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09-17 投稿


nonage 发音

英:[ˈnɑːnɪdʒ; ˈnoʊnɪdʒ]  美:[ˈnəʊnɪdʒ]

英:  美:

nonage 中文意思翻译



nonage 同义词

minority | childhood

nonage 反义词


nonage 相似词语短语

1、nonagon ─── n.九边形

2、nonwage ─── 非工资

3、nonane ─── n.[有化]壬烷

4、coinage ─── n.造币;[金融]货币制度;新造的字及其语等

5、nonimage ─── 非映像

6、tonnage ─── n.吨位,载重量;船舶总吨数,排水量

7、cornage ─── n.马喘声

8、peonage ─── n.[金融]当劳役偿债;当劳役偿债的制度

9、nonanes ─── n.[有化]壬烷

nonage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Improvement of the Probation Investigation System to the Nonage Criminals ─── 论未成年犯缓刑考察制度之完善

2、the education of nonage children ─── 未成年子女教育

3、The conclusion provides primary bases for forest nonage selection. ─── 这一结论可为林木早期选择提供初步依据。

4、The elementary exploration of community culture and the thought and moral construction of nonage ─── 社区文化与未成年人思想道德建设初探

5、In the nonage of Beiwei, Yungang Grotto's figure of Buddha joss inherited and developed the statue's style of Maiji Mountain Grotto, which was made in the evening of Sixteen Countries and influenced by Liangzhou Style. ─── 麦积山石窟十六国后期受西域、凉州造像影响而凿建的佛像风格,在云冈石窟早期佛像中有继承也有发展的痕迹。

6、the school promises a load of the nonage students' education protection and management duty. ─── 最后文章对学校的教育人地位与义务;

7、The bravest achievements were always accomplished in the nonage of a nation(Thomas Paine) ─── 最壮观的成就往往在一个国家的未成熟期取得(托马斯·佩恩)

8、How control availably, how reduce a nonage a crime with maximum limit, is a problem that allows of no to neglect that puts in our in front. ─── 如何有效地控制,如何最大限度地减少未成年人犯罪,是摆在我们面前的一个不容忽视的问题。

9、Father had his own career during his nonage , but now he is so decadent! ─── 他少年出外谋生,独力支持,做了许多大事。那知老境却如此颓唐!

10、nonage criminals ─── 未成年犯

11、nonage bedside ─── 早期床边

12、With the research on mechanism advancing, people will find the method to prevent metabolic syndrome of low birth weigh persons in nonage. ─── 随着对发生机制研究的深入,人们终将找到预防低出生体重发生成年期代谢综合征的早期干预措施。

13、F.Please don't put this article in the nonage's easy contiguous place. ─── 请不要将本品放在未成年人容易接触的地方。

14、The wholesome education in nonage has a great significance for kids for building up their personalities. ─── 健全的早期教育对人格的形成具有重要的意义。

15、Although he be a nonage, but you also can't so to him, the government knew a meeting to say our maltreatment a nonage! ─── 他虽然是个未成年人,可是你也不能这样对他,政府知道了会说我们虐待未成年人的!

16、Nonage crime ─── 未成年人犯罪

17、The nonage is the successor of the Chinese characteristic socialism business.The degrees of their morals will directly influence the prospect of China. ─── 未成年人是中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,他们的思想道德状况如何,直接影响中国的前途和命运。

18、Study of Substitute Milk on Technique of Lamb Ablactation at Nonage ─── 饲喂代乳品对羔羊早期断奶技术的研究

19、Keywords dandelion decoction puerperal period nonage recovery; ─── 蒲公英煎剂;产褥期;早期康复;

20、Result: Fine structure of YuJinFang group is the same as blank group at nonage,but at metaphase and advanced stage these chang gradually. ─── 结果: 玉金方组细胞的微细结构与空白对照组细胞的早期现象基本相同,中期、晚期逐渐变化。

