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09-16 投稿



imperforate 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɜːrfəret]  美:[ɪmˈpɜːfəreɪt]

英:  美:

imperforate 中文意思翻译



imperforate 短语词组

1、imperforate anus ─── [医] 肛门闭锁

2、imperforate cells ─── 闭锁细胞

3、imperforate hymen ─── [医] 无孔处女膜, 处女膜闭锁

imperforate 反义词


imperforate 同义词

incorrectly | faultily | improperly | wrongly |halfway | amiss | poorly | badly | defectively

imperforate 词性/词形变化,imperforate变形

名词: imperfectness |副词: imper-fectly |

imperforate 相似词语短语

1、perforate ─── vt.穿孔于,打孔穿透;在…上打齿孔;vi.穿过,贯穿;穿孔

2、impersonate ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

3、imperforable ─── adj.无孔的,闭锁的;无齿孔的(imperforate的变形)

4、impersonates ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

5、imperforation ─── n.封闭状态;无孔之物

6、impersonated ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

7、imperforated ─── adj.未穿孔的;闭锁的(等于imperforate);n.无齿孔的邮票

8、to perforate ─── 打孔

9、unperforated ─── adj.无齿孔的;无孔的

imperforate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective: We studied the changes of pressure in the anal canal for the postoperative children with congenital imperforate anus in order to evaluate its influence on defecation. ─── 目的:分析先天性无肛患儿术后肛管内压力变化及对患儿临床排便功能的影响。

2、imperforate sheets of stamps. ─── 没有齿孔的邮票

3、R1 Issue $200 block of 8, imperforate bottom margin, the largest one with these features seen till now, very rare, VF-F ─── 普1邮票200元八方连,底边漏齿,为普1邮票200元底边漏齿存世最大方连,极少见,上中品

4、Methods:Thirty-two patients with incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus underwent reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle with gracilis muscle. ─── 方法:对32例先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁患者用股薄肌重建肛门外括肌并重建直肠肛管角。

5、An imperforate anus. ─── 闭锁的肛门

6、imperforate anus ─── 肛门闭锁不通肛

7、C94 Stage Art of Mei Lanfang, imperforate stamps in horizontal pairs, all with corner wide margins, rare, OG, VF ─── 纪94梅兰芳舞台艺术无齿邮票横双连,均带直角宽边,极少见,原胶,上品

8、Keywords Fecal incontinence;Sphincteroplasty;Imperforate;Anorectal angle; ─── 大便失禁;括约肌重建:肛门闭锁;直肠肛管角;

9、We described a case occurring in perineal region associated with amniotic band syndrome, imperforate anus, and intestinal atresia. ─── 我们提出一个发生在会阴部的病例,他同时合并了羊水带症候群、无肛症及肠道闭锁。

10、In contrast, the imperforate film mulching method is a way to cover the topsoil with the film fixed by compacted soil on its ends when the crop is planted beside the film. ─── 地膜覆盖无孔种植法,用地膜平铺于表土,边沿用土压紧封闭,将庄稼种在地膜旁边,膜下土壤中的水分和热量不易散失,却容易吸收外界水分,因此,庄稼增产不比传统覆盖法少。

11、Must choose exterior level so and the surface is slick product of imperforate ceramic tile. ─── 所以一定要选择表面平整而面光滑无孔的瓷砖产品。

12、Imperforate rectum ─── 直肠闭锁

13、Imperforate esophagus ─── 食管闭锁

14、Dragons, 1ca, imperforate horizontal pair, with top right corner margins, rare, VF-F. ─── 大龙邮票1分银横双连无齿样票,带上右直角边,少见,上中品。

15、Imperforate lacrimal punctum is a congenital disorder of dogs involving the lack of an opening to the nasolacrimal duct (tear duct) in the conjunctiva. ─── 鼻泪管阻塞是指一种先天性的鼻泪管在结膜上缺乏开口的疾病。

16、Imperforate jejunum ─── 空肠闭锁

17、Keywords Anus;imperforate;Surgical procedures;operative; ─── 肛门;闭锁;外科手术;

18、ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of anterior sagittal anorectoplasty(ASARP) on treating imperforate anus with rectovestibular fistula(IAFR). ─── 目的探讨应用前矢状入路直肠肛门成形术(ASARP)治疗肛门闭锁直肠前庭瘘的效果。

19、Imperforate punctum lacrimale ─── 泪点闭锁

20、Keywords Abnormalities;Anus;Imperforate;Rectovaginal Fistula;Perioperative Nursing; ─── 畸形;肛门闭锁;直肠阴道瘘;围手术期护理;

