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09-18 投稿


inadequately 发音

英:[ɪnˈædɪkwətli]  美:[ɪnˈædɪkwətli]

英:  美:

inadequately 中文意思翻译



inadequately 短语词组

1、inadequately equipped ─── 装备不足

2、inadequately equipped to ─── 装备不足,无法

3、inadequately furnished ─── 设备不足

inadequately 反义词


inadequately 同义词

incompetently | imperfectly | defectively | scantly |insufficiently | ineffectually | hopelessly | unsatisfactorily | inefficiently | scarcely | scantily | poorly | ineffectively

inadequately 词性/词形变化,inadequately变形

副词: inadequately |

inadequately 相似词语短语

1、inadequate ─── adj.不充分的,不适当的

2、adequately ─── adv.充分地;足够地;适当地

3、inaccurately ─── adv.不准确地;不正确地

4、adequate ─── adj.充足的;适当的;胜任的

5、inadequacies ─── n.不足;缺陷

6、inadequateness ─── n.不适当

7、increately ─── adv.原存地;非创造出来地

8、inadequacy ─── n.不足,不够好;能力不足;缺点,弱点;不适当;不完全

9、inanimately ─── 无生命的

inadequately 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't shave your legs before they're exposed to circulating water in a pedicure spa. Nicks and cuts from shaving can be infected by bacteria in inadequately cleaned pedicure spas. ─── 不要在把脚放入足疗矿泉的循环水前修你的脚。在不完全干净的足疗矿泉中,修脚时的划痕和切口都能被细菌感染。

2、The pathogenesis of bluetongue is inadequately understood ─── 人们对蓝舌病的发病机制还不完全了解。

3、The uplands of S.E. Asia offer a presently partly unused, or inadequately used, agricultural production potential. ─── 东南亚旱地的农业生产潜力目前有一部分尚未挖掘或未充分挖掘。

4、The Government's housing policy objectives are to reduce the number of inadequately housed people in Hong Kong, to help all households gain access to adequate and affordable housing, and to encourage home ownership in the community. ─── 在房屋政策方面,政府的施政方针是要减少社会上居住环境欠佳的居民人数,帮助所有家庭入住合适和能力可以负担的房屋,以及鼓励市民自置居所。

5、During the American Civil War the strategic location of the city was inadequately appreciated by the Confederate military. ─── 在美国内战期间,新奥尔良的策略是充分迎合联邦军队。

6、inadequately employed,especially employed at a low-paying job that requires less skill or training than one possesses ─── 未按专长雇佣的从事技术性过低的工作,因而报酬过低的

7、Nabs' spouse teaches me to do, has also eaten my pointless jealousy for this nabs, I did not understand that you have married, but also feared that I for have turned inadequately your wife??!! ─── 哥们的爱人教我做的,为这哥们还吃了我的干醋呢,我就不明白了,你都结婚了,还怕我把你媳妇给拐了不成??!!

8、Some studies suggest that prisoners are sometimes inadequately sedated, and perhaps die in silent agony from asphyxiation. ─── 一些研究说,犯人有时可能未被充分麻醉,或许因为窒息而愤怒无声地死去。

9、i) it is the type-case of behavior inadequately interpreted because those who study it professionally are so strongly committed to atomized theories of action; ─── 在本文中,我已经讨论了大部分的行动是深深嵌入在人际关系网络之中的。

10、2. the concrete cylinder of a piston type wet injector sucks materials inadequately in material suction process so that concrete can't fully fill the concrete cylinder, which also causes pulse. ─── (2)活塞式湿喷机在吸料过程混凝土缸吸料不足,使混凝土不能完全填充混凝土缸,从而造成喷射时的“脉动”产生。

11、1995-2000)reports that one of every four housing units in Mexico are substandard(i.e.,overcrowded,precariously constructed,and inadequately linked to public services)(Davelos 1996). ─── 1995-2000)报告说:墨西哥每4套住宅中就有一套是不合格的(即,过于拥挤,建筑安全隐患,缺少公共服务设施)(德弗罗斯 1996)。

12、to be inadequately prepared/insured/funded ─── 准备不充分;保险/资金不充足

13、The time series of financial data have the characteristics of unevenness and variance volatility, which was inadequately explained by traditional classical econometric model. ─── 摘要金融数据时间序列具有丛集性和方差波动性特点,传统经典计量模型对此的解释能力不足。

14、Decision-taking in individual entities tended to concentrate on sustaining earnings performance and boards were inadequately attentive to risks of wholesale disruption. ─── 单个实体在进行决策时,一般会注重持续的收入业绩,而董事会对整体失调的风险则未给予充分重视。

