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09-17 投稿


palisade 发音

英:[,pælɪ'seɪd]  美:[,pælɪ'sed]

英:  美:

palisade 中文意思翻译




palisade 网络释义

n. 栅栏;木桩;细胞层vt. 用栅栏围护

palisade 短语词组

1、palisade parenchyma ─── 栅栏薄壁组织

2、palisade mesophyll ( ─── 细胞)栅栏组织

3、palisade mesophyll cell ─── 栅栏叶肉细胞

4、palisade worm ─── [医] 马圆线虫

5、palisade fungi ─── 栅栏菌

6、palisade ratio ─── 栅栏比率

7、palisade cells ─── [医] 栅状细胞

8、palisade ring ─── 栅状环

9、palisade tissue ─── [医] 栅状组织

10、palisade cell ratio ─── [医] 栅状细胞比率

11、palisade cell ─── 栅栏细胞

12、palisade formation ─── [医] 栅栏形成

13、palisade layer ─── [医] 栅状层, 表皮基底层

14、Willow Palisade ─── 柳树栅栏

15、palisade-like ─── 栅栏状

palisade 词性/词形变化,palisade变形

动词现在分词: palisading |动词过去分词: palisaded |动词第三人称单数: palisades |动词过去式: palisaded |

palisade 相似词语短语

1、palisanders ─── n.黑黄檀;adj.黑黄檀木制的

2、palisander ─── n.黑黄檀;adj.黑黄檀木制的

3、palisades ─── n.栅栏(palisade的复数);[地质]岩壁

4、camisade ─── n.夜间奇袭(等于camisado)

5、palisaded ─── v.用栅栏围护(palisade的过去式及过去分词)

6、passade ─── n.(马术)回转步

7、balisage ─── n.暗光路标

8、palinode ─── n.翻案诗

9、to palisade ─── 到栅栏

palisade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、diplophyll n. a leaf having palisade tissue on upper and lower side with intermedial spongy parenchyma tissue. ─── 上侧和下侧有栅栏组织而海绵薄壁组织居中的叶。

2、The Spot: Phantom Crack at Palisade Head, Minnesota ─── 现场:明尼苏达州栅栏头上的幻影裂纹

3、Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles, while vascular bundle sheath is obvious. ─── 栅栏组织富含含盐液泡泡,维管束鞘明显。

4、The mesophyll consists of two layers of palisade parenchyma ─── 叶肉是由两层栅栏薄壁组织组成。

5、There are 2-3 layers of long-column-shaped palisade tissue under the upper epidermis, and there are a great number of mechanical tissues which made up of vascular bundle sheath . ─── 上表皮下方有2-3层长柱形的栅栏组织,在主脉大侧脉外方具有由大量机械组织组成的束帽或束鞘。

6、palisade induction ─── 栅栏诱导

7、Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles. ─── 栅状组织富含含盐液泡。

8、palisade stereide ─── 栅状坚实细胞

9、palisade parenchyma ─── 栅栏薄壁组织

10、After reloading, we walked down the outside of the palisade to see the fallen enemy. ─── 我们重新装好子弹后, 沿着木栅的外侧走过去察看倒下的敌人.

11、The ratio of the thickness of palisade parenchyma to spongy is 1:3. ─── 横切面上栅栏组织厚度与海绵组织厚度之比为1:3。

12、palisade worm ─── [医] 马圆线虫

13、palisade cell ratio ─── [医] 栅状细胞比率

14、We want to buy Razor Wire, Barbed Tape, Palisade, Concertina, Rcw, Btc Wires / Cables and Accessories ─── 我们要采购剃刀电线,有刺的音带,椿,类似风琴的六角形的乐器,用金属丝卷起/电缆和配件

15、Palisade mesophyll : on the upper side of leaf, closely packed, contains many chloroplasts. ─── 栅栏叶肉组织:在叶的上层,细胞紧密排列,含有许多叶绿体.

