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09-18 投稿


inceptive 发音

英:[ɪnˈseptɪv]  美:[ɪnˈseptɪv]

英:  美:

inceptive 中文意思翻译




inceptive 网络释义

adj. 开端的;起初的n. 表始动词

inceptive 短语词组

1、inceptive garment ─── 起始服装

2、inceptive of new ideas ─── 接受新想法

3、inceptive orthodontics ─── 起始正畸学

4、inceptive impulse ─── 初始脉冲

inceptive 相似词语短语

1、inceptively ─── 令人不快

2、incepting ─── vt.开始;摄取;接收;vi.获得学位;就职

3、inceptives ─── adj.开端的;起初的;n.表始动词

4、exceptive ─── adj.例外的,特殊的;优越的;吹毛求疵的

5、incentives ─── n.激励;奖励;诱因(incentive的复数形式);奖励措施

6、conceptive ─── adj.概念上的;有想像力的

7、incentive ─── n.动机;刺激

8、deceptive ─── adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的

9、acceptive ─── adj.易接纳的;可领受的

inceptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The vegetarians incept the proteid from foods which like meat but no the meat. ─── 素食者摄取的蛋白质并非来自肉类,而是来自类似肉类的食物。

2、*The pedestal of the unit can play CD disc or incept FM Radio. *The g... ─── 摘 要: *Globe conformation * Material of the globe is marble and all are inlayed by handwork.

3、622 atomic_error($incept. ─── " 的信箱已满");

4、Incept MIS sever , Pantoschool software, KPI software and finish testing , plan to use it in September in 2006. ─── 接收了重庆市教委派发的MIS系统服务器和鹏达校园网软件、KPI软件,安装调试完毕,计划2006年秋季正式在校园内投入使用。

5、The two MX note will not infection email's incept and send out, before delete old mx note. ─── 这两条MX记录不会对公司目前的邮件有任何影响,在删除公司现在的MX记录:之后才会对公司的邮件起作用。

6、Methods In selecting incept concentration of taking of sensitivity, to do mix-skin-test basing on tradition commend concentration and choosing the best concentration to begin to take of sensitivity. ─── 方法在选择脱敏起始浓度时,在传统推荐浓度的基础上,行混合皮试,择取最佳浓度开始脱敏;

7、In this paper , pill-setover control system which used for incept and disposal of signal of space movement is devised and explored in detail. ─── 本文对弹丸偏角控制系统空间运动信号的接收与处理进行了全面的设计与探索。

8、DAB and DRM are compared in the aspects of development, the strongpoint, the key techniques, and the sending arid incept theories which is the keystone and can give preparation for future development. ─── 对于两种数字广播系统DAB和DRM,依次就其国内外发展动态、与传统广播相比较的各自改进的优点、关键技术等进行比较分析。

9、A point is inceptive of a line. ─── 点是线的开始。

10、because the degree of uniformity of electrical field is different among the electrode systems, the changing trend of the inceptive discharge voltage with the pressure is unlikeness. ─── 不同的电极系统,由于电场的均匀程度不同,起始放电电压随压力变化的趋势也不同。

11、Hence the altitude, elevation and incept power of HPM propagation can be modified by the theory of this paper, which can also provide theoretic reference to practical HPM propagation. ─── 结合射线描迹法对高功率微波波束传播高度、仰角和距离进行了修正,并在低功率微波下进行实验验证,证实修正值更接近实际值。

12、Policies incept from the date of inception on the Certificate of Cover which is the date of the loan extension. ─── 保单授权书上的保单日期就是借款延期偿还日期,自此日起,保单开始生效。

13、impression of him is simple and honest, slightly shy. ─── 的印象是憨厚,略带羞涩。

14、Based on theory of aesthetic informatics, the beauty of artistic conception of bamboo landscape w s discussed.The general course of information production, spread and incept were analyzed. ─── 以美学信息学理论探讨竹类植物景观的意境美, 分析了意境美信息生产、传播、接收和解释原理及其一般过程。

15、The paper gives the flow chart of emergency rescue decision-making, recounting particularly the whole process from incept alarm, route guidance, emergency rescue to finish the emergency. ─── 给出了应急救援智能决策的流程图,重点阐述了交通事故发生后,从接警,路线诱导,应急救援到救援结束的整个流程。

16、inceptive impulse ─── 初始脉冲占线脉冲

17、inceptive judg ─── 出发判断

18、The studying: i'll finish my master's Paper in time so that i can incept in 2009. ─── 工作:我想改变我的工作状态。

19、The upper and lower vorticity bands approach each other and extend downstream, while the inceptive position of the lower one moves downstream. ─── 上下涡带逐渐靠拢,并向后延伸、拉直,同时下涡带的起始位置向后推移。

20、Recounting particularly the whole process from incept alarm, Emergency Command to finish the emergency, and introducing how to create dynamic Emergency Planning (the Planning of Emergency Rescue) . ─── 到应急结束的整个流程,以及最终动态预隶(应急救援作战计划书)的实时生成过程。

21、The Realization of Intermit Incept Program in Simulate Memory Oscillograph ─── 模拟记忆示波器中断接收程序的实现

22、It is concluded that the excellent teacher, the student's English and incept level, suitable teaching mode and the integrity of course setting are the keys to bilingual teaching. ─── 认为优秀的双语授课教师、学生的英语水平及接收能力、适宜的教学模式和双语教学课程设置的整体性是双语教学顺利开展的关键因素。

23、weak - signals incept ─── 弱信号接收

24、inceptive aspect ─── 起动体

25、This paper designed a full circuit of ultrasonic telemeter without SCM, which includes the sending circuit, incept circuit, clock circuit, counting and showing circuit. ─── 摘要该文设计了一种超声波测距数字电路实验装置,使用非单片机的方法设计了一个完整的超声波测距电路,包括超声波发射电路、接收整形电路、时钟电路、计数和显示电路。

26、A Delver of Incept Fashion in Digital Radiogram ─── 数字收音机接收方式的探索

27、The simulation experiments of various kinds of electrode system under different pressure show that the gas inceptive when the gap is fixed, discharge voltage is proportional to the pressure; ─── 对各种电极在不同压力下进行模拟实验,实验表明:通常情况下,给定间隙,气体的起始放电电压随着压力的增大而增大;


29、The system is studied from theory and experiment, ameliorating the system, and using two linear CCD orthogonally as incept element. ─── 就几种影响因素从理论和实验上对激光衍射法测量微丝直径进行了研究,改进测量系统,并以正交CCD组为接收元件。

30、While waveform criterion is presented based on the duration time of inceptive travelling wave. ─── 而根据初始行波波头持续时间的长短可以构成波形判据。

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