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09-16 投稿



huddles 发音

英:[ˈhʌd(ə)l]  美:[ˈhʌd(ə)l]

英:  美:

huddles 中文意思翻译





huddles 词性/词形变化,huddles变形


huddles 相似词语短语

1、fuddles ─── vt.灌醉;使混乱;n.混乱;酗酒;vi.酗酒

2、cuddles ─── v.拥抱(cuddle的第三人称单数形式);n.拥抱(cuddle的复数形式)

3、huddle ─── v.挤在一起;缩成一团;乱堆在一起;蜷缩;靠拢(听取指示);聚集(私下讨论);草率了事;n.人群;(美橄榄球)队员围聚接受指点;杂乱一团;n.(Huddle)(美、英、加)赫德尔(人名)

4、hoddles ─── 霍德尔

5、huddled ─── v.挤成一团;胡乱堆积(huddle的过去式及过去分词形式)

6、huddler ─── 拥挤者

7、heddles ─── n.综丝;综线;综片

8、guddles ─── 在石头缝里摸鱼

9、buddles ─── v.用洗矿槽洗;n.洗矿槽,淘汰盘

huddles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tom is cold so he huddles up against the radiator. ─── 汤姆感到冷,所以他挨著散热器把身子缩成一团。

2、At first the pup huddles under his covers barely peeking out, but decides that completely under the covers is much safer. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?这些都是很值得大家共同深究的问题。

3、As is depicted in the picture, a schoolboy, frightened to death by examinations, huddles himself up under a desk, refusing to go to school. ─── 正如这幅画所描绘的,一个学童由于极度害怕考试躲在书桌底下缩成一团,不肯去上学。

4、Only if has the very great dynamics reduction stimulation, otherwise huddles together buys the vehicle ' the possibility while holiday `to be miniscule. ─── 除非有很大力度的降价刺激,否则趁节日‘扎堆买车’的可能性微乎其微。”

5、Li Hongzhi huddles up in U.S. ─── 国内的非法网站全部查封。

6、The little girl huddles herself up. ─── 小女孩把身子缩成一团。

7、She huddles in a corner, then quickly creeps across the street and cowers in another darkened spot, at no. 22. ─── 她蜷在角落里,倏而又溜过街道,缩进二十二号的一个黑处。

8、5.People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain. ─── 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨.

9、????Except hits the price war greatly, the new car huddles together going on the market also becomes the auto market “the golden nine silvers ten” a big symbol. ─── 除了大打价格战,新车扎堆上市也成为车市“金九银十”的一大标志。

10、I recommend taking a chapter at a time and making it a central part of your weekly team meetings or daily huddles. ─── 我建议大家每次阅读一章,让它成为你们团队周会的一项中心内容。

11、With former huddles together the promotion to be different, this time sold the field the promotion to play “the exhibition card”. ─── 与以往的扎堆促销不同,这次卖场的促销打起了“展会牌”。

12、The huddles, and what is discussed during or after them, currently aren't disclosed in Goldman's long-term research. ─── 交易业务秘密会议以及会中、会后的讨论内容目前没有披露在高盛的长期研究报告中。

13、And while it is considering adding a disclosure to its client Web site, it says there is no issue with the huddles. ─── 而高盛虽然考虑在其客户网站上披露更多信息,但却表示秘密会议本身没有问题。

14、Germany huddles in the shadow of its experience during the 1930s and has been paralysed by an obsession with moral hazard. ─── 德国蜷缩在上世纪30年代自身经历的阴影之中,道德风险的困扰使它丧失了正常的活动能力。

15、Even the term' huddles' sounds suspicious, 'he said. ─── 他说,甚至连“秘密会议”这个词听起来都可疑。

16、They sit in cosy huddles playing Chinese games, smoking, and eexchanging the latest gossip. ─── 他们懒散地围坐在一起下中国象棋,吸着烟,并相互传播着最新的小道消息。

17、You've got to contribute in huddles and things that don't show up in statistics. ─── 你需要在杂乱的事情中出力,那是无法在数据中体现出来的。”

18、He doesn't spend a lot of time in the huddles in the first place, usually strategizing with his assistants before stepping in at the last minute to deliver instructions. ─── 他没有第一时间加入这堆疯狂的人,而是仍然在和助教商量着最后时刻的作战方针。

19、You've got to contribute in huddles and things that don't show up in statistics. ─── 你需要在杂乱的事情中出力,那是无法在数据中体现出来的。

