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09-15 投稿



sleeplessness 发音

英:[ˈsliːpləsnəs]  美:[ˈsliːpləsnəs]

英:  美:

sleeplessness 中文意思翻译



sleeplessness 词性/词形变化,sleeplessness变形

副词: sleeplessly |名词: sleeplessness |

sleeplessness 短语词组

1、causes of sleeplessness ─── 失眠的原因

sleeplessness 相似词语短语

1、helplessness ─── n.无能为力;无可奈何状态

2、peerlessness ─── n.无双;绝世

3、leaflessness ─── 无叶

4、saplessness ─── 无智

5、needlessness ─── [n.不必要;多余

6、leglessness ─── 无腿

7、speechlessness ─── n.一时讲不出话来的样子;哑口无言

8、cheerlessness ─── 无精打采

9、heedlessness ─── n.不注意

sleeplessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But it seems all this sleeplessness might impact our happiness as well. ─── 现在看来,这些失眠也同样影响着我们的幸福。

2、Sleeplessness is sure to tell on your health . ─── 失眠肯定会影响你的健康。

3、She lay sleepless until dawn. ─── 她躺在那儿,直到天亮才睡着。

4、The traffic of the great city went on in the deepening night upon the sleepless river. ─── 夜越来越深了,而这座伟大城市的交通,在这条彻夜不眠的大河上仍是繁忙不息。

5、Take it easy, your sleeplessness resulting from pressure can be cured. ─── 不着急,因压力而造成的失眠是可以治愈的。

6、She suffered terribly from sleeplessness. ─── 她深为失眠症困扰。

7、You are waiting with anxious eyes at my door, sleepless and silent. ─── 你带着切望的眼睛,在门前等我,无眠而静默。

8、Did you see the movie “sleepless in Seattle”? ─── 你看过“西雅图不眠夜”这个电影吗?

9、His hands shook and his eyes were red with grief and sleeplessness. ─── 他双手颤抖,两眼也因为忧伤和失眠而变得通红。

10、It is Sleepless in Seattle. Have you seen it? ─── 《西雅图不眠夜》,看过吗?

11、She looked haggardafter a sleepless night. ─── 一夜失眠之后,她看上去很憔悴。

12、"Bamboo and Basket" (collective creation); and "Sleepless Night" (directed and performed by Shen Wei). ─── 《筐与竹》(集体创作);《不眠的夜》(沈伟自编自演)

13、Those luxurious apparels open with coquet under the moisture of sullages, posy by posy. With such beauty. Sleepless. ─── 在污水滋润下朵朵绽放着妖媚的华容。

14、After three sleepless nights in the workshop, his eyes fell in, cheeks grew long. ─── 在工作室度过三个不眠之夜后,他两眼凹陷,脸颊尖长。

15、Tossing and turning another sleepless night the rain crashes against my window pane. ─── 在雨中漫步你握着她的手和以前牵我不一样。

16、Let's take a call before we get back to "Sleepless" Knoxville, Tennessee, you're on the air, talk to me. ─── 回到“西雅图不眠夜”之前,让我们先接一个来自田纳西州诺克斯维尔的电话。你正在与我们即时连线,请讲话。

17、Seven slick sleepless sleeper seek sleep. ─── 七个失眠的人寻找睡眠。

18、He lay sleepless on his bed. ─── 他躺在床上睡不着。

19、The first three do not worry the taxman; the fourth gives him sleepless nights. ─── 前三种对税务部门影响不大;而第四种却令他们夜不能寐。

20、A: Did you see the movie "sleepless in Seattle"? ─── 你看过《西雅图未眠夜》吗?

21、Towards the end of his life he suffered from sleeplessness and ill health. ─── 他在临终的前几年患失眠症,健康很差。

22、After two sleepless nights of hard work, my brother’s heart trouble flared up. ─── 在努力工作了两个不眠之夜后,我哥哥的心脏病突然发作了。

23、But alas! The very act of concentration seemed to make me more wakeful than ever, and I would pass hours in tormenting sleeplessness. ─── 但是,天哪!高度集中的精力让我比任何时候都清醒,我不得不在折磨人的失眠中捱过几个钟头。

24、But alas! The very act of concentration seemed to make me more wakeful than ever, and I would pass hours in tormenting sleeplessness. ─── 但是,天哪!高度集中的精力让我比任何时候都清醒,我不得不在折磨人的失眠中捱过几个钟头。

25、Strong coffee or tea late at night may cause sleeplessness. ─── 晚上喝浓咖啡或浓茶可能引起失眠。

26、Amidst these thoughts, poor Jones passed a long sleepless night. ─── 可怜的琼斯就这样百感交集,辗转难眠。

27、Only in this way can you get rid of your headache[sleeplessness]. ─── 你只有这样才能摆脱头疼[失眠]。

