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09-17 投稿


lustering 发音

英:[ˈlʌstərɪŋ]  美:[ˈlʌstərɪŋ]

英:  美:

lustering 中文意思翻译



lustering 常用词组

metallic luster ─── 金属光泽;金属闪光料

pearly luster ─── 珍珠光泽

bright luster ─── 镜面光泽

lustering 短语词组

1、lustering agent ─── [化] 上光剂

2、lustering mac ─── 闪亮的mac

lustering 相似词语短语

1、flustering ─── v.(使)忙乱,紧张;(使)心烦意乱;n.慌乱,紧张;激动

2、blustering ─── adj.狂风大作的;狂暴的;v.风狂吹(bluster的ing形式)

3、mustering ─── vt.召集;对…进行点名;使振作;n.集合;检阅;点名册;集合人员;vi.召集;聚集;n.(Muster)人名;(德、罗)穆斯特尔;(英)马斯特

4、fluttering ─── n.振抖;v.摆动;鼓翼;忙乱(flutter的现在分词)

5、lustring ─── n.上光整理;光亮绸(等于lustrine,lutestring);v.给…增光(lustre的ing形式)

6、cluttering ─── n.言语急促;语言错乱;v.使凌乱(clutter的ing形式)

7、clustering ─── n.聚集,收集;分类归并;v.使成群(cluster的现在分词)

8、delustering ─── v.消去(织物)的光泽(deluster的现在分词)

9、blistering ─── adj.猛烈的;极热的,极快的;n.[涂料]起泡;发疱;v.起水疱;起气泡;使受暴晒(blister的ing形式)

lustering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mercerization enhances dyeability and luster of cotton materials. ─── 丝光处理扩大棉纤维的染色能力,增加纤维的光泽。

2、It has good effect to the Marble and Terrazzo. It can replay stone's luster and has skidproof and wearability feature. ─── 对于云石,水磨石效果更佳,能使石材回复光泽,具有防滑,耐磨性好的特点。

3、To give a bright sheen or luster to. ─── 使有光泽,光彩

4、The pattern is elegant, color and luster variety, differt of in each style, packin brief and easily, super and strong and soundproof. ─── 图案精美,色泽多样,风格各异,简单易装,超强隔音。

5、Luster is vitreous to pearly especially on cleavage surfaces. ─── 光泽 是玻璃体,以珠光,特别是对卵裂表面。

6、Shanghai dived in, reviving all its old spunk and luster. ─── 上海跳了下去,重现其勇敢和辉煌。

7、Revitalize skin, inhibit the activity of melanocytes, repel dullness, and double the luster. ─── 具有焕肤的功效,抑制黑色素细胞的活动,击退暗哑,倍添光泽。

8、I love the faint moonlight only under which can my thoughts precipitate in the deep night and coincide with the color and luster of the night. ─── 喜欢淡淡的月光,只有这样,思想才可以在深夜里沉淀,才能与夜的色泽相吻合。

9、Our products feature fine craftsmanship, good flexibility and luster,durability and quality consistency. ─── 产品具有:工艺精细、弯曲度好、光泽度好、坚固耐用、质量稳定等特点。

10、owner of a gleaming (lustering) new BMW will drive around for half an hour to avoid a 50 cent parking fee. ─── 拥有着一辆熠熠夺目的宝马车的车主,甚至会为了给自己省下50美分的停车费,而辗转车场四周近半小时。

11、Polyester can be dyed in brighter colors; it also provides luster and durability. ─── 多元酯可染成亮丽的颜色,会有光泽而且耐用。

12、Still, notching seven figures has lost some of its luster. ─── 不过,百万美元还是失去了一些辉煌。

13、Natural pearls are of higher value, but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just beautiful. ─── 天然的珍珠价值更高,但人工的珍珠光泽一样夺目,一样漂亮。

14、The original purpose of mercerization was to improve the luster of cotton fibers. ─── 丝光的本来目的是改善棉丝维的光泽。