20、A crowd of teenagers huddles together on a sidewalk.But they're not talking to each other.Their heads are bent down, and their thumbs are busy pushing tiny buttons on their cell phones. ─── 一群青少年在人行道上围成一团,他们不是在互相谈话,而是低着头正忙着用拇指在他们的手机键盘上按键。

21、People stood around in huddles. ─── 人们三五成群地到处聚集着。

22、4.LONDON-Down in the mall, between the fast-food joint and the bagel shop, a group of young people huddles in a flurry of baggy combat pants, skateboards, and slang. ─── 在伦敦市区的购物商店,一群年轻人在一起,穿着松松的运动裤,在滑板,口中说着脏话。

23、'Even the term 'huddles' sounds suspicious,' he said. ─── 他说,甚至连“秘密会议”这个词听起来都可疑。

24、Comes Britain regarding the present Chinese students to read the phenomenon which the commercial course huddles together, Mr. love thought that this is also an erroneous zone. ─── 对于目前中国学生来英国念商科扎堆的现象,love先生觉得这也是误区。

25、The city firm huddles together the new product phenomenon, or will become the city firm competes for the small and medium-sized enterprise customer newly round the fortification fight the start. ─── 城商行扎堆上新产品的现象,或将成为城商行争夺中小企业客户的新一轮“攻坚战”的开始。

26、And while it is considering adding a disclosure to its client Web site, it says there is no issue with the huddles. ─── 而高盛虽然考虑在其客户网站上披露更多信息,但却表示秘密会议本身没有问题。

27、The world's major economists are now huddl ing in Washington, trying to thaw credit markets and end the global panic. ─── 世界上的一些主要经济学家现在云集华盛顿,期待可以稳定信贷市场结束全球经济恐慌。

28、Without the interruptions of hellos from the eye, ear, tongue, nose, and finger, the evolving mind huddles in the corner picking its navel. ─── 若不是不断被来自眼耳口鼻和手指的招呼打断,它正蜷缩一隅自我慰籍。

29、The next day in the yard, an inmate huddles close to the phone. ─── 第二天,在院子里,一个囚犯低着头在电话机旁边。

30、Because the register population huddles together, the competition is intense. ─── 由于报考人数扎堆,竞争激烈。

31、The huddles currently aren't disclosed in Goldman's long-term research, although the firm Monday discussed adding disclosure on its client Web site about the service. ─── 高盛的长期研究报告中目前不披露这类秘密会议的情况,不过高盛周一表示,有可能将会上披露的秘密信息公布在公司的客户网站上。

32、People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain. ─── 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨。

33、The child huddles down in the bed, listening to the sound of the storm. ─── 孩子听到雷雨声, 就在床上缩成了一团。

34、But it doesn't know that, so it huddles and trembles in the soot under the roof. ─── 但是它并不知道那些,于是它在房顶下挤做一团并且摇摇晃晃。

35、huddles to be put in disorder, destroy farm, pollute an environment. ─── 废石乱堆乱放,破坏农田,污染环境。

36、Before fat years, the outstanding issue inside the town is " 3 chaos two much less " , namely car chaos stops random travel, booth chaos is built place, rubbish chaos huddles; ─── 肥年代前,镇内突出的问题是“三乱两多一少”,即车辆乱停乱行,摊棚乱搭摆,垃圾乱倒乱堆;

37、“the trade does not fear huddles together, huddles together only then has business to be mad. ─── “商业不怕扎堆,扎堆才有商气。”

38、People stood around in huddles. ─── 人们三五成群地到处聚集着。

39、Further north, a string of villages huddles along cliffs reached by a quiet loop off the main highway to the Romanian border. ─── 我们继续朝北,下了通往罗马尼亚边境的主要公路,再走过一段安静的环路,那里有几个在悬崖峭壁拥抱中的村庄。

40、Galvin's subpoena, also reviewed by the Journal, asks for a host of internal Goldman documents related to the huddles. ─── 传票要求高盛提供一系列与交易业务秘密会议有关的文件。

41、She huddles against the seat. Clamps her hand over her mouth. ─── 她缩回到座位上,用手紧紧地捂住自己的嘴。

42、The sparrow huddles up, motionless, its eyes as black as ever, still expectant. ─── 小鸟不动,蜷着身,两眼还那么黑,等着!

43、“The inflection point” the phenomenon corresponds with 08 graduate students, is the official huddles together the register. ─── 与08研究生“拐点”现象相对应的,是公务员扎堆儿报考。

44、On the floor people were in huddles. ─── 交易所的人都乱作一团。

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