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inhospitable 发音

英:[,ɪnhɒ'spɪtəb(ə)l; ɪn'hɒspɪt-]  美:[,ɪnhɑ'spɪtəbl]

英:  美:

inhospitable 中文意思翻译



inhospitable 网络释义

adj. 荒凉的;冷淡的,不好客的;不适居留的

inhospitable 短语词组

1、inhospitable environment ─── 恶劣环境

inhospitable 反义词


inhospitable 同义词

bleak | uninviting | desolate | hospitable | forbidding | unwelcoming | cold | hostile |unfriendly | unneighborly | uncordial | unreceptive | harsh | ungracious | barren

inhospitable 词性/词形变化,inhospitable变形

副词: inhospitably |名词: inhospitableness |

inhospitable 相似词语短语

1、inheritable ─── adj.可继承的;会遗传的

2、hospitale ─── 医院

3、hospitable ─── adj.热情友好的;(环境)舒适的

4、inhospitably ─── adv.冷淡地;荒凉地

5、inhabitable ─── adj.适于居住的;可居住的,可栖居的

6、unhospitable ─── 无法住院

7、indomitable ─── adj.不屈不挠的;不服输的;不气馁的

8、hospitably ─── adv.招待周到地;亲切地;善于款待地

9、incogitable ─── adj.无法猜测的;无法想像的

inhospitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact, most of Australia, whose total area is roughly equivalent to that of the United States, strikes Europeans as a dray inhospitable country. ─── 实际上,澳大利亚总面积大致相当于美国,它的大部分地域给欧洲人的印象是这是一片干旱的不毛之地。

2、You`re never afraid of a challenge and you see beauty even in the most inhospitable environments. ─── 你从来不会害怕挑战.哪怕在最荒凉的环境里你也能看到美好的东西.

3、What the devil is the matter?' he asked, eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment. ─── “见鬼,到底是怎么回事?”他问。就在我刚才受到那样不礼貌的接待后,他还这样瞅着我,可真难以忍受。

4、Huawei also ventured to inhospitable backwaters outside China.It was in Algeria during its 2003 earthquake and Iraq during its war. ─── 华为也冒险到其他一些闹战乱和灾荒的落后国家开拓市场,例如,2003年闹地震的阿尔及利亚和打仗的伊拉克。

5、This is the time period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans. ─── 这段时间里,大多数科学家曾认为该地区不适合人类居住。

6、I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations, through which for the next seven years I was destined to journey. ─── 我才刚过十二岁生日时就遭遇到考试的无情处境,也因此那接下来的七年,我开始了命中注定得过的苦日子。

7、It orbits an inhospitable ice world named Orto Plutonia, which was a protectorate of the Pantorans. ─── 她围绕荒凉的冰雪行星奥托普卢托尼亚公转,这颗行星曾经是潘托拉人的保护领地。

8、In reality, however, the moon is more inhospitable than the most desolate place on the earth. ─── 其实,月球比地球上最荒凉的地方更不适于居住;

9、inhospitable climate ─── 不友好的气氛

10、Organizers collected a range of bold, sometimes zany, approaches to the threat of an increasingly inhospitable world. ─── 组织者收集了一系列大胆,甚至有时是古怪的,通往越来越不宜居住世界的威胁的方法。

11、8.I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations. ─── 8. 我刚过了十二岁生日,就步入了令人头疼的考试区域。

12、For the most part the elderly struggle to exist in an inhospitable world. ─── 老人大都为生存在一个冷淡的世界上挣扎着。

13、2)It is inhospitable to turn a stranger away. ─── 把陌生人拒之门外不是好客的表现。

14、The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands. ─── 土著蚂蚁唯一的地方缺乏的是南极洲和一些偏远或荒凉的岛屿。

15、They also have a home crowd who are vociferous enough to make Turf Moor an inhospitable place for any visiting side. ─── 他们也拥有一群铁杆球迷,足以让任何踏上特富摩尔球场的客场球队如堕冰窟。

16、Inhospitable: Unfavorable to life or growth; hostile ─── 荒凉的,不毛的:不适于生存或生长的。

17、But the camera focuses on a handful of the 30,000 troops that landed on the inhospitable spec of volcanic ash and tufa that is Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945, to dislodge some 20,000 well-fortified Japanese. ─── 但是影片的镜头对准了一批为了驱逐20,000人,火力强大的日本部队而降落在火山灰和泉华地区的30,000人的部队,那是19,1945年2月的硫磺岛。

18、Yet many people, thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak, rocky, cold and inhospitable land mass, may wonder: Why all the fuss? Why protect something so unpromising? ─── 至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆仅仅是一大片荒凉、寒冷、岩石林立、根本无法居住的土地。他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土地?