16、spring tides by a palisade. ─── 大潮,围了一排栅栏。

17、Quanzhou Guojin Palisade Co., LTD which locates in a leading industry zone of Quanzhou city,... ─── 发布者:赖强宁所在地:福建泉州市行业:建筑、建材职位:电子商务工作年限:应届毕业生

18、palisade check dam ─── 木栅拦沙坝木栅谷坊

19、1. The river slid along noiselessly as a shade, the swelling reeds and sedge forming a flexible palisade upon its moist brink . ─── 河水象幽灵一样无声无息地流过,蓬勃竞生的芦苇和蓑衣草在潮湿的河边形成了一道柔韧的围栏。

20、It was showed that the palisade cells of the hardy vareties have higher value of length to width ratio and more chioroplarts and mito chondsia. ─── 利用电导法测定各品种之间的抗寒性与组织解剖观察结果一致。

21、flourishing palisade tissue, most of them are equilateral; ─── 栅栏组织发达,多为等面叶;

22、there is no differentiation among mesophyll cells (no differentiation of palisade tissue and spongy tissue). ─── 叶肉细胞同型,无栅栏细胞和海绵组织的分化;

23、They surrounded the yard with a palisade. ─── 他们用篱笆把院子围起来了。

24、Beyond the Palisade ─── 栅栏那边

25、paling; palisade ─── 木栅

26、trichoderm palisade ─── 栅状毛皮

27、outer wall of the palisad cells ─── 栅栏细胞的外壁

28、arm palisade ─── 分枝栅栏细胞

29、Keywords mechanical defense system;high sandbreak palisade;straw checkerboard barrier;sand prevention function declining; ─── 机械防沙体系;阻沙栅栏;草方格沙障;防沙功能衰退;

30、The ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue in the leaf was higher; ─── 叶片中栅栏组织和海绵组织的比值较大,叶主脉较大,叶主脉维管束中导管的半径较大;

31、The second gate is a wooden palisade. ─── 第二道,就是木栅.

32、palisade formation ─── [医] 栅栏形成

33、Also no significant differences exist in leaf and palisade thickness and specific leaf weight under full sunlight and 25% shading treatments. ─── 25%遮荫处理茶梅枝叶生长健壮,株形良好,叶片和栅栏组织厚度、叶比重与全光照条件下差异不显著;

34、Earlier on, lying in the cabin, it had occurred to him that if the river near his village rose like this one, carp would swarm inside the palisade across it! ─── 把鱼捉来时,用柳条穿腮到太阳下去晒,正计算那数目,总算不清楚。

35、The palisade technique is an effective tool to prevent malalignment in unreamed nailing of distal tibial fractures and for precise repositioning of the nail in corrective surgery. ─── 栅栏技术是一个有效工具,胫骨远端骨折精确复位和预防畸形。

36、All three made the first journey, heavily laden, and tossed our stores over the palisade. ─── 第一趟我们三个人都背了许多东西, 扔过木栅后就赶紧往回走,留下乔伊斯看守物资.

37、They surrounded the yard with a palisade. ─── 他们用篱笆把院子围起来了.

38、When I had first sallied from the door, the other mutineers had been already swarming up the palisade to make an end of us. One man, in a red night-cap, with his cutlass in his mouth, had even got upon the top and thrown a leg across. ─── 当我刚从门口突围出来时,其他反叛分子已经纷纷涌到了栅栏外,企图彻底结果我们,有个头戴红色睡帽的家伙将刀衔在口中,甚至已经爬上了木栅,将一条腿跨了过来。

39、The smallest veins are in direct contact with chlorenchyma, both palisade and spongy tissue. ─── 最小的脉是直接和栅栏组织及海绵组织的绿色组织相联结.

40、The Change of Thickness Rate of Palisade and Sponge Tissue in Flue-cured Tobacco Green Leaves during Mature Period ─── 烤烟成熟时栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度比值的变化

41、a wooden palisade ─── 一道木栅栏

42、There is a palisade between the two yards. ─── 两个院子中间有一道篱笆.

43、Richard: [Talking to Maggie about Palisade Defence, a weapons company] It's a public company. Members of both our governments are on the board. They're not going to do anything immoral! ─── 理查德(与玛吉谈论他们供职的那家武器公司):这是一家上市公司,董事会里甚至有咱们政府的官员,所以他们是不会做任何不道德的事情的!

44、palisad parenchma with abundant chlorplasts ─── 很多叶绿体的栅栏薄壁组织

45、At the initial stage, the palisade can intercept more sand than straw checkerboard barrier. ─── 因此,在防沙体系内积满沙时,要使其还能发挥作用,必须对体系进行更新。

46、There is a thick layer of palisade tissue under the epidermis. ─── 幼茎多发育为同化枝,表皮下有一层较厚的栅栏组织.

