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unsophisticated 发音

英:[ʌnsə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd]  美:[,ʌnsə'fɪstɪketɪd]

英:  美:

unsophisticated 中文意思翻译



unsophisticated 网络释义

adj. 纯洁的;不懂世故的;不精细的;天真无邪的;质朴无华的

unsophisticated 词性/词形变化,unsophisticated变形

名词: unsophisticatedness |副词: unsophisticatedly |

unsophisticated 反义词


unsophisticated 短语词组

1、unsophisticated dispute ─── 不复杂的争端

unsophisticated 同义词

innocent | childlike | provincial | natural |naive | primitive | inexperienced | hick | artless | childish | rustic | uncomplicated | unrefined | crude | basic | unworldly | simple | green | ingenuous | bumpkinly | earthy | straightforward

unsophisticated 相似词语短语

1、sophisticate ─── v.弄复杂;使变得世故;曲解;(老练地)讲话;adj.老于世故的;n.久经世故的人;精通时尚和文化的人

2、sophisticates ─── n.老于世故的人;复杂购买者(sophisticate的复数)

3、unsophisticatedness ─── n.不懂世故;单纯

4、sophisticatedly ─── adv.老练地

5、unsophisticatedly ─── 朴素的

6、unsophisticate ─── n.不懂世故的人;质朴的人;天真的人

7、unsophistication ─── n.天真;质朴;不懂世故

8、semisophisticated ─── 半精密的

9、sophisticated ─── adj.复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的;v.使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式)

unsophisticated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver; this helplessly unworldly woman- Kate O'Brien ─── 不是太老练,也不是太诚实地允诺他可以递送更多的东西;这个无望的天真的女人-凯特·奥贝里安

2、pure in mind; unsophisticated ─── 思想单纯

3、actually not, just because the sex for me is too unsophisticated, too holy, so when i saw it was dally such easy, can not accept it. ─── 其实,我眼中的性是太美丽太纯洁,太神圣了,以至于发现如此神圣的东西竟然这样被随意地玩弄!有点难以置信。

4、It would be something to be loved by such a girl, to excite the first ardours of her young unsophisticated mind! ─── 能得到这样一位姑娘的爱,能让她那年轻纯朴的心灵产生初恋的激情,这该是多么难能可贵的事情啊!

5、bumpkinly country boys; rustic farmers; a hick town; the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists ─── 天真的乡村男孩;粗俗的农民;乡野小镇;蒙特马特的夜生活让天真纯洁的旅行者望而生畏

6、These restraints, among others, eliminated most of the distressing inconsistencies of the unsophisticated forecasting world of a half century ago. ─── 但是,就短期而言,我们更需要防止的是那种以各种借口反对打击通胀的倾向。

7、Maybe the unsophisticated. ─── 也许是我的淳朴

8、Yet the adverse value abstract element has the adverse value feature, the future feature and unsophisticated feature, which comprises value subelement, the aim subelement, and problem subelement. ─── 主体性提元是方式与内容两个提元的上位提元,描述性特征、主从性特征及自涉性特征表现较为突出。

9、TITe is maybe a awaystoring deal of truth in the assertion these unecrupulous brokers are not salivating at the concern of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market . ─── 断言不道德的经纪人想到么有亲身历程的投入资金者进入股票留洋探索就垂涎三尺估计有确定的道理。

10、Beauty of simple and unsophisticated design ─── 古朴之美

11、9. We hope the unsophisticated folkway,the beautiful natural environment and the hospitable people of Deqing may arouse your interest to pay Deqing a visit. ─── 优美的景色,谆朴的民风,好客的德清人民欢迎您来旅游、观光、作客。

12、During the visiting to the earth building both foreigners and domestic travelers can feel straightforwardness alacrity and hospitality of the Hakkas who are as simple and unsophisticated as laterite. ─── 去“土楼”旅游,无论是外国人,还是海内的人都能感受到土楼客家人的粗犷豪爽,热情好客,他们就像红土地一般厚实、淳朴。

13、194.There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are salivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market . ─── 断言不道德的经纪人想到没有经验的投资者进入股票市场就垂涎三尺可能有一定的道理。

14、He was so genuine and unsophisticated that no introduction would serve to introduce him, more than if you introduced a woodchuck to your neighbor. ─── 他是这样单纯,毫不虚伪,无须用介绍的方式来介绍他,正如你无须给你的邻居介绍土拨鼠一样。

15、An unsophisticated person. ─── 单纯的人不世故的人

16、Although St Lucia trades on its relatively unsophisticated image, it is not bereft of celebrity glamour. ─── 尽管圣卢西亚利用了其相对朴素的形象,但它并没有丧失其名人魅力。

17、194. TITe is probably a outstanding deal of truth in the assertion those unecrupulous brokers are not salivating at the concern of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market . ─── 断言不道德的经纪人想到么有亲身经历的投入资金者进入股票出国探索就垂涎三尺估计有确定的道理。

18、The beauty of UML models is that even technically unsophisticated clients can understand them. ─── 好的UML模型甚至使根本不懂技术的客户都可以理解他们。

19、Simple and unsophisticated and refined, grade life! ─── 古朴典雅,品位生活!

