lima 发音
英:[ˈliːmə; ˈlaɪmə] 美:[ˈliːmə]
英: 美:
lima 中文意思翻译
lima 短语词组
1、Francisco Gouvinho Lima ─── 利马; 巴西足球运动员
2、adriana lima ─── 阿德瑞娜-利玛
3、lima beans ─── 青豆;利马豆(等于Phaseoluslimensis)n.利马豆,利马豆荚( lima bean的名词复数 ); 菜豆,利马豆
4、lima bean plant ─── [网络] 利马豆厂
5、carina lima ─── 五颗钻石
6、De Lima's operation ─── [医] 德利马氏手术, 经上颌筛房切除术
7、oun lima ─── 盎司5
8、Declaration of Lima ─── 利马宣言
9、capillos lima peru en vivo ─── 秘鲁利马
10、lima bebenzene ─── 五苯
11、lima-bean n. ─── 利马豆
12、Terebra lima ─── 泰勒布拉利马
13、tony lima ─── 五吨
14、priscilla lima ─── 普里西拉·利马
15、lima bean ─── [医] 大棉豆
16、noma lima ─── 说出五个
17、aries lima ─── 白羊座利马
18、capillos lima peru cusco ─── 秘鲁库斯科利马教堂
lima 相似词语短语
1、limba ─── n.西非榄仁木;榄仁树
2、Yima ─── 住手
3、Pima ─── n.皮玛棉(等于Pimacotton);皮马人;皮马语
4、limax ─── 蛞蝓属
5、limey ─── n.英国人;英国海军;英国佬
6、limma ─── 半音度
7、liman ─── n.泻湖;河口;溺谷;n.(Liman)人名;(法、俄、罗、塞、捷、芬、土、阿拉伯、尼日利、瑞典)利曼
8、limpa ─── 甜黑麦面包
9、Lima ─── n.利马(秘鲁首都)
lima 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The eighth Andes parliament meeting was convened in Lima on the 13 th. ─── 第八届安第斯议会会议十三日在利马开幕.
2、The two-minute-long jolt, centered inland, 145 kilometers south of the capital Lima, blacked out power for a time to most of the country. ─── 为时两分钟的地震的震中位于首都利马以南145公里处,致使全国大部分地区一度断电。
3、Above: There are lots fresh orange juice vender in Lima, almost one beside another. ─── 利马的鲜榨橙汁档比比皆是,一个挨着一个也不怕互抢生意。
4、Lima Army Modification Center ─── 利马陆军改装中心
5、Mr Lima: How many kilometres can I do with that petrol? ─── 利马先生:这些汽油我能开多少公里?
6、I can't wait! I've never been to Lima. ─── 我不能等了! 我还没去过利马呢.
7、Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum Lima.) ─── 冬小麦
8、Posters of Saint Rose of Lima ─── 利马圣罗撒
9、Any map that does not have Lima clearly stated on the map cannot be sold. ─── 任何没有在地图上明确陈述利马市的地图都不能贩卖。
10、Historic Centre of Lima ─── 利马历史中心
11、One monk, Yixi Lima, stood up and voiced his opposition, prompting the other monks to add their voices. ─── 一个和尚,益利马,站了起来,并表示,他反对,促使其他僧侣,以补充他们的声音。
12、Large parts of Lima were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up. ─── 塔被炸后,利马城的大部分地区陷入一片黑暗。
13、Mr Lima: How many kilometres can I do with that petrol? ─── 利马先生: 这些汽油我能开多少公里?