19、Taxicab drivers subject to inspections ahead of the Olympics. Organizers want to curb inhospitable traits such as body odor and garlic breath. ─── 000出租车司机奥运会前将可能要被检验。组织者要管制不友好的举止,包括身体发臭,嘴有大蒜味。

20、Within two years they had tamed this inhospitable landscape. ─── 两年之内他们已经开垦了这片荒凉的土地。

21、it flourishes in the most inhospitable places. ─── 它在最不合适的地方也能繁茂生长。

22、they are extremely inhospitable these days; her greeting was cold and inhospitable. ─── 现在他们非常冷淡;她的问候冷淡、不好客。

23、Every indication on Earth seems to show that, once life starts, it is awfully hard to keep down: the most inhospitable places are almost always found to harbour some kind of hardy organism. ─── 地球上的一切迹象都表明,生命一旦出现就将不可阻止:最严酷的环境也往往容纳着某些坚毅的生命。

24、The Norsemen were hunters and farmers who, when times were hard in their inhospitable land, marauded southwards overland from the Danish peninsula, attacking other Teutonic peoples. ─── 古代北欧人都是猎人和农民,他们在荒凉的土地上艰难度日,从丹麦半岛经陆路前往南部抢劫,袭击其他条顿族人。

25、an inhospitable disposition. ─── 不热情、不关心别人的行为方式。

26、Refugees in inhospitable regions have had to cope with sandstorms, lack of water, scorching sun during the day and freezing temperatures at night. ─── 生活在恶劣条件中的难民经常不得不努力适应沙尘暴、缺水、白天的烈日和夜晚的寒冷。

27、the world rs most inhospitable terrain ─── 世界上最不适宜居住的地区

28、They are slow-growing but can colonize areas too inhospitable for other plants. ─── 地衣生长缓慢,可在其它植物不能生长的地方生存。

29、At twenty years of age he left his country for the inhospitable realms of Arfica. ─── 他在二十岁的时候,离开祖国,到了非洲这不好客的地方。

30、Almost certainly, life can develop and exist in much more inhospitable climates. ─── 几乎可以肯定的是,生命能够在比这不利得多的气候条件下生存发展。

31、It is a place where, every moment, you can see something new, something intriguing, something mystifying.It is unashamedly harsh and inhospitable. ─── 莫斯科是个充满活力的城市,并拥有由遥远的历史所激发的一切想象和现代的神秘感。

32、He reveled in it like a man who has reached an oasis after traversing an inhospitable desert. ─── 他对此非常高兴,就象一个穿过了荒凉沙漠的人到达了一个绿洲一样。

33、The team plans to look for additional baby stars in the future, and ultimately to piece together what types of conditions allow stars to form in such an inhospitable environment as our galaxy's core. ─── 研究团队计划将来寻找更多的恒星婴儿,最后总结出在类似我们星系核心这样不友好的环境下,什么样的情景还能形成恒星。


35、9.he asked, eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment. ─── 他问。就在我刚才受到那样不礼貌的接待后,他还这样瞅着我,可真难以忍受。

36、the barren inhospitable dessert; inhospitable mountain areas. ─── 光秃秃的荒凉沙漠;不适合居住的山区。

37、It is inhospitable of you not to offer her a drink. ─── 你未给她饮品是待客不周。

38、'What the devil is the matter? ' he asked, eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment. ─── “见什么鬼了?”见我在他不友善的对待后,处于一种无法忍受的状态下,他问道。

39、Only a few brave cyclists have dared to ride along its inhospitable plateau and forge a passage through these mystic lands into Kathmandu . ─── 只有少部分勇敢的骑行者挑战沿着荒凉高原和稳定前进的通道通过这些神秘的陆地进入加德满都。

40、Mars is inhospitable now, but was it always cold and dry? ─── 现在的火星是个不毛之地,但它从以前到现在就一直是又冷又乾的吗?