21、Modern AmericanArbitration System comes of archaic Europe Arbitration. Before it is established at thebeginning of the 20th century, nonage arbitration come through a long evolution. ─── 美国现代仲裁制度滥觞于西方古代仲裁,经由美洲殖民地时期和建国后的长期发展,至20世纪初渐趋成型。

22、The court ask his parent for their nonage child to take responsible for the child's currish actions. ─── 法庭要求父母对于其未成年孩子恶意破坏文物的行为负责。

23、Allow the station analysis, is " guardian of a minor" with opposite concept of nonage on the law. ─── 许兰亭分析,在法律上与未成年人相对的概念是“监护人”。

24、nonage destruction ─── 早期破坏

25、The extremity rehabilitation training of nonage cerebral apoplexy hemiparalysis at bedside ─── 脑卒中偏瘫早期床边肢体康复训练

26、Cultural and lingual analysis on the words and expressions of nonage of Six Dynasties MuZhi ─── 六朝墓志未成年年龄词语的文化与语言分析

27、In recent years, teenager's crime rate enlarges gradually, and among them nonage crime absolute number and deliver the opposite ratio of case to all rise obviously. ─── 近年来,青少年犯罪率逐步增大,且其中未成年人犯罪绝对人数及发案相对比率均上升明显。

28、The experience of nursing on heavy head injuries treated by nonage indwelling gastric canal ─── 重型颅脑损伤患者早期留置胃管的护理体会

29、Clinical research of B-type ultrasonic wave in diagnosing nonage pancreas cancer patients ─── B型超声在胰腺癌早期诊断中的应用研究

30、Conclusion :The nonage rehabiliatation therapy can enhance the curing rate and the improvement rate,and can decrease the deformity rate. ─── 结论:早期康复治疗,可以明显提高治愈好转率,降低致残率。

31、A Comparison of the Juridical Protection Systems between China and Japan of Nonage Criminals ─── 中日未成年人违法犯罪司法保护制度比较

32、In the nonage's healthy growth process, community should play how of role? ─── 在未成年人的健康成长过程中,社区应该扮演怎样的角色?

33、In the nonage's healthy growth process, community should play how of role? ─── 在未成年人的健康成长过程中,社区应该扮演怎样的角色?

34、4.If we describe the childhood as the hopeful Spring, and describe the nonage as the passionate Summer, then the agedness period is to be said as a harvesting Autumn. ─── 如果我们把孩提时期比作充满希望的春天,把青年时期比作充满热情的夏天,那么,老年时期就象那充满丰收喜悦的秋天.大概意思就是这样.按这个意思帮忙翻译就好了,谢谢!

35、Cases of nonage student's injury have increased gradually recently.Difficulty in handling this kind of cases lies in how to decide the responsibility of the school, the student and the parents. ─── 未成年学生在校受到伤害的案件逐年增多,处理此类案件的难点在于如何确定学校、学生及其家长的责任。

36、Results: Fine structure of Yujinfang group was the same as that of blank group at nonage,but at metaphase and advanced stage these changed gradually. ─── 结果:玉金方组细胞的微细结构与空白对照组细胞的早期现象基本相同,中期、晚期逐渐变化。

37、The first part is summary about the protection of nonage students and responsibility of school accidents. ─── 第一部分是未成年学生保护与学校事故责任概述。

38、the school promises a load of the nonage students' part of guardianships duty in the school; ─── 学校应承担在校未成年学生的部分监护责任;

39、Results:The nerve function defect grade decreases in evidence in the nonage rehabilitation group and the rehabilitation and acupuncture group,it is superior to that in the control group(P<0.001); ─── 结果:早期康复组、康复加针灸组神经功能缺损评分减少明显优于对照组(P<0.001);

40、The Teacher's Role for the Composition of Nonage New Poesy ─── 早期新诗写作中的师者角色

41、Keywords Tao cognition therapy;Medication;Nonage hypertension; ─── 道家认知治疗;药物治疗;早期高血压;