14、LIMA total occlusion was 46.4% (13/28), stenosis was 8.6% (3/35) and competitive flow was 8.6% (3/35). ─── 其中左乳内动脉 (LIMA)闭塞 2 8 6% (10 35 ) ,吻合口狭窄 8 6% (3 35 ) ,血流竞争不过自体血管 8 6% (3 35 ) ;
15、LIMA, June12( Reuters)- Newcastle United midfielder Nolberto Solano has been left out of Peru's provisional squad for the Copa America while striker Claudio Pizarro was recalled. ─── 利马12日讯,纽卡斯尔联中场索拉诺将不被受招入选正为美洲杯而集训的秘鲁国家队,而前锋皮萨罗却被重招。
16、Key words: scirpus tabernaemontanii gmel; typha and canna indica lima; effects of purification quality; highly salty reuse water; TEDA Landscape River ─── 作者简介:付春平(1975-),女,黑龙江肇州人,硕士,主要从事水污染和富营养化研究
17、Declaration and Plan of Action of Lima on Industrial Development and Cooperation ─── 关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言和行动计划
18、Padahal, lanjut dia, potensi pasar konstruksi di Timur Tengah dan Afrika dalam lima tahun mencapai US$ 1,153 triliun. ─── 周四(1月22日)他在办公室内召开新闻发布会时讲到,实际上在5年内东帝汶和非洲的建设市场潜力将达到11亿5300万美元。
19、1746 An earthquake demolished Lima and Callao , in Peru . ─── 一场地震摧毁了秘鲁的两大城市利马和卡亚俄。
20、San Marcos of Lima, Main National University of ─── 利马圣马科斯国家重点大学
21、Lima Programme for Mutual Assistance and Solidarity ─── 关于互助与团结的利马纲领
22、And they said to Him, We do not have anything here except five loaves and two fish. Jawab mereka: ""Yang ada pada kami di sini hanya lima roti dan dua ikan."" ─── 他们就对祂说,我们这里除了五个饼两条鱼,再没有别的。
23、Bukan hanya satu hari kamu akan memakannya, bukan dua hari, bukan lima hari, bukan sepuluh hari, bukan dua puluh hari, ─── 你们不是吃一天、两天、五天、十天、二十天,
24、New Page 1Ronaldo: King of the World Biography Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro. ─── 世界球王--罗纳尔多 罗纳尔多1976年9月22日出生在里约热内卢的贫困郊区。
25、Q : You have a choice of vegetables, green peas, lima beans, or spinach. ─── 你可以选择蔬菜, 青碗豆, 利马豆或菠菜.
26、The nurses are treating me well at Hospital Azevedo Lima . ─── 唉...总是专注于同样的事务真令人厌烦。
27、Whether they live in London, Los Angeles or Lima, Peru, they tend to resist buying a product associated with aging. ─── 不论是伦敦人、洛杉矶人还是利马人,只要是上了年纪的人对与“变老”有关的产品大多都很抵触。
28、.. ...A la manana realizar un City Tour de Lima Centro. almuerzo.A latarde excursion a la Costa Verde. ─── City Tour : 上午参观市中心古城区. 午餐. 下午游览 Miraflores 的绿色海岸 Costa Verde. 晚餐自理.
29、Mr Lima: Two tickets for the night ferry, please. Returns. ─── 利马先生:请给我两张晚上的船票。来回票。
30、To celebrate this meaningful time, initiates from Lima began by holding an exhibition of Masters publications at the citys annual Chinatown Fair. ─── 为了庆祝这个殊胜的月份,利马同修首先参加了利马市一年一度的中国城博览会,展示师父的出版品。
31、High-yield Cultivation Techniques of New Maize Variety Lima 29 ─── 利马29玉米新品种的高产栽培
32、Clinical Observation of Curative Effect of Lima Operation for Sinusitis ─── Lima术治疗鼻窦炎的疗效分析
33、A team of French archaeologists made their gruesome discovery last October at a site hundreds of miles from the Peruvian capital of Lima. ─── 去年10月,一批法国考古学家在利马数百英里外的地方发现了这些可怕的木乃伊。
34、COPA 804 a las 10: 46 AM llega.Bienvenidos a Lima, esperamos en el Aeropuerto, luego traslado al Hotel reservado juntos.Despues almuerzo, un paseo al Parque Municipalidad y Artesanales. ─── COPA 804 a las 10: 46 AM 抵达,专人专车在飞机场迎接,然后陪同到 Hotel, 办理入住手续后请休息.下午午餐后就近市政公园及印加手工艺品街逛街.
