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09-18 投稿


insubordination 发音

[ 'ɪnsə'bɔrdə'neʃən]

英:  美:

insubordination 中文意思翻译



insubordination 网络释义

n. 反抗,不服从

insubordination 反义词


insubordination 同义词

mutiny | rebelliousness | unruliness | noncompliance |disobedience | defiance

insubordination 相似词语短语

1、inco-ordination ─── n.不协调;不同等;不配合

2、insubordinately ─── adv.犯上地,不服从地

3、inordination ─── 不服从

4、incoordination ─── n.不协调;不同等;不配合

5、insubordinate ─── adj.不听话的;不顺从的

6、insubordinations ─── n.不服从

7、incardination ─── n.入籍;归属

8、insubordinates ─── adj.不听话的;不顺从的

9、subordination ─── n.从属;附属;主从关系

insubordination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination. ─── 这次争端是由解雇一名不服从命令的工人引起的。

2、To warn against insubordination ─── 下马威

3、"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king. ─── 悖逆的罪、与行邪术的罪相等.顽梗的罪、与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同.你既厌弃耶和华的命令、耶和华也厌弃你作王。

4、A detective who was busted to uniformed traffic patrol for insubordination; ─── 因不服从命令而被降级到穿统一制服的交通巡逻队的侦探;

5、7、The charge of insubordination sizzled rapidly through the media and up the chain of command。 ─── 指责将军以上犯下很快就在美国的媒体和军队的上层炸开了锅。

6、The government says if the renegade colonel is captured it will to put him on trial for insubordination, corruption and human rights abuses. ─── 政府说,如果发动叛乱的塞义德.巴卡尔上校被抓获,他们将以反抗当局罪、腐败罪和侵犯人权罪对他进行审判。

7、John was dismissed for insubordination. ─── 约翰因违抗命令而被开除。

8、Two officers were reported for insubordination. ─── 两名军官被举发违抗命令。

9、"Insubordination, including But not limited to, refusal to follow a superior's request or instructions, disrespectful talk or actions towards Supervisor" ─── 不服从上级,包括但不限于拒绝听从主管的要求或指示,对主管使用不尊敬的语言或行为

10、Such personal problems often result in absenteeism, insubordination, and low productivity at work. ─── 这类个人问题常会造成在工作中旷工、不服从管理和生产效率低下等。

11、The government says if the renegade colonel is captured it will to put him on trial for insubordination, corruption and human rights abuses. ─── 政府说,如果发动叛乱的塞义德.巴卡尔上校被抓获,他们将以反抗当局罪、腐败罪和侵犯人权罪对他进行审判。

12、"Certainly they do," the king said. "They obey instantly. I do not permit insubordination." ─── “那当然!”国王对他说,“它们立即就得服从。我是不允许无纪律的。”

13、But a few weeks later Woodle was called to his boss's office on a Friday afternoon and fired without explanation, beyond "insubordination. " ─── 然而,几周后的一个星期五下午,伍德尔被他的上司叫到办公室并被告之他被解雇了,而且除了“不服从上级”这点之外没有其他任何解雇理由。

14、After his second display of insubordination, John was fired on the spot. ─── 在第二次表明他的不愿屈服之后,约翰当场被解雇了。

15、English: An army suffers from flight, insubordination or collapse. ─── 军队失败的六种情况是“走”、“弛”、“陷”、“崩”、“乱”和“北”。

16、On the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations. ─── 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩尔全部坦白了他拒绝执行盲目破坏德国的残余设备。

17、We find fault with those over us and use their faults to justify our insubordination. ─── 我们找出那些上位者的过失,然后用他们的过失来为我们的不愿从作辨护。

18、The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination. ─── 这次争端是由解雇一名不服从命令的工人引起的。

19、was dismissed for insubordination ─── 因违抗命令而被开除

20、Mr Obama is said to be furious, and General McChrystal's job may be on the line as a result of his insubordination. ─── 据说奥巴马先生非常愤怒,因此由于他不服从的结果,麦克克里斯托将军可能官位不保。

21、Gentlemen, please, I only came because I am the captain. And, I want distinctively understood that I should stand no insubordination. ─── 绅士们,请不要误会,我来此地之目的仅仅是因为我是组长,并且我希望你们明白我不接受任何不服从的行为。(还是翻成服从命令?)

22、When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is insubordination ─── 卒强吏弱,曰驰

23、As Kyrie's brother he too has accepted Nero into his family despite the youth's insubordination. ─── 作为姬丽叶的哥哥,他也接受尼禄作为家中的一员,但对于尼禄的不服管很有意见。

24、His principal lesson from military service, though, was that insubordination was not to be tolerated. ─── 然而,他在军队得到的最主要的经验是反抗是不能容忍的。

25、characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination. ─── 具有不安、混乱、反抗的性质。

26、Insubordination will not be tolerated. These are your orders. ─── 这是你的命令,必须服从。

27、if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. ─── 若有无可指责的人,只作一个妇人的丈夫,儿女也是信主的,没有人告他们是放荡不服约束的,就可以设立。

28、The general's insubordination conceals a more serious disagreement: over how to dispose of the Maoists' former fighters. ─── 这位将军的不服从掩盖了一个更严重的分歧:关于如何处置那些毛主义者前战士。

29、Thou Hast Thyself Heard That He Made Allusion To The Ruler Of Heaven, And That He Has Preached Nothing To The People Which Constituteth Insubordination Against The Law. ─── 你已经亲耳听见他是在暗示天上的统治者,他没有人们宣传过任何不顺从法律的东西。