41、That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen. ─── 那可能是我见过的最光秃、最荒凉、最贫瘠和最不适合居住的岛屿。

42、We do not seek to intimidate, but it is clear that a world, which others can dominate with impunity, would be inhospitable to decency and a threat to the well - being of all people. ─── 我们不想进行恫吓,但是显然,一个别人可以不受惩罚地统治的世界将会是无礼的,对人类的福利是一种威胁。

43、The territory of the wu lin is so inhospitable that travelers are utterly dependent on being able to stop, rest and eat whenever they can. ─── 武林的土地是如此不适合居住,以至于旅人必须彻底适应在任何地方吃喝和歇息。

44、It should be able to deal simultaneously with several crises, large and small, in far-flung and inhospitable places. ─── 北约应当具备同时处理多项危机的能力,从大到小,从遥远之地到荒蛮之境。

45、they are extremely inhospitable these days; her greeting was cold and inhospitable ─── 现在他们非常冷淡;她的问候冷淡、不好客

46、C.Skirting the edges of the harsh and inhospitable Taklimakan desert, the Silk Road actually had several different branches, each passing through different oases.All roads began in Changan (Xian). ─── 丝绸之路其实有数条支线,它们分别沿着环境恶劣、不适合人类居住的塔克拉玛干沙漠外缘,穿越不同的绿洲。

47、an inhospitable climate ─── 恶劣的气候

48、It was a dusty, inhospitable landscape. The train represented a welcome refuge. ─── 景色苍凉,满街尘土,列车就像是吸引人的避难所。

49、Heidi has been used to living freely in toe pastures and she will have a hard time adapting to her new existence in this inhospitable city, and to the severe governess Miss Rottenmeir. ─── 离乡别井的凯迪一时不能适应城市的生活,加上严厉的管家,令凯迪喘不过气。凯迪最终跟克拉娜建立了深厚的友谊。

50、an inhospitable coast ─── 荒凉的海岸.

51、The Marines faced heavy fire from Suribachi and inhospitable terrain, rough volcanic ash which allowed neither secure footing or the digging of a foxhole. ─── 海军陆战队员们面对来自摺钵山的猛烈炮火和难走的地形、既不能安全立足,也不能挖掘散兵坑的崎岖的火山灰地面。

52、'What the devil is the matter?' he asked, eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment. ─── “见什么鬼了?”见我在他不友善的对待后,处于一种无法忍受的状态下,他问道。

53、Their impressive roots, which can be up to a foot long, allow them to thrive in inhospitable environments, like big cities, where most flowers and weeds can't even survive. ─── 它们那庞大伸展的根须能够延伸到很深的地底,足以保证在不大舒服的环境(如大城市)中旺盛的生长,而这些环境是许多花草所完全无法生存的。

54、But during all that time it was developing certain habits that it might survive more easily upon the inhospitable earth. ─── 但在那段期间,细胞培养出一些习性以便更好地适应荒凉的地球。

55、Skirting the edges of the harsh and inhospitable Taklimakan desert, the Silk Road actually had several different branches, each passing through different oases.All roads began in Changan (Xian). ─── 唐代是丝绸之路沿途贸易活动的鼎盛时期,在唐代王朝灭亡后不久,令人闻风丧胆的成吉思汗及其蒙古大军征服了横跨中亚大部分地区的广阔领土。

56、Upon its discovery, Char was found to be an inhospitable volcanic planet with thick ash covering most of its surface and tainting its acrid atmosphere. ─── 炙星当初被发现时是个不适合居住的行星,表面几乎全部覆盖着厚厚的火山灰,大气也被污染了。

57、I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations ─── 我跨进那冷淡无情的考区时才十二周岁。

58、He thinks these views ignore the reality of his inhospitable territory of treeless tundra, rock and ice. ─── 他认为,外界的这些观点忽略了这个地区的实际情况-气候恶劣、到处是草木不生的冻土地带与岩石及冰层。

59、an inhospitable person ─── 冷淡的人

60、In the coming adventure of Rovio wolf Moon you are infected mobile with the who wolf virus and must strike itself by an inhospitable moorland. ─── 在狼之月这款冒险游戏中,你将感染上狼病毒,并逐渐变为狼人。追击猎人和其他。

61、Unfavorable to health or well-being; inhospitable or adverse ─── 不利的:不利于健康或幸福的;不适宜的或有害的

62、They were a pitifully small band against a huge, raw, untamed and inhospitable continent, where disease and iolent death waited in the forbidding forests. ─── 他们为什么要声讨一些我们压根不知道的东西?而那些被批判的东西,原本又是什么样子的?