47、paraphysis palisade ─── 栅状侧丝

48、Palisade tissue. S: Spongy tissue. PE: Palisade tissue of leaf edge. SE: Spongy tissue of leaf edge.PV: Parenchyma under larger vein. E: Epidermis. ─── 栅栏组织.S:海绵组织.PE:叶边缘栅栏组织.SE:叶边缘海绵组织.PV:大脉下方的薄壁组织.E:叶表皮.

49、There is excessive branch growth and significant decrease in leaf and palisade thickness at 50% shading, compared with full sunlight treatment. ─── 50%遮荫条件下,茶梅新稍徒长,单叶面积增大,叶片和栅栏组织厚度显著低于全光照处理。

50、palisade cell ─── 栅栏细胞

51、There is similar palisade parenchyma under the epidemic cell, which is saline-alkali stress structure, which is adapt to the saline-alkali environment. ─── 在表皮细胞下面出现了拟栅栏组织,增加了光合作用的能力,这代表了植物颉颃盐碱的演化结构。

52、arm palisade cellsds ─── 分支栅栏细胞

53、palisade ring ─── 栅状环

54、In July, 2006, our company newly established artistic palisade processing factory undertaking processing and installation project. ─── 我公司于2006年7月份又新成立了艺术围栏加工厂对外承揽加工安装工程.

55、palisade mesophyl ─── 栅栏叶肉

56、Palisade disturbance ─── 帕利塞德变动

57、The number per cell varies, e. g. one in Chlorella and Chlamydomonas and in most hornworts (Antherocyta), two in Zygnema, and about one hundred in palisade mesophyll cells of leaves. ─── 叶绿体的数目因物种,细胞种类和生理状况而不同。例如大多数高等植物的叶肉细胞的栅栏组织中有100多个叶绿体,而藻类植物通常只有一个叶绿体。

58、I stole round by the eastern end, keeping close in shadow, and at a convenient place, where the darkness was thickest, crossed the palisade. ─── 我躲在树林里,悄悄溜到木寨的东端,找了一个最黑暗的地方翻过了栅栏。

59、It is the thermal resistance that increases palisade structure and thermal stability. ─── 一是增大围护结构的热阻和热稳定性。

60、palisade tissue ─── 栅栏组织

61、Palisade tissue can't be found in the mesophyll.Moreover the leaves don't have well-developed veins. ─── 叶肉没有栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,叶脉不发达;

62、But when she came to the end of the valley, the path between the cliff and the stream was blocked - a palisade had been built across it, and the gate in the palisade was firmly closed. ─── 但一到峡谷口子,通到山那边的窄路上,一边靠着岩石,一边临着小河的地方,不知几时已经安上一道栅栏门了。

63、palisade ratio ─── 栅表细胞比

64、A rough wall of logs is a good deal stronger than a palisade and is enough to keep out bandits and other ruffians, but it still won't stop a really determined and organised attack. ─── 木墙是比木栅更好的防御设施,尽管面对强敌依旧力不从心,但已足以抵御盗匪宵小滋扰。

65、The mesophyll consists of two layers of palisade parenchyma. ─── 叶肉是由两层栅栏薄壁组织组成.

66、and at last, one fine morning, we weighed anchor, which was about all that we could manage, and stood out of North Inlet, the same colours flying that the captain had flown and fought under at the palisade. ─── 最后,一个晴朗的早晨,我们一切准备妥当,起锚出海,将西斯潘尼奥拉号驶出了北汊。 船长挂在木寨上空、我们曾为之而战的那面旗帜现在又重新飘扬在了桅杆顶上。

67、Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles, while vascular bundle sheath is obvious. ─── 栅栏组织富含含盐液泡泡, 维管束鞘明显.

