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09-17 投稿


laminate 发音

英:['læmɪneɪt]  美:['læmɪnət]

英:  美:

laminate 中文意思翻译




laminate 词性/词形变化,laminate变形

动词现在分词: laminating |动词过去式: laminated |动词过去分词: laminated |动词第三人称单数: laminates |名词: laminator |

laminate 短语词组

1、anisotropic laminate ─── 各向异性层压板

2、crosswise laminate ─── 横向层压板

3、low-pressure laminate ─── [化] 低压层压品

4、fabric-based laminate ─── [化] 碎布塑料

5、corrugated laminate ─── 波纹层压板

6、thermoset laminate ─── 热固性层压板

7、heat-resistant laminate ─── 耐热层压板

8、plastic laminate ─── 塑料叠合板

9、film laminate ─── 薄膜层压板

10、flexible laminate ─── 柔性层压板

11、fabric laminate ─── 织物层压材料

12、extrusion laminate ─── 挤压层压板

13、foam laminate ─── 泡沫材料层压板

14、laminate molding ─── [机] 层塑法, 层压模塑法

15、composite laminate ─── 复合层压板 ─── 复合材料层压板

16、laminate asbestos fabric ─── [化] 层状石棉织物

17、laminate induration ─── [医] 层片硬结(下疳底)

18、bidirectional laminate ─── 双向层板

19、copper foil laminate ─── [计] 敷铜箔板

laminate 相似词语短语

1、laminae ─── n.(沉积岩、有机组织的)薄片,薄层;椎板;叶片(lamina的复数)

2、laminated ─── adj.层压的;层积的;薄板状的;v.分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词)

3、deaminate ─── vt.使脱去氨基;n.脱氨基

4、eliminate ─── vt.消除;排除

5、laminates ─── n.叠层组合材;层压制品(laminate的复数);v.分层,分成薄片(laminate的第三人称单数)

6、laminable ─── adj.可辗薄的;可切成薄片的

7、examinate ─── n.受检查者

8、aluminate ─── n.[无化]铝酸盐

9、delaminate ─── vt.脱层,分层;分成细层

laminate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Laminate tubes are mainly used for toothpaste although recently they have also been used for cosmetics. ─── 层压管主要用于牙膏,但最近他们也当过化妆品使用。

2、Compared with the results from photoelastic coating method, the correcting formula of mismatch of Poisson's ratio in curve boundary of this laminate was developed. ─── 并 与光弹贴片法测试结果进行比较,从而对曲边界对泊松比系数不匹配 效应的影响进行了讨论。

3、The laminate model of porous ceramic membranes proposed by Dong Junhang et al was modified. ─── 对董军航等人提出的多孔陶瓷膜层状结构模型进行了改进。

4、KSM-366 is air drying plating resist ink, which is designed to make patterns on copper-clad laminate by means of alkaline etching. ─── KSM-366系列自干型抗电镀油墨用于碱性蚀刻法制造印制板电路图形。

5、Inside of the panel is filled with foamed cement.The top steel sheet of the pandel is stuck with high anti-wear and fireproof high-pressure laminate(HPL)or conductive PVC tile. ─── 外表面经磷化后进行静电喷塑处理,内腔填充发泡水泥,表面粘贴高耐磨防火高压层板(HPL或PVC板),四周镶嵌导电胶条。

6、The new glass epoxy laminate plant in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province reinforces our presence in eastern China. ─── 位於江蘇省江陰之新環氧玻璃纖維覆銅面板廠,強化集團在華東地區的市場地位。

7、For those hard to reach places, this laminate trimmer is ideal. ─── 对于那些难以到达的地方,这是理想的板机。

8、Shanghai Composite Cover Stock Co., Ltd It has introduced the most advanced computer-controlled composite equipments abroad to professionally laminate the waterproof moisture permeable films, such as PTFE, TPU, PU, etc. ─── 上海宏嘉复合面料有限公司引进国外最先进的全电脑控制复合设备。专业复合PTFE、TPU、PU等防水透湿膜。

9、Similarly, there is considerable lack of consensus in differentiations between, and the use of, terms such as composite, mixture, agglomerate, laminate, and compound. ─── 同样的,在辨别是使用这些术语方面,如复合物,混合物,附聚体,层压板和化合物,缺乏共识。