15、The arrangement of each pearl in a strand be in harmony in termes of shape, luster, surface quality and size. ─── 匹配性是指饰品中各单粒珍珠之间在形状、光泽、光洁度、颜色、大小等方面协调程度。

16、The color and luster of the two "islands" are completely the same as the "mainland". ─── 两“岛”的色泽,与“大陆”完全一致。

17、Well, natural pearls are of hifher, but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just as beautiful. ─── 嗯,真珠的价值较高。不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

18、The soft luster of the silk in the dim light was pleasing. ─── 在暗淡的灯光下,那丝绸闪着柔和的光泽,十分悦目。

19、May clean, the luster is lasting, bears the yellow stain, bears scours, has the mildew proof effect. ─── 可清洗,色泽持久,耐黄变,耐擦洗,具有防霉功效。

20、He polished the metal until it had a fine luster. ─── 他擦拭着这块金属直到他放出光芒。

21、Another risk: Volvo could lose some of its high-quality, safety-first luster in the arms of a Chinese owner. ─── 另一个风险是,沃尔沃可能会在中国所有者的手中失去其品质一流、安全第一的光环。

22、It can used to increase the luster of the stone and offer the waterproof protection to the stone. ─── 增加石材光泽,提供防水保护。

23、The luster is laboriously and yet delicately woven into the fabric. ─── 在纺织布料的时候,光泽问题已经被精心考虑进去了.

24、Few property-casualty companies are outstanding businesses. We have far more than our share, and U.S. Liability adds luster to the collection. ─── 好的产物意外险公司本来就不多,但我们却拥有不少,这超过我们应得之份,美国责任险公司的加入,无异为我们更增添辉煌。

25、After 20 minutes abluent, the skin is sent closely, smooth, luster, often do contractive pore result pretty good also. ─── 20分钟后洗净,皮肤紧致、光滑、有光泽,经常做收缩毛孔效果也不错的。

26、His great book has added luster to the university where he teach. ─── 他的巨著给他任教的大学增了光。

27、If improved luster is the goal, the sodium hydroxide concentration is kept at a high level. ─── 如果丝光的目的是改善光泽,氢氧化钠溶液的浓度应较高。

28、To shine by reflection with a sparkling luster. ─── 反光由反光反射引起的闪光

29、Resembling gold, as in color or luster. ─── 光彩耀目的在颜色或光泽上象黄金的

30、A pearl having exceptional luster. ─── 好的珍珠一种具有非凡色泽的珍珠

31、Contain liquorice compound to keep pores smooth speed up blood circulation and resume natural luster effectively. ─── 含甘油复合物,保持毛孔畅通,加速血液循环,有效地恢复肌肤自然光泽。

32、An excited and highly distempered ideality threw a sulphurous luster over all. ─── 他的长篇言论将永远回响在我的身边。

33、A good fame keeps its luster in the dark. ─── 好的名声在黑暗中也会光芒四射.

34、Its natural luster and elasticity make it a very desirable thread. Rarely used in industry. ─── 它的自然光泽和弹性使其成为一种令人满意的线,但工业上很少用。

35、Mercerization is a chemical finish for cotton goods which increases luster, moisture absorbency and strength. ─── 丝光是对棉织品的一个化学处理过程,它可以改善织物光泽、吸湿性和强度。

36、The flatting mechanism of low luster paint of organic solvent was introduced. ─── 介绍了有机溶剂型哑光涂料的消光机理。

37、A green, gray, or red metamorphic rock, similar to slate but often having a wavy surface and a distinctive micaceous luster. ─── 千枚岩,硬绿泥石一种绿色、灰色或红色变质岩,与页岩相似,只是表面通常起伏不平,有明显的云母光泽

38、TaBleware made of stainless steel is economical and practical and adds luster to your taBle. ─── 不锈钢餐具,经济实惠,为您的餐桌增添光彩。

39、A floating cloud suspends in the sky shining seven-colour luster. ─── 一股烟云飘悬在天空中,闪烁着七色的光彩。

40、It lends an elegant shimmery look and glossy luster to an array of cosmetic and personal care products. ─── 它适合优雅的外观和光泽闪烁光彩一系列的化妆品和个人护理产品。

41、English: A good name keeps its luster in the dark. ─── 中文:良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪烁发光。

42、The lotus pond is bottle-green and pink in color, and is full of poetic luster. ─── 夏天的荷塘浓绿粉红,充满诗意!

