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ingratitude 发音

英:[ɪnˈɡrætɪtuːd]  美:[ɪnˈɡrætɪtjuːd]

英:  美:

ingratitude 中文意思翻译



ingratitude 网络释义

n. 忘恩负义

ingratitude 同义词

ungratefulness | rudeness | boorishness

ingratitude 短语词组

1、requite kindness with ingratitude ─── 以怨报德

ingratitude 词性/词形变化,ingratitude变形

副词: ingratiatingly |

ingratitude 反义词


ingratitude 相似词语短语

1、inaptitude ─── n.不适当;拙劣

2、incertitude ─── n.不确定,无信心;疑惑

3、caring attitude ─── 关心态度

4、ingratiated ─── vt.使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎

5、gratitude ─── n.感谢(的心情);感激

6、ineptitude ─── n.不适当,不合适;不称职;愚笨;缺乏技巧,无能;笨拙

7、incertitudes ─── n.不确定,无信心;疑惑

8、inexactitude ─── n.不正确;不精密

9、ingratiate ─── vt.使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎

ingratitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those who have shown ingratitude to benefactors will not find others to help them when they are in a fix. ─── 凡是忘恩负义的人,遇到困难的时候,不会有人伸出援手。

2、But their response to Him was one of ingratitude and disrespect.They refused to turn to Him (in repentance);they were "bent on backsliding". ─── 但是他们竟是以不尊重、不感谢来回报上帝,拒绝归向上帝,背道离开祂。

3、Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude. ─── 人确是很不义的,确是忘恩负义的。

4、Next to ingratitude, the most painful thing to bear is gratitude. ─── 除了知恩不报之外,最痛苦并难以承受的一件事就是报恩。

5、He upbraided her with her ingratitude. ─── 他谴责她忘恩负义。

6、LORD, we bow before Thee in the dust and own our grievous ingratitude. ─── 喔,主啊,我们要披麻蒙灰俯伏在你面前,为我们的不知感恩而痛哭忏悔,这是何等大的罪!

7、Rich kids have little time for their elderly parents. The ingratitude! ─── 有钱的子女没时间陪伴年老的父母。真是忘恩负义!

8、10. I earn for thanks two samples of blind ingratitude, stupid to absurdity! ─── 我得到的报答却是两种盲目的忘恩负义,愚蠢得荒谬!

9、Your grandfather urged repeated forgiveness ingratitude, riot, and extravagance and all that ─── 你的外祖父总是一再说什么饶恕过多次了,忘恩负义,好惹事,奢侈浪费等等闲话。

10、black ingratitude ─── 恶毒的忘恩负义

11、Gratitude is the least of virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices. ─── 感恩是小德;忘恩是大恶。

12、As much as this ingratitude pains Him, He nevertheless also finds reason for joy, and our Gospel today speaks of this. ─── 尽 管 这 种 忘 恩 负 义 刺 痛 著 , 还 是 找 到 喜 乐 的 理 由 , 我 们 今 天 的 福 音 就 是 叙 述 这 层 面 。

13、158Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims. ─── 权势认为牺牲者的痛苦是忘恩负义。

14、That ingratitude guy ,he burned me up. ─── 那个忘恩负义的家伙让我满腔怒火。

15、To repay generosity or kindness with ingratitude and injury. ─── 忘恩负义对别人的慷慨和善良不但不感激,反而伤害别人

16、For when the noble Caesar saw him stab, Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms, Quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty heart; ─── 这是最无情的一击,因为当尊贵的凯撒看见他行刺的时候,负心,这一柄比叛徒的武器更锋锐的利剑,就一直刺进了他的心脏,那时候他的伟大的心就碎裂了;

17、Ingratitude is a kind of weakness; clever men are not ungrateful. ─── 忘恩负义是一种软弱的表现;明智的人不会忘记别人的恩德。

18、Ingratitude towards great men is the mark of a strong people. ─── 对进步团队的无情,是伟大城市的象征。

19、ingratitude the worst of vices. ─── 忘恩是大恶。

20、The person of ingratitude has a sad exit at last. ─── 那个忘恩负义的人最终的下场很可悲。

21、He bore with philosophy the conviction that Elizabeth must now become acquainted with whatever of his ingratitude and falsehood had before been unknown to her; ─── 韦翰想起自己对达西种种忘恩负义、虚伪欺诈的事情,伊丽莎白虽然从前不知道,现在可完全明白了,不过他依旧处之泰然,他多少还指望达西给他一些钱。