10、Lamin A/C mutation is one of the etiological factors of dilated cardiomyopathy.Many mutational sites of lamin A/C have now been found. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变是扩张型心肌病病因之一,目前已经发现许多与扩张型心肌病发病相关突变位点。

11、Stora Enso has launched a new packaging laminate to make blister packs theft-proof but easy to open. ─── 斯道拉恩索公司已经推出了新的包装,使泡罩板包装防盗,但很容易打开。

12、The coupling agent presumably improves the bond between the glass surface and the resin matrix in a laminate. ─── 偶联剂的作用是设想能改善层压板中纤维表面与树脂基体的粘结。

13、Auto Tube Filling and Sealing Machine is a kind of packing equipment for filling viscosity into laminate metal tube or complex plastic tube and sealing. ─── 全自动软管灌装封尾机是一种对筒状金属软管或复合塑料软管进行灌装膏、液状物料并进行封尾的包装设备。

14、The utility model discloses a laminate conveyor used for glass or other frangible and wearable sheets. ─── 本实用新型是一种玻璃或其它易碎、易损薄板的分片输送器。

15、Lamination: The process manufacturing a laminate using pressure and heat. ─── 层压:用加压和加热制作积层板的生产工艺。

16、Tan Huifeng,Du Xingwen and Li Siman.Nonlinear analysis of rubber rectangular composite laminate plates[J].ACTA Mater Compos Sinica (In Chinese),1996,13(4): 112-116. ─── [4]谭惠丰,等.矩形橡胶复合材料层合板几何非线性分析[J].复合材料学报,1996,13(4):112-116.

17、As a new kind of material, composite has the advantage of designable, the designable parameters include the type of the fiber and matrix, the percent of the volume, the direction of the laminate, etc. ─── 复合材料作为一种具有复杂结构的新型材料,其主要优点和特点在于其内部结构可设计性。

18、Griot Lamin Saho (httt :/www.duniyaa-recording. ─── com) -和平、在人员之间的爱和团结。

19、Laminate techniques and wood bending are taught, depending on the design needs of the class. ─── 层压技术和木材弯曲技术的讲授,将取决于班上学生设计的需要。

20、Second stage, pneumatic stop pushes front edge to fold and laminate rear edge. ─── * 第二段,纸张前缘经前推气动挡板之作用,先折边后贴合完成.

21、Melamine Paper: printing on Ti paper then impregnated in melamine; Fire resistance, scratch resistance, UV resistance, moisture proof; applied to laminate on various boards, office desktop and floors. ─── 三聚氰胺纸:三聚氰胺纸以钛粉纸为原纸,印刷后浸三聚氰胺而成。具有防火、防水、防潮、高度耐摩擦等特性。适用于贴压三聚氰胺板、强化地板面、办公桌面等。

22、The fracture mechanics feature of elliptical delaminations in a composite laminate is studied. ─── 对复合材料层板中椭圆分层的断裂力学问题进行了研究。

23、The effects of bend and torsion coupling of laminate by hinged support have been evaluated quantitatively. ─── 定量地估计了横向剪切变形对四边铰支的正交异性板弯扭耦合效应的影响。

24、If the volatile vapor pressure in the curing laminate exceeds the actual pressure on the liquid resin prior to gelation, then void formation and growth will occur. ─── 如果树脂凝胶前挥发物的蒸气压力超过树脂流体的压力,则会在层板中生成孔隙,而且孔会长大。

25、The process of interference-fit between swage-locking pin and composite laminate was analyzed by introducing the static state contact arithmetic. ─── 0软件对复合材料多排环槽铆钉连接构件各钉承载比例进行了三维有限元分析。

26、The influence of laminate thickness,delamination location and size on compressive strength was discussed. ─── 得出如下结果:厚板对分层缺陷不敏感,中等厚度和薄层合板比较敏感;

27、When a lamina has failed, the laminate stiffness is modified to reflect the damage, and stresses in the structure are re-analyzed. ─── 以纤维方向角和层合板厚度作为设计变量,最终失效强度为目标,对结构进行优化。

28、Furthermore we have developed a crystal clear laminate with barrier properties close to aluminium foil, offering perfect presentation possibilities for your products. ─── 另外,我们还研制出了带有把手的近似于铝合金的水晶透明箔包装,该产品具有极高的形象价值。

29、A fatigue failure criterion of the unidirectional laminate was established based on both the residual strength degradation model and the plastic formula of anisotropy materials proposed by Hill method. ─── 在剩余强度衰减模型和希尔提出的各向异性材料塑性条件基础上建立单向层合板在任意应力状态下的疲劳破坏准则

