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09-17 投稿


isotropy 发音

英:[aɪˈsɑːtrəpɪ]  美:[aɪˈsɒtrəpi]

英:  美:

isotropy 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 各向同性


isotropy 同义词


isotropy 短语词组

1、isotropy condition ─── 各向同性条件

2、isotropy group ─── 迷向群

isotropy 反义词


isotropy 相似词语短语

1、lipotropy ─── n.亲脂;抗脂

2、ionotropy ─── n.离子移变作用

3、isotrons ─── n.[核]同位素分离器

4、isotopy ─── n.同位素性质;[核]同位素学

5、anisotropy ─── n.[物]各向异性

6、isopropyl ─── n.[有化]异丙基

7、isotope ─── n.同位素

8、isotron ─── n.[核]同位素分离器

9、isotropic ─── adj.[物][数]各向同性的;等方性的

isotropy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These anion groups can be oriented in a particular direction, which break the centrosymmetry and isotropy of glasses and lead to the large SON in the glasses. ─── 这是由于多面体单元可以作为一种阴离子基团,在高温高电场作用下成为一种特殊的偶极子发生定向排列,从而破坏了玻璃的中心对称性和各向同性,导致玻璃中出现二次谐波。

2、Characteristics of the turbulence spectral local isotropy are analyzed under different stability and compared with Kansas Experiment and Changbai Mountains Experiment results. ─── 对湍流的局地各向同性进行了讨论并与Kansas和长白山原始森林湍流实验得到的结果进行了比较 ,得到了一些湍流特征量在不同下垫面情况下的一些有意义的特征。

3、Tilted transversely isotropic media refer to a case of transversely isotropy with tilted symmetry axes, which have rotating angles with different stiffness matrix in different rotating directions. ─── 摘要倾斜横向各向同性介质的对称轴与坐标轴有一定的旋转角度,不同的旋转方向其刚性矩阵有不同的形式。

4、Keywords seismic wave;transversal isotropy;crack;scattering; ─── 地震波;横向各向同性;裂纹;散射;

5、Those who pass isotropy is radiative and direct make tumor contractible to tumor action or disappear, achieve remedial goal. ─── 经过同位素的放射直接对肿瘤作用使肿瘤缩小或消失,达到治疗的目的。

6、Isotropy coefficient ─── IS()系数

7、Keywords coal bed;rock mechanics;physical property;hydraulic fracturing;isotropy;anisotropy;structural feature;fracture geometry;tensile strength;fracture;fracturing pressure; ─── 煤层;岩石力学;物理性质;水力压裂;各向同性;各向异性;构造特征;裂缝几何学;抗压强度;抗拉强度;断裂;破裂压力;

8、Principle of isotropy says that the universe looks roughly the same in every direction. ─── 这个原理假设无论我们向宇宙哪一个方向观察,所看到的皆会差不多。

9、An algorithm for a rotation invariant scene matching method based on isotropy of circular and projection feature is proposed. ─── 利用圆的各向同性和投影特徵提出了圆投影匹配算法,并对其进行了改进。

10、isotropy order ─── 迷向阶

11、Image is normalized to remove influence from illumination variation based on isotropy in neighbor of pixel. ─── 利用像素邻域的各向同性对图像进行归一化,消除亮度变化等因素的影响;

12、The duality system is introduced for the problem of elastic cylinders with transverse isotropy. ─── 针对横观各向同性弹性柱体问题构造了对偶体系。

13、Substrate rotation is, therefore, recommended if isotropy is desired. ─── 所以,要使膜具有各向异性,就应该使用旋转衬底。

14、transverse isotropy ─── 横观蛤同性横向同性

15、Secondly, all directions of the arrival of sound energy at any point should be equally probable, so called the isotropy . ─── 再如,接受市抗震办委托,负责市工程抗震的资质管理部分职能实施。

16、geometric isotropy ─── 几何迷向

17、Keywords elastoplasticity;composites;isotropy;stress-strain relationships; ─── 弹塑性;复合材料;各向同性;应力应变关系;

18、Compared with NMO based on assumption of isotropy, the technique of higher-order traveltime correction based on theory of anisotropy is more approximate to the real formation media. ─── 基于各向异性的高阶旅行时校正技术理论相比NMO各向同性的理论假设,更接近于真实地层介质。