20、Judith bent forward like her unsophisticated sister, and endeavored to conceal her embarrassment in a similar manner ─── 尤蒂丝象老实的妹妹一样,她也向前弯着身子,尽力用同样的方法来遮掩自己的羞涩。

21、A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content. ─── 形式处理和内容表现力求简洁,避免复杂化或工艺手段的创作风格。

22、unsophisticated equipment/methods ─── 基本简单的设备/方法

23、In fact,it was a wonder anyone survived; painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated,as a matter of fact,he is several inches taller than his father. ─── 如果有人真的存活下来了,那才是一个奇迹;画家是真正不简单的人,事实上他比他的父亲高几英尺。

24、They enjoyed every bit of the Communists' simple, unsophisticated hospitality. ─── 他们处处受到共产党的纯朴、真心诚意的款待。

25、5.Suddenly, at a creaking sound, there may appear a figure by a door -- usually an unsophisticated young girl.She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house. ─── 偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了。

26、On the other hand, for many of the unsophisticated and drably dressed punters in Shenyin & Wanguo, a sense that the government still cares about their lot could not have come too soon. ─── 在另一方面,对于在申银万国内进行交易的普通顾客来说,在短时间内不会感觉到政府对他们的利益有多关心。

27、Is it unusual, unsophisticated, primitive? ─── 它是又不平凡,又超尘脱俗,又古色古香吗?

28、Impersonators were unsophisticated dressed by reincarnation. ─── 不同的时代,就像是几座不同的舞台,

29、Some works demonstrate the outstanding realistic skills, exquisite tones and unsophisticated circumstances. ─── 一些作品表现出精湛的写实技巧、高雅的色调及淳朴的情境。

30、The Primitiyc and Unsophisticated Architectural Art in Cave Dwelling ─── 古朴、淳厚的窑洞建筑艺术

31、a relatively unsophisticated mechanism ─── 一种较为简单的机械装置

32、It was music which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to. ─── 这是那些不懂世故的听众喜欢听的音乐。

33、To the unsophisticated mind of the average viewer... ─── 对于一般观众的单纯心理....

34、Anecdotal evidence suggested that the culprits usually were acting alone or in small, unsophisticated groups. ─── 事后的证据表明这些黑客都是单独行动,或是以一个小而简单的组织形式活动。

35、Rustic; hillbilly; unsophisticated ─── 土头土脑

36、A simple, guileless, inexperienced, or unsophisticated person ─── 单纯无知的人指坦率的,无诡计的,不谙世事的或没有社会经验的人

37、either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver; this helplessly unworldly woman- Kate O'Brien. ─── 不是太老练也不是太诚实地允诺他可以递送更多的东西;这个无望的天真的女人-凯特.奥贝里安。

38、Krishnapa or seeastigmatism overwrought and warm, full ” “ unsophisticated; ─── 后者或寒寒色不差过度浮夸,“不乡气”毫无;

39、Television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace. ─── 主题纯真朴实,看了使人舒心或给人以慰藉的电视节目。

40、and her one chance for reinstatement is Blighted by the mocking witness of the vindictive portraits. No chaste-minded, unsophisticated peasant maid she, But the last dregs of a decadent stock! ─── 两幅凶光毕露的肖像那嘲弄人的神色扼杀了她与他言归于好的机会。她不再是思想纯洁、天真无邪的农家少女,而是堕落家族的残渣余孽。

41、unsophisticated tastes/people ─── 单纯的爱好/人们

42、Long history and unsophisticated folkway foster a corlorful culture of Russia,Rivers with great age and vast field feed the unique flavor of Russian art. ─── 悠久的历史和淳厚的民风培育着俄罗斯民族绚丽的文化,古老的江河与辽阔的大野滋养着俄罗斯艺术独特的风情。

43、Should we leave the pure and unsophisticated part of our heart?Should we learn from those mean people and be a disingenuous, insidious and evil-minded person? ─── 今天从聊天记录里找出这段话,贴上来,希望朋友们心情不好的时候,看到这段话,能稍解郁闷的心情。

44、For what did his unsophisticated eyes see around him in Calcutta, at that time the metropolis of India and the centre of modern culture and learning? ─── 他单纯的双眼是如何看待印度首都加尔各答,这个现代文化和学术中心呢?

