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09-17 投稿


infects 发音

英:[ɪnˈfekts]  美:[ɪnˈfekts]

英:  美:

infects 中文意思翻译



infects 词性/词形变化,infects变形

动词过去式: infected |动词过去分词: infected |动词现在分词: infecting |动词第三人称单数: infects |

infects 同义词

corrupt | inspire | move | debase | defile | taint | touch | pollute | blight | afflict | disease | poison | communicate | affect | pervert | influence | infuse | deprave |contaminate

infects 反义词


infects 相似词语短语

1、insects ─── n.[昆]昆虫;昆虫类,昆虫纲(insect的复数形式)

2、infect ─── vt.感染,传染

3、infefts ─── 侵扰

4、coinfects ─── 共缺陷

5、injects ─── vt.注入;注射

6、reinfects ─── vt.使再感染

7、confects ─── vt.混合;调制;n.糖果;西点

8、infests ─── vt.骚扰;寄生于;大批出没;大批滋生

9、inflects ─── vt.弯曲;改变;使屈曲;vi.发生曲折变化

infects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do treating that the piglet gonadectomy queen infects? ─── 仔猪去势后感染的治疗?

2、The numerous factors increased the child to infect the pneumococcus the risk. ─── 众多因素增加了儿童感染肺炎球菌的风险。

3、Scans the compromised computer and infects any .exe files it finds. ─── 任何妥协的电脑扫描和感染.它认定程序可执行档案.

4、Most microbes infect catheters by migrating intraluminally from colonized hubs, or extraluminally from colonized skin. ─── 大多数微生物通过从导管注射部位或经皮肤移行入管腔造成感染。

5、But, the mother forrescue the person to infect the typhus, died. ─── 可是,母亲为了救人而被传染伤寒,去世了。

6、Neisseria meningitidis only infects humans; there is no animal reservoir. ─── 脑膜炎奈瑟菌仅感染人类,不存在动物宿主。

7、After that, they may start to infect other people. ─── 之后,它们会开始传染给其他人。

8、These are cells of the type that HIV infects. ─── 这些细胞正是艾滋病毒感染的那一类细胞。

9、To infect or corrupt, as with illness or vice. ─── 侵蚀因疾病或罪行而被感染或堕落

10、It can travel from the intestinal system to the blood and can infect the brain in some cases. ─── 它可以通过肠道系统进入血液,有时还可以对大脑产生影响。

11、Polymorphic viruses that change each time the virus infects a new computer, somewhat like mutating biological viruses. ─── 多态类病毒在每次感染新计算机时变化,有些像变异生物病毒。

12、He thought that parents might infect their children with their ideas. ─── 他认为家长的观念会影响孩子。

13、Medical experts say Mr Yang is a non-active carrier and unlikely to infect others. ─── 医学专家表示:杨仅仅是一个不幸感染了乙肝病毒的非活动性乙肝病毒携带者。

14、Experimentally it also infects sheep, goats, and rabbits. ─── 实验证明,它也感染绵羊、山羊和家兔。

15、Or toads infect fair founts with venom mud? ─── 为什么蟾蜍用毒泥污染清洌的泉水?

16、She infects other people with her cheerful spirits. ─── 她用她的快乐情绪感染了其他人。

17、What is second pleasant? How can you just form infect? ─── 什么是乙甘?怎样才会构成传染?

18、H5N1 has continued to infect humans as the outbreak in poultry has raged, with an apparently high fatality rate. ─── 伴随着明显的高死亡率,H5N1就象在禽类中爆发一样已经在持续的感染人类。

19、Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class. ─── 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。

20、They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults. ─── 他们考虑来自外部的感染公司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中。

21、It directly infects the quality of a welding process,and the lifetime of an invert welding supply. ─── 它直接影响到焊机的焊接质量、焊机的使用寿命等。

22、AL/SV can infect chicks by the vertical and horizontal transmission. ─── SV可通过水平和垂直两种方式传播感染鸡群。

23、A computer virus which originates from USA in Spring1988, mainly infects IBM PC and the compatible machine through the boot sector. ─── 1988年春起源于美国的计算机病毒,通过引导扇区进行传染,主要攻击对象是IBMPC机及其兼容机。

24、Bacteria which infect Amomum tsao-ko are Pseudomonas and Erwinia. ─── 回接表明,镰刀菌属的冬3-8号是病原菌。

25、Infect v. To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染通过致病的微生物或媒介来传染。

26、Other vendors apply prefixes that are more indicative of the type of threat, rather than the platform it infects. ─── 其他厂商使用能够更加形象的表示威胁类型的前缀,而不是它感染的平台类型。