35、Another participant, Holly Chan from St.Rose of Lima's School, was most impressed by the solidarity of the students when they shouted the BBA cheers. ─── 另一位参加者,就读圣罗撒学校的陈?儿,说令她印象最深刻的是学生团结地高呼BBA口号的时刻。
36、At a get-together of European and Latin American leaders in Lima on May 16th he was unusually conciliatory. ─── 5月1日在利马举行的一次欧洲和拉丁美洲领导人聚会上,他不同寻常地非常和气。
37、Mrs Lima: That's much too early. ─── 利马夫人:那太早了。
38、The 24-year-old, whose full name is Kleper Laveran Lima Ferreira, has offered impressive performances with the Dragons this season, catching the eye of scouts from several top sides. ─── 24岁的佩佩全名叫凯普勒·拉维兰·利马·费雷拉·佩佩,这个赛季在巨龙(波尔图主场)表现令人过目难忘,已经引来一些顶尖俱乐部的凯觎。
39、These are the album's liner notes written by maestro Carlos Barbosa Lima. ─── 这是专辑的班轮说明写的巴博萨大师卡洛斯利马.
40、National University of San Marcos, the oldest university in the Americas , was founded in Lima, Peru. ─── 1551年的今天, 南美洲最古老的一所大学——的 圣·马考斯 国立大学在秘鲁的利马建校.
41、"Remember Abu Nidal?" Bush asked Aug. 28 in Lima, Ohio. "He's the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer because he was Jewish. ─── 8月28日在俄亥俄州利马的演讲中,布什问道:“大家还记得阿布·尼达尔吗?是他杀害了利昂·克林霍弗,就因为他是犹太人。
42、And they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties. Maka duduklah mereka berkelompok-kelompok, ada yang seratus, ada yang lima puluh orang. ─── 众人就一班一班的坐下,有一百一班的,有五十一班的。
43、And there was no [more] war unto the five and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa. Tidak ada perang sampai pada tahun ketiga puluh lima pemerintahan Asa. ─── 从这时直到亚撒作王第三十五年,都没有争战的事。
44、Mr Lima: Does this rate include petrol? ─── 利马先生: 租金里包括汽油 吗 ?
45、spicy Southern specialty: chicken (or small game) with corn and tomatoes and lima beans and okra and onions and potatoes. ─── 加香料的南方特产;鸡肉(或小野味)与玉米、番茄、利马豆、黄秋葵、洋葱和土豆等一起做成的炖菜。
46、The plane went down somewhere between Quito, Lima, and La Paz. ─── 飞机在基多 、 利马和拉巴斯之间的某地坠毁.
47、"A lot of ailing Peruvians are turning up in Chilca, a dusty desert town on the Pacific coast 40 miles southeast of Lima. ─── “很多生病的秘鲁人转向了智利卡,一个离利马东南部40英里的太平洋海岸充满灰尘的荒凉小镇。
48、2.The worst damage from the main earthquake was in the coastal cities of Ica and Pisco, south of Lima. ─── 利马南部沿海城市伊卡和皮斯科是本次地震受破坏最严重地区。
49、Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders of the 23 members dressed in Peru characteristics of alpaca wool shawl in the first set in the Lima group photograph. ─── 亚太经合组织各成员领导人23日身著秘鲁特色的羊驼毛套头披肩在利马集体合影。
50、Mrs Lima: When do they sail? ─── 利马夫人:什么时候开船?
51、spicy Southern specialty: chicken (or small game) with corn and tomatoes and lima beansand okra and onions and potatoes. ─── 加香料的南方特产;鸡肉(或小野味)与 玉 米、番茄、利马豆、黄秋葵、洋葱和土豆等一起做成的炖菜。
52、The UFO flap in Peru intensified last week with more sightings and more videos taken in Lima and elsewhere in this ancient South American land. ─── UFO在秘鲁的飘动在上一周加强了,在这块古老的南美洲大陆上,有着更多的目击,还有更多在首都利马和其他地方的拍摄。
53、Site of a pre-Incan city, southeast of Lima, Peru. ─── 前印加城市遗址,位于今秘鲁利马东南部。
54、Also, note that unlike H. 264, the hierarchical transform is lima - only and not applied to chroma. ─── 此外, 请注意与H. 264不同, 层次变换是只在亮度上的,不应用于色度.
