insurgent 发音
英:[ɪnˈsɜːrdʒənt] 美:[ɪnˈsɜːdʒənt]
英: 美:
insurgent 中文意思翻译
insurgent 同义词
insured person
insurgent 反义词
insurgent 短语词组
1、insurgent clique ─── [法] 叛乱集团
2、insurgent body ─── [法] 叛乱团体
3、insurgent forces ─── 叛乱部队
4、insurgent red ─── 叛乱分子红
insurgent 词性/词形变化,insurgent变形
insurgent 相似词语短语
1、insurant ─── n.被保险人;投保人;保险契约者
2、insurgents ─── n.叛乱分子(insurgent的复数)
3、indulgent ─── adj.放纵的;宽容的;任性的
4、insurgently ─── adv.汹涌地;造反地
5、assurgent ─── adj.上升的;斜上性的(等于ascending)
6、surgent ─── adj.汹涌的;澎湃的
7、resurgent ─── adj.复活的;复苏的;n.复活者
8、insurgency ─── n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态
9、insurgence ─── n.暴动;起义;造反;叛乱
insurgent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He said the recruits had been from Baghdad and Diyala province and alleged that Jassim had contact with a pair of recently detained insurgent brothers. ─── 他说新人是从巴格达和迪亚拉省招募的,贾西姆曾接触过一对最近被拘留的叛乱分子兄弟。
2、S. military to maintain a higher troop level in Afghanistan, which President Obama announced last month in response to increased insurgent attacks there during the past year. ─── 奥巴马上个月宣布增加驻阿富汗美军人数,以应对过去一年阿富汗反叛势力持续增多的袭击行动。
3、Witness say the insurgent group Outshiba sees the town of Jaha Sunday. ─── 目击者称周日青年党占据了抓哇的一个镇。
4、insurgent uprising ─── 起义
5、All an insurgent needs to join the Iraqi police force and plot the assassination of officers struggling to bring order is a little cash. ─── 暴民要加入伊拉克警察部队(左图,欧新社)与策划暗杀致力于维持治安的警官,所需要的只是一些钱。
6、Recently, TCL unwilling give the impression of weakness, roll out with the price of 4888 " wonderful 600 " , the tide that makes this depreciates is more insurgent. ─── 近日,TCL不甘示弱,以4888的价格推出“出色600”,使这降价的浪潮更加澎湃。
7、Assassination attempts on members of the Awakening some of them former insurgents who switched sides for pay are rising as are fears that some are joining Islamic extremists or other insurgent groups. ─── 因为害怕觉醒运动委员会中那些原本为叛乱分子后因金钱的原因而倒戈的成员会加入伊斯兰教激进组织或其它的叛乱组织,所以一些针对这些成员的暗杀活动正在呈上升趋势。
8、S. military planners should not assume that this will always be the case, even against seemingly lightly-armed insurgent adversaries. ─── 美军规划者们不应当假定这会永远保持下去,即使在面对使用轻型武器的武装人员时也是如此。
9、An insurgent group has posted this video online and says it shows a US helicopter being shot down in central Iraq, while the clip has not yet been authenticated. ─── 一伙武装分子将这则录像在网上播放,展示一架美国直升机在伊拉克中部被击落的情形,但还未鉴别出其真实性。
10、It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo. " ─── 事后一个证人在军事法庭上谈到的人可能就是他:“有一个暴动者,我听见大家叫他阿波罗。”
11、Pakistan denies sponsoring any insurgent groups. ─── 巴基斯坦否认资助任何反叛组织。
12、General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War. ─── 华盛顿将军在独立战争中领导反叛军。
13、insurgent force ─── 叛乱军队
14、U.S. and Iraqi forces have pushed into the insurgent stronghold of Samarra, north of Baghdad and taken control of key government buildings and religious sites.U. ─── 美国和伊拉克部队进入巴格达以北的反叛分子据点萨迈拉,收复了关键的政府建筑和宗教场所。
15、The climax came when Democrats and insurgent Republicans in Congress forced an investigation of the Interior Department ─── 当国会中的民主党人和共和党造反派强行对内政部进行调查时,斗争达到高潮。
16、"We also know that training still is being conducted in Iran for insurgent elements from Iraq. We know that as recent as last week from debriefing personnel," he said. ─── 他说“我们也知道训练伊拉克叛乱份子的行动依然在伊朗进行。我们在上周从情报人员的报告中获知这一消息的。”
17、Insurgent groups in N-E getting help from China? ─── 印度东北地区的反叛组织从中国获得了帮助?