21、Normal IOP with imperforate pectinate ─── 伴随梳状堵塞的正常IOP

22、Imperforate pharynx ─── 咽闭锁

23、imperforate cervix ─── 宫颈闭锁

24、The focus of the free clinic was to provide surgeries for patients who suffer from imperforate anus. ─── 在印尼,棉兰慈济志工为贫困的居民举办义诊,这次义诊是针对患有先天无肛症的贫民;

25、imperforate vagina ─── 阴道闭锁

26、D1 Postage Due Stamps, $500 proof in red, imperforate, extremely rare, VF-F ─── 欠1邮票500元红色印样,无齿,首次在拍卖会出现,极少见,上中品

27、imperforate stamp ─── 无齿邮票

28、C94 Stage Art of Mei Lanfang, imperforate stamps in horizontal pairs, all with corner wide margins, rare, OG, VF. ─── 纪94梅兰芳舞台艺术无齿邮票横双连,均带直角宽边,极少见,原胶,上品。

29、Objective:To investigate clinical effect of reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle in the treatment of fecal incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus. ─── 目的:观察重建肛门外括肌和直肠肛管角治疗先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁的临床疗效。

30、Objective:To investigate the perioperative care of 32 neonates with imperforate anus. ─── 目的:总结32例新生儿先天性肛门闭锁的围手术期护理。

31、Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of special body position in digital radiography(DR) for imperforate anus in neonates. ─── 目的:评价特殊体位DR摄影对新生儿肛门闭锁的诊断价值。

32、Imperforate anus is perhaps not the most description of the anorectal malformations under discussion ─── 肛门闭锁一词对于讨论肛门直肠畸形并不太确切。

33、An imperforate stamp. ─── 无齿孔的邮票

34、Keywords anus;imperforate;rectovaginal fistula;incision;sacrococcygeal region; ─── 肛门闭锁;直肠阴道瘘;切口;骶尾部;

35、short colon associated with imperforate anus ─── 短结肠伴肛门闭锁畸形

36、Conclusion Ultrasound was important in the diagnosis and identification of imperforate hymen, . . . ─── 结论超声检查在诊断和鉴别诊断处女膜闭锁中起重要作用,是首选的检查方法。

37、Normal intraocular pressure with imperforate pectinate ─── 伴随梳状堵塞的正常眼内压

38、Imperforate urethral meatus ─── 尿道口闭锁

39、anus imperforate ─── 肛门闭锁

40、There is a technology by the name of Imperforate Film Mulching Method for Crop Planting, simply as 'New Film Method', which can save arable land from white pollution. ─── 有一技术“地膜覆盖无孔种植法”,简称[新膜法],可免除耕地的白色污染。

41、congenital imperforate anus ─── 先天性肛管闭锁

42、Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of anterior sagittal anorectoplasty in imperforate anus with rectovestibular fistula. ─── 目的:探讨应用前矢状入路直肠肛门成形术治疗肛门闭锁直肠前庭瘘的临床价值。

43、Imperforate salivary duct ─── 唾液导管闭锁

44、Abstract:Purpose: To evaluate the operation way and clinical effect in detail of the residual rectourethral fistula after the operation of imperforate anus. ─── 摘 要:目的: 探讨肛门闭锁术后残留直肠尿道瘘的手术方式及疗效。

45、The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum ─── 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

46、Keywords imperforate anus;vector volume manometry;biofeedback;sphincter of anus function; ─── 先天性无肛;向量测压;生物反馈;肛门括约肌;

47、imperforate tracheary cell ─── 管胞

48、Objective To probe into the value of imperforate hymen diagnosed by ultrasound. ─── 目的探讨处女膜闭锁的超声诊断价值。

49、We described a case occurring in perineal region associated with amniotic band syndrome, imperforate anus, and intestinal atresia. ─── 我们提出一个发生在会阴部的病例,他同时合并了羊水带症候群、无肛症及肠道闭锁。

50、These include Down's syndrome, cardiac and esophageal abnormalities, and imperforate anus. ─── 包括Down’s综合症,心血管及食道异常,肛门闭锁。

51、Among them, 17 were combining type, 9 imperforate anus associated with intestinal neuronal dysplasia, 3 immaturity of ganglion cells, 1 hypoganglionosis, 2 neuronal hypogenesis. ─── 其中结合型17例,无肛合并肠神经元异常9例,神经节细胞未成熟3例,神经节细胞减少1例,神经元发育异常2例。

52、The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived stressors and coping behavior in the mothers who rear congenital imperforate anus or megacolon children. ─── 摘要本研究的目的是探讨先天性无肛症与巨肠症儿童的母亲,在养育患孩压经治疗过程中的压力源与因应行为。

53、Intermediate imperforate anus ─── 中位肛门闭锁

54、Decompression of imperforate anus ─── 未开口肛门减压术

55、Materials and Methods: The CT findings of 9 cases with surgically verified imperforate hymen were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 材料和方法:回顾性分析9例手术证实的青春期处女膜闭锁的CT表现。

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