28、Ooh! Another sleepless night in Beijing. ─── 又是一个北京不眠夜。

29、During those comfortless, sleepless nights, she read many books. ─── 在那些不舒服而又难眠的夜晚,她读了很多书。

30、He had tried to accommodate himself to me. Yet with two silk-padded quilts he still felt icy cold , suffering sleeplessness till daybreak. ─── 他曾经尝试迁就我,但盖上两张丝绵被仍是手冷足寒,一晚困着熬到天明。

31、But alas! The very act of concentration seemed to make me more wakeful than ever, and I would pass hours in tormenting sleeplessness. ─── 但是,天哪!高度集中的精力让我比任何时候都清醒,我不得不在折磨人的失眠中捱过几个钟头。

32、Reduce dosage if restlessness or sleeplessness takes place. ─── 一旦出现烦躁、失眠等症状,请减少剂量。

33、Circling red chambers,low in the curtained door,you shine on the sleepless. ─── 后来要问姐姐一件事情, 还没做自我介绍, 姐姐就说已经认识我啦。

34、At night go to night bar and go dancing and singing, although sleepy but don’ t sleep. Then sleepless, take medcine. ─── 半夜上网,去歌厅,舞厅,困了不睡觉。之后失眠,再吃安眠药。

35、But what insomniacs need most is to break the panicky association between bed and sleeplessness. ─── 但失眠患者最需要的是摆脱失眠与床之间的不健康联系。

36、Sleeplessness is sure to tell upon your health. ─── 失眠一定会影响你的健康。

37、Over and over, I was alone in. Countless sleepless nights. ─── 一次又一次,我独自在无数的失眠夜里。

38、"Bamboo and Basket"(collective creation); and "Sleepless Night"(directed and performed by Shen Wei). ─── 《筐与竹》(集体创作);《不眠的夜》(沈伟自编自演),

39、She passed a sleepless night in the old house . ─── 她在这间旧房子里度过了一个不眠之夜。

40、You'll sit sleepless, hour after hour, staring at nothing through red-rimmed eyes that see no satisfactory answer. ─── 你将会一个小时接一个小时坐着不睡觉充满血色的眼睛白白地盯着却看不到任何满意的答案。

41、Come with your conch-shells sounding, come in the sleepless night. ─── 你吹着法螺来吧,在无眠之夜来吧。

42、His eyes spoke of sleepless nights. ─── 他的眼睛表明他连夜失眠。

43、One evening I heard a tale that rendered me sleepless for nights. ─── 一天晚上,我听说了一个传闻,把我搞得一连几夜都不能入睡。

44、He could allay certain pains by the touch of his cool, firm hands, and by talking to them often induce sleep in men who were suffering from sleeplessness. ─── 他用清凉、坚定的双手进行抚摸能够减轻某些痛苦,他和失眠成疾的人谈话常常能促使他们入睡。

45、Bye-Bye sleepless Saigon, Au revoir walking Vietnam. ─── 又有谁会去理会它呢?

46、Seven days after her first child was born, worn out by sleeplessness and overwhelmed by the task of mothering, she ran away for a few hours. ─── 在她的第一个孩子出世7天之后,她由于困倦而精疲力竭,由于照料孩子的任务而被压垮,因此她失控了几个小时。

47、His eyes were red and sleepless. ─── 他的眼睛因为没有睡好觉布满血丝。

48、She was worn-out after three sleepless nights. ─── 三夜未眠之后,她已筋疲力尽了。

49、She spent a sleepless night. ─── 她度过了一个不眠之夜。

50、Antihistamines , typically used for allergies , can be effective for short- term relief of sleeplessness. ─── 抗组胺剂,通常用于过敏症;,也能缓解短期失眠。

51、But normal sadness can also be accompanied by sleeplessness, lack of concentration and changed appetite. ─── 但正常的悲伤也会伴有失眠、注意力不集中和食欲改变。

52、After a sleepless night, his eyes are a bit puffy. ─── 一夜没睡,他的眼睛有些浮肿。

53、Just some sleepless thoughts that I want to share with you. ─── 只是一些无眠之夜的思考,我想跟大家分享。

54、It is heard by the sleepless listener in the thickly-walled rooms at Borglum. ─── 为那些在伯尔厄隆厚墙内的屋子里难以入眠并注意着四周的人听到。

55、Taking it after a sleepless night helps ease anxiety about insomnia and primes the sleep homeostat. ─── 在失眠之夜后服用能够去除失眠症带来的焦虑并为睡眠的同态调节器做好准备。

56、Are you sure that this has nothing to do with sleeplessness? ─── 你肯定这跟睡眠不足无关吗?