15、Work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially. ─── 草率或粗心地工作;不适当或肤浅地处理。

16、The government's housing policy objectives are to reduce the number of inadequately housed people, to help all households gain access to adequate and affordable housing and to encourage home ownership in the community. ─── 政府的目标是要减少居住环境欠佳市民的人饰垃帮助所有家庭获得合适和负担得来的住挝垃并鼓励市民自置居所。

17、Inadequately employed, especially employed at a low-paying job that requires less skill or training than one possesses. ─── 未按专长雇佣的从事技术性过低的工作因而报酬过低的

18、They seem to have been badly selected, hastily mustered, inadequately trained and poorly equipped. ─── 他们好象都是马马虎虎派来的人,集合仓促,训练不足,装备也糟糕。

19、Method Tunica conjunctiva was examined by microscopy and blood pressure was measured at the exposed femoral arteries in inadequately decompressed animals after hyperbaric exposure. ─── 方法对暴露在高气压环境不充分减压的动物分别进行显微球结膜,麻醉、手术暴露股动脉测血压和病理学检查。

20、Such shortcomings may have left business school graduates inadequately prepared to make the decisions that, taken together, might have helped mitigate the financial crisis, critics say. ─── 批评者说,这些缺失或许让商学院毕业生未做好充分准备,制定整合起来也许有助缓和金融危机的决策。

21、Over pressurization due to expansion of small amounts of liquid into large volumes of gas in inadequately vented equipment ─── 在通风不充分的设备里,小量液体汽化成大量气体造成的过压

22、Root Water Uptake Models of Inadequately Irrigated Rice in South China ─── 南方地区非充分灌溉稻田水稻根系吸水模型研究

23、They seem to have been badly selected, hastily mustered, inadequately trained and poorly equipped. ─── 他们好象都是马马虎虎派来的人,集合仓促,训练不足,装备也糟糕。

24、He attends inadequately to technological development. ─── 他们不甚注意技术的发展。

25、Infestation or infection with trematodes, often caused by ingestion of inadequately cooked food. ─── 吸虫吸虫的侵扰或感染,通常由吃没有煮熟的食物引起

26、the temporary camps were inadequately equipped. ─── 临时的营地装备不充分。

27、Nicks and cuts from shaving can be infected by bacteria in inadequately cleaned pedicure spas. ─── 在不完全干净的足疗矿泉中,修脚时的划痕和切口都能被细菌感染。

28、However, our financial system is inadequately centralized. ─── 但是也有集中不够的。

29、An English edition appeared in the same year in a poor translation and inadequately edited under the title Hitler's Secret Book ─── 同年,此书的一本名为"希特勒轶著"的英译本也出现了,该译本言辞晦涩,版本也很差。

30、If one of the points of your sermon seems to be inadequately developed, but the sermon is already long enough, eliminate one of the points. ─── 如果讲道中的某一点似乎展开得不足,但讲章长度已够,就取消这一点。

31、The books included in the Land Economics Series are designed to explore a field of economics that has been inadequately studied in the past. ─── “土地经济学丛书”中所包括的著作,目的在于探索经济学中过去未曾加以充分研究过的一个领域。

32、overpressurization due to expansion of small amounts of liquid into large volumes of gas in inadequately vented equipment; ─── 在通风不充分的设备里,小量液体汽化成大量气体造成的过压;

33、Deficiencies of iron, folic acid, vitamin C, copper, zinc, and vitamin A may occur in inadequately fed infants and children. ─── 婴儿及儿童喂养不当也会造成铁、酸、维生素C、铜、锌和维生素A等的不足。

34、Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies. ─── 供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。

35、What is often lacking, or inadequately expressed, is an explanation of how and why the research is relevant to the public at large. ─── 这类报道中经常缺乏的、或者表现不充分的,是向大家解释被报道的研究为何与公众有关。

36、Finally, the restraints themselves performed inadequately. ─── 最后,约束自己完成。

37、It would be able to finance projects either not financed or inadequately financed by existing national and international financial institutions. ─── “地区性开发银行将能够对目前国内的或国际的金融机构不能提供资金或不能提供足够资金的项目提供资金.”

