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09-19 投稿


inkstand 发音

英:[['ɪŋkstænd]]  美:[['ɪŋkˌstænd]]

英:  美:

inkstand 中文意思翻译



inkstand 相似词语短语

1、inkstains ─── 墨水渍

2、inkstain ─── 向量绘图

3、ink stains ─── 墨渍

4、kickstand ─── n.支架;撑脚架

5、ringstand ─── 环形齿

6、inkstands ─── n.墨水瓶;墨水台(等于inkwell)

7、inkstone ─── n.砚;水绿矾

8、linksland ─── n.海边沙丘地带

9、rickstand ─── 堆料架

inkstand 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and, indeed, most people understand as much about poetry as an old inkstand. ─── 大多数的人对于诗的理解和一个老墨水壶差不了多少。

2、He opened the inkstand to write a poem. ─── 他打开墨水瓶去写一首诗。

3、"Never!" said the Queen, furiously, throwing an inkstand at the lizard as she spoke. ─── “从来没有

4、inkstand mine ─── 墨水台雷

5、“Yes, what I gave you to write,” retorted the inkstand. ─── “您大约听到了他念的那些我所写下的东西了吧?”

6、'Never! ' said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke. ─── “从来没有!”王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。

7、“That is what you have got, madam,” said the pen to the inkstand, when the two were alone again. ─── 在一个诗人的房间里,有人看到桌上的墨水壶,说:“一个墨水壶所能产生的东西真是了不起!

8、Inkwell (n.): a container for holding ink, usually set in the top of a desk, inkstand, etc. ─── (镶在桌上或墨水台上的)墨水池。

9、near the glass door a large table with an inkstand, loaded with a confusion of papers and with huge volumes ─── 窗门旁边,有一张大桌子,摆了一个墨水瓶,桌上堆着零乱的纸张和大本的书籍。

10、and, indeed, most people understand as much about poetry as an old inkstand. ─── 你很可能以为任何人都可以拉它几下子。

11、"Freezing a pattern of five-flower coins, Your challenge from camp, from an inkstand of ice," ─── 五花连钱旋作冰,幕中草檄砚水凝。

12、Painter but everywhere to catch him, and finally caught him under the bed and into the inkstand Lane. ─── 画家无奈,到处捉他,最终在床底下把他捉住,又塞进墨水瓶里。

13、"Never!" said the Queen, furiously, throwing an inkstand at the lizard as she spoke ─── “从来没有!”王后狂怒地说,把墨水瓶向着壁虎扔去。

14、Neither the inkstand nor the feather pen could recognize that their abilities were all precious until then. ─── 直到那时不管是墨水瓶还是羽毛笔都没能认识到他们的才能都是宝贵的。

15、"That is what you have got, madam, " said the pen to the inkstand, when the two were alone again. ─── “这是讲给你听的呀,太太!”当旁边没有别人的时候,笔这样对墨水壶说。

16、He looked round at the officers, and taking his papers from under his pillow, he went to the window where there was an inkstand, and sat down to write. ─── 杰尼索夫朝着军官们瞥了一眼,说道,他从自己枕头下面拿出公文来,走到那摆着他的墨水瓶的窗前,坐下来写呈文。

17、“That is what you get,madam,”said the Pen to the Inkstand,when the two were alone again.“Did you not hear him read aloud what I have written down!” ─── “这是讲给你听的呀,太太!”当旁边没有别人的时候,笔这样对墨水壶说。“你没有听到他在高声朗诵我所写的东西么?”

18、said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke. (The unfortunate little Bill had left off writing on his slate with one finger, as he found it made no mark; ─── 王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。那个不幸的比尔已经不再用手指在纸板上写字了,因为他发现这样是写不出宇来的。

19、Near Grantaire, an almost silent table, a sheet of paper, an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy, announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out. ─── 格朗泰尔在低声吟哦。紧靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张纸、一瓶墨水和一支笔,放在两个小酒杯中间,宣告着一个闹剧剧本正在酝酿。

20、On a table lay a pen, a leaden inkstand and paper, provided in the event of possible reports and the orders of the night patrols. ─── 桌上有一支笔、一个铅制墨水缸和一些纸张,这是为可能需要的笔录以及夜间巡逻寄存物品时备用的。

21、On a table lay a pen, a leaden inkstand and paper, ─── 桌上有一支笔、一个铅制墨水缸和一些纸张

22、There never was such a cross family!' cried Jo, losing her temper when she had upset an inkstand, broken both bootlacings, and sat down upon her hat. ─── “我从来没见过一家人这么火爆!”乔喊道。她打翻了墨水后,弄断了两根靴带,又坐在自己的帽子上,终于发起了脾气。

23、retorted the inkstand. ─── 墨水壶说。

24、The feather pen laughed at the inkstand. ─── 羽毛笔嘲笑墨水瓶。

25、A classic Chinese inkstand and writing brush share his heavy patio desk with several sheets of recently completed calligraphy. ─── 一端砚台,一支毛笔,还有最近完成的几副书法,占据了他沉重的天井桌桌面。


27、IN the room of a poet,where his Inkstand stood up-on the table,it was said,“It is wonderful what can come out of an inkstand.What will the next thing be? ─── 在一个诗人的房间里,有人看到桌上的墨水壶,说:“一个墨水壶所能产生的东西真是了不起!下一步可能是什么呢?

28、said the Queen friously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke ─── 王后狂怒着说,并把桌上的墨水缸扔到了壁虎比尔的身上。

29、Be this an inkstand? ─── 这是墨水台吗?

30、The inkstand had no idea what was inside of her. ─── 墨水瓶不知道装在她里面的是什么。

31、Thenardier pushed the table close to M.Leblanc, and took an inkstand, a pen, and a sheet of paper from the drawer which he left half open, and in which gleamed the long blade of the knife. ─── 德纳第把桌子推向白先生,紧紧地靠着他,又从抽屉里拿出一个墨水瓶、一杆笔和一张纸,让那抽屉半开着,露出一把雪亮的长尖刀。

32、Near the glass door a large table with an inkstand, ─── 窗门旁边,有一张大桌子,摆了一个墨水瓶

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