63、Greenlanders have been the world’s master survivors, stubbornly carving a life for thousands of years out of the most inhospitable desert on the planet. ─── 格陵兰人是世界上最出色的生存者,他们顽强地在这个星球上最荒芜的地方生活了数千年。

64、In the Arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment. ─── 在北极圈,在冰层上下,野生动植物在一个看起来无法居住的环境中繁荣昌盛。

65、Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder and NASA conclude that Mars has generally been cold, dry and inhospitable. ─── 美国科罗拉多大学波尔德分校与航太总署的研究人员断定,火星大致上寒冷、乾燥、不适合居住。

66、Guantanamo Bay is one of the most inhospitable places on earth.The weather is harsh and the working conditions tough. ─── 关塔那摩湾是世界上最不适合居住的地方之一,气候恶劣,条件艰苦。

67、Caption:: Dreamy colors ranging from pale rose to butterscotch to sapphire give this utterly inhospitable gas planet a romantic appeal. ─── 卡西尼探测器独有的角度,看见半弯月的土星,在完全平行于土星环的角度,薄薄的土星环上是土卫二恩西拉达斯。

68、The many different strands that make up American thinking on foreign policy have so far proved inhospitable to an approach based on the calculation of the national interest and the relationships of power. ─── 美国的外交政策思想由许多不同的因素所构成。迄今这些因素与只考虑国家利益和强权关系的观点格格不入。

69、A company inhospitable to new ideas ─── 也可以用于形容一个公司对新点子不理不睬

70、Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. ─── 每年冬天,独自在沙漠无情的冰雪南极洲,深在最荒凉的地球上的地形,一个真正了不起的旅程发生,因为它做了几千年。

71、Sir, you are naturally kind and human--you shall not become cruel and inhospitable on my account. ─── 先生,你生性慈爱而讲人道,你不要为了我的缘故而变得凶残而不客气。

72、Only a few brave cyclists have dared to ride along its inhospitable plateau and forge a passage through these mystic lands into Kathmandu . ─── 只有少部分勇敢的骑行者挑战沿着荒凉高原和稳定前进的通道通过这些神秘的陆地进入加德满都。

73、The Namib Desert is extremely inhospitable. ─── 纳米比亚沙漠生活条件极端恶劣。

74、If that station is inhospitable,short on commuters or long on cops,he walks east to the West Fourth Street subway station. ─── 如果那个车站通勤政旅客太少,或警察太少,他就往东走到西四号街地铁站去。

75、He could never quite bring himself to leave the inhospitable and hostile world that he inhabited, that he may have hated but at least had come to terms with. ─── 他永远舍不得离开他所蛰居的冷漠和敌意的世界,这个世界他可能也恨过,但至少已经习惯了。

76、As you travel further north or west the terrain becomes increasingly drier and more inhospitable; the outback, which takes up more then 75% of the state's area, is largely semi-desert. ─── 再向北或向西行走,地形变得越来越干燥,越来越荒凉;占该州面积75%的人烟稀少的内地大部分是半沙漠地带。

77、They could have been isolated from millions of years from the inhospitable conditions on the planet's surface. ─── 它们可能已经与火星表面不适合生存的环境隔离了数百万年。

78、inhospitable desert areas ─── 荒漠地带

79、Her greeting was cold and inhospitable. ─── 她的迎接非常冷淡。

80、Red Wizards are the notorious and nefarious spellcasters who are the ruling class in the inhospitable but well-inhabited country of Thay. ─── 红袍法师是臭名昭著的托雷地区统治者,拥有奴隶主、鬼神学家和魔法研究者等多重头衔。

81、As evidence of the hardiness and tenacity of life in the galaxy, a world as inhospitable as Mustafar has borne a variety of well-adapted life-forms on and beneath its hellish surface. ─── 据信,银河系中最艰困的生活就在马斯塔法,在这麽不适合居住的环境里有著许多种高度适应的生命型式存在于它地狱般的地表上下。

82、Despite these challenges, some plants and animals are able to adapt to Death Valley's inhospitable climate. ─── 尽管有这些挑战,一些植物和动物都能够适应死亡谷的恶劣气候。

83、inhospitable terrain ─── 不适宜居住的地区

84、I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not;and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. ─── 我坐在有着丰富食物和充足的酒和奉承拍马的桌子前,,但诚挚和真理却不在,我从不友好的伙食饿着肚子离开。

85、they are inhospitable to us. ─── 他们对我们怀有敌意。

86、Yet many people, thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak, rocky, cold and inhospitable land mass, may wonder: Why all the fuss? Why protect something so unpromising? ─── 至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆仅仅是一大片荒凉、严寒、岩石林立、根本无法居住的土地。他们可能很希奇:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土地?

87、Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore; ─── 把破碎的船吐在无情的岸沿;

88、Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? ─── 敢问有谁能踏入这偏远之地呢?

89、Skirting the edges of the harsh and inhospitable Taklimakan desert, the Silk Road actually had several different branches, each passing through different oases. ─── 丝绸并不是丝绸之路上运送的唯一商品。其它货物如奇珍异兽、象牙,及黄金等也通过丝绸之路运输。



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