38、"He attends inadequately to technological development. ─── 他没有充分关心技术发展。

39、However, because the Party was still inadequately prepared ideologically for all-round socialist construction, that line and the many correct views put forward at the congress were not fully implemented. ─── 但是,由于当时党对于全面建设社会主义的思想准备不足,八大提出的路线和许多正确意见没有能够在实践中坚持下去。

40、An accident that occurred at Chernobyl in 1986 drew attention to the dangers presented by poorly designed, inadequately maintained nuclear reactors. ─── 倘若读者不清楚车诺比核电厂意外事件,作者最好采用上述写法。

41、Treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency is often complicated by inadequately treated or misdiagnosis. ─── 摘要对于上颚宽度不足的治疗,常因为误诊或是不适当的处置,而加重困难度。

42、Inadequate capitalization: Most important, veil piercing is most likely if the corporation has been inadequately capitalized. ─── 但大部分法院不会单独将不充足资本列为揭开面纱。

43、Li Xu will make the delicious meal to eat frequently to us, the jade tablet virtuous will hit the game to be very good, three will hit his one inadequately. ─── 厉旭会经常做好吃的饭菜给我们吃,圭贤打游戏很棒,三个打他一个都不成。

44、I think that it is inadequately centralized as well as inadequately decentralized. ─── 我看,集中也不够,分散也不够。

45、In contrast, 34.6% and 40.9% of the inadequately treated younger individuals (age

46、be inadequately prepared ─── 准备不够

47、The Sale of Capital Ownership in the Inadequately Registered Capital Company ─── 买卖注册资本不实公司股权问题研究

48、"A badly or inadequately regulated market is one in which no one is properly monitoring the scarcity of credit. ─── “在一个规范很差或者不足的市场里,没人在严格地监督信用的不足。

49、From this point of view that proved the degree and extent of regional economic cooperation is inadequately to the economic globalization. ─── 从这个角度上讲,以往的区域经济合作对于经济全球化的深度和广度考虑不够。

50、Compared with pregnancy with heart failure controlled inadequately, pregnancy with effectively controlled heart failure had better tolerance during delivery and through the pregnancy, and puerperium. ─── 孕期心衰控制良好组与不良组比较,前者对妊娠、分娩的耐受性好,能顺利度过妊娠、分娩、产褥期。

51、The government's housing policy objectives are to reduce the number of inadequately housed people,to help all households gain access to adequate and affordable housing and to encourage home ownership in the community. ─── 政府的住房政策目标是要减少居住环境欠佳市民的人,帮助所有家庭获得合适和负担得来的住房并鼓励市民自置居所。

52、it could reflect a lack of confidence in management or it could be that companies with highly diversified holdings are inadequately monitored. ─── 它可能是投资者对管理层缺乏信心的体现,也可能说明股权高度分散的企业未得到足够的监控。

53、If trends continue as predicted, they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, inexperienced and sometimes inadequately-trained nurses. ─── 如果这一趋势像预测的那样继续下去,他们会发现,大多数关键的医院护理将由刚上任的、缺乏经验的以及训练不足的护士提供。

54、In the 99th Division alone, there were any number of junior officers, NCOs, and enlisted men who, although new to combat and inadequately trained, stood to their guns, to the dismay of the Germans. ─── 孤军奋战的第99师,尽管训练不足,刚来战场,但还是有很多下级军官、军士、服役士兵,以自己现有的装备令德军惊愕沮丧。

55、Which one of the following is being inadequately reported? ─── 下面哪一项未充分报告?

56、The Chernobyl accident drew attention to the dangers presented by poorly designed, inadequately maintained nuclear reactors. ─── 作者假设大多数的读者都知道车诺比核电厂的意外事件。

57、By eating inadequately or in excess, your general medical condition may deteriorate making conception more difficult. ─── 如果因为压力而吃得太少或者吃得太多,你的身体状况也会变坏,因而更难受孕。

58、infestation or infection with trematodes,often caused by ingestion of inadequately cooked food ─── 吸虫的侵扰或感染,通常由吃没有煮熟的食物引起

59、Most of the nearly two - billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated, or receive no education at all. ─── 发展中国家中近20亿儿童中的大多数不能接受全面的教育,或者根本没有受过教育。

60、The importance of radios in particular, and command and control in general, remains one of the most inadequately studied issues of the development of armored warfare in the inter-war years. ─── 无线电台的特殊重要性,及总体的指挥和控制,是两次大战之间年代有关装甲战发展的研究中最不足的地方之一。

61、Children's mentality undifferentiated or inadequately differentiated is the premise to their spiritual integrity. ─── 摘要儿童心智发育未曾实现的分化或有效分化构成儿童整体性精神的结构性前提。

62、As one kind of building materials, wood is inadequately sturdy. ─── 作为一种建筑材料,木材不够结实。

63、The conventional filtering method would damage the seismic signal and prove inadequately in removing the strong noise with broad frequency band from the seismic signal. ─── 常规消除工频干扰的滤波方法会伤害有效信息,并且对频带较宽的机器噪声亦不适用。

