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09-18 投稿


waxing 发音

英:[ˈwæksɪŋ]  美:[ˈwæksɪŋ]

英:  美:

waxing 中文意思翻译




waxing 常用词组

waxing machine ─── 打蜡机

waxing 同义词

waxing 短语词组

1、armpit waxing ─── 腋窝打蜡

2、waxing die ─── [医]蜡模代型

3、film waxing machine ─── 薄膜打蜡机

4、nostril waxing ─── 鼻孔打蜡

5、waxing crescent moon ─── 娥眉月

6、waxing development ─── 上升发展

7、waxing gibbous ─── 盈凸月

8、waxing contour ─── [医] 蜡型

9、waxing and waning ─── [医]消长变化(如脑电图曲线升降表现)盈亏

10、buttocks waxing ─── 臀部打蜡

11、hand waxing ─── 手工打蜡

12、waxing machine ─── 打蜡机

13、waxing crescent ─── 娥眉月

14、pain waxing ─── [医] 发育期痛

15、bikini waxing ─── 比基尼打蜡

16、waxing kernels ─── [医] 儿童腹股沟淋巴结肿大

17、waxing and waning of the moon ─── 月亮的盈亏

18、waxing and waning course ─── 上蜡和下蜡层

19、floor waxing ─── 地板蜡;擦 ─── 地板布

waxing 词性/词形变化,waxing变形

形容词最高级: waxiest |形容词比较级: waxier |

waxing 反义词


waxing 相似词语短语

1、axing ─── v.削减(经费等);(突然)解雇,取消;用斧砍(axe的现在分词)

2、faxing ─── v.传真(文档、信件等);用传真与(某人)联系(fax的现在分词)

3、dewaxing ─── n.[油气]脱蜡;v.使脱蜡(dewax的ing形式)

4、raxing ─── abbr.随机存取(randomaccess);远距离存取(remoteaccess);农村自动电话交换机(RuralAutomaticExchange);遥控存取计算系统(RemoteAccessComputingSystem);瑞行(户外品牌名)

5、waxings ─── n.上蜡;唱片;蜡膜形成;v.上蜡(wax的ing形式)

6、waxwing ─── n.连雀

7、rewaxing ─── 重估

8、taxing ─── adj.费力的;繁重的;v.征税(tax的ing形式)

9、maxing ─── v.尽最大努力;使…充斥(max的ing形式)

waxing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She folded the sandwich in wax paper. ─── 她用蜡纸包三文治。

2、His companion, who had also been imbibing freely, was waxing eloquent, and was not to be gainsaid. ─── 但是同样有几杯酒下肚的李玉亭却也例外地饶舌。 他不肯服气似的说:

3、Her feelings for John wax and wane. ─── 她对约翰的感情时好时坏。

4、She went out to New York and in no time came back with the contract for the whole ball of wax. ─── 她到纽约去了不多久就带着包括全部细节的合约回来了。

5、By the heat of the sun wax be soften , and yet clay be harden . ─── 太阳的热可使蜡软化,但也可粘土变硬。

6、Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is. ─── 不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。

7、The wax from the two cadles fused as they burned. ─── 两根腊烛上的腊燃烧时融在一起了。

8、He is modeling a unicorn in wax . ─── 他在用蜡制作独角兽。

9、You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. ─── 你应在木制家俱上打上蜡。

10、The wax from the two candles fused as they burned . ─── 两根蜡烛上的蜡燃烧时融在一起了。

11、One that polishes with or applies wax. ─── 上蜡工用蜡上光或打蜡的人

12、Wax applied to a floor heightens the shine . ─── 地板蜡能增加亮光。

13、Something of daylight still lightered, and the moon was waxing bright: I could see him plainly. ─── 还有一点儿日光残留着,月亮正在渐渐变亮,我可以清清楚楚地看见他。

14、He impressed his seal on the wax. ─── 他在火漆上盖了他的私章。

15、We laughed together a look said: "This is just a plastic wax it. ─── 大家一看哈哈大笑起来说:“这只不过是一塑蜡像而已。”

16、The agricultural chemicals soak and remain in the peel wax. ─── 因为农药浸透并残留在果皮的蜡制中。

17、And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. ─── 并且那在主里的弟兄,多半因我受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,越发放胆传神的道,无所惧怕。