19、The current designs with optimum global isotropy are developed through an exhaustive search. ─── 摘要:目前所得到的最佳整体等向性设计是透过全域搜寻法所得到的。

20、Angular momentum conservation is based on the isotropy of space ─── 角动量守恒是以空间的各向同性为基础的。

21、The velocity isotropy of the parallel mechanism is investigated by the theory of space model and protracted capability charts.These achievements are beneficial to optimizing design for the future. ─── 然后利用空间模型理论研究了该并联机器人的速度各向同向性,并绘制了性能图谱,为今后的优化设计奠定了基础。

22、the atlases of the perforcemence evaluation criteria,including the force isotropy,stiffness isotropy ,sensitivity isotropy.3. ─── 建立了该传感器的空间模型;


24、isotropy in transverse ─── 横观各向同性

25、theory of isotropy damage is based on the hypothesis that the material and damage are symmetrical and isotropic. ─── 各向同性损伤理论是建立在材料是均匀的、各向同性的以及损伤也是各向同性的假设基础之上。

26、Keywords transverse isotropy;travel time;reflection wave;converted wave; ─── 横向各向同性;旅行时;反射波;转换波;

27、The kink soliton solutions of nonlinear vibration in two-dimensional isotropy monoatomic lattice ─── 二维单原子晶格非线性振动的扭结孤子解

28、It is indicated that the quality, microstructure, and isotropy of hi-directional cement-soil deep mixing column are far superior to the traditional deep mixing column. ─── 结论表明:常规水泥土搅拌桩搅拌不够均匀,桩身水泥土的微观结构、物理力学性质随深度增加变差,表现出方向上的差异性。

29、Keywords Crystal NaClO_3;Isotropy;Circular dichroism;Optical rotatory dispersion; ─── 氯酸钠晶体;各向同性;圆二色性;旋光色散特性;

30、Principle of isotropy says that the universe looks roughly the same in every direction. ─── 这个原理假设无论我们向宇宙哪一个方向观察,所看到的皆会差不多。

31、isotropy damage model ─── 各向同性损伤模型

32、The bucket foundation penetrated soil is analyzed.Constitutive relationship of marine soft clay has been studied by using the principle of J2 flow theory and isotropy. ─── 分析筒型基础沉贯作用的土层,利用J2流动理论各项同性硬化原理,研究海积软土颗粒本构关系,结合离散元方法计算土体体应变,并将其引入海积软土的物性参数动态计算模型。

33、Abstract:Ask: Stick isotropy scar how purify. ─── 正文:问:帖同位素疤痕如何去掉。

34、Isotropy Study on Marriage Satisfaction of Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients ─── 维持性血液透析患者婚姻美满度的质性研究

35、We introduce perfectly matched layer to attenuate the refection of the artificial boundary, and construct boundary and corner point conditions of elastic wave equations in isotropy media. ─── 为了消除边界反射,引入最佳匹配层,构造了各向同性介质中弹性波方程在不同边界和角点处的边界条件。

36、A method of symplectic eigensolutions in elastic transverse isotropy cylinders ─── 横观各向同性弹性柱体中辛本征解方法

37、elastic isotropy ─── 弹性各向同性

38、The parametric design method considers the dynamic isotropy with a maximum controlled stiffness to evaluate the mechanism stability which will guarantee system stability in any environment. ─── 从机构参数模型出发,以任意环境下可稳定达到的最大控制刚度来衡量机构的稳定性或稳定范围,并考虑各向同性,研究机器人参数设计理论与方法。

39、fundamental equations of the incompressible Newton fluid flowing in the isotropy porous media are derived according to the new continuum model. ─── 新的连续介质模型出发,导出不可压缩牛顿流体在各向同性多孔介质中流动的渗流基本方程。

40、Keywords Stratified media;Seismic inversion;Isotropy;Anisotropy; ─── 层状介质;地震反演;各向同性;各向异性;

41、The constitutive equations of the soil-root composite, which express the stress-strain relationship, were derived under the hypothesis of isotropy. ─── 横观各向同性条件下,计算得出了表征土壤-根系复合体应力-应变关系的本构方程。

