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09-18 投稿


tyrannize 发音

英:['tɪrənaɪz]  美:['tɪrənaɪz]

英:  美:

tyrannize 中文意思翻译



tyrannize 网络释义

vi. 施行暴政;欺压vt. 施行虐政;欺压

tyrannize 短语词组

1、tyrannize over ─── 欺压

tyrannize 词性/词形变化,tyrannize变形

动词过去式: tyrannized |动词过去分词: tyrannized |名词: tyrannizer |动词第三人称单数: tyrannizes |动词现在分词: tyrannizing |副词: tyrannizingly |

tyrannize 相似词语短语

1、tyrannizer ─── 暴君

2、tyrannies ─── n.暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为(需用复数)

3、tyrannic ─── adj.暴虐的;专制君主的

4、tyranniser ─── 暴政

5、tyrannise ─── 施暴政,实行极权统治,横行霸道

6、tyrannises ─── 暴政

7、tyrannized ─── vi.施行暴政;欺压;vt.施行虐政;欺压

8、tyrannised ─── 暴虐的

9、tyrannizes ─── vi.施行暴政;欺压;vt.施行虐政;欺压

tyrannize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wu Sangui is in Yunnan, tyrannize, palace is built in 5 Mount Hua, build A Xiangyuan, each district of the Yunnan that pass decree displays a beautiful flowers and grass. ─── 吴三桂在云南,横行霸道,在五华山建宫殿,造阿香园,传旨云南各地献奇花异草。

2、her husband and mother-in-law tyrannize her. ─── 她的丈夫和婆婆压制她。

3、He often misuses his authority to tyrannize his underlings. ─── 他常用手中的职权凌轹下属。

4、For ages they have used their power to tyrannize over the peasants and trample them underfoot; that is why the peasants have reacted so strongly. ─── 土豪劣绅、不法地主,历来凭借势力称霸,践踏农民,农民才有这种很大的反抗。

5、When most unseen, then most doth tyrannize. ─── 愈是黑得看不见,愈有人肆行暴戾。

6、At length, says Rousseau, "man becomes a tyrant over himself and nature". Can you explain this phrase? Can one tryrannize over oneself? Can one tyrannize over nature? ─── 最后,卢梭说:“人们变成自己和大自然的暴君”。你能加以解释吗?人有可能欺压自己吗?人类有能力欺压大自然吗?

7、He often misuses his authority to tyrannize his underlings. ─── 他常用手中的职权凌轹下属。

8、tyrannize a region ─── 独霸一方

9、Can one tyrannize over nature? ─── 有人能欺压大自然吗?

10、tyrannize over the weak ─── 欺压弱小

11、to bully and oppress; to ride roughshod over; to hector; to tyrannize ─── 欺压

12、Why does modern medicine enterprise taste market tyrannize in our country medicine, go smoothly everywhere? ─── 洋医药企业何以在我国药品市场横行霸道,无往不利?

13、So it is the nature of such persons to insult and tyrannize over little people(Henry Fielding) ─── 如此侮辱和欺压弱小的人是这种人的本性(亨利·菲尔丁)

14、28 Punish those who tyrannize over us and arrogantly mistreat us. ─── 求你惩罚那些欺压和傲慢侮辱我们的人!

15、Why does modern medicine enterprise taste market tyrannize in our country medicine, go smoothly everywhere? ─── 洋医药企业何以在我国药品市场横行霸道,无往不利?。

16、At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize. ─── 在这一点上,选择不再成为一种自由,反倒是束缚,甚至可以说成一种虐待。

17、Armed groups use their power to tyrannize over civilians. ─── 武装组织用它们的武力来欺压平民。

18、Can you explain this phrase?Can one tryrannize over oneself?Can one tyrannize over nature? ─── 你能加以解释吗?人有可能欺压自己吗?人类有能力欺压大自然吗?

19、3. For ages they have used their power to tyrannize over the peasants and trample them underfoot;that is why the peasants have reacted so strongly. ─── 土豪劣绅、不法地主,历来凭借势力称霸,践踏农民,农民才有这种很大的反抗。收藏指正

20、"So it is the nature of such persons to insult and tyrannize over little people" (Henry Fielding) ─── “如此侮辱和欺压弱小的人是这种人的本性”(亨利·菲尔丁)

21、should not tyrannize the weak. ─── 不该欺压弱者。

22、The strong should not tyrannize the weak. ─── 强者不该欺压弱者。

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