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09-18 投稿


impersonate 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɜːrsəneɪt]  美:[ɪmˈpɜːsəneɪt]

英:  美:

impersonate 中文意思翻译



impersonate 短语词组

1、falsely impersonate ─── 冒名顶替

impersonate 词性/词形变化,impersonate变形


impersonate 反义词


impersonate 同义词

coldly | grayly | remotely | coolly | carefully |objectively | distantly | anonymously | detachedly | neutrally | greyly | frostily | impassively

impersonate 相似词语短语

1、impersonated ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

2、impersonator ─── n.模仿他人(或名人)的演员

3、imperforate ─── adj.无孔的,闭锁的;无齿孔的

4、to impersonate ─── 冒充

5、impersonal ─── adj.客观的;非个人的;没有人情味的;非人称的;n.非人称动词;不具人格的事物

6、personate ─── vt.扮演;伪装;冒充;adj.伪装的

7、impersonality ─── n.非人格性;无人情味;与个人无关;冷静

8、impersonalise ─── 模仿

9、impersonates ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

impersonate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Owner_name must either be the name of a role of which the current user is a member, or the current user must have IMPERSONATE permission on owner_name. ─── owner_name必须是当前用户所属的角色的名称,或当前用户必须具有对owner_name的IMPERSONATE权限。

2、It is illegal to impersonate a person of the clergy. ─── 假扮或冒充神职人员是违法的。

3、When you no longer need to impersonate, call the ─── 不再需要模拟时,调用

4、Because isolated storage is always segregated by user, the server must impersonate the user making the request. ─── 因为独立存储始终按用户进行隔离,所以服务器必须模拟发出请求的用户。

5、The name of a user that the user executing the command has impersonate permissions for. ─── 执行命令的用户拥有其模拟权限的用户的名称。

6、How do I impersonate a specific (fixed) identity? ─── 如何模仿一个特殊的认证生分?

7、He gained entrance to the house by impersonate a local authority inspector. ─── 他假冒地方当局检查员进入住宅。

8、falsely impersonate ─── 假冒身份

9、An error occurred while attempting to impersonate the credentials of another user. Detailed information is '{0}'. ─── 在试图模拟其他用户的凭据时出错。详细信息是“{0}”

10、Enables the grantee to impersonate the login. ─── 允许被授权者模拟该登录名。

11、The stored procedure itself may impersonate a user that has RECEIVE permission for the queue and UPDATE permission for a particular table. ─── 存储过程本身可能模拟具有针对队列的RECEIVE权限及针对特定表的UPDATE权限的用户。

12、Jo: It's a comedy programme where people impersonate famous people. ─── 学人家,模仿别人。那参与这些节目的人都长得特像名人吗?

13、Do not impersonate the user when using the queue. ─── 不要在使用队列时模拟用户。

14、Posing as Monkey King is not complete, this monkey cell phone number, you can not impersonate the bar, win!" ─── 冒充孙悟空也不彻底点,这猴子的手机号码,你总冒充不得吧,拿下!”

15、There are, of course, things we can do to ameliorate these security concerns to a degree, the fact remains that we are explicitly allowing someone to impersonate a user. ─── 当然,我们可以做一些事情,将这些安全问题减轻至一定程度,事实仍然是我们正在显式地允许某个人来模拟用户。

16、Color printing businesses can impersonate the client, to work out an appropriate set of product testing standards, ensure the non-conformity of the product is not factory, avoid unnecessary losses. ─── 彩印企业可以堵住模仿客户的搁置前提,订定不入一套不合的不败品检测尺度,包管不等外的产物不不入厂,制止不必给的吃亏。

17、You can configure the Web site to impersonate a specific account by using syntax, such as the following, in the Web. Config file. ─── 使用如下所示的语法,可以在Web.config文件中将网站配置为模拟某个特定帐户。

18、How do I temporarily impersonate the original caller? ─── 如何临时模拟原始访问者?

19、He can impersonate many well-known politicians. ─── 他能饰演许多著名政治家的角色。

20、The name of a user that the user executing the command has impersonate permissions for. ─── 执行命令的用户拥有其模拟权限的用户的名称。

21、And if the CA certificate fall into the wrong hands, outsiders can create certificates that can impersonate a valid member of your organization. ─── 一旦CA证书落到不正当的人手中,外部的人就可以创建证书伪装成您公司的一个合法成员。

22、He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard. ─── 他假扮警卫被抓获。

23、the digest is difficult to reverse. someone trying to impersonate bob couldnt get the original message back from the digest. ─── 所以,取代直接加密甲发来的原始信息,乙创建一个信息摘要并且加密该摘要。

24、melamine used to impersonate protein; ─── 三聚氰胺用来冒充蛋白质;

25、It is set in the Warring States era of Japanese history and tells the story of a lower-class criminal who is taught to impersonate ... ─── 池珍熙剧中扮演的角色吴贤宇是因反抗军政府独裁统治而被通缉的社会活动家,而廉晶雅则扮演一个帮助吴贤宇的乡村学校美术教师韩允姬。