18、The second, from the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, attached to 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, was killed during an engagement with insurgent forces near Lashkar Gah on Thursday evening. ─── 第二名来自威尔士亲王皇家步兵团,隶属威尔士近卫团第一营,死于星期四傍晚拉什卡尔加附近发生的与叛军的遭遇战。
19、We stroll to go up in the beach, azure seawater makes me enchanted with insurgent billows sound. ─── 我们漫步在沙滩上,蔚蓝的海水和澎湃的涛声让我心动。
20、A Somali government soldier checked his cellphone as he walked past the corpse of an alleged insurgent that was left in the street after the gun battle. ─── 索马里, 摩加迪沙: 一名政府军军人一边经过一具枪战后遗弃在大街上的叛乱分子的尸体,一边摆弄着手机.
21、An al-Qaeda-led insurgent group has claimed responsibility. ─── 一个基地组织领导的反叛组织声称对此事负责。
22、Iraqi authorities have imposed a ban on vehicle traffic in Baghdad and restive areas to the north - apparently to prevent reprisal insurgent attacks. ─── 伊拉克当局在巴格达和巴格达北部不安定地区禁止车辆通行,显然是为了防范反叛分子的报复性攻击。
23、insurgent groups ─── 反叛团伙
24、Pompey, an insurgent force against Rome, has become enough of a threat to the Roman Empire that Anthony and Caesar form a truce in order to present a united front. ─── 拿破仑在这封信中表现出他对约瑟芬炽烈的爱意。
25、Return maternal bosom when me, the insurgent and billowy passion in the bosom, change immediately shed never-failing tear. ─── 当我回到母亲的怀抱,胸中澎湃汹涌的激情,顿时化作流不尽的泪水。
26、Worse, the strongest of the insurgent groups, the Shabab, is even more radical than the Islamic Courts movement which the Americans and Ethiopians originally took on. ─── 更糟的是,现势力最为强大的沙巴激进组织比原先美国和埃塞俄比亚对付的伊斯兰法庭联盟还要激进。
27、insurgent waves ─── 汹涌澎湃的浪
28、forming and training insurgent detachments, etc. ─── 建立和训练起义部队等等。
29、The U.S. military says Iraqi troops captured a "high-level" insurgent during a raid Wednesday in Baghdad. ─── 美国军方表示,伊拉克部队星期叁在巴格达进行的突袭行动中抓获了一名“高级别”的反叛分子。
30、With 272 soldiers, policemen and civilians killed and 1,220 injured in insurgent attacks in Kirkuk in 2005, the doctors were rushed off their feet and glad of any help they could get. ─── 在喀尔克旧体育场,数百户人家在垃圾与秽物中生活。
31、Last week, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the situation "a real concern." But he also said the insurgent activity has increased only recently. ─── 上周,美国国防秘书罗伯特盖茨将这种形势称为:真正的关注,但是他也说起义活动也是最近才增加。
32、During the period of the Taiping Revolution, the Qing government made use of the red-bill ships to put down the peasant uprisings, bringing about great losses to the insurgent army. ─── 太平天国时期,清政府利用红单船武装镇压农民起义,给农民起义军造成了重大的损失。
33、Wheel run over of the history 2005, left fire of like a rising wind and scudding clouds, ice to blend for real estate, or lotic and insurgent, or of grave Leng Jun long roll. ─── 历史的车轮辗过2005,为房地产业留下了风起云涌、冰火交融、或激流澎湃、或低沉冷峻的长卷。
34、"We also have reports of civilian casualties, but the info we have from the Afghan National Army on the ground is that it is believed that that was caused by insurgent mortar fire," she said. ─── 塞登斯特里克说:“我们也收到了有关平民伤亡的报告,不过根据在地面的阿富汗陆军的信息,是武装分子发射迫击炮导致平民伤亡。”
35、Military sources in Iraq said the attack on the patrol of 7 US soldiers and an Iraqi military interpreter occurred near Mahmoudiya, in a Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad. ─── 伊拉克的军方消息称,/7名巡逻士兵/及1名伊拉克军方翻译遇袭,袭击发生在逊尼派反叛武装控制/据点摩玛迪亚附近,距巴格达以南约20英里。
36、A suspected Sunni insurgent is arrested inside his home. ─── 一个逊尼派游击队嫌疑人在其住宅被逮捕。
37、anti-Party elements; (Am.) an insurgent ─── 反党分子
38、soldier was killed in an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan. ─── 名士兵在阿富汗东部的一次反叛分子袭击中丧生。
39、Insurgent parties, such as the Tories under David Cameron, need to disguise their tears and seams to win. ─── 大卫卡梅隆领导下的保守党作为反对党为了取得胜利,需要掩盖自己的眼泪和伤痕。
40、The U.S. military says Iraqi troops captured a "high-level" insurgent during a raid Wednesday in Baghdad.U. ─── 美国军方表示,伊拉克部队星期三在巴格达进行的突袭行动中抓获了一名“高级别”的反叛分子。
41、Somalia's Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein is appealing to insurgent Islamists to join the peace deal signed by the transitional government and some moderate opposition groups last month in Djibouti. ─── 索马里临时政府总理努尔.哈桑.侯赛因呼吁穆斯林反叛分子加入上个月由临时政府和一些温和的反对派组织在吉布提签订的和平协议。
42、The Pakistani military says it has destroyed a suspected insurgent hideout in a tribal region near the Afghan border, killing seven militants. ─── 巴基斯坦军方说,他们摧毁了靠近阿富汗边境部落地区一个被怀疑是反叛份子藏身地的据点,打死了7名反叛份子。
43、Iraqi insurgent ─── 伊拉克反叛者
44、Hadn't there been insurgent generals? ─── 不是有起义将军吗?
