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09-17 投稿


luffing 发音

英:[ˈlʌfɪŋ]  美:[ˈlʌfɪŋ]

英:  美:

luffing 中文意思翻译



luffing 词性/词形变化,luffing变形

动词过去式: luffed |动词第三人称单数: luffs |动词现在分词: luffing |动词过去分词: luffed |

luffing 短语词组

1、luffing crane ─── 水平起重机,俯仰式起重机,鹅头伸臂起重机

2、luffing cable ─── 变幅索

luffing 相似词语短语

1、sluffing ─── 甩浆

2、fuffing ─── 福芬

3、buffing ─── n.[机]磨光,[机]抛光

4、cuffing ─── n.成套(如血管周围白细胞聚集如套状)

5、huffing ─── n.呼吸家用产品的有毒气味来振奋精神的做法;v.激怒;蔑视;吹气;发怒;恫吓;(国际跳棋中)取掉(对方本可吃的棋子)(huff的现在分词)

6、pluffing ─── 毛绒

7、fluffing ─── n.磨里;[皮革]精细磨革;v.抖松;起毛;弄糟(fluff的ing形式);adj.疏松的;起毛的

8、bluffing ─── v.吓唬,蒙骗;以欺骗手段误导(bluff的现在分词)

9、duffing ─── 未击中(某物);弄糟(某事)(duff的现在分词)

luffing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fuzzy optimization mathematical model is built with the optimization target of minimizing the volume of tooth corona of worm gear in luffing mechanism of tower crane. ─── 摘要以塔式起重机变幅机构中蜗轮齿冠体积最小为优化目标,建立了模糊优化设计的数学模型。

2、luffing speed ─── 俯仰速度

3、31. So he issued his commands, which I breathlessly obeyed; till, all of a sudden, he cried, 'Now, my hearty, luff!' ─── 他就这样发布命令,而我则不歇气地执行着,直到他突然喊道:“好了,伙计,转舵向风

4、But the Luff empire was then cursed by the compass, and fell into ruin... ─── 不过拉夫人的统治者被罗盘给诅咒,而陷入了遗迹中......

5、Although the luffing very little of oil gas crop, but occupy reporter control.. ─── 尽管油气产量的变幅微乎其微,但是据记者把握的...

6、Pull the corresponding control handle on the crane consol (hoisting, slewing , luffing), then the crane can do the work accordingly. ─── 扳动起货机操纵台上相应的控制手柄(起升、回转、变幅),起货机便可进行相应的动作。

7、Synthetical Genetics Optimal for the Luffing Mechanism Locus of a Plane Link ─── 平面连杆变幅机构的轨迹综合遗传优化方法

8、Verb: Luffing refers to a shaking or movement of the leading edge of a sail when it is not in trim. ─── 动词1:luffing指的是当帆不平整时,帆的前缘的摇动或移动。

9、luffing crane type coal unloader ─── 俯仰起重机式卸煤机

10、level luffing motion ─── 平行运送

11、luffing grab ─── 俯仰式抓扬机

12、Design of compensating pulley luffing system of portal crane based on particle swarm optimizer ─── 基于粒子群算法的门座起重机平衡滑轮补偿式臂架系统

13、A Key Technology for Replace the Hydraulic Cylinder of the Luffing Mechanism in Bucket-Wheel Stacket-Reclaimer ─── 斗轮堆取料机俯仰液压缸更换的关键工艺

14、to luff ─── 抢风行驶


16、"Luff, and bring her to the wind!" ─── “转舵向风行驶

17、pulley-block luffing gear ─── 升降支臂用滑轮组

18、Balac this procedure incurs German Soccer world many person of criticisms, national sports team Head Coach Luff also being completely muddled which is done by this attack. ─── 巴拉克的这种做法招致德国足坛许多人的批评,国家队主教练勒夫也被这一番攻击搞的晕头转向。

19、Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting, Luff turn a blind eye. ─── 之前巴拉克和领队比埃霍夫唇枪舌剑,抛开教练自己组织球员开会,勒夫都睁一只眼闭一只眼。

20、After related the Kulanyi not fruit several times, loses the patience Commander in Chief Luff announced that its dismissal national sports team, forever no longer will use. ─── 在数次联系库兰伊未果之后,失去耐心的主帅勒夫宣布将其开除国家队,永不再用。

21、An Approach to Stability of Luffing Gear of Portal Crane ─── 关于门机变幅机构平稳性的探讨

22、unloader with luffing crane ─── 俯仰起重机式卸载机

23、However, Mr Luff said the letter showed that the MG Rover study was "expensive" as the two other inquiries had cost ─── 不过,勒夫认为,从这封信里可以看出MG罗孚的调查费用较为“高昂”,因为上述两项调查的费用分别为350万英镑和770万英镑。

24、luffing system ─── 变幅系统

25、gantry crane with level luffing crane ─── 带俯仰式吊车的龙门起重机

26、Development and Application of Tower Crane with Luffing Boom in Foreign Countries ─── 动臂塔机在国外的发展及应用