30、I think Barbara must have something on Stephen the way he tolerates her insubordination. ─── 我想巴巴拉一定是掌握了斯蒂芬的某些秘密,他对她百般行迁就。

31、He was canned for insubordination. ─── 他因为顶撞上司被开除了。

32、And if that kind of insubordination continues in the playoffs, the questions will surface all over again concerning Saunder's control over this Detroit team. ─── 如果这种不合作的情况持续到季后赛,那么桑德斯管不住球队这一问题则会再次露出端倪。

33、Now an army is exposed to six several calamities,not arising from natural causes, But from faults for which the general is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse; (4) ruin;(5) disorganization; (6) rout. ─── 故兵有走者、有驰者、有陷者、有崩者、有乱者、有北者。凡此六者,非天之灾,将之过也。

34、The worker was disciplined for insubordination. ─── 这个工人因为不服从而受到惩罚。

35、She would have to make a strong case that was part of her beliefs, if not, it becomes insubordination," he said. ─── 她必须提出强有力的证据证明,这正是她信仰的一部分,如果她不能提出证据,那只能说明,她不服从上司的命令。”

36、What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination? ─── 你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。

37、As a general thing, the Lord did not provide His people with flesh meat in the desert, because He knew that the use of this diet would create disease and insubordination. ─── 一般而论,主不为其子民在旷野里供应肉食,乃是因祂知道,采用此种食物是会产生疾病及背逆的。

38、grave insubordination ─── 严重不服从

39、M2: No insubordination, ha ha, my guy. ─── 不接受不服从,哈哈,老伙计。

40、a detective who was busted to uniformed traffic patrol for insubordination ─── 因不服从命令而被降级到穿统一制服的交通巡逻队的侦探

41、was dismissed for insubordination; ─── 因违抗命令而被开除;

42、For a brief period of time, the marchers' insubordination appeared to be justified. ─── 一个短暂的时间内,游行者违抗命令似乎是有道理的。

43、"This isn't about insubordination, this is about last night, isn't it?It's about Jun! ─── "这是不关于不顺从的事,这是大约昨晚, 它不是? 现在是大约六月!"

44、7. That is tantamount to insubordination. ─── 那等于是不服从命令。

45、obstinate rebelliousness and insubordination; resistance to authority. ─── 顽固的反抗或不服从;对权威的抵抗。

46、Company C Commander Insubordination is grounds for a court-martial! ─── 不服从命令的就等着上军事法庭!

47、But a few weeks later Woodle was called to his boss's office on a Friday afternoon and fired without explanation, beyond "insubordination." ─── 然而,几周后的一个星期五下午,伍德尔被他的上司叫到办公室并被告之他被解雇了,而且除了“不服从上级”这点之外没有其他任何解雇理由。

48、The word insubordination is beyond me. ─── 我不知服从为何物。

49、presumptuous criticisms of such taxes, where someone is called upon to pay them, may be punished as an outrage which could lead to general insubordination. ─── 对所加给他的这类赋税惹事生非地擅行责难,甚至可以当作诽谤(这可能引起普遍的反抗)而加以惩处。

50、The worker was disciplined for insubordination ─── 这个工人因为不服从而受到惩罚

51、It's what led to their success, and it's why bosses can easily mistake a contrary view from a subordinate as insubordination, rather than feedback. ─── 这是他们成功的原因所在,也正因为如此,老板们容易将下属的反对意见看作不服从,而不是反馈。”

52、When the soldiers are strong and courageous but the officers are weak and cowardly, the result will be insubordination. ─── 兵卒强悍而将吏懦弱,因而失败,称作为“弛”。

53、I do not permit insubordination. ─── 我是不允许无纪律的。”

54、She would have to make a strong case that was part of her beliefs, if not, it becomes insubordination, " he said. " ─── 她必须提出强有力的证据证明,这正是她信仰的一部分,如果她不能提出证据,那只能说明,她不服从上司的命令。

55、obstinate rebelliousness and insubordination; ─── 顽固的反抗或不服从;

56、Nibs exclaimed, aghast at such insubordination, whereupon Peter went sternly toward the young lady's chamber. ─── 尼布斯惊叫,对如此不服从感到惊讶,于是,彼得朝年轻小姐的房间严肃地走去。

57、As night approached, it proving impossible to quell her insubordination by rebuke or threats of punishment, Master Brackett, the jailer, thought fit to introduce a physician. ─── 夜幕将临,人们发现无论是大声呵斥抑或是以惩罚作威胁,对于她的不顺从都无济于事,看守布莱基特先生便主张请来一个医生给她看看。

58、He was suspended for insubordination on July 9. ─── 他被禁赛违抗命令于7月9日。

59、"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king. ─── 撒上15:23悖逆的罪、与行邪术的罪相等.顽梗的罪、与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同.你既厌弃耶和华的命令、耶和华也厌弃你作王。

60、Diciplinary committee of New Yarty expelled Lagislator Drew Gau-chen on account of his defaming the party and insubordination. ─── 新党廉政勤政委员会在1997.3.9,声称朱高正不听节制和毁党名誉,正式开除朱立委党籍。

61、Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination. ─── (译者注:这会是自带地图剧情吧==)自由,不是无代价的。

62、For rebellion is like the sin of divination, And insubordination is like idolatry and teraphim. ─── 23悖逆与行邪术的罪相等;顽梗与拜虚神和家神相同。

63、For a brief period of time, the marchers ' insubordination appeared to be justified. ─── 一个短暂的时间内,游行者违抗命令似乎是有道理的。

64、Now on the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations. ─── 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩尔向希特勒全部坦白了他拒绝执行盲目破坏德国残余设备的经过。

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