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09-17 投稿


insensate 发音

英:[ɪnˈsenseɪt]  美:[ɪnˈsenseɪt]

英:  美:

insensate 中文意思翻译



insensate 短语词组

1、insensate brutes ─── 愚蠢的畜生

insensate 词性/词形变化,insensate变形

副词: insensately |名词: insensateness |

insensate 同义词

timidity |anxiety | uncertainty | diffidence | self-doubt

insensate 反义词


insensate 相似词语短语

1、intensates ─── 强烈的

2、condensate ─── n.冷凝物;浓缩物;adj.浓缩的

3、intensative ─── 密集型

4、insensitive ─── adj.(对他人的感受)未意识到的,漠不关心的;(对变化)懵然不知的,麻木不仁的;(对某事物)无感觉,无反应

5、insinuate ─── vt.暗示;使逐渐而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潜入;vi.暗讽;说含沙射影的话

6、intensate ─── 强度

7、insensately ─── 无感觉地;无理性地

8、intensated ─── 强度

9、sensate ─── adj.可感觉的;知觉的

insensate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to ensoul things insensate ─── 使无生气之物富有生气[亦作 insoul]

2、a predatory,insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal. ─── 一个弱肉强食的,无情的社会,其中天真和纯真被证明是致命的。

3、Computers and the programming languages that we talk to them in, that we teach them in, are hideously insensate when it comes to space. ─── 计算机和我们用来沟通和指挥它们的编程语言,当涉及到空间的时候都是无可救药的。

4、Conclusions: Outcome was not adersely affected by limb salage, despite the presence of an insensate foot at the time of presentation. ─── 结论:预后没有有害的影响在肢体保留者,不管足部感觉存在缺乏的表现。

5、They this insensate, consciousness but character, but the member that gather leaves in its badge is to have affection justice vivid, have certain belief and the person that organize discipline. ─── 党徽、团徽、队徽既是一种组织的标志,又是一种理论和实践的象征。它们本无生命、意识可言,但集合在其徽下的成员都是有情有义有血有肉,并有一定信念和组织纪律的人。

6、be insensate to ─── 对...无感觉

7、"a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal" (Peter S. Prescott) ─── “一个弱肉强食的,无情的社会,其中天真和纯真被证明是致命的”(彼得S.普雷斯科特)

8、Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard. ─── 螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。

9、More than one-half of the patients who had presented with an insensate foot that was treated with limb reconstruction ultimately regained sensation at two years. ─── 超过一半的患者保留感觉缺乏足,经肢体重建的治疗恢复感觉。

10、Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active. ─── 角质层是由无生命活性的角朊细胞构成的。

11、The stone is not an ordinary piece of insensate stone, it shouldn't be used to build a wall or pave the steps, to carve words or flowers or to wash clothes on. ─── “是的,丑到极处,便是美到极处。正因为它不是一般的顽石,当然不能去做墙,做台阶,不能去雕刻,捶布。

12、Amid the chanted joy and thankful rite;May so fall flat, with pale insensate brow ─── 一个浸沉在欢颂和崇拜中的僧侣;把苍白无知觉的额头投在祭坛下

13、in cold blood; cold-blooded killing; insensate destruction. ─── 冷血;冷血的屠杀;野蛮的破坏。

14、a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal(Peter S. Prescott) ─── 一个弱肉强食的,无情的社会,其中天真和纯真被证明是致命的(彼得S.普雷斯科特)

15、Methods: We examined the outcomes for a subset of fifty-fie subjects who had had an insensate extremity at the time of presentation. ─── 方法:我们检查了55例受检者的预后,他们存在肢体的感觉丧失的最初表现。

16、The Insensate Foot Following Seere Lower Extremity Trauma: An Indication for Amputation? ─── 无感觉足伴随严重下肢创伤:一项截肢的指征?

17、in cold blood; cold-blooded killing; insensate destruction. ─── 冷血;冷血的屠杀;野蛮的破坏。

18、Do you remember the cry of Bulgaria when she was torn by the most insensate tyranny that Europe has ever seen? ─── 你们还记得保加利亚经受欧洲最暴虐统治时的呼喊吗?

19、At two years after the injury, only one patient in the insensate salvage group had absent plantar sensation. ─── 在受伤后两年,仅有1例感觉不敏感的保肢的患者丧失足底感觉。

20、insensate stone [rock] ─── 顽石

21、21 he was cast out from among men and was made insensate as a beast;he lived with wild asses, and ate grass like an ox; ─── 由人间被驱逐,他的心相似兽心,与野驴为为伍,吃草如同牛一样;

22、3.Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard. ─── 螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。

23、In the World War the German Jews had a record of insensate loyalty to the Kaiser ─── 在世界大战期间,德国犹太人对德皇的盲目忠诚是有案可查的。

24、insensate a. ─── 无感觉的;

25、12 But she answered him, "No my brother! Do not shame me! That is an intolerable crime in Israel. Do not commit this insensate deed. ─── 她回答说:"我的哥哥!不可这样,不要作贱我!在以色列不应作这样木事,不要作这愚蠢的事!

26、Conclusions: Outcome was not adversely affected by limb salvage, despite the presence of an insensate foot at the time of presentation. ─── 结论:预后没有有害的影响在肢体保留者,不管足部感觉存在缺乏的表现。

27、One, the risk rule that cultivate birds breeds 1.Cultivate birds breeds the real risk in the process and moral risk to be more than other insensate belongings. ─── 一、畜禽养殖的风险规律 1.畜禽养殖过程中的纯粹风险与道德风险都大于其他无生命的财产。

28、Cancer is a insensate disease. ─── 癌症是一种顽症。

29、Insensate stones without words but sentimental, spirit it is for cultivation. ─── 顽石不语亦有情,怡神冶性是精灵。

30、Hence the saying: When Sheng Gong preaches, insensate stone will nod in agreement ─── “生公说法,顽石点头”,就指这件事。

31、insensate folly ─── 愚蠢无知

32、amid the chanted joy and thankful rite/May so fall flat, with pale insensate brow ─── 一个浸沉在欢颂和崇拜中的僧侣/把苍白无知觉的额头投在祭坛下,

33、a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal(bPeter S.Prescott) ─── 一个弱肉强食的,无情的社会,其中天真和纯真被证明是致命的(b彼得S.普雷斯科特)

34、The Insensate Foot Following Seere Lower Extremity Trauma: An Indication for Amputation? ─── 无感觉足伴随严重下肢创伤:一项截肢的指征?

35、Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active. ─── 角质层是由无生命活性的角朊细胞构成的。

36、At two years after the injury, only one patient in the insensate salage group had absent plantar sensation. ─── 在受伤后两年,仅有1例感觉不敏感的保肢的患者丧失足底感觉。

37、One of these I now am, an exile and a wanderer from the gods, for that I put my trust in insensate strife. ─── 我现在就是这样的一个人,是一个见拒于神的亡命者和流浪儿,因此我就把我的指望寄托于无情的斗争中。

38、If fate is a insensate stone, I will turn into a big hammer and hit it into pieces! ─── 如果命运是块顽石,我就化作大锤,将它砸得粉碎!

39、The big red hand was very insensate and moved fast.Finally, it found his brother in the nest, and took him away. ─── 那只红红的肉爪子,又顽强、又灵活,终于甩开了他,却伸向了窝里的另一个,把他的伙伴带走了。

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