27、It is conveniently and quickly to modify and recalculate the model in FEM analyzing. 2) To realize the luffing numerical simulation. ─── 它使得有限元分析过程中对模型的修改以及再次计算很方便、快捷,而且不容易出错。

28、level luffing crane ─── 平行运送旋臂起重机

29、luffing winch ─── 俯仰式起重机

30、The hoisting mechanism of the luffing cable crane used in the Three Gorge project features four falls rope winding and has a rope guiding device to ensure correct rope winding. ─── 摘要根据三峡摆塔式缆索起重机起升机构的具体结构特点,对其机构特性进行分析阐述;

31、Therefore party chief accuses Luff not to respect the old member, this has also initiated a German Soccer world's great unrest. ─── 因此队长指责勒夫不尊重老队员,这也引发了德国足坛的一场轩然大波。

32、”In has made the intense response after the media, Luff approximately Balac is speaking face-to-face as soon as possible. ─── 在对媒体发表了激烈的回应后,勒夫正在约巴拉克尽快面谈。

33、The brachial-bridge luffing mechanism and curve slideway live control weight gravity balance system are the core te. ─── 臂桥架变幅系统和曲线滑道活对重自重平衡系统是其核心技术。

34、The port (starboard) hook is luffing slowly at port (starboard) side. ─── 左(右)吊钩在左(右)舷缓慢升降。

35、luffing with payload ─── 带载变幅

36、Luffing up: push the handle to the right, and the boom will be elevated, the angle increased, and the width decreased. ─── 仰起:把操纵手柄向右推,吊臂就仰起,仰角增大,幅度减小。

37、He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. ─── 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。

38、Reaserch the relations between at luffing course of horizontal movement and jib system organization's static stressing, as well as to improve the analyses means of design software of these same crane. ─── 探寻物品在变幅过程中水平移动与臂架系统结构静态受力之间的关系,研究臂架自重平衡系统的设计与臂架系统动力响应之间的关系以及对改善该类门机的设计软件的分析手段。

39、The mentioned method is applied to design of pulley block compensation in luffing mechanism and the results show that the method is feasible and effective. ─── 在滑轮组补偿变幅机构稳健优化设计中加以运用,结果表明该方法是有效的和可行的。

40、Babcok and Wilcox type luffing crane ─── 巴韦型俯仰起重机

41、The luffing motor is used for raising or lowering the job. ─── 变幅马达用来升降吊臂。

42、compensating pulley luffing system ─── 变幅机构

43、The optimization program of luffing mechanism was build,and this will be a useful tool in the design of crane. 2. ─── 同时编制了通用的优化程序,为变幅机构的设计提供了一个高效实用的工具。

44、So it is necessary to optimize the luffing mechanism seriously.Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique is an indirect optimization method. ─── 惩罚函数算法[Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique,简称SUMT], 即序列无约束极小化方法。

45、Luffing up : push the handle to the right , and the boom will be elevated, the angle increased, and the width decreased . ─── 伏倒:把操纵手柄向左拉,吊臂就伏倒,仰角减小,幅度增大。

46、with illustrations by Vanessa Luff and Jake Tebbit. ─── 作者声明: John Woodward and Peter Luff ;

47、A compound algorithm of genetic annealing is designed for optimizing the luffing mechanism locus of a plane link by means of random optimal algorithm, genetic and annealing algorithm. ─── 摘要利用随机优化算法、遗传法和模拟退火法的优。点设计了一套遗传退火混合优化算法,并将其应用于平面连杆变幅机构轨迹复演的优化。

48、6.A brand-new jib-bridge luffing system of crane is brought out based on analysis of the limitation to handle containers of the portal crane. ─── 摘要在分析门座起重机用于集装箱装卸作业的局限性的基础上,提出一种新型的起重机变幅系统。

49、Technical features of luffing cable crane ─── 摆塔式缆索式起重机塔架的技术特性

50、Last year the second session of evaluation's winner was Iraqi Chief Eunice - Mohammed - Luff, he led in chaos caused by war's Iraqi team to obtain Asian Cup champion great honor. ─── 去年第二届评选的获得者是伊拉克队长尤尼斯-穆罕默德-哈勒夫,他带领战乱中的伊拉克队取得了亚洲杯冠军的殊荣。

51、tower crane with luffing boom ─── 动臂式塔机

52、The Structure and Feature of the Luffing Cable Cranes Used in the Three-Gorge Project ─── 三峡摆塔式缆索起重机的构造及性能特点

53、luff of a sail ─── 帆前缘

54、and Silver himself saying, in a kind of song 'Here's to ourselves, and hold your luff, plenty of prizes and plenty of duff.' ─── 希尔弗却像唱歌一样说道:“为我们自己干杯,祝大家万事如意、财源滚滚、大富大贵。”