42、quasi isotropy ─── n. 类无向性

43、When cholesteric phase and isotropy phase were coexistent,the solution showed multi-texture behavior with variation of concentration. ─── 在胆甾相与各向同性相共存时,随着浓度的变化,溶液会呈现出多种织构形态。

44、and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years. ─── 微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。

45、titled transversely isotropy ─── 倾斜横向各向同性介质

46、TI(Transverse Isotropy) medium ─── TIV介质

47、linear elastic isotropy medium ─── 线弹性各向同性介质

48、The direct and the inverse solutions,singularities and isotropy of the mechanism were investigated respectively in terms of different actuated inputs,i. ─── 利用螺旋理论对机构的自由度进行了分析和计算,研究了分别以圆柱副中的转动和线性移动作为主动输入的机构的运动学正逆解、奇异性和各向同性。

49、The use of this constant also facilitates consideration of transverse isotropy of the constituents of unidirectional fibre-reinforced composite materials. ─── 这个常数的引入也便于正确计算单向纤维增强复合材料的横向切变模量。

50、isotropy and anisotropy ─── 各向同性和各向异性

51、Having isotropy, homogeneousness and high transmittance in visible and infrared region, chalcohalide glasses become ideal infrared optical fiber materials. ─── 硫卤玻璃由于各向同性和结构均匀且在可见光和红外波长区域具有高透光性等优点而成为一种理想的红外光纤材料。

52、Solution of semi-infinite surface dislocation of axissymmetrical transverse isotropy ─── 轴对称横观各向同性半无限体表面位移的求解

53、{001} texture has a good effect on isotropy while {123} tend to form anisotropy. ─── {001}织构组分有利于多晶体板材产生各向同性,{123}织构组分则易于形成各向异性。

54、isotropy representation ─── 迷向表示

55、Stick isotropy to treat a scar what to side effect there is? ─── 贴同位素治疗伤疤有什么副作用?

56、But it is not always proper to analyse all sheet metal forming problems in planar isotropy since most sheet metals are'nt planar isotropic. ─── 然而,绝大多数板树为面内异性,因此对所有板材的塑性变形问题一味在面内同性之条件下研究未免就有不妥之处。

57、optical isotropy ─── 光学各向同性光学蛤同性

58、On the Approximation of Isotropy for Spatial Variability of Soil Water and Salt ─── 土壤水盐特性空间变异的各向同性近似探讨

59、Owing to isotropy, homogeneity and higher transmission in visible and infrared region, chalcohalide glasses become ideal infrared optical fiber materials. ─── 而硫卤玻璃由于各向同性和结构均匀且在可见光和红外波长区域具有高透光性等优点而成为一种理想的红外光纤材料。

60、Problems including parameter estimation, model diagnostic checking and edge effect will also be studied.Key words and phrases: regular lattice, isotropy, edge effect. ─── 本计画亦拟探讨参数之估计法及估计量之统计性质,模型之适切性检定以及随附的边界效应问题。

61、The current designs with optimum global isotropy are developed through an exhaustive search. ─── 目前所得到的最佳整体等向性设计是透过全域搜寻法所得到的。

62、Since the isotropy of such laminates holds only for the elastic properties, but not for the strength behavior, their strength largely depends on the stacking structure. ─── 在板内发生损伤之后,其各向同性性质不再保留,最终强度将依赖于加载方向以及叠层顺序。

63、Keywords photonic crystal;isotropy;D-value of dielectric constant;photonic band gap; ─── 光子晶体;各向同性;介电常数差;光子带隙;

64、isotropy medium ─── 备向同性波导

65、With the increase of 0, the instant elastic modulus increases and the isotropy becomes obvious; ─── 横向形变的瞬时弹性模量随应变的增大而减少,两者呈非线性关系;

66、Keywords anisotropic media;transversal isotropy;VSP;crosshole seismology;travel time;normal moveout;phase velocity;group velocity elastic constants;inversion; ─── 各向异性介质;横向各向同性;垂直地震剖面;井间地震;旅行时;正常时差;相速度;群速度;弹性常数;反演;