18、He's modelled a unicorn in wax. ─── 他用蜡制作了一个独角兽。

19、Waxing and bevelling of tiles which are then sorted and packed. ─── 对规格板进行打蜡和做边角处理,然后拣选和包装。

20、He wanted to impress a design on wax. ─── 他想在蜡板上压印出图样。

21、In his hand was a parchment with a broken seal of dark green wax. ─── 他的手里拿着一份拆开了的信,封蜡是深绿色的。

22、Tailor the depilation wax paper into appropriate size. ─── 将脱毛蜡纸剪成合适大小。

23、She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle. ─── 她注视着蜡从蜡烛的边上滴落下来。

24、She selaed the letter with hot wax. ─── 她用热蜡把信封死了。

25、He impressed the wax with a seal. ─── 他把图章印在蜡上。

26、Why should the moon have wax and wane? ─── 为什么一定会月有阴晴圆缺?

27、Wax polish preserves wood and leather. ─── 上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。

28、UniTex main produce cotton real wax prints. ─── 公司主要产品为全棉蜡染印花布。

29、waxing your board every other outing, particularly if it has a sintered base. ─── 养成每次滑行后打蜡的习惯,尤其烧结板底的雪板。

30、Never use cleaning fluids, chemical or wax. ─── 切勿使用洗涤剂、化学药品及石蜡。

31、He broke the wax seal and unrolled the paper. ─── 他揭去封蜡,把纸卷展开。

32、He molded a rabbit out of wax . ─── 他用蜡塑了一只兔子。

33、Axe the tax on taxis. Wax may re=ax the body. ─── 不=没有任何人的躯体是高贵的=他的也不是.

34、Carnauba is the hardest natural occurring wax available. ─── 巴西棕榈是一种天然的最硬物质。

35、But imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum. ─── 但在他的想象中,把她丢进融蜡里然后放进他的蜡像馆。

36、But the lost wax casting technique is difficult to master. ─── 但这种脱蜡铸造工艺法并非容易掌握。

37、He lit up a wax candle. ─── 他点燃了一支蜡烛。

38、A hard wax obtained from the leaves of this plant and used especially in polishes and floor waxes. ─── 巴西棕榈蜡,巴西蜡一种硬蜡,取自巴西棕榈树的叶子,尤用来制上光剂和地板蜡

39、Moments like these are rare and we keep them fresh by bringing them up to the surface to sooth our aching hearts that are waxing cold. ─── 诸如此类的时刻很少,所以我们总是提起它们来抚慰我们日益冰冷的心,以便保持它们的新鲜。

40、A bee began to cover the entrance with wax. ─── 一只蜜蜂开始用蜂蜡封住入口。

41、A. Certainly. First, spray the wax on the floor.I see. ─── 当然可以。首先,在地板上铺上蜡。我明白。

42、Take a gentle waxing while you enjoy an Italian coffee. ─── 在享受意大利咖啡的同时进行热蜡脱毛。

43、Jupiter is that blazing point of light near tonight's waxing gibbous moon. ─── 在上弦月附近那颗眨眼睛的就是木星。

44、For those living near the equator in particular, its waxing and waning was more conspicuous than the passing of the seasons. ─── 尤其对于那些生活在赤道附近的人来说,它的盈亏比季节的变化更为明显。

45、I don't like the appearance of the floor. I need to wax it. ─── 我不喜欢地板的样子,我要给它打蜡。

46、How to prepare flooring for waxing? ─── 地板上蜡需要准备什么?

47、"Sorry, " he said, and then, in the tone he uses when waxing philosophical, "the window is only half open. " ─── “对不起,”他说,然后用一种哲学式的语气说,“窗户只开了一半。”

48、He's just a nose of wax with her, and does just what she tells him. ─── 他对她百依百顺,她要他干啥他就干啥。

49、His back wax trousers button snaps. ─── 他的后面腊裤子扣住大声叱骂。

50、He began to wax lyrical(= talk enthusiastically)about his new car. ─── 他开始兴高采烈地谈论他的新车。

51、The feedstocks of all wax systems show pseudoplastic be-havior. ─── 三种蜡系的胚料均属拟塑性流体;

52、The removal of excess body hair via waxing, shaving, plucking. ─── 先后用上蜡,刮毛,拔毛除掉多余体毛。

53、Wax does not seem to be secreted in the xylary tissues of plants. ─── 在植物之木质组织部份腊似不可能被分泌出来。