26、Instructs the host to impersonate and returns an. ─── 指示主机模拟并返回内部。

27、Unable to impersonate using a named pipe until data has been read from that pipe. ─── 在使用命名管道读取数据之前,无法经由该管道模拟。

28、He was caught trying to impersonate a military officer. ─── 他企图冒充军官,但当场被抓获。

29、impersonate a public officer ─── 假冒公职人员

30、It's against my programming to impersonate a deity ─── 我的程式不能让我模仿神

31、He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well - known politicians. ─── "他是个出色的模仿者,他能扮演所有著名的政治家。"

32、Enables the grantee to impersonate the user. ─── 允许被授权者模拟该用户。

33、An error occurred while attempting to impersonate the credentials of another user. Additional Information: '{0}'. ─── 在试图模拟其他用户的凭据时出错。详细信息:“{0}”。

34、to impersonate an officer ─── 假冒官员

35、The sense of musical hearing impersonate an important role from the apperception and the experience to the comprehension of the music. ─── 从开始对音乐的感知、体验到对音乐的分析及理解,音乐听觉都扮演着重要的角色。

36、Because isolated storage is always segregated by user, the server must impersonate the user making the request. ─── 因为独立存储始终按用户进行隔离,所以服务器必须模拟发出请求的用户。

37、I think that the best way to imitate English is to pick a native speaker that you really like and try to impersonate something that he or she says. ─── 我觉得模仿英语最好的办法就是,先选择一位你所喜欢的英语母语模仿对象和他说的一段话。

38、Specifies that the server process can impersonate the security context for the client while acting on behalf of the client. ─── 指定服务器进程在代表客户端来执行时可以模拟客户端的安全上下文。

39、How do I impersonate the original caller? ─── 如何模拟原始访问者?

40、I use character quotes from movies and impersonate people we know. ─── 我会利用电影中的角色来扮演或模仿我们生活中熟悉的人。

41、When managed code accesses external resources, SQL Server will not automatically impersonate the current execution context under which the routine is executing. ─── 在托管代码访问外部资源时,SQL Server不会自动模拟执行例程所处的当前执行上下文。

42、Allows code to impersonate a different user. ─── 允许代码模拟不同的用户。

43、You login as the client manager and select the name of the user that you would like to impersonate. ─── 您以客户机管理人员的身份登录,并选择您希望模拟的用户的姓名。

44、And here they was going to get a bunch of chickens out there, Korah thought, you know, to come around, impersonate this, the eagle. ─── 然而,他们却在那里弄了一帮具有可拉思潮的鸡回来,模仿这鹰的做法。

45、One day she is assigned the role of the victim in the police reenactment of a serious crime, which she could impersonate the real character like a professional actress. ─── 婷很认真的上表演课,梦想有朝一日成为大明星。

46、otherwise, an intruder may impersonate others to gain Access to a system. ─── 否则入侵者就会伪装成别的实体进入系统。

47、The user that executes the ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement must have impersonate permission for the user specified in the statement. ─── 执行ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING语句的用户必须具有该语句中所指定用户的模拟权限。

48、Drafted in another grifter to impersonate a police officer. ─── 找了另一个骗子来假冒警官。

49、Mallory can now impersonate Bob and steal information from him. ─── Mallory现在可以模仿bob并盗取他的信息。

50、Do not give others your password, because that would allow them to use your Certificate to impersonate you. ─── 不要把您的口令告诉别人,因为别人可能会以您的名义使用您的"证书"。

51、He can impersonate many well-known politicians ─── 他能饰演许多着名政治家的角色

52、Eric: It is an honour for me to impersonate him. ─── 可以扮梁朝伟是我的荣耀。

53、Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself, any such messages will be removed at the discretion of either a forum moderator or administrator. ─── 八、不要冒充他人或隐瞒自己第一真实ID而发言。任何以上的这类信息经管理员判断均将被删除。

54、Formal authentication based on identification of intruder role impersonate ─── 基于攻击者的“角色冒充”的协议验证方法

55、to impersonate Hamlet on the stage ─── 在舞台上扮演哈姆雷特

56、Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a TakingITGlobal staff member or forum moderator, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; ─── 扮演任何人或个体,但不要仅限于TakingITGlobal的员工或论坛调解员,或错误地说或错误地表现出您附属于某人或某个体;

57、It allows the attacker to impersonate the victim. ─── 这将允许黑客冒充受害者。

58、You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of an e-mail message or other content. ─── 不允许使用假电子信箱、冒名任何个人或团体,或对电子邮件内容或其它内容进行误导。

59、To spoof is to impersonate a user or process in an unauthorized way. ─── “电子欺骗”是指以未经授权的方式模拟用户或进程。

60、Usernames that are designed to impersonate legitimate users will be blocked immediately and indefinitely. ─── 模仿他人合理用户名的用户名也是不恰当的,管理员有权立即封禁。

61、But for Santa Claus, and the thousands of fake Santas who impersonate him every year, the Christmas season is time to get to work. ─── 可对圣诞老人以及千万名扮演圣诞老人的人来说,圣诞节却是他们的工作时间。

62、He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well-known politicians ─── 他是个出色的模仿者,他能扮演所有著名的政治家。

