等英国人特有的恶习的阻碍。

34、e.g. He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star. ─── 他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性.

35、He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star(Annalyn Swan. ─── 他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性(阿那林·斯旺)。

36、Of course what Lear speaks is the truth: Cordelia was disinherited and banished by Lear in a fit of petulance all because she could not bring herself to duplicate the honey-tongued hypocrisy of her sisters. ─── 当然,李尔所说的句句真实:考狄莉亚不会像姐姐们那样玩弄甜言蜜语的虚伪一套,因而激怒了李尔王,暴怒之下,他剥夺了考狄莉亚的继承权,将之驱逐出国。

37、Discipline isn't all about getting the wrong side of the referee.There will no doubt also be quiet focus on Ronaldo's worrying decline into animated petulance. ─── 纪律不严不仅体现在对裁判乱发脾气上,罗纳尔多的骄娇二气也是令人不能忽视的。

38、But the whole team is built around Henry attacking flair.When things are going wrong, we all see the petulance of Henry on the pitch.How to handle it? ─── 如果加上上述的关键因素去购买和留住他想要的球员,这真的可以令阿森纳再进入一个更高的层次,从而在冠军联赛里取得成功以及统治英超联赛。

39、His impolite manners incurred her petulance . ─── 他不礼貌的举动激怒了她。

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