30、Lamin A/C mutation can result in disrupted cardiocyte nuclear envelope and disturbed interactions between lamin A/C proteins and other nuclear envelope proteins and chromatin. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变引起心肌细胞核膜破坏,核纤层蛋白与其他核膜蛋白、染色质连接异常;

31、Melamine Paper: printing on Ti paper then impregnated in melamine; Fire resistance, scratch resistance, UV resistance, moisture proof; applied to laminate on various boards, office desktop and floors. ─── 三聚氰胺纸:三聚氰胺纸以钛粉纸为原纸,印刷后浸三聚氰胺而成。具有防火、水、潮、度耐摩擦等特性。适用于贴压三聚氰胺板、化地板面、公桌面等。

32、Laminate is produced by layerwise arrangement of reinforcement products with reaction resin compounds. ─── 层是有增强产品用树脂复合材料分层布置而成。

33、"catalyzed Board,coated catalyzed laminate" ─── 催化板材

34、Sandwich laminate comprises layers of laminate bonded together by an intermediate core of lightweight material. ─── 三明治层由轻质内核材料粘接层构成。

35、Laminate Flooring in Living Room and Hall, Fireplace in Living Room. ─── 层压地板在客厅和走廊,壁炉在客厅。

36、It is thought that magnesium cement has a good future both as patterned laminate for interior decoration panel and as a new rind of brine-resis... ─── 并且认为无论是制作室内装饰板,还是作为耐盐卤材料方面,镁水泥均有广阔的应用前景。

37、Hence the current recovery of the laminate demand is facing a number of bottlenecks such as the tight supply of glass yarn. ─── 因此目前覆铜面板需求的复苏面对多个瓶颈阻碍,如玻璃丝的供应便非常紧张。

38、While supplying the insulation laminate and laminate rod, we are also ready to accept the special requirement for the insulation part. ─── 本公司在供应绝缘板、棒的同时,也可按客户要求,定制成型件。欢迎海内外朋友垂询。

39、The quality requirements and production process control of abrasion resistant paper, decorativefilm,backing film and HDF for laminate flooring production are outlined. ─── 介绍强化木地板生产的耐磨纸、装饰纸、平衡纸、高密度纤维板的质量要求和生产工艺控制。

40、Nanmei Copper Clad Laminate Factory Ltd. ─── 南美覆铜板厂有限公司。

41、Kingboard has taken proactive steps to constantly enhance the competitiveness of its production base, including the setting up of paper laminate plant in Shaoguan, northwest Guangdong. ─── 建滔一直积极强化其生产基地的竞争力,两年前已在粤北韶关开设纸覆铜面板厂。

42、On the basis of large deflection hypotheses of plate, the equilibrium andcompatibility equations of antisymmetric cross-ply composite laminate under simplysupport are obtained. ─── 基于板的大挠度基本假设,导出四边简支非对称正交铺设层合板的非线性运动方程及变形协调方程;

43、Shortly after it was established, the EPLF initiated the development of a mark of quality for laminate flooring. ─── 在EPLF成立后不久,EPLF就致力于开发强化木地板的质量标志。

44、Nam Hing Industrial Laminate Limited ─── 南兴积层板有限公司

45、The middle floor offers a large living room with laminate wood floors and a fireplace. ─── 中间层有一个大客厅,层压木地板和壁炉。

46、The biggest local distributor in Ca, USA. The main products we deal with are hardwood flooring, tile, laminate flooring. ─── 加拿大和美国最大的硬木地板和强给地板经销商之一。

47、We designed a new tool to solve the problem.It's THE BARE WIRE STRAINOMETER.We directly embedded a strain-sensitive wire in plies of unidirectional glass/epoxy laminate. ─── 并介绍了用自行设计的 一种新的测量元件来解决这个问题,把应变敏感丝直接埋入单向玻纤 /树脂层板的层间,称之为裸丝应变计。

48、Lamin proteins are thought to determine the size and shape of cell nuclei and to be involved in nuclear stability,chromatin structure and gene expression. ─── 型核纤层蛋白决定细胞核的大小及形状,与细胞核的稳定性、染色质结构以及基因表达有关。

49、In the laminate segment Kingboard Chemical continued to gain market share. ─── 在覆铜面板业务上,集团的市场占有率进一步增大。