63、An Attack on Digital Signature Protocol Based on Intruder's Role Impersonate ─── 基于角色冒充对数字签名协议的攻击(英文)

64、Double-click to open the Impersonate a client after authentication policy ─── 双击以打开“身份验证后模拟客户端”策略

65、The following example grants IMPERSONATE permission on user HamithaL to AdventureWorks application role AccountsPayable17. ─── 以下示例将对用户HamithaL的IMPERSONATE权限授予AdventureWorks应用程序角色AccountsPayable17。

66、Also note that because isolated storage is always segregated by user, server applications must impersonate the user who is making a request to the application. ─── 也要注意因为独立存储总是被人为隔离,所以服务器应用程序必须模拟用户制造应用程序的请求。

67、No one else can use certificates or impersonate yours, at least in theory. ─── 没有人能够使用证书或者模仿您,至少从理论上是这样。

68、When the actors fan out into every nook and cranny -sometimes merging together to impersonate coaches or even walls - bodies and light sculpture the large space until a vanished England falls into place. ─── 演员们从每个角落和缝隙进出,有的甚至拼在一起用扮演沙发或者墙,形体和灯光在巨大的空间里雕刻出一个消失的英格兰。

69、Impersonate a police officer. ─── 假扮一位警官

70、You login as the client manager and select the name of the user that you would like to impersonate. ─── 您以客户机管理人员的身份登录,并选择您希望模拟的用户的姓名。

71、However, if a duplicate of the certificate is available, anyone can impersonate the participating agent. ─── 但是,如果复制的证书也可用,那么任何人都可以充当代理。

72、However the real sister's died.Another girl Siu Ying who's similar in appearance volunteers to impersonate her. ─── 岂料玉英早已夭折,王之义女陈小英,得知内情后,自告奋勇假冒玉英前往做内应。

73、He is never heard to speak, although Harry does impersonate him once, using a hoarse whisper (SS16). ─── 从来没有人听过他说话,尽管哈利有一次用嘶哑的声音模仿过他。

74、I tried to impersonate a sleepy voice, and, again, failed miserably. ─── 我试着假装刚睡醒时的声音,而有一次悲惨地失败了。

75、To test their procedures, they needed a man and a woman to impersonate a married couple for multiple sessions. ─── 为了测试他们的流程,他们在很多时候需要一个男人和一个女人来模仿已婚夫妇。

76、The rendering of the zhoufang the positive just right solum impersonate this magic power. ─── 周昉的渲染正恰到好处地体现出这一魅力。

77、Existing Linked Server Login's local name, remote name, password, and Impersonate setting cannot be changed. ─── 不能更改现有链接服务器登录的本地名称、远程名称、密码和模拟设置。

78、If you think humor is easy, impersonate backdormboys. ─── 我喝很苦的咖啡,突然想流泪,可是没有。

79、In the Agent Connection to the Publisher section, specify a value of Impersonate the agent process account or SQL Server Authentication for the Agent Connection Mode option. ─── 在“到发布服务器的代理连接”部分,将“代理连接模式”选项指定为“模拟代理进程帐户”或“SQL Server身份验证”。

80、to impersonate film stars ─── 模仿电影明星

81、Impersonate any individual or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation in any way, or forge, delete or alter any part of TCP/IP packet header information in any e-mail or other posting; ─── 在任何电子邮件或其它张贴中冒充任何个人或单位,以任何方式谎报或以其它形式捏造您的身份或所属单位,或假造、删除或篡改TCP/IP包头信息中的任何部分;

82、During Advent, the season preceding Christmas, department stores and shopping malls hire men to impersonate Santa Claus for the many children accompanying their parents on shopping expeditions. ─── 在圣诞节之前的四周时间里,百货商店和大的购物中心都会雇人扮演圣诞老人,这是为众多随父母参加采购“远征”的孩子们所设置的。

83、He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard. ─── 他企图假扮警卫被抓获。

84、It is possible for unauthorized users to obtain the unique information that is used for digital signatures and attempt to impersonate a sender. ─── 未经授权的用户可能获取用于数字签名的唯一信息,并冒充发件人。

85、The sense of musical hearing impersonate an important role from the apperception and the experience to the comprehension of the music. ─── 从开始对音乐的感知、体验到对音乐的分析及理解,音乐听觉都扮演着重要的角色。

86、If the person pretending to be me is reading this then be warned that it is an offence to impersonate someone on Friendster and legal action will be taken against you when you are traced. ─── 如果有人发现这个人或是你看到这篇文章请你小心!请你赶快把你的帐号拿掉!因为你已经犯法了!请大家注意!!

87、He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well-known politicians. ─── "他是个出色的模仿者,他能扮演所有著名的政治家。"

88、The proposed scheme introduces two independent PKG to solve the secure trouble that the single PKG can impersonate the signers to forge their signatures. ─── 新方案采用引进两个独立PKG的方法,在一定程度上消除了单个PKG可以伪造用户签名的安全缺陷。

89、After creating the root object and making changes to the properties of any object accessed through it, your code should not impersonate a different user. ─── 创建一个根对象并改变一些配置属性后,你的代码不能扮演不同的用户。

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