68、but, in the meantime, the house being stifling hot, and the little patch of sand inside the palisade ablaze with midday sun, I began to get another thought into my head, which was not by any means so right. ─── 不过那时候屋子里热得人都喘不过气来,栅栏里边那一小块沙地被正午的太阳晒得滚烫,我脑子里便开始产生了另一个念头,而这个念头一点道理都没有。

69、There is a palisade between the two yards. ─── 两个院子中间有一道篱笆。

70、palisade zone ─── 栅状带

71、palisade plectenchyma ─── 栅栏状密丝组织

72、Mesophyll is composed of Palisade tissue and Spongy tissue and the ratio between them is 5 by 3.The Spongy tissue is composed of two layers. ─── 叶肉有栅栏组织和海绵组织之分,两者厚度比为5:3,栅栏组织2层。

73、Abstract: Testing of energy conservation of buildings is an important content of project completion acceptance and the building palisade structure is the main object for detection at present. ─── 摘 要: 建筑节能检测是工程竣工验收的重要内容,目前检测的主要对象是建筑围护结构。

74、43 10 For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. ─── 恨不能在这一天,你也知道有关你平安的事;但这事如今在你眼前是隐藏的。

75、Those who assure indoor temperature is appropriate, mix the most basically economic plan is to use appropriate building palisade structure. ─── 保证室内温度的适宜,最基本和经济的方案是采用合适的建筑围护结构。

76、Leaf had no differentiation of palisade and spongy. ─── 叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化。

77、palisade cells ─── [医] 栅状细胞

78、5. The smallest veins are in direct contact with chlorenchyma, both palisade and spongy tissue. ─── 最小的脉是直接和栅栏组织及海绵组织的绿色组织相联结。

79、the change of leaf thickness relied on the changes of sponge and palisade tissue during curing; ─── 烟叶厚度及解剖结构的变化与烘烤过程中的定色速度有关。

80、palisade fungi ─── 栅栏菌

81、- There are three types of chloroplast-containing cells (green cells): palisade mesophyll cells, spongy mesophyll cells, guard cells. ─── [在叶片中, 有叶绿体的细胞(绿色细胞)包括三种: 栅状叶肉细胞、海绵叶肉细胞、保卫细胞。]

82、The relative length/width ratios of palisade cells in Taiwan wingnut and Chinese cork oak grown under lower intensities were obviously lower than those under full sunlight. ─── 台湾胡桃和栓皮栎的叶片栅状细胞之长/宽比值,在遮荫环境下明显的低于全光下者。

83、The result showed that transplanting date influenced thickness of leaf, spongy and palisade parenchyma significantly. ─── 研究结果表明:移栽期对于叶片解剖结构的影响很大.

84、Changes in Ratio of Palisade Tissue Thickness to Leaf Thickness in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves ─── 烤烟叶片栅栏组织与叶片厚度比值的变化

85、After reloading, we walked down the outside of the palisade to see the fallen enemy. ─── 我们重新装好子弹后,沿着木栅的外侧走过去察看倒下的敌人。

86、spongy and palisade cells ─── 海绵和栅栏细胞

87、Both sides of the laminathere are palisade tissue,at same time,lamina have thicker cuticle,hollow stomas,well-developedepidermal hairs,conducting tissue and mechanical tissue; ─── 叶片上下都具栅栏组织,表皮角质膜厚,表皮毛发达,气孔下陷,输导组织和机械组织都发达;

88、lack of differentiation of spongy and palisade tissues and on a large scale of aqueous tissues which occupy the main part of the whole transection of the leaf. ─── 同化薄壁组织由多层细胞组成,细胞形态相似,不分化为栅栏组织和海绵组织。

89、The palisade tissues of the leave are thick. The layer palisade tissues contains prismatic crystals. ─── 叶栅栏组织较厚, 最外层栅栏组织含草酸钙方晶,叶脉皮层较厚.

90、2. In aquatic plants, the palisade cells are absent so that there is more intercellular spaces ( air spaces ) for buoyancy . ─── 在水生植物中,是没有栅状叶肉细胞的,所以有很多胞间隙(气室)以增加浮力。

91、palisade tissue thickness ─── 栅栏组织厚度

92、Ultrastructureal Study on the Palisade Zone of Median Eminence in Rat ─── 大白鼠正中隆起栅状带超微结构的研究

93、palisade layer ─── 栅栏层

94、The metope inside the sitting room, ceiling is itself of building palisade component namely commonly, be like brick wall, ferroconcrete board. ─── 客厅内的墙面、天花板一般即为建筑围护构件本身,如砖墙、钢筋混凝土板。

95、palisade arrangement ─── 栅栏状排列

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