45、We used to have simple, unsophisticated tastes and looked with suspicion at anything more exotic than a hamburger. ─── 我们曾经有过的简单,质朴的口味,并期待与怀疑,在任何更多的外来比一个汉堡包。

46、An unsophisticated country fellowwho completely lacked polish ─── 全无文雅气质不懂世故的乡下人

47、It was easy to see why he had been so shy, so unsophisticated , so idealistic. ─── 如今已经很容易理解他为什么那样羞怯,那样单纯,那样不切实际了。

48、The cattle herders had only a few possessions: unsophisticated pots and polished adzes. ─── 牧民们只有几样东西:一些并不精致的陶罐和磨光的斧子。

49、It happens in a small town with unique Anhui building style and simple and unsophisticated folkway. ─── 故事发生在有独特的中国徽派建筑风格和古朴民风的小镇。

50、Desiring the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing the happiness of others not from the obligation of fearing hell or desiring heaven: but for pure, simple, unsophisticated virtue. ─── 不是因为怕下地狱或**堂而为他人求得幸福,而是出于纯朴无华的美德。

51、During the visiting to the earth building, both foreigners and domestic travelers can feel straightforwardness, alacrity and hospitality of the Hakkas who are as simple and unsophisticated as laterite. ─── 去“土楼”旅游,无论是外国人,还是国内的人都能感受到土楼客家人的粗犷豪爽,热情好客,他们就像红土地一般厚实、淳朴。

52、"Oh, the tangle of human life! How dimly as yet we see. Here was Carrie, in the beginning poor, unsophisticated, emotional; responding with desire to everything most lovely in life, yet finding herself turned as by a wall." ─── 啊,这人生的纠葛!我们至今还是那么地看不清楚。这里有一个嘉莉,起初是贫穷的、单纯的、多情的。她对人生每一种最可爱的东西都会产生欲望,可是却发现自己像是被摈在了墙外。

53、but he has found no case of infantile autism among children of "unsophisticated" parents. ─── 但他已经发现在这些“不懂世故的”父母的孩子中没有婴儿期的孤独症。

54、So unsophisticated was his mother in these matters that she believed him. ─── 他母亲对这类事完全外行,也就相信了他的话。

55、small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring; an unsophisticated machine. ─── 为那些真正喜欢驾驶的人而设计得简单小巧的车型;简单机器。

56、On the other hand, for many of the unsophisticated and drably dressed punters in Shenyin &Wanguo, a sense that the government still cares about their lot could not have come too soon. ─── 另一方面,对于在申银万国里很多不很专业,平庸的炒股人来说,政府关注他们的股票价格来得并不是很及时。

57、bumpkinly country boys; rustic farmers; a hick town; the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists. ─── 天真的乡村男孩;粗俗的农民;乡野小镇;蒙特马特的夜生活让天真纯洁的旅行者望而生畏。

58、He was not amused by Pitt's unsophisticated sense of humour. ─── 他对皮特那种不到家的幽默感到难受。

59、The profound culture and ancient unsophisticated customs of Sani Ethnic and the natural miracle of Stone Forest make compliment to each other. ─── 撒尼族深厚的文化和古朴浓郁的民俗风情,与石林奇特秀美的自然奇观相辉映。

60、As shown in this photo, Tengtou Village(Fenhua County,Ningbo), awarded by UNEP as one of the top 500 ecologies globally, boasts charming rural scenery with a simple and unsophisticated sentiment of man and nature in harmonious coexistence. ─── 原文:这张照片摄于被联合国环境规划署评为“全球生态500佳”的宁波奉化藤头村,这里田园秀美,生态怡人,期待着你到宁波来游玩!