55、double rigging luff ─── 2-1与2-1复绞辘

56、Reverse design of back rocker powered luffing mechanism of jib crane ─── 后摇杆驱动臀架起重机的变幅机构反求设计

57、luffing boom ─── 升降起重臂

58、The Application of the Genetic Algorithms in the Optimization for the Compensating Pulley System of Luffing Mechanism ─── 基于遗传算法的变幅机构导向滑轮补偿系统的优化

59、Simultaneous operation of the three motions hoisting, luffing and slewing can be driven at full speed and SWL. ─── 这三个运动同步操作、变幅、回转吊装可以驱动全速和协议。

60、A boat cannot sail directly into the wind; attempting to do so is called luffing. ─── 乘船航行不能直接进入风;试图这样做是所谓的变幅。

61、A Study of Switch Type Hydro-electric Servo System of Jib Luffing Mechanism in Rock Drill Robot ─── 凿岩机器人钻臂变幅机构开关式电液伺服系统的研究

62、Control and Application of the Hydraulic Tension Device Used to the Installation of the Luffing Cable Cranes in THREE GORGE PROJECT ─── 三峡缆索式起重机安装设备的控制策略实施

63、Research on Dynamic Behavior of Construction Crane during Luffing Motion with Payload ─── 工程起重机带载变幅时的动态行为研究

64、luffing jib crane ─── 俯仰摇臂式起重机

65、I only am want to let Luff and his team knew that in the future will have my performance. ─── 我只是想让勒夫和他的球队知道,未来会有我的表演。”

66、luff a sail ─── 抢风时使前帆稍微飘动

67、Hoisting and luffing winches are to be one layer of wire on drum. ─── 起重及变幅绞车是一层线在鼓。

68、Luffing down: pull the handle to the left, and the boom will be lowered, the angle decreased, and the width increased. ─── 伏倒:把操纵手柄向左拉,吊臂就伏倒,仰角减小,幅度增大。

69、Abstract: This paper covers a luffing cable crane used in the Three - Gorge Project.The radial - spherical plain bearing as the tower lower support avoid producing bend moment when the tower swings. ─── 摘 要: 三峡摆塔式缆索式起重机塔架的下部支承选用径向轴承,可避免塔架纵向摆动时在塔架截面上产生弯矩;

70、A new-type quayside container crane with jib-bridge luffing system as the main working part is brought out. ─── 摘要提出一种以臂桥架变幅系统为主要工作机构的岸边集装箱起重机。

71、luffing cableway ─── 塔架可倾式缆索道

72、Lifting machine, luffing, Rotary and other organizations, all of the motor-driven. ─── 该机的起升、变幅、回转、等机构,全部采用电机驱动。

73、Luff the sails and lay her in irons. ─── 抢风行驶 向他们进发!

74、Study of Synthetical Genetics Annealing Optimization for the Luffing Mechanism Locus of A Plane Link ─── 平面连杆变幅机构轨迹综合遗传退火优化算法的研究

75、luffing jib tower crane ─── 动臂变幅塔式起重机

76、The watch was all forward looking out for the island. The man at the helm was watching the luff of the sail, and whistling away gently to himself; ─── 瞭望的人全都到船头去看那座岛屿什么时候出现,而舵手也正一面注视着船帆的动静,一面轻轻地吹着口哨。

77、The Kinematic Analysis and Culculation of the Double Swing Bar Luffing Mechanism with Approximate Level Linear Track ─── 具有近似水平直线运动轨迹双摇杆变幅机构的运动学分析与计算

78、Luff since has held the post of Kelinsiman the assistant, to becomes commander in chief, has obtained result and so on World Cup third place and European Cup second place, his position is stable. ─── 勒夫从担任克林斯曼副手以来,到成为主帅,取得了世界杯季军和欧洲杯亚军等成绩,他的位置非常稳固。

79、luffing rights ─── n. 迎风转向权

80、luffing derrick ─── 俯仰式吊货杆

81、luffing motor ─── 吊杆俯仰电动机

82、luffing cableway mast ─── 倾斜式缆道桅杆

83、Brief description of the luffing cable-crane used for the construction of Yangtze Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡工程施工用摆塔式缆索起重机简介

84、Sheltered side, side out of the wind or protected from the current. Opposite of luff. ─── 下风掩蔽的侧边,从风或遮蔽水流的侧边。相对于逆风。


86、First has Chief Balac to mass-criticize the event, latter has Kulanyi to leave the ranks the disturbance, Luff in the authority who leads in the position receives challenges blatantly. ─── (this article originates: Net easy sports) 尽管德国队在上周末主场惊险拿下同组主要竞争对手俄罗斯,并稳坐小组头把交椅,但兴奋之余,的离队还是在德国上下引起轩然大波。

87、luffing extension-jib ─── 升降旋转臂

88、Operations of the crane, including hoisting, Luffing, telescoping, slewing and hoisting of legs, are all driven by the hydraulic system. ─── 起重机工作部分的动作,包括起升、变幅、伸缩、回转及支腿的升降,全部由液压驱动。

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