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09-17 投稿


incubuses 发音


英:  美:

incubuses 中文意思翻译



incubuses 词性/词形变化,incubuses变形

名词复数: incubuses |

incubuses 相似词语短语

1、iambuses ─── n.抑扬格,短长格

2、incases ─── v.把……装进箱子;包起,围住(同encase)

3、incises ─── vt.切;切割;雕刻

4、incubates ─── vt.孵化;培养;温育;逐渐发展;vi.孵化;酝酿;n.孵育物

5、ictuses ─── n.强音;扬音;发作

6、incenses ─── n.香;奉承;v.焚香;激怒;熏香

7、incloses ─── v.围绕;随信附上(等于enclose)

8、incubus ─── n.梦魇;沉重的负担

9、incuses ─── n.[解剖]砧骨(位于中耳)

incubuses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Twala sees Incubu flashing his ax in the first rank of the Grays, his heart will grow faint. ─── 特瓦拉见到英库布在格雷因的前列挥舞战斧,一定会产生怯战之心。

2、They did not spend two years of their life working for “hope” and “change” only to see the Clintons and their various incubuses and succubuses restored to power. ─── 他们两年里任劳任怨地追随奥巴马,是为了“希望”和“变革”,不是为了看到克-希老妖和其手下一群妖魔鬼怪重现人世。

3、They did not spend two years of their life working for "hope" and "change" only to see the Clintons and their various incubuses and succubuses restored to power. ─── 他们任劳任怨付出两年的努力是为了“希望”和“改变”,而不是为了看到克林顿和一般人马重掌大权。

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