27、One drep of poison infects the whole tun of wine. ─── 一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅汤。

28、A never-ending war pits human being against the germs that try to invade and infect us. ─── 人类与致病微生物的斗争是永无止境的。

29、Airborne spores infect freshly exposed wood. ─── 存在于空气中的孢子,侵染新长出来的林木。

30、To infect with corruption or decay. ─── 使腐败传染腐化或腐朽

31、To infect, inflame, or corrupt. ─── 使感染、发炎或腐烂

32、Don't worry. I never infect. ─── 别担心,我从不受传染。

33、They determine what type of plants the virus can infect and which insects can carry the virus. ─── 他们确定这种病毒可感染哪种植物以及哪种昆虫可携带这种病毒。

34、This risk takes on added significance for a virus, like this one, that preferentially infects younger people. ─── 这种风险对类似当前的病毒具有更大的重要性,因为这种病毒尤其感染较年轻的人群。

35、A worm is a program that multiplies itself but that does not infect the host. ─── 一个蠕虫是一个复制自身但并不感染宿主的程序。

36、But the fury denied rages beneath the surface and infects all our relationships. ─── 但这种深藏的怒火在我们心底燃烧,感染着我们的人际关系。

37、Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) is a retrovirus which infects meat-type chickens. ─── 亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)是一种主要感染肉用型鸡的反转录病毒。

38、One bad boy may infect a whole class. ─── 一个坏学生可能会影响全班。

39、When you have measles,you must stay at home or you will infect the class. ─── 你如果得了麻疹就必须呆在家里,否则会传染全班同学。

40、A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea)that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. ─── 呵欠虫一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫比翼属)

41、Laboratory studies showed that the virus also could infect mice, rats, and rabbits. ─── 实验室研究显示病毒也能感染老鼠、鼠和野兔。

42、His enthusiasm for football games infects his whole family. ─── 他对足球的热爱感染了他所有的家人。

43、English: One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. ─── 中文:一滴毒药足以毒坏整桶酒。

44、You are just human.And you suffer from the same malady that infects every human being. ─── 不你只是一个人,你遭受到的是影响每个人类的疾病。

45、It is not her blood or the venomous discharge from her body that infects the animals. Nor does she bite them until they bleed. No! ─── 不是说她的血或是什么毒液流出来,然后混在一起,或是说被她咬到流血,没有!

46、The virus infects 83 people causing conjunctivitis and flu-like symptoms, and kills one man. ─── 83人感染,出现结膜炎和流感样症状,一人死亡。

47、Treponema pallidum is the name of the species that infects humans and gives them the disease we call syphilis. ─── Treponemapallidum是感染人并且给他们我们把梅毒称为的疾病的种类的名字。

48、To attack or infect with canker. ─── 使患溃疡以溃疡攻击或感染

49、Grief, like pleasure, infects the atmosphere. A first glance into any home is enough to tell you whether love or despair reigns there. ─── 忧伤与快乐一样,感染着气氛。无论哪一家,只要看上一眼,就足以得知主宰那里的是爱还是绝望。

50、Bimodal Virus Also called a Boot Sector Infector, a bimodal virus is one that infects both boot records and files on the computer system. ─── 双模病毒也叫引导区感染程序,双模病毒是一种同时感染计算机系统上的引导记录和文件的病毒。

51、A virus that infects and lyses certain bacteria. ─── 噬菌体感染并裂解某种细菌的病毒

52、This heightened risk takes on added importance for a virus, like this one, that preferentially infects younger age groups. ─── 对更多地感染较年轻年龄组的病毒,象现在这种病毒,这种更高的风险具有额外的重要性。

53、A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea) that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. ─── 呵欠虫一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫比翼属)。

54、At the crossrod the insomnia and hunger are interlaced, maze the tie but infect a mood that will ill-treat myself. ─── 失眠和饥饿交错的十字路口,迷失缘又感染了一种自虐情绪。

55、Can second liver disease infect others? ─── 乙肝病会不会传染给别人?