64、My interpretation of the low or negative correlations is that many important usability areas are inadequately prioritized in design projects. ─── 我对这些过低或负面关联性加成的解释就是有太多重要的易用性要素在设计的过程中没有被重视。

65、Vegoil resources in China are very rich but so far they have been inadequately exploited and utilized both in terms of quality and quantity. ─── 中国植物油资源丰富,但由于开发利用的广度和深度不够,油料和油脂供需缺口较大,只能靠进口来解决。

66、That area of the product was inadequately tested. Otherwise, why did the bug originally escape testing? ─── 产品的那个领域没有进行充分测试。否则的话,为什么开始测试的时候漏掉了那个bug?

67、The projects were inadequately funded. ─── 这些项目资助不足。

68、but they are often uncontrolled, poorly designed and inadequately maintained. ─── 但通常不受控制,而且设计欠佳、维护不足。

69、The group known as the Darfur Consortium said the mission was too small inadequately equipped and was failing to protect civilians. ─── 该同盟被称为达尔富尔财团,谴责维和项目太小,设备陈旧,保护不了百姓。

70、He had no intention, at this stage, of scratching inadequately for some other kind of living. ─── 事到如今,他无意凑合找个别的勉强糊口的工作。

71、Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died. ─── 供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。

72、The proportion of SDH dominated in both the untreated and inadequately treated hypertensive individuals until the age of 60 or 70 years, respectively. ─── 对于60至70岁以下未接受治疗或治疗失败的高血压病人而言,合并收缩型及舒张型的高血压(SDH)是最常见的血压分型。

73、It assumed that ordinary citizens were inadequately consulted about political decisions by the politicians in the two major parties. ─── 它认为两个主要政党的政治家在政治决策方面没有和普通公民进行适当磋商。

74、Many Russians have faced what they say are unfair and inadequately compensated evictions from older housing being torn down amid the country's oil-revenue-fueled construction boom. ─── 在俄罗斯石油受益鼓励下的建筑浪潮中,已经有许多的俄国人都面临他们称之为“补偿上不公、不足”从在被拆除老房子中赶出。

75、The age that he still elects inadequately. ─── 他还不够选举的年龄。

76、the inadequately employed ─── 不完全就业人员

77、He is supported inadequately by the money that he earns. ─── 他挣的钱不够养活自己。

78、Because, if clean face breast removes foam inadequately, not only effect of short of cleanness, the likelihood still can remain to cause whelk in pore. ─── 因为,如果洁面乳不充分起沫的话,不但达不到清洁效果,可能还会残留在毛孔里引起青春痘。

79、Your mother aspect relative although the gateway is mean, but personthat kind completely inadequately raises the series with your familyin the situation to compare, appeared insignificantly. ─── 你母亲方面的亲戚虽然门户低微,但与你们家里人那种完全不成提统的情形相比起来,就显得无足轻重了。

80、Programs to reinforce existing schools or require that new ones be bulit to extra_sturdy standards are inconsitent, slow and inadequately financed. ─── 加固已有学校、或按照特别标准新建学校的项目(执行)不连贯,(进度)缓慢,财政支持不足。

81、inadequately handled call attempts ─── 不能完全处理的试呼

82、Fear of stigmatization inhibits people from taking preventive measures and leads women and men to assess their own risks inadequately. ─── 害怕被诬蔑使得人们不愿意采取预防性措施,并使得男女低估其所面临的危险。

83、It needs immediate experience that can only be communicated inadequately, but not necessarily shared. ─── 他说, 一个小说的意义可以脱离文字,而文字只是一个渲染。

84、Although it can be argued that breaking bad news insensitively or inadequately can lead to poor long-term adjustment for patients (18), the research to support this notion is limited. ─── 有些人认为披露坏消息时,若有不敏感、不足或可导致病人一段较长适应期(18),但只有有限的研究支持这个概念。

85、He biggest risk, possibly is sells inadequately. ─── 他最大的风险,可能是卖不成。

86、inadequately adjusted to the demands or stresses of daily living ─── 对日常生活的需要或压力适应不了的

87、Although criminal's amount is increasing, it is still inadequately stern to punish. ─── 尽管罪犯数量在增加,惩罚仍然不够严厉。

88、Drug disposition is inadequately studied in this population, but when studied it is usually immature compared with that of term newborns. ─── 药物处置不当的研究是在这个人口,但是,当研究通常是不成熟的比较与足月新生儿。

89、He was inadequately prepared for the impending examinations. ─── 他对即将举行的考试准备不足。

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