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09-19 投稿


inveteracy 发音


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inveteracy 网络释义

n. 积习;根深蒂固

inveteracy 相似词语短语

1、invertebral ─── [无脊椎]无脊椎的

2、innumeracy ─── n.无数学和自然科学知识;科学盲;数学盲

3、inveterately ─── adv.积习地;根深蒂固地

4、inveterate ─── adj.根深的;积习的;成癖的

5、indeterminacy ─── 不确定;[数]不确定性

6、Confederacy ─── n.联盟;联邦;私党

7、interact ─── vt.互相影响;互相作用;vi.互相影响;互相作用;n.幕间剧;幕间休息

8、invertebrate ─── adj.无脊椎的;无骨气的;n.无脊椎动物;无骨气的人

9、illiteracy ─── n.文盲;无知

inveteracy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My blind inveteracy returned ─── 我又不顾一切地固执起来。

2、It looks like you inveteracy prejudice has already totally effect your judgement. ─── 看来你根深蒂固的偏见已经完全影响了你的判断力。

3、His fine brushwork rigorous modeling portraits, portrait of attention fluid lines, robust hearty, free-style, completely out of the old ladies painted figures Sophie inveteracy trivial detail. ─── 他的工笔人物画造型严谨,刻画入微线条流畅,刚健爽朗,风格清閒,完全摆脱了旧人物仕女画柔靡琐细的积习。

4、Several compensation methods of deadtime influence for SPWM inveter [J].Power Supply Technology Application, 2000,10:18- 21. ─── SPWM逆变器死区影响的几种补偿方法[J].电源技术应用,2000,10:18-21.

5、Parameter Measure and Estimation of Induction Motor at Standstill Using Inveter ─── 静止条件下异步电机等效电路参数检测方法的研究

6、The inveteracy of people's prejudices is out of your imagination ─── 人们偏见的根深蒂固远远超出了你的想象。

7、His fine brushwork rigorous modeling portraits, portrait of attention fluid lines, robust hearty, free-style, completely out of the old ladies painted figures Sophie inveteracy trivial detail. ─── 他的工笔人物画造型严谨,刻画入微线条流畅,刚健爽朗,风格清闲,完全摆脱了旧人物仕女画柔靡琐细的积习。

8、inveteracy of people's prejudices is out of your imagination. ─── 人们偏见的根深蒂固远远超出了你的想象。

9、She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime, and this woman (the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described) would wait to add that strength to her case, and make herself doubly sure. ─── 她和她父亲无疑会被指控犯了这种罪,而这个女人(她那一意孤行的脾气简直难以描述)是会等待时机把这一条罪名加上去,使自己立于不败之地的。

10、The inveteracy of people's prejudices is out of your imagination. ─── 人们偏见的根深蒂固远远超出了你的想象。

11、half bridge inveter circuit ─── 半桥逆变电路

12、By then, inveteracy long way agreement transferring land market will fade, replaced by bidding land sold. ─── 届时,积习已久的协议土地出让方式将会淡出市场,取而代之的是招投标的土地出让方式。

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