55、Mereka mempunyai tujuh ratus tiga puluh enam ekor kuda, dua ratus empat puluh lima ekor bagal, ─── 他们有马七百三十六匹,骡二百四十五匹,
56、The international potato center in Lima,Balu(Peru),says potatoes would(could) offer better food security for at least 20 asian countries. ─── 位于秘鲁,利马的国家土豆中心,说土豆在至少20个的亚洲国家能提供更好的食物安全.
57、As we ate mushrooms and lima beans, our questioning resumed. ─── 当我们吃蘑菇和利马豆时, 我们的问题再继续.
58、These five images are in his Lima Series. ─── 这五福作品选自他的“利马系列”.
59、The artefacts have gone to Lima for safe keeping. ─── 文物被送到利马妥善保管.
60、Service Seminar held in Lima Peru ─── 售后培训在秘鲁进行
61、This fantastic trip offers you a chance to go mountain biking, hiking, and climbing in Lima, Peru. ─── 这美妙的旅行为你提供一个的机会去秘鲁利马骑山地自行车、徒步旅行、攀登。
62、The content of NO in blood of LIMA graft was significant lower when the stenosis of the proximal LAD was 30% than that when the stenosis of the proximal LAD was 90% or 100%(P
63、Mr Lima: Two tickets for the night ferry, please. Returns. ─── 利马先生: 请给我两张晚上的船票. 来回票.
64、23 grafts were removed from SV and 1 form LIMA. ─── 包括利用大隐静脉23根,其中以序贯式吻合1很;
65、And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: Jadi Henokh mencapai umur tiga ratus enam puluh lima tahun. ─── 以诺共活了三百六十五岁。
66、Thousands of Inca mummies were found at an ancient cemetery under a shantytown near Lima in 2002. ─── 2002年,利马附近的一座古墓共出土了数千具印加木乃伊。
67、Lima Industrial Development Objective ─── 利马工业发展目标(利马目标)
68、Last summer she was playing with toys in hospital in Lima, five days after one of her operations. ─── 去年夏天的一场手术后,塞隆在位于秘鲁首都利马的一家医院里。
69、Mr Lima: How long does the crossing take? ─── 利马先生: 需要行驶多久 呢 ?
70、spicy Southern specialty: chicken (or small game) with corn and tomatoes and lima beans and okra and onions and potatoes ─── 加香料的南方特产:鸡肉(或小野味)与玉米、番茄、利马豆、黄秋葵、洋葱和土豆等一起做成的炖菜
71、"Remember Abu Nidal?"Bush asked Aug. 28 in Lima, Ohio. "He's the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer because he was Jewish. ─── 8月28日在俄亥俄州利马的演讲中,布什问道:“大家还记得阿布·尼达尔吗?是他杀害了利昂·克林霍弗,就因为他是犹太人。
72、"If your family misses a meal, you really don't know what you can do, but I won't do anything bad," said de Lima, whose right foot was amputated after he was shot during a 1985 gang war. ─── “如果你家失去了一顿饭,你真的不知道你能做什么,但我不能做任何坏事,”利马说,在1985年的枪战中他被子弹射中之后,右脚被切除了。
73、She told me today she was lonely; because only she lives in Lima, feed her alone. ─── 今天她告诉我她感觉孤单;因为只有她一个人住在利马,她一个人,养活她自己.