56、It can even infect unborn children. ─── 它甚至能感染未出生的小孩。

57、One bad boy may infect the whole class. ─── 一个坏男孩会影响整个班。

58、When people get becteria (bacteria) on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. ─── 人们手上有细菌的时候触摸自己的眼睛,鼻子或者嘴唇都可能被感染。

59、The reason possibly is the pylorus spiral bacillus infects produces the sulfide directly, causes the halitosis. ─── 原因可能是幽门螺杆菌感染直接产生硫化物,引起口臭。

60、The bug infects tens of millions of people every year in tropical countries, causing flulike symptoms and even death. ─── 在热带国家钩端螺旋体每年感染上千万人,导致感冒样综合征,甚至死亡。

61、SARS with its tremendous exterior sex -- the influence that infects speed and dimensions to bring expect to be less than to Chinese economy. ─── SARS以其巨大的外部性——传染速度和规模给中国经济带来意想不到的影响。

62、His laughter infects everyone who is in the same room. ─── 他爽朗的笑声感染了房间中的每一个人。

63、Your computer were infect my worm! And if you want to clear this worm. ─── 你的电脑已被蠕虫感染,如果你想清除此蠕虫。

64、Happy time of the Notes to make this document has been infect... ─── happy time的注释,以表明此文件已被感染过。-exercises see.

65、For example, some flu strains that can bind to alpha 2-6 receptors do not infect humans very well. ─── 例如,一些可以与alpha 2-6受体结合的流感毒株并不能很好地感染人类。

66、The scientists noted that EBV infects only humans, and that the lack of a convenient animal model has challenged EBV vaccine research. ─── 研究人员注意到EB病毒只感染人类以及缺乏合适的动物模型阻碍了疫苗的研究。

67、Later, of course, they managed to infect me with the anxious demands of clock time. ─── 但后来他们设法成功地让我感染了时钟时间的观念,使我做任何事情都有了一种紧迫感。

68、As their name suggests, these infect bacteria. ─── 噬菌体,顾名思义它们能感染细菌。

69、In a country where corruption infects almost everything, is reform feasible? ─── 在一个腐败几乎侵蚀到每个角落的国家,改革能行得通么?

70、But pigs are uniquely susceptible to getting flu viruses that infect birds. ─── 但猪是唯一容易受到鸟类流感病毒感染的动物。

71、Hepatitis B is caused by a highly contagious virus that infects the liver. ─── 乙肝是由一种高度传染性的嗜肝细胞病毒感染所致。

72、Infect HUVEC cells with different titer of AAV particles. ─── 以不同滴度的病毒分别感染体外培养的脐静脉内皮细胞株(HUVEC)。

73、Moreover, the protest was a welcome relief from the relentless careerism that infects too many students today. ─── 同时,抗议受到欢迎,因为它可以很好地缓和无情的功利主义,太多的学生受到了这种思想的侵蚀。

74、One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine. ─── 一滴之毒,毒染整桶之酒。

75、Oral sex can give either type the chance to infect the usual site of the other. ─── 口交会使这两种类型有机会感染他人常用的部位。

76、As soon as you open one of these documents, the virus infects your computer. ─── 只要你打开这样的文档,你的计算机就被感染了。

77、A good teacher should be able to infect his students with his own keenness for his subject. ─── 一个好老师应该善于以对自己所授课程的热切专注去感染学生。

78、Bacteriophage (or phage): Any of a group of usually complex viruses that infect bacteria. ─── 噬菌体(亦称噬体):一类传染细菌的复合病毒。

79、The MIT team found that to infect humans, flu viruses must bind to the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptor. ─── MIT的研究组发现,流感病毒如果要感染人类,它们必须与伞形的alpha 2-6受体结合。

80、Left untreated, each person with pulmonary TB will infect on average between 10 and 15 people every year. ─── 如果不进行治疗,每名肺结核患者将平均每年传染10-15人。

81、The will must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it. ─── 伤口需保持清洁,才不致于感染细菌。

82、Like the AIDS virus, GBV infects immune-system cells called lymphocytes. ─── 像艾滋病病毒一样,GBV感染了被称为淋巴细胞的免疫细胞。

83、On stand's mood also infects Zheng to be clean, is nearly impossible regarding these the ball which rescues, she goes all out to pursue. ─── 看台上的情绪也感染着郑洁,对于那些几乎不可能救到的球,她还是拼命在追。

84、One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock. ─── 一只羊生疮整群羊遭殃。

85、In early 1996 some villagers in Gabon die after they eat a gorilla infect with ebola. ─── 一九九六年初,一些加彭共和国的村民因吃了感染伊波拉病毒的大猩猩而死亡。

86、Bacteriophage (phage) A virus that infects bacteria. ─── 噬菌体:感染细菌的病毒。

87、An international team reported last week that the virus is so destructive, it can even infect unborn children. ─── 一支国际研究队上周报告说,这个病毒的破坏性很强,甚至会影响到未出生的婴儿。

88、infects you because you breathe in some of the infectious agents. ─── 吸入病原体,你就会被感染。

89、Every patient of bad cold will possibly infect the others around. ─── 任何一个重感冒患者都可能传染给周围的人。

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