50、Polyvinyl fluorideused for laminate films may be clear or pigmented. These films are bonded to metal substrates by an adhesive. ─── 乙烯氟化物膜可以是透明的或有色的。这些膜通过粘联剂粘到钢材上。

51、When the Blieds decided to refurbish their kitchen in 2002, they chose a SieMatic with white laminate surfaces and bar handles. ─── 当Blied家庭2002年决定装修厨房时,他们选择了白色饰面板和条状拉手的SieMatic产品。

52、The technical development in the PCB laminate used BT resin as matrix were also discussed in this paper. ─── 对这类BT树脂的PCB基板材料的技术进展,进行了探讨。

53、OPP tapes for application transfer and overlay laminate use. Log rolls are welcome. High tack is available. ─── [相关分类:胶带和胶,改正笔,透明胶带和胶水,塑料封装材料

54、Bare laminate, copper, solder resist or other surface. ─── 光面基材,覆铜板,绿油之或其它表面。

55、As the number of laminate series is more than 8, the distribution of asymmetrical stresses tends to symmetrical distribution. ─── 当规则非对称正交层合梁的铺层组数大于8时,其应力趋于对称分布。

56、Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Parts Molded From Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts (08. ─── 从增强塑料叠层部件中对模制部件可视缺陷进行分类的方法(08。

57、Worktop: Chosen by customer Cabinet:Outline boarders of fume hood adopt American Wilsonart fireproofing veneer and laminate Dew River melamine chipboard. ─── 台面板:材料可由用户选用。柜 体:采用美国威盛亚防火板贴面压贴露水河三聚氰氨板 组成通风柜外框。

58、Both flexural strength and impact strength of FBZ/E laminate are more than 3 times FBZ laminate. ─── FBZ/E层压板的弯曲强度和冲击强度都比FBZ层压板提高3倍多;

59、DEBO Compact Grade Laminate is a high performance material.It's a high pressure laminate manufactured with a solid laminated core build up from multiple layers with a decorative surface on bothsides. ─── 德宝康贝特板是一种高性能的材料,它是一种由多层被酚醛树脂浸渍过的上等牛皮纸和经三聚氰氨处理过的装饰色纸,在高温高压下制造而成的实心高压板。

60、Laminate the lists and keep one in your desk and one in your travel bag. ─── 把点检表分成两份,一个放在桌子上另一个放在你的旅行包里。

61、Snon Postformable Thin Laminate Products need to be bounded on substrates(usually chip board or MDF,etc.)With edge bending for the edges. ─── 平贴贴面板需粘贴在基材上使用(常用刨花板或中密度板等),并以封边条封边。

62、Inside of the panel is filled with foamed cement.The top steel sheet of the panel is stuck with high anti-wear and fireproof high-pressure laminate (HPL) or conductive PVC tile. ─── 外表经磷化后进行喷塑处理, 内腔填充发泡填料,上表面粘贴高耐磨防火高压层板(HPL)或PVC板,四周镶嵌导电边条。

63、A new glass cloth laminate was prepared by using benzoxazine as liquid cement, alkali-free glass cloth as backing material, and treating with cement dipping, baking and pressing. ─── 并以苯并恶嗪预聚体为胶液、无碱玻璃布为基材,经浸胶、烘焙、压制制得一种玻璃布层压板。

64、Base on the special structure, XIR laminate glass can effectively reduce the noise disturbance. ─── 基于XIR夹层玻璃特殊的夹层结构,可以有效降低噪声干扰。

65、Acrylic laminate films are made from polymerized acrylic monomers. They may be clear or pigmented, and are bonded to metal substrates by an adhesive. ─── 丙烯酸膜从丙烯酸单体聚合而成。它们可以是透明的或有色的,这些膜通过粘联剂粘到钢材上。

66、The laminate composites with magnetic and ferroelectric pieces show the high magnetoelectric coupling coefficients at the appropriate coupling model of applied field. ─── 将磁性和铁电材料进行层状复合,选择合适的外场耦合模式,得到了高磁电耦合系数的复合材料。

67、A laminate approximation model,in which the plate is divided into a certain number of sufficiently thin layers,is employe... ─── 分析中采用层合近似模型,并且给出了任意厚度的四边简支横观各项同性功能梯度矩形板,在热-机-电械耦合作用下的分析结果。

68、Responsibilities:1, responsible for large scale ASIC laminate analysis, chip-package Co-design and ASIC on die floorplan...... ... ─── 公司名称:芯原微电子(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市浦东新区发布时间:2009-7-11

69、Ask parents to put up bulletin boards, laminate learning activities, sort papers, and on and on. ─── 要求家长收拾宣传栏,参加各个学习小组,把纸分类,等等。

70、Is the stack height, maximum hit per drill bit, and feeds and speeds as a function of laminate type, board thickness, layer count and hole size controlled properly? ─── 堆叠高度,每钻咀的最大钻次,进刀速度是否对板材类型,板厚,曾数,与孔尺寸进行管控?