67、Keywords theoretic model;low frequency ultrasonically induced polarization;electromagnetic wave field;saturated fluid;isotropy;full wave train; ─── 理论模型;低频声激发极化;电磁波场;饱和流体;各向同性;全波列;

68、At present, the study of theory and the engineering application on ground microtremor are based on the hypothesis of isotropy basically. ─── 目前,场地微动的理论研究与工程应用基本上是基于各向同性(包括覆盖土层和基岩各向同性)的假设前提。

69、Macroscopic deviations from isotropy occur due to bedding, schistosity and also sometimes fracturing. ─── 与各向同性相差很大的情况往往产生于层理,片理,某些时候则由于断裂所造成。

70、linear group of isotropy ─── 线性迷向群

71、isotropy exclusion ─── 同种(型)排斥

72、isotropy analysis ─── 质性分析

73、The local isotropy hypothesis and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the atmospheric surface layer ─── 在大气近地面层中区域各向同性假设和湍流动能的消散率

74、Keywords crystallographic theory directionally solidified material creep behavior trans isotropy; ─── 晶体塑性理论;定向结晶材料;蠕变响应;横观各向同性;

75、assumption of isotropy ─── 各向同性假设

76、group of isotropy ─── 迷向群

77、The reflection is lower for polarization by using this method.On the basis of the reflectance R from a dielectric layer on an isotropy medium, the condition to produce polarization is discussed. ─── 从介质膜的能量反射比R出发,探讨了在各向同性介质表面镀介质膜时,反射光为偏振光的条件。

78、The cases where transversely isotropy rotates along three axes are often studied,and the concept of circle coordinate system is presented in order to depict them generally. ─── 一般研究横向各向同性介质沿三个坐标轴方向旋转得到的倾斜横向各向同性介质,为了方便统一描述这类不同旋转方向的各向异性介质,提出了循环坐标系统的概念。

79、The duality system is introduced for the problem of elastic cylinders with transverse isotropy. ─── 摘要针对横观各向同性弹性柱体问题构造了对偶体系。

80、If damage criterion of normal concrete is adopted, it can not reflect transversal isotropy character of RCC, because elastic modulus and poisson ratio have influence on damage. ─── 碾压混凝土具有横向各向同性性质,若采用常态混凝土损伤准则,与碾压混凝土的材料特性不符,弹性模量与泊松比对损伤准则均有影响。

81、Keywords Elastodynamics;Hollow cylinder;Hollow sphere;Orthotropy;Spherically isotropy;Functionally graded material;Multilayered material; ─── 弹性动力学解;空心圆柱;空心球;正交各向异性体;球面各向同性体;功能梯度材料;层合材料;

82、Those who pass isotropy is radiative and direct make tumor contractible to tumor action or disappear, achieve remedial goal. ─── 经过同位素的放射直接对肿瘤作用使肿瘤缩小或消失,达到治疗的目的。

83、PDC not only keeps basic characteristics of single crystal diamond,but also have the special characters such as crystalline disorder range,no cleavage and isotropy. ─── PDC不仅保留着单晶金刚石的基本特性,而且还具有晶粒呈无序排列、无解理面、各向同性等自身的独特性。它既是工程材料,又是新型的功能材料;


85、Study on the Surface Temperature Distribution of the Isotropy Tissue Affected by the Inner Heat Source ─── 内热源影响下的均质组织表面温度分布研究

86、As a basic assumption of the large-scale homogeneity and isotropy of space, cosmological Principle is the foundation of modern cosmology. ─── 宇宙学原理是大尺度空间均匀性和各向同性的一个基本假设,它是现代宇宙学的基础。

87、The results show that B powders in the green bodies have been completely nitrified when the density is 1.45 g/cm3, BN particles are randomly arranged and show isotropy. ─── 结果表明:密度为1.45g/cm3的不同坯体, 在此工艺条件下B都已完全氮化,生成了纯净的BN陶瓷,烧结后陶瓷的密度发生了不同程度的变化。

88、The performance indexes such as the reducible capability the condition number, the dexterity and isotropy etc are analyzed.An Optimization design process based on workspace is also described. ─── 分析了机构的可约性、条件数、灵巧度、各向同性性能等性能,并以机构的工作空间为优化目标进行了设计。

89、local isotropy ─── 局地各向同性

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