42、Having analyzed the elemental factors of nonage reading of infants, the researcher interprets the meaning and trend of the education for infants' reading. ─── 摘要本文通过概念阐述,分析了早期阅读的基本要素及早期阅读教育的含义和发展走向。

43、I have already permitted my worthy uncle here, and all of you, to use your pleasure with the frolics of my nonage ─── 我已经让这位可敬的舅舅,还有你们大家,尽量拿我小时的笑料取乐取够了。

44、nonage rats ─── 未成熟大鼠

45、"The bravest achievements were always accomplished in the nonage of a nation" (Thomas Paine) ─── “最壮观的成就往往在一个国家的未成熟期取得”(托马斯·佩恩)

46、Keywords Cerebral infarction;Treatment;Nonage;System rehabilitation training; ─── 脑梗死;治疗;早期;系统康复训练;

47、The wholesome education in nonage has a great significance for kids for building up their personalities. ─── 健全的早期教育对人格的形成具有重要的意义。

48、the school promises a load of the nonage students' education protection and management duty. ─── 学校应承担未成年学生的教育保护(管理)责任。

49、ideological and moral construction of nonage ─── 未成年人思想道德建设

50、Methods Collect from 1993 to 2001 native, 91 data integrities of, Uigur minority under 18 years of age nonage tuberculosis sufferer, sum up its X-ray characteristics. ─── 方法:收集本地1993年至2001年间91例资料完整的,18岁以下的维吾尔族未成年人肺结核患者,总结其X线特点。

51、The probation investigation system in our criminal law has many defects,and it shoule be perfected according to the characteristics of the nonage crime,combined with the communi... ─── 所以缓刑犯是否能改过自新,关键在于是否有完备的缓刑考察制度。

52、Face thus a social problem of crime of nonage so, the school, guardian of a minor and societies are again and should undertake to rise how of responsibility? ─── 那么面临未成年人犯罪这样一个社会问题,学校、监护人和社会又应该承担起怎样的责任?

53、Conclusion Ulcerative colitis is an agnogenic disease,with varied appearance of clinical and endoscope.Coloscopy will help to find nonage pathological ... ─── 结论:溃疡性结肠炎临床及内镜下表现多种多样,早期结肠镜检查有利于发现病变并确定范围、分期,减少漏诊、误诊。

54、Contrast study about curative effect between nonage rehabilitation and acupuncture in patients with acute cerebralvascual disease ─── 急性脑血管病早期康复与针灸疗效对比研究

55、Allow the station analysis, is" guardian of a minor" with opposite concept of nonage on the law. ─── 许兰亭分析,在法律上与未成年人相对的概念是“监护人”。

56、Results: Fine structure of Yujinfang group was the same as that of blank group at nonage, but at metaphase and advanced stage these changed gradually. ─── 结果:玉金方组细胞的微细结构与空白对照组细胞的早期现象基本相同,中期、晚期逐渐变化。

57、Keywords hyperxia;nonage rats;retina;mitochondron; ─── 关键词高氧;未成熟大鼠;视网膜;线粒体;

58、The best chance for adults to guide infants to read is in their daily life, for the characteristics of their random reading and writing in their daily life are accordance with those of nonage reading. ─── 幼儿在日常活动中出现的随机读写行为符合早期阅读的特征,日常生活是对幼儿进行早期阅读指导的最好时机。

59、Results Nonage s tuberculosis bagged the adult tuberculosis all X-ray performances; ─── 结果:未成年人肺结核囊括了成年人肺结核所有X线表现;

60、It is another bravery to face our inescapable nonage . ─── 面对我们难逃的未成熟期也是一种勇敢的表现。

61、The nonage can not enter bar to not have scruples about inside the scope by them. ─── 未成年人不能进酒吧可不在他们顾忌范围内。

62、I have already permitted my worthy uncle here, and all of you, to use your pleasure with the frolics of my nonage. ─── 我已经让这位可敬的舅舅,还有你们大家,尽量拿我小时的笑料取乐取够了。

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