22、There would be no cycles save for the never-ending cycle of ingratitude. ─── 忘恩负义的无休止循环将不再有其他循环了。

23、He should not show ingratitude for favors. ─── 他不该无情无义。

24、1. The old man upbraided him with ingratitude. ─── 那位老人斥责他忘恩负义。

25、The person always returns ingratitude for kindness. ─── 这个家伙常常恩将仇报。

26、But he still ingratitude night, Bishop stole the precious silver tableware. ─── 但他还是以怨报德,夜晚偷走了主教珍贵的银餐具。

27、And We have distributed the (water) amongst them, in order that they may celebrate (our) praises, but most men are averse (to aught) but (rank) ingratitude. ─── 我确已把雨水分配在他们之间,以便他们记忆。但他们大半只愿忘恩负义。

28、” “No,” she said, moved by a curious feeling of ingratitude; ─── “不是的,”她觉得不好忘恩负义,所以这么说,“可是我应该走了。

29、Too great an eagerness to discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude. ─── 急于逃避履行义务是一种忘恩负义的行为。

30、Don't you know that she repays kindness with ingratitude? ─── 你难道不知道她是个恩将仇报的人?

31、Rather, it would be ingratitude and contempt not to believe. ─── 其实,不信才是藐视上帝的恩典,不感谢。

32、ingratitude;Remove the plank after crossing the bridge;(fig. ) devoid of all gratitude ─── 过河拆桥

33、His healing lesson is limited by his own ingratitude, which is a lesson in sickness. ─── 4他的救治课程被他不知感恩的心所限,而变成了传授疾病之课。

34、repay kindness with ingratitude ─── 恩将仇报

35、His ingratitude disappointed us. ─── 他的忘恩负义使我们失望。

36、ingratitude to one's parents ─── 对父母不孝

37、Marius shuddered at that reproach of ingratitude directed against his father, and which he was on the point of so fatally justifying. ─── 马吕斯听到他责备他父亲有恩不报,不禁浑身战栗,内心万分痛苦,几乎要承认那种责备是对的。

38、Gratitude is the least of virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices ─── 感恩是小德,忘恩是大恶

39、base ingratitude ─── 可耻的忘思负义

40、It is they who rebuke most impressively the sullenness, the ingratitude, the discontent with which many good gifts of God are received. ─── 正是他们才能谴责如下行径:拜上帝所赐承受恩惠却仍然郁郁寡欢、忘恩负义和不满足。

41、2. I have been repaid for the help I gave only with ingratitude. ─── 对于我给予的帮助我得到的只是不义的报答。

42、upbraid sb. with his ingratitude[for being ungrateful ─── 责备某人忘恩负义

43、Ingratitude is a despicable vice. ─── 忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为。

44、His friends were shocked by his ingratitude to his parents. ─── 他对父母不孝, 令他的朋友们大为吃惊。

45、eg: His ingratitude cut her to the heart. ─── 他的忘恩负义刺痛了她的心。

46、No vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude(Joseph Priestley. ─── 没有什么邪恶象贪婪那样令人憎恶(约瑟夫·普里斯特利)。

47、if upon your own account, it would be manifest folly, as well as ingratitude, to neglect it. ─── 如果在你自己的帐户,那将是愚蠢的表现,以及忘恩负义,忽视它。

48、He upbraided her with her ingratitude. ─── 他谴责她忘恩负义。

49、Were now accustomed to his ingratitude. ─── 对于小矮人不知感激的为人已习以为常。

50、to oppose kindness to ingratitude ─── 以德报怨

51、Power takes as ingratitude the writings of its victims. ─── 权力将它的受害者的苦难视为忘恩负义.

52、3. It's her ingratitude that grates on me. ─── 是她忘恩负义把我惹火了。

53、Her help was met with ingratitude and unkindness. ─── 她的帮助得到的是忘恩负义和冷酷无情。

54、They returned ingratitude for the help I gave. ─── 对于我给予的帮助,我得到的只是不义的报答。

55、It rankled him to think of her ingratitude. ─── 想到她的忘恩负义使他痛心。

56、His ingratitude cut me to the heart. ─── 他的忘恩负义伤透了我的心。

57、She was saddened by her son's ingratitude. ─── 儿子的忘恩负义伤了她的心。

58、Assuming satisfactory answer to the above, please do me a malicious ingratitude, timely adopted as the answer. ─── 以上回答假设满意,请不要孤负我的一片恶意,及时采用为答案。