45、But he said insurgent leaders have been able to take refuge in Pakistan. ─── 同时他还声明叛乱领导人将在巴基斯坦避难。
46、F1's insurgent teams will be back in deep conference early this week, as the battle over a budget-capped future continues. ─── F1的叛乱球队将回到深会议本星期早些时候,作为争预算覆盖未来继续.
47、The attack happened yesterday in Mahmoudiya, the Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad. ─── 此次袭击位于距离巴格达南部20公里远的马赫茂迪亚地区,该地区由逊尼派武装控制。
48、insurgent clique ─── [法] 叛乱集团
49、Initially, they formed insurgent groups to wage guerrilla warfare for as long as seven years. ─── 初期,他们组织义军,进行武装游击抵抗,前后达7年之久。
50、Terrified Buddhists have fled insurgent zones or joined trigger-happy militias. ─── 恐惧的佛教徒逃离叛乱地区或者加入武装团体。
51、intercept insurgent radio communications ─── 侦听叛方的无线电通讯
52、Caption :The troops hope to root out pockets of Taliban fighters and find and destroy insurgent weapons caches, a U.S. officer in Kabul said. ─── 描述:一名美国官员在喀布尔表示,美军希望此次行动能够彻底根除塔利班武装组织,同时找到并摧毁叛乱分子的武器藏匿处。
53、Iraqi insurgent attacks killed seven civilians and three Iraqi soldiers the day after US troops killed26 militants, the highest single incident insurgents death toll in a month. ─── 继美军昨日杀死26名起义军创当月起义军最高单日死亡人数的第二天,7名平民和3名伊拉克军人在起义军的攻击中死亡。
54、Pakistan army gunship helicopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago. ─── 自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。
55、And they have left a space that insurgent parties and anti-sleaze independents are moving into. ─── 他们已留了一个空位,叛乱党派和反。。。的独立者正往那移动。
56、insurgent belt ─── 起义地带
57、Much damage has already been done by inconclusive operations.British forces often fought their way into insurgent areas, only to withdraw and let the Taliban return, exposing residents to retribution. ─── 徒劳的行动已经造成了大量的破坏,英军总是在叛军控制区打出一条路,结果撤走后把战果拱手送还塔利班,留下当地居民遭受报复。
58、In addition, Prince Xiao of Liang in the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 25) and the insurgent peasant army the Red Bands in the last years of Yuan (1206-1368) had both made Kaifeng their capital. ─── 此外,西汉时的梁孝王、元末农民起义红巾军,也曾一度在这里定都;
59、Insurgent: pllitically neutral term used to describe enemy combatants. ─── 反抗者:政治上的中性词,用来制敌方战斗人员。
60、Some analysts have speculated that Sunni insurgent groups have regrouped. ─── 一些分析家推测,逊尼派武装团体已再次集结。
61、In spring tide of reforming and opening is at present insurgent the thought of afflux, people is liberated ceaselessly, all sorts of economics thoughts and genre confused come.. ─── 在目前改革开放大潮澎湃涌进、人们的思想不断解放、各种经济学思潮与流派纷至...
62、Analysts say that, of all the insurgent groups, the Haqqani network has the closest ties to Al Qaeda. ─── 分析人士认为,在所有叛乱者组织中,数哈卡尼网络与基地组织的联系最为密切。
63、Instead of calming the storm, he arrayed the insurgent masses decisively against him by a series of indiscreet speeches ─── 可是,他不但没有将风暴平息下去,反而由于一系列欠考虑的演说,促使造反群众一致起来坚决反对他。
64、insurgent troops ─── 叛军
65、Taliban set a fresh deadline to free prisoners of the insurgent group in exchange for the lives of 21 South Korean hostages. ─── 塔利班重新划定最终期限,以释放叛军囚犯换取21名韩国人质生命安全。
66、insurgent body ─── 叛乱团体
67、Now there were "insurgent scholars". ─── 这是“起义文人”。
68、PROTOSS 7: "THE INSURGENT"||- Kill the traitor Aldaris.- ─── 神族 7: "叛徒"||- 杀死叛徒阿尔达瑞斯。
69、Zarqawi, the militant who led an insurgent campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings, died in an air strike north of Baghdad, Iraq s prime minister said Thursday. ─── 总统布什离开白宫总统办公室,走向玫瑰花园,准备发表关于伊拉克阿尔凯达基地组织领导人扎卡维在美军空袭伊拉克北部中身亡的声明。
70、There are also two insurgent factions in the game, to let you play as the rebels. ─── 同时游戏中也提供了两种反叛武装的派别来供你选择.