74、Xia men to Lima air tickets xia men to Lima special airfares xia men to Lima discount tickets, ─── 厦门到利马学生机票,北京到利马航班时刻表
75、"The lima Bean (P. limensis), of Central American origin, is commercially important in few countries outside the Americas." ─── 利马豆(P. limensis)主要在美洲国家进行商业性生产。
76、And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died. Jadi Enos mencapai umur sembilan ratus lima tahun, lalu ia mati. ─── 以挪士共活了九百零五岁就死了。
77、BG8GHR说:HL2DNN,Hotel Lima TWO Delta Number NUmbe,HL2DNN,This is BG8GHR,Bravo Golf Eight Golf Hotel Romeo BG8GHR Calling you a ... ─── 也有一种呼叫特定呼号的方式(借用BG8GHR的例子,BG8GHR莫找我收呼号使用费哈!):
78、LIMA China offers provide as effective and integrated marketing platform in China for both domestic and international companies in licensing industry. ─── LIMA中国凭借着会议、展览、教育、培训、网络媒体、出版物等构成了海内外企业扩展中国市场的最佳商务平台。
79、Mr Lima: Does this rate include petrol? ─── 利马先生:租金里包括汽油吗?
81、Let me tell you the black things are lima bean pods. ─── 我告诉你吧,那些黑色的是利马豆荚。
82、Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation; ─── 关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言和行动计划;
83、And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah: Setelah Arpakhsad hidup tiga puluh lima tahun, ia memperanakkan Selah. ─── 亚法撒活到三十五岁,生了沙拉。
84、The person that make says, they will donate disjunction of this great sandwich to the poor children of Lima city. ─── 制做者说,他们将把这个大三明治分断捐赠给利马市的贫困儿童。
85、And he coupled five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves. Disambunglah lima dari tenda itu dengan tersendiri dan enam dari tenda itu dengan tersendiri. ─── 他把五幅幕幔连成一幅,又把六幅幕幔连成一幅。
86、Claudio originates from Callao, near the capital Lima, which is some 165 miles from the coastal province of Ica, where the earthquake was most strongly felt. ─── 克劳迪奥生于首都利马四周的卡拉奥,其距离震感最强的海岸地区伊卡大概有165公里。
87、At this time of the year, Father Christmas needs all the help he can get. Luckily, these store employees in Lima, Peru, were more than willing to volunteer. ─── 今年的圣诞节期间,秘鲁首都利马的商场店员志愿装扮成圣诞老人。
88、Envio notas a Londres, Paris y Lima. ─── 他把笔记奇往伦敦,巴黎合利马。
89、The following is an interview with Ricardo Lima, ─── 下面是对里卡多?利马的采访,
90、Our trip ends in Lima as we return to the airport for flights home. ─── 我们旅行的终点站是利马,然后我们返回机场去乘坐回家的班机.
91、On Wednesday, March 3, 1999, for forty minutes, five glowing silver discs flew over Lima, the capital city. ─── 1999年3月3日,星期三,持续了四十分钟时间,五个炽热珠银色圆盘状物飞越了首都利马。
92、And those who ate were about five thousand men, apart from women and children. Yang ikut makan kira-kira lima ribu laki-laki, tidak termasuk perempuan dan anak-anak. ─── 吃的人,除了妇女孩子,约有五千。
93、spiced lima beans ─── 五香蚕豆
94、Mr Lima: Thank you. That's all I wanted to know. ─── 利马先生:谢谢。那就是我想要知道的。
95、Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Area of the South-East Pacific (Lima, 12 November 1981), and related protocols (1983 - 1989) ─── 保护东南太平洋海洋环境和沿海地区公约
96、Another took place in Lima's Plaza de Armas against the president's plan to restore capital punishment for certain crimes. ─── 另一项假利马的阿尔玛广场所举行的抗争反对总统恢复针对特定几项犯罪的死刑处份之计划。
97、Archaeologists work at a site on a hillside in Puruchuco, Peru, a suburb of Lima, at the request of the Lima government, where an Inca graveyard with 72 people who were hastily buried was found. ─── 受利马市政府的委讬,考古学家们正在位于利马郊区普鲁楚柯一座山坡上发现的一处古墓穴处工作,这个墓穴中发现了72具古代印加人的尸骨。
98、Mr Lima: How long does the crossing take? ─── 利马先生:需要行驶多久呢?
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