43、The product shape for the laminated shape, massive, the luster is luminous, assumes the silver-gray color. ─── 产品形状为片状、块状、色泽光亮,呈银灰色。

44、Brave deeds adding luster ot one's name. ─── 使自己扬名增光的英勇业绩。

45、When out of love, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster. ─── 倘若失去了爱,多好的春天,也会黯淡无光。

46、Pumpable silk luster agent with high opacity. ─── 可泵的高度不透明性丝光剂。

47、The relationship between the luster and the surface structure of pearl are discussed. ─── 分析了珍珠的光泽与其表面结构的关系。

48、In the international arena. "He hoped that the athletes can win glory for Costa Rica luster. ─── 人在国际舞台的代表。”他希望运动员能为哥斯达黎加争光添彩。

49、Yellow Fume Free Lustering Immersing Process for Copper and Its Alloy ─── 铜及其合金无黄烟光泽浸蚀新工艺

50、Quality of lustering oil for maintenance in sealed oil supply system is stable and is not subject to oxidization. ─── 密封式供油系统维修上光油的质量稳定不被氧化。

51、FDY fine denier yarn with luster, wool-like,silk-like, BCF bulk chemical fiber. 2. ─── BCF膨体丝。2、装饰类:“睡莲”牌丙纶、混纺、锦纶簇绒地毯;

52、Appearance: W-wire is regular black covered with graphite. After graphite removed it is metallic luster. ─── 外观:钨丝表面涂有石墨乳,呈较均匀的黑色,去掉石墨乳呈金属光泽。

53、It imparts a luster which is easily effaced and which never returns. ─── 它给爱情加上一层易于抹去,永不重视的光彩。

54、Healthy women have lustrous, shiny hair, whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster. ─── 健康的女性拥有的是一头有光泽亮丽的头发,而病弱的人的头发没有光泽。

55、Paper lustering agent for color printing had been determined with this system. ─── 用本系统分析了彩色印刷用的上光纸胶。

56、Isoflavones in soy is the matural vegetal estrogen,is the lifeline for female elefant appearance and endows skin with elasticity, moist and luster. ─── 大豆中的大豆异黄酮是天然的植物性雌激素,是女性风采的生命线,肌肤的弹性与润泽都因此得以保持。

57、They contribute to add more (luster) to Shanghai, a robust and charming metropolis (cosmopolis). ─── 不久的将来,上海还将建造更多的过江设施,把浦江两岸更紧密地连结在一起。

58、Have your pearly whites lost their luster due to teeth stains? ─── 你珍珠般靓丽的牙齿是否因为牙齿色斑而黯然失色?

59、It's warm luster promised a poultice against illness and a wall against insult. It closed a door on hunger. ─── 它和煦的光辉使人似乎觉得能药到病除,能免受侮辱,能防止饥饿。

60、You ,like a nice girl, give off fascinating luster. ─── 你像一位年轻的少女,放出迷人的光彩。

61、Additional, do not use strong acid dip to brush, lest bath crock surface becomes coarse, lose luster. ─── 另外,勿用镪水浸刷,以免浴缸表面变得粗糙,失去光泽。

62、Her soft eyes contained in their liquid luster, no suggestion of the knowledge of disappointment. ─── 她轻柔的眼睛里洋溢着光彩,没有一丝失望的表情。

63、B:Well,natural pearls are of hifher value,but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just as beautiful. ─── 嗯,真珠的价值较高。不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽.