71、Insurgent Multiculturalism: Rethinking on Teaching Culture in Medical Education ─── 汹涌的多元文化:反思医学教育中的文化教育
72、The military commander overseeing Thailand's largely Muslim southern provinces says security is improving as the army steps up efforts to "win hearts and minds" and end insurgent attacks. ─── 负责监视泰国南部穆斯林省份的军方将领说,随着部队加紧努力赢得人心,同时结束叛军攻击,当地的治安已经有明显改善。
73、General Odierno says the troop surge and the new approach to fighting the Iraqi insurgency are making progress, with increases in the number of coalition operations that find weapons caches, bomb factories and insurgent cells. ─── O 将军说表示增兵和镇压伊拉克反叛组织的新策略正在取得进展,各项联合行动找到的武器窝藏点、弹工厂和起义据点越来越多。
74、insurgent attack ─── 起义者的攻击
75、If I were an insurgent fighting against an American joint force, I would be delighted if all my opponent had to offer was long-range fires. ─── 如果我是一名对抗美军联合作战力量的武装分子,我会很乐意看到我的敌人打过来的都是远程火力。
76、Playing insurgent basketball did not guarantee victory. ─── 游击队那样打篮球并不一定能带来胜利。
77、Initially,they formed insurgent groups to wage guerrilla warfare for as long as seven years. ─── 初期,他们组织义军,进行武装游击抵抗,前后达七年之久。
78、Her visit came amid increasing insurgent and sectarian violence in Iraq and growing concern among many experts that Iraq is on the brink of, if not already in, a civil war. ─── 她此次访问是因为伊拉克发生越来越多的叛乱和宗教冲突以及专家们越来越担忧伊拉克即使内战未开始就是已经达到一触即发的边缘了。
79、At the same time, General Odierno says he has ordered his commanders to put more effort into contacting insurgent groups and trying to get them to stop their attacks. ─── 同时,他还说他命令自己的指挥官主要是接触这些叛乱集团,并试图说服他们停止攻击。
80、" to show the respect to Xiao Na, I controlled my insurgent intense emotion. ─── ”为了表示对晓娜的尊重,我抑制住了自己澎湃的激情。
81、Pressure by the Laotian Army, the report said, "was intended to starve the remnants of insurgent families from their jungle dwellings." ─── 报导称,老挝军队的镇压目的是有预谋地饿死来自丛林住处的起义家族的残余人员。
82、The Iraqis have demonstrated considerable combat ability in several recent operations, including the expulsion of insurgent and militia forces from Basra and Mosul. ─── 伊拉克部队在最近的战斗中展示了相当可观的作战能力,包括把反叛分子和武装分子从巴士拉和摩苏尔赶出去。
83、The risk of insurgent attacks is only part of the problem. ─── 害怕被游击队的攻击只是问题的一小部分。
84、All is well, a propertied Taliban spokesman has told the Reuters news agency the insurgent group will quote "Resist till the last gasp". ─── 一切尚好,一个蒙面的塔利班发言人告诉路透社新闻机构,他们的武装团体将"坚持到最后时刻"。
85、The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says insurgent groups in Afghanistan must be broken up and some of them reintegrated into Afghan politics. ─── 英国外长大卫米利班德说阿富汗叛兵小组必须瓦解,当中的有些人重新融进了阿富汗政客圈。
86、Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region. ─── 据报导,起义军在个地区正向前推进。
87、He had a dream title of his own making, chief creative insurgent, and a salary close to $2 million. ─── 他担任着首席创意人,他的年薪接近200万美元。
88、Despite the self-assurance of Iraqi leaders, many political issues remain. Al Qaida in Iraq has been dealt a severe blow in recent months, but other insurgent groups continue to operate. ─── 尽管伊拉克领袖们满怀信心,可是许多政治问题依然存在。在伊拉克的基地组织在最近几个月受到严厉打击,但是其他反叛组织继续运作。
89、The king promised to pardon any insurgent who would lay down his arms. ─── 国王允诺宽恕那些投降的起义者。
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