59、It must be sorely tempting for Mr Obama to dismiss a repeat offender who has shown ingratitude as well as disrespect. ─── 对于奥巴马来说,解雇一位经常出言不逊,忘恩负义又无礼的官员肯定是一件极有诱惑力的事情。

60、Her ingratitude stung him. ─── 她的忘恩负义使他痛心。

61、But now they were full of rebelliousness and ingratitude. ─── 可是现在他们充满悖逆和忘恩负义的情况;

62、His ingratitude cut me to the heart. ─── 他的忘恩负义伤透了我的心。

63、He always requited kindness with ingratitude. ─── 他总是以怨报德。

64、He was taxed with ingratitude. ─── 他因忘恩负义而受到责备。

65、Alice refused to let me see her notes, despite the fact that I have always lent her mine. Did you ever hear of such ingratitude? ─── 爱丽丝不准我看她的笔记本,尽管事实上是我总是让她看我的笔记本的。你听说过这种忘恩的吗?

66、The English were in no mood to spare the feelings of an upstart people who had committed the cardinal sin of ingratitude. ─── 英国人决不愿饶恕那些不知情道谢的自命不凡的家伙们的感受。

67、I have been repaid only with ingratitude . ─── 我得到的是不义的报答。

68、It is her ingratitude that grates on me . ─── 是她的忘恩负义把我惹火了。

69、Ingratitude towards great men is the mark of a strong people. ─── 对他们的伟大人物忘恩负义,是伟大民族的標誌。

70、Treat ingratitude with compassion and gratitude. Treat hatred and jealousy with magnanimity and tolerance. ─── 忘恩负义者,应以慈悲及感恩治之;瞋恚嫉妒者,应以宽厚及包容治之。

71、Moreover that which is called, far too harshly in certain cases, the ingratitude of children, is not always a thing so deserving of reproach as it is supposed. ─── 此外,人们在某些情况下说孩子们忘恩负义,也是过于严厉的,其实这并不象人所想的那样有罪。

72、The Goatherd scolded them for their ingratitude in leaving him, when during the storm he had taken more care of them than of his own herd. ─── 牧人骂他们忘恩负义说他曾经在风雪中对他们照顾得比自己的羊还好。

73、1. He repaid me only with ingratitude. ─── 他给我的报答只是忘恩负义。

74、Ferguson has endured much from other players in the past but he has never had to work with the ingratitude of a player he had done so much for. ─── 弗格森已经历了很多其他球员在过去,但他从未有过同忘恩负义的球员,他已经做了大量工作的。

75、requite kindness with ingratitude ─── 以怨报德

76、(1)A contract for the donation of goods may be revoked if the donee is guilty of gross ingratitude by intentionally committing a serious wrong against the donor. ─── 受赠人故意对赠与人为严重不法行为而构成重大忘恩负义的,动产赠与合同得被撤销。

77、Diao's ingratitude for the Deer's kindness was punished ─── 调达忘恩负义,遭到报应

78、and if the exploited class cannot see it and even grows rebellious, that is the basest ingratitude to its benefactors, the exploiters. ─── 如果被剥削阶级不懂得这一点,甚至举行叛乱,那就是对行善的人即对剥削者的一种最卑劣的忘恩负义行为。

79、Many black parents, angered by the way their children were treated, accused the school of gross ingratitude and cowardice. ─── 许多黑人家长对那样对待他们的孩子感到愤慨,他们指责校方十足地忘恩负义、胆小怕事。

80、Ingratitude is a kind of weakness; clever men are not ungrateful ─── 忘恩负义是一种软弱的表现;明智的人不会忘记别人的恩德

81、But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed. ─── 如果你们忘恩负义,那末,我的刑罚确是严厉的。”

82、"No vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude" (Joseph Priestley). ─── “没有什么邪恶象贪婪那样令人憎恶” (约瑟夫·普里斯特利)。

83、Ingratitude is always in combination with hardheartedness. ─── 忘恩负义总是和冷酷无情分不开的。

84、Elevated to the Presidency you assumed the merit of every thing to yourself, and the natural ingratitude of your constitution began to appear ─── 你一登上总统的宝座,就居功自傲,开始暴露出忘恩负义的本性。

85、The king, shocked with this appearance of ingratitude in his favourite child, desired her to consider her words, and to mend her speech, lest it should mar her fortunes. ─── 国王为他心爱的孩子这样的忘恩负义的表现所震惊,希望她考虑自己所说的话并作出改正,免得损害的她的前程。

86、"ingratitude towards great men is the mark of a strong people." ─── 不过,不论是忘恩负义的是英国人、法国人还是希腊人现在都称不上什么强大。

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