54、Degas also sculpted dancers and bathers in wax and clay. ─── 他还用腊和泥塑造过舞女和沐浴者形象。

55、Now with waxing it is possible to affect the thickness and other aspects of hair regrowth. ─── 现在,脱毛是可能影响毛发的厚度和其他方面的头发再生。

56、He drew a picture with a red wax crayon. ─── 他用红色蜡笔画了一幅画。

57、Wax Museum in Beijing Ditan Park vegetarian palace. ─── 北京蜡像馆位于地坛公园斋宫内。

58、Do not remove the wax paper onto the skin for several seconds. ─── 不要让蜡纸留在皮肤上超过几秒钟。

59、Axe the tax on taxis. Wax mayrelax the body. ─── 削减出租车的税费。蜂蜡可以使身体放松.

60、Plasticine is soft and can be moulded, like wax, into any shape. ─── 代用粘土柔软得很,可像腊一样捏成任何形状的东西。

61、A tickling and a tickling. "Fanny, take the wax out of my eyes! ─── 她身体里的东西在使她发痒、发痒,如果找不到这个东西她就会笑死。”

62、Axe the tax on taxis. Wax may relax the body. ─── 削减出租车的税费。蜂蜡可以使身体放松。

63、Wax makers use petroleum distillates to make it soft. ─── 制作蜡的人使用汽油精华来软化。

64、Another way to remove wax is known as irrigation. ─── 另一个清理耳垢的方法就是冲洗法。

65、Professional detailers use polishers and buffers to speed the task of polishing and waxing. ─── 专业人士使用抛光机和缓冲机器加快抛光和上蜡的速度。

66、But then, just a few paragraphs later I am waxing in the abstract about the universality and transcendence of art. ─── 但是区区几段之后,我便抽象地大谈艺术的普世性和超越。

67、Why did she have to wax the floors herself? ─── 她干什么非要自己动手给地板打腊?

68、Are his lips really stuck together by wax or glue? ─── 他的双唇真地被蜡或胶水沾住了吗?

69、The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen. ─── 最后一道打蜡使之有了缎子般的光泽。

70、Make law use: Wax gourd goes flesh is abluent, cut thick piece. ─── 制法用法:冬瓜去瓤洗净,切厚块。

71、The doctor canalled his ear because it was blocked with ear wax. ─── 医生通他的耳朵,因为被耳屎塞住了。

72、They bought wax and honey up by the great. ─── 他们大量购进蜜蜡和蜂蜜。

73、The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight. ─── 今晚光辉四溢的木星和月亮拉近了距离。

74、As to wax gourd containers broth, it was this name. ─── 以冬瓜作为容器炖汤,故得此名。

75、Ooh, i already have the wax. ─── 哦 我已经做过除毛了。

76、Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang. ─── 经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。

77、She folded the sandwich up with wax paper. ─── 她用蜡纸将三明治包好。

78、All these he fixed together with glue, string, wax and many wires. ─── 他用胶水、细线、洋蜡和许多电线把这些东西安装在一起。

79、Well, that just about ruins the whole ball of wax. ─── 咳呀,那差一点就把一切都毁了。

80、You should put some wax on those boots. ─── 你应该给那些靴子打上一些蜡。

81、East Asians commonly have dry ear wax. ─── 东亚人则多为干燥耳蜡。

82、I impressed my seal on the melted wax. ─── 我在熔软的火漆上盖了章。

83、He impressed a seal on wax . ─── 他用印盖在火漆上。

84、Heat dissolved the candle into a pool of wax in a few minutes. ─── 不到几分钟热就把蜡烛融化成一摊蜡。

85、He impressed his seal on the melted wax. ─── 他在熔软的火漆上盖章。

86、When he is in a wax, nobody can appease him. ─── 当他发怒时,无人能劝慰他。

87、Use a hot iron over a damp towel to draw wax spills out of a rug. ─── 使用高温熨烫的方法,下铺一湿湿的毛巾,除去地毯上的蜡滴。

88、Any surface irregularities you do feel are bonded contaminants that must be removed before polishing or waxing. ─── 任何表面上不规则的东西你都会觉得是污染物,它必须在抛光和打蜡之前去除。

89、She was helpless wax in their hands. ─── 她是一个受他们摆布的没有依靠的人。

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