61、Primitive natural environment with simple and unsophisticated ethnic buildings; ─── 摘要原始的自然环境与古朴典雅的民族建筑;

62、He was so genuine and unsophisticated that no introduction would serve to introduce him, more than if you introduced a woodchuck to your neighbor. ─── 他是这样单纯、毫不虚伪,无需用介绍的方式来介绍他,正如你无需给你的邻居介绍土拨鼠一样。

63、a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person. ─── 对不懂世故的人的一种蔑视的称呼。

64、But the unsophisticated nature of OO development environments and the lack of a common infrastructure for addressing object interoperability hindered their mainstream adoption. ─── 但是OO开发环境本质上不够完善,缺乏解决对象互用性的公共基础设施,这些因素妨害了它们成为主流产品。

65、kdadk...@gmail.com wrote:>well if you read all of the posts on the google SIRI forums it would>be hard to come up with a conclusion other than the shareholders are>unsophisticated. ─── 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

66、When they were first offered the chance a decade ago, the property market was unsophisticated and legal protections were weak. ─── 十年前当他们开始有了这种机会时,住房市场还不成熟,法律也不健全。

67、Critics reviled the novel as unsophisticated pulp. ─── 批评家把这部小说贬为不成熟的低级品。

68、To the unsophisticated ( ie naive ) mind of the average viewer... ─── 对於一般观众的单纯心理.

69、He was pleased that his unsophisticated friends should take his words to be his own. ─── 他未经世故的朋友们竟把这话当作是他自己想出来的,他心中十分得意。

70、In traditional EHV line routing design,unsophisticated surveying methods and aging maps are the main sources of design error. ─── 在传统的超高压输电线路设计选线中,较落后的测量方式手段和年代久远的地图是导致设计误差的重要原因。

71、Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman. ─── 可以说,有一半涉世未深的纯洁心灵是被非人为的影响力带坏的。

72、He was confiding, good-natured, unsophisticated, companionable ─── 他为人坦率,一团和气,世故不深,蔼然可亲。

73、We used to have simple, unsophisticated tastes and looked with suspicion at anything more exotic than a hamburger. ─── 我们曾经有过的简单,质朴的口味,并期待与怀疑,在任何更多的外来比一个汉堡包。

74、Under an unsophisticated culture, inartificial tastes, and an unpretending outside, lay a secrecy power and fire that might have inflamed the brain and kindled the veins of a hero; ─── 在她那天真无邪的情性、质朴无华的爱好以及坦白率真的态度之下,隐藏着一种魄力,一团烈火--那是足以激励英雄的头脑、点燃英雄的热血的;

75、be simple and honest; be unsophisticated ─── 为人忠厚质朴

76、As adolescents, we may be unrealistic and unsophisticated, even prone to commit good-humored mistakes, but such shortcomings should only be compared to the ellipses of the moon. ─── 也许我们的激情不切实际,也许我们的言谈举止尚缺乏老练沉稳,也许我们的好心常常做了错事,诸如此类,堪以月蚀的缺憾来比喻;

77、The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists. ─── 巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。

78、I was then entirely unsophisticated, my own wants were few, and I was not at all clever in distinguishing between good and bad faith. ─── 那时我涉世未深,我的欲求又很少,而且我也根本没有聪明到能辨别信仰的好坏。

79、5.An awkward, unsophisticated person; a yokel. ─── 他张着囗一土包子的样子。

80、Dr. Kanner did not say yes or no; but he has found no case of infantile autism among children of "unsophisticated" parents. ─── Kanner并没有给出一个肯定的答案;但他已经发现在这些“不懂世故的”父母的孩子中没有婴儿期的孤独症。

81、194. There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are salivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market . ─── 断言不道德的经纪人想到没有经验的投资者进入股票市场就垂涎三尺可能有的道理。

82、6. bumpkinly country boys; rustic farmers; a hick town; the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists. ─── 天真的乡村男孩;粗俗的农民;乡野小镇;蒙特马特的夜生活让天真纯洁的旅行者望而生畏。收藏指正

83、More than 30 institutes are distributed in each position of the university city, the simple and unsophisticated, serious, refined institute building is the rarity of Oxford. ─── 三十多所学院分布在大学城的各个方位,古朴、庄重、典雅的学院建筑是牛津城的瑰宝。

84、An unsophisticated quality or atmosphere of a region or locality ─── 乡土气息一个地区或范围质朴的特点或氛围

85、Simple and Unsophisticated Three-Color Lacquerworks ─── 古朴厚重的三色漆器

86、No chaste - minded,unsophisticated peasant maid she,but the last dregs of a decadent stock! ─── 她不再是思想纯洁、天真无邪的农家少女,而是堕落家族的残渣余孽。

87、in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived; painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated; as a matter of fact, he is several inches taller than his father. ─── 如果有人真的存活下来了,那才是一个奇迹;画家是真正不简单的人;事实上他比他的父亲高几英尺。

88、small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring; an unsophisticated machine ─── 为那些真正喜欢驾驶的人而设计得简单小巧的车型;简单机器

89、You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb ─── 你们看到了一只凶恶的、贪婪的、残忍的金融狼,俯视着一只畏缩的、朴实的商业羊。

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