57、As often happens after long sleeplessness, he was seized by an unreasoning panic. ─── 正如长期失眠后经常发生的那样,他总是莫名其妙地惊慌。

58、He had a sleepless night last night. ─── 他昨夜失眠。

59、As long as people see it lasting their time and probably that of their grandchildren, no too many people are going to spend sleepless nights worrying about the run-down of natural resources. ─── 只要人们想到自然资源够他们一辈子用,也许还会够他们的子孙一辈子用,就没有很多人会为自然资源的枯竭而彻夜不眠。

60、You might think that most of the patients at sleep clinics are being treated for sleeplessness, commonly referred to as insomnia, but that's not the case. ─── 你可能会以为大多数病人前来睡眠诊所是因为睡不着觉,也就是我们通常所说的失眠,但事实并非如此。

61、She looked pale with fatigue after a sleepless night. ─── 她经过一个不眠之夜后,脸色看起来很苍白。

62、You need a thorough rest to get rid of your sleeplessness. ─── 你需要彻底休息一下,消除困乏。

63、Her irresponsible behaviour cost her father many sleepless nights. ─── 她那不负责任的行为使她父亲许多夜不得安眠。

64、His doctors were puzzled by the strange case of permanent sleeplessness. ─── 他的医生对这种长期失眠的奇怪状况感到困惑。

65、The sleepless nights she spent watching over her sick child told on her health. ─── 她看护生病的孩子多少夜没有睡觉,这使她的健康受到损害。

66、The Indian legend tells how in the fifth day of a seven day sleepless contemplation of Buddha he began to feel drowsy. ─── 印度的传说是在佛祖七天不眠不休的第五天,他开始感到昏睡。

67、He was sleepless with worry. ─── 他因烦恼而睡不着。

68、The trafficof the great city went on in the deepening night upon the sleepless river. ─── 夜越来越深了,而这座伟大城市的交通,在这条彻夜不眠的大河上仍是繁忙不息。

69、Did you spend a sleepless night with an ill child? ─── 你又陪一个患病的孩子度过一个失无眠的夜晚吗?

70、She looked haggard after a sleepless night. ─── 一夜失眠之后,她看上去很憔悴。

71、It seems that it was sleepless night. ─── 似乎这一夜永远过不完.

72、Sleepless, as well as night and anxious to find, so that he tired You Nu. ─── 一夜未眠,以及一夜的找寻和焦灼,使他又倦又怒。

73、The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. ─── 医生们对他的奇异的不眠感到疑惑。

74、After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness , I forced myself to take a long walk along the beach the next day . ─── 经过一个兴奋的不眠之夜,第二天我勉强起来沿着海滩散步。

75、She look pale and draw after week of sleepless night. ─── 她经历了数周不眠之夜,看上去脸色苍白,形容憔悴。

76、In my sleeplessness, I was drinking hot milk and flipping through a travel magazine, steadfastly ignoring the weird murmurings of the girl outside. ─── 失眠的我正在喝热牛奶、翻着一本旅行杂志,从头到尾都忽视了外面女孩奇怪的声音。

77、Be very careful to read all labels on any over-the-counter preparations used to treat cough and colds, allergies or sleeplessness. ─── 请您仔细阅读用于治疗咳嗽和感冒、变态(过敏)反应或失眠的非处方药标签。

78、Professionally,Ryan reigned again in Sleepless in Seattle (1993). ─── 事业上,瑞恩因《西雅图夜未眠》(1993)再次走红。

79、Financial worries cost her many sleepless nights. ─── 她为钱发愁,许多夜晚无法入睡。

80、He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night. ─── 他彻夜不眠,疲倦得脸色苍白。

81、His hands shook and his eyes were red with grief and sleeplessness. ─── 他双手颤抖,两眼也因为忧伤和失眠而变得通红。

82、It must be awful to be sleepless. ─── 不能入睡真叫人受不了。

83、After two sleepless nights of hard work, my brother's heart trouble flared up. ─── 在努力工作了两个不眠之夜后,我哥哥的心脏病突然发作了。

84、Reading how our symphony caused you sleepless nights, I felt my heart constricted. ─── 你信中说,我们的交响曲使你连夜不能入眠,我听了不由心痛如绞。

85、Any form of noise can be considered pollution if it causes annoyance, sleeplessness, fright, or any other stress reaction. ─── 只要造成滋扰、失眠、惊吓或任何其他心理压力反应,任何形式的声音都可以视为污染。

86、You are waiting with anxious eyes at my door, sleepless and silent. ─── 你带着切望的眼睛,在门前等我,无眠而静默。

87、He spent many a sleepless night pondering over a technical innovation. ─── 他考虑一项技术革新,度过好几个不眠之夜。

88、In my sleepless solitude tonight. ─── 在这孤枕难眠的夜晚。

89、Their faces were pale after a sleepless night, their eyes were bloodshot, and they were tense with excitement. ─── 他们那些失眠的脸上都罩着一层青色,眼球上有红丝,有兴奋的光彩。

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