71、This molding borders the laminate floor at the base of the wall to give the room a finishing look. ─── 墙角板将强化地板与墙面底部很好地连接起来,使你的房间更完整。


73、Keywords: printed circuit board, plated through hole, copper clad laminate, epoxy. ─── 关键词:印刷电路板,贯孔,铜箔基板,环氧树脂

74、I principali prodotti aziendali: silicio acciaio, lamiere laminate a freddo, caldo piastra, lamiera galvanizzata. ─── 主要经营的产品:硅钢,冷轧板,热板,镀锌板。

75、Classified as ORL0 per ANSI-J-STD-004, Kester 979 will not attack properly cured solder masks or FR-4 Epoxy-Glass laminate. ─── 凯斯特979由ANSI-J-STD-004标准分类为ORL0,不会腐蚀正常固化的焊接掩模或FR-4 Epoxy-Glass叠片。

76、Conference tables feature a surfboard-shape top of shiny white resin-finished fiberglass, set on a pedestal clad in plastic laminate. ─── 会议桌的桌面犹如一块冲浪板的造型,这也是它的特色所在,该桌以光泽的白色树脂玻璃纤维制成,安装在由塑胶薄板装饰的底座上。

77、On the basis of above discussion a port cover made of a laminate of Pd and Al is designed in detail. ─── 在此基础上详细设计了一种该类型堵盖,它是由钯和铝组成的层压板结构。

78、Copper Foil for Flexible Copper Clad Laminate ─── 挠性覆铜板用铜箔

79、Gore Windstopper laminate fabric offers durable wind protection and high breathability so you stay warm and comfortable with fewer layers Pit zips allow vent... ─── 拉链的形态也起到了调节气流运动的效果;挡风棉布的面料让你在穿衣不多的日子里依然享受温暖的惬意!

80、BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Lamin is the industry leader in the offset Printer for Optical Disc and Optical Products. ─── 公司简介:雷明是一家专业自动化设备制造商,我们的机器以优良设计,卓越品质着称,并获得业界一致的肯定。

81、Arranged in laminae; laminate. ─── 以薄片排列的;分割成薄片的

82、Third stage, pneumatic stop pushed rear edge to fold and laminate front edge. ─── * 第三段,纸张后缘经后推气动挡板之作用,先折边再贴合完成,送入收纸台.

83、Typically, to laminate a document, a user must use a laminator, such as is shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5,580,417. ─── 典型地,想要层压文档,使用者必须使用层压机,例如在美国专利5,580,417中示出的。

84、Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 1 : materials : thermosetting resins, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate. ─── 小型飞行器.壳的构造和建材尺寸.第1部分:材料.玻璃纤维增强参考层压热固树脂

85、An ant colony system is applied to solve the optimization problem of ply stacking-sequence of composite laminate plates with given plies. ─── 对给定的复合材料层压板,以几何因子为优化对象,应用免疫遗传算法进行了铺层顺序的优化。

86、A laminate approximation model, for which the plate is divided into a certain number of sufficiently thin layers, was employed. ─── 分析中采用了层合近似模型,即将板划分成厚度足够小的若干薄层,从而可将每一层内的材料常数近似为常数。

87、a laminate made of thin layers of wood. ─── 一种由几层细木板合在一起构成的合板。

88、Gelcoat resins are intended to protect the laminate against external damage and influences. ─── 凝胶涂层树脂用以保护层压树脂免受外界的破坏和影响。

89、The DL spectrum of Lagerstroemia speciosa lamin a is more complex than the fluorescence spectrum of exsomatize chlorophyll and t he former contains more physiological message. ─── 叶片的延迟发光光谱比离体叶绿素荧光光谱复杂,延迟发光光谱包含有更多的生理学信息。



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