64、Paper made from flax fibers or having a linenlike luster. ─── 亚麻纤维制成的纸亚麻纤维制成的纸或具有亚麻织物光泽的纸

65、People become poorer in vigor and luster. ─── 人们的活力与光彩都变得贫乏。

66、Ring inlaid with a gem is really precious and adds luster to your delicate fingers. ─── 嵌宝戒指,真正名贵,令您纤手生辉。

67、Christ restored the Sabbath to its original beauty and luster. ─── 基督使安息日恢复它本来的美意和光泽。

68、A surface shininess or luster. ─── 光泽,光彩

69、The natural fragrance and ingredients of the soaps make your skin tender and full of luster, giving off attractive fragrance. ─── 天然香味及成份,使您的肌肤细腻白皙,有光泽,时刻散发出迷人的清香。

70、These pearls exhibit a silky flame-like structure and a porcellaneous luster that make them very attractive. ─── 像女王凤凰螺的海螺珠一样,美乐珠以其独特的丝状火焰结构,以及瓷器光泽吸引着人们。

71、Efficacy: Reject oil and coruscate full luster; an effective cleansing mask makes your skin fresh, transparent and comfortable. ─── 功效:拒绝油光,焕发肌肤净透光采;一款带来深层洁净的卓效面膜,让你的肌肤前所未有的清澈、透明,感觉无比清爽、舒适。

72、Its luster is smooth and bright. ─── 它的色泽光润、明亮。

73、She spent all her money on imports, because these embroidery thread embroider up more luster, and not easy pilling. ─── 她把钱全部花在了进口货上,因为这些绣线绣起来更有光泽,而且不容易起球。

74、Well,it's specially made of a platinum alloy,sir,and the luster will never fade out. ─── 噢,先生,它是由一种白金的合金特制而成的,而且光泽永不会褪。

75、Promote the blood circulation, metabolism and moisten the luster, add the of water? ─── 增进血液循环、新陈代谢、滋润光泽,补充水份,使干裂肌肤得以改善。

76、Having the hardness or luster of a diamond. ─── 似金刚石的具有金刚石的硬度或光泽的

77、Preparation of water-borne acrylic lustering agent ─── 丙烯酸酯系水性上光油的研制

78、If the murals themselves should lose their luster, everything in Dunhuang grottoes would be soulless. ─── 如果壁画本身失去了光彩,敦煌石窟中的一切都将失去灵魂。

79、A new generation spot lustering machine, RHW-JGA104, meets client and market demand and adapts to lustering for long and short forme; ─── 型新一代局部上光机,符合客户和市场需求,适合长版和短版之上光;

80、His great books have added luster to the university where he teaches. ─── 他的巨着给他任教的大学增了光。

81、Fifteen days later, the complexion appears luster and becomes ruddy gradually. ─── 天后脸上气色开始有光泽,渐渐红润。

82、Xingyi City Cultural Industry Development Co., Ltd. luster to the user The provision of business information. ─── 兴义市光彩文化产业发展有限公司为用户提供的商业信息。

83、Besides, good Australian red wine will add even more luster a nd leave infinite joy in the aftertaste. ─── 另配上等的澳洲红酒,回味无穷,意犹未尽。

84、The Nephrite of the same color and luster quality, the bigger pieces of weight are, the higher the grade is, the more expensive the price is. ─── 同样色泽质地的和田玉,块度重量越大,品级就越高,价格也就越贵。

85、We try our best to present better and more excellent pearlescent and metal luster effect to customers. ─── 为您呈现更好、更出色的珍珠及金属光泽效果。

86、The luster depend on the refractive index of all kind of mineral which consist of the rock, also depend on the micro structure of the stone surface. ─── 光泽度的大小一方面取决于组成岩石的各种矿物的折射率的大小,另一方面与石材表面的微观结构密切相关。

87、Preparation of Water-borne Lustering Oil on Printing Papers ─── 印刷纸张用苯丙水性上光油的研制

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