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09-17 投稿


jabbered 发音

英:[ˈdʒæbəd]  美:[ˈdʒæbərd]

英:  美:

jabbered 中文意思翻译




jabbered 词性/词形变化,jabbered变形

名词: jabberer |动词现在分词: jabbering |动词第三人称单数: jabbers |动词过去式: jabbered |动词过去分词: jabbered |

jabbered 短语词组

1、jabbered on ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休

jabbered 相似词语短语

1、slabbered ─── 满口唾沫

2、clabbered ─── n.浓而变酸的牛奶;vt.使变酸;使凝结;vi.变酸;凝结

3、yabbered ─── n.谈话;急促、含糊不清的说话;vi.饶舌;急促、含糊不清地说

4、dibbered ─── n.挖洞器(等于dibble)

5、ambered ─── n.琥珀;琥珀色;黄褐色;黄灯;adj.琥珀制的;琥珀色的;黄色的

6、blabbered ─── v.(非正式)胡扯,瞎说,喋喋不休;n.胡言乱语;胡扯的人

7、cambered ─── adj.曲面的;拱形的;弧形的;v.成弓形;反挠(camber的过去分词)

8、barbered ─── n.(为男子理发的)理发师;男子理发店;v.为(男子)理发;当理发师;n.(Barber)(美)巴伯(人名)

9、jabberer ─── 说话莫名其妙的人,说话荒唐的人

jabbered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We are pleased that a group of flying like the Orioles, jabber incessantly between classes. ─── 我们高兴得像一群放飞的黄鹂,课间不停地吱吱喳喳。

2、So even if it';s just jabber that I';m saying by myself, I want to say that your era will soon arrive. ─── 所以尽管这是我的自说自话,我还是要说,你的时代已经来临。

3、To address the need for high-quality open source Java Jabber software. A client applet which can also work as a desktop application is currently the main focus of this project. ─── 处理对优质未结来源的需要Java Jabber软件。可能并且运作的客户机附属程序因为桌面申请当前是这个项目主要焦点。

4、The guide keep jabber on and on. how Am I ever gonna is able to take a nap? ─── 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?

5、Don't talk on and on (or jabber away) when you can say it in a few words. ─── 两句话能说完的事就别犯碎嘴子了。

6、To talk vociferously; jabber. ─── 叫喊喧嚷;吱吱喳喳地叫

7、Jabber all you want in about 30 seconds my associates from paradis falls will join us. ─── 狂追:随便你怎么说好了,30秒之后,我那些天堂陨落的合伙人就会加入我们的。

8、the jabber of foreigners ─── 外国人讲的叽里咕噜的话

9、We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. ─── 在街上的一家小咖啡店里,我们遇到了一群朋友,我便和他们闲聊着我可能要走的事。

10、Noisy, stupid talk;jabber. ─── 喧闹愚蠢的谈话;唧唧喳喳

11、the jabber of monkeys ─── 猴子吱吱的叫声.

12、It provides a simple API for developing MIDP Jabber applications. ─── 它为开发MIDP Jabber应用程序提供了一个简单的API。

13、To jabber(something) or engage in jabbering. ─── 多嘴唧唧喳喳地闲谈(某事)或参与

14、My teachers just could`t get me to talk.The last thing I wanted to do for a career was stand in front of a group of People and jabber. ─── 不仅是爱学习、爱书本、爱思想,还有老师对出类拔萃的学生的爱。

15、Monkwords, marybeads jabber on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets ─── 僧侣话,诵《玫瑰经》的念珠在他们的腰带上嘁嘁喳喳;江湖话,硬梆梆的金币在他们的兜里当榔当啷。

16、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects;jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;

17、Jabber protocols ─── Jabber协议

18、He looks for Ma Yun jabber, cloud letting a horse lets 51. ─── 他找马云磨嘴皮子,让马云把51.

19、I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth. ─── 我猜想他希望我认真地听而不是插嘴胡说。

20、Expand the Network item in the list on the left and select Jabber. ─── 展开左侧列表中的网络项目,然后选择Jabber。

21、Most servers require you to log in before performing other tasks, so we log in to the Jabber account defined by the ─── 大多数服务器都要求您在执行其他任务之前首先登录,因此我们使用由

22、The girl jabbered incomprehensibly. ─── 这个女孩含糊急促地说着难懂的话。

23、You can have an IM sent to your Google Talk / Jabber account whenever there's new activity on your FriendFeed. ─── 启用IM通知后,您还可以通过向FriendFeed Bot发送IM命令,将消息和意见发布到FriendFeed。

24、Multi-user chats (text conferences) complient with Jabber standard. Lots of existing chat rooms available. ─── 多人群聊,已建立有众多精彩聊天室;

25、Rich dad sat there in silence. I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth. ─── 富爸爸坐在那儿沉默不语,我猜想他希望我认真地听而不是插嘴胡说。

26、jabber v. ─── 含糊地说;

27、I would jabber on like a monkey in a tree. ─── 我像树上的猴子一样一直说。

28、Used to secure connections with the Jabber server. ─── 用于保护与Jabber服务器的连接。

29、Forrest: (Every day we'd take a walk, and I'd jabber on like a monkey in a tree. ─── 福勒斯特:(每天我们都去散步,我会像个树上的猴子似的喋喋不休地说个不停。

30、He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology . ─── 约翰有感愧疚, 于是写信道歉.

31、jabber(xmpp) was supported by lots of clients, such as pidgin, kopete and so on. ─── 提问应该把问题描述尽量清晰、完整,想想怎么组织语言来表达自己的问题,最后再提问。

32、Jabber out one's prayers ─── 急促不清地做祷告

33、We met a line of we friends at a local cafe, or I jabbered on acres the possibility of my arouse. ─── 在街上的一家小咖啡店里,咱们遇到了一群同学,我便和她们闲聊着我可能要走的事。

34、New environment, new life, so that they immersed in Gang Kaixue novelty, the excitement just like a lark, constantly jabber. ─── 新的环境,新的生活,让他们沉浸在刚开学的新奇中,像只只兴奋的百灵鸟,不停地吱吱喳喳。

35、Before, he would have thought this pointless jabber if they kept it up all day they would never get rich. ─── 从前,他以为大家是贫嘴恶舌,凭他们一天到晚穷说,就发不了财。

36、As a result, Jabber servers and peers can be implemented independent of any platform. ─── 结果,Jabber服务器和对等点的实现可以与任何平台无关。

37、Of course, you can encrypt e-mail, but Jabber over SSL is quick and easy. ─── 当然,您可以加密电子邮件,但是SSL上的Jabber既方便又快捷。

38、Is an open source library provided by Jive Software for communicating with Jabber servers to perform instant messaging and chat. ─── 是Jive Software公司提供的一个开放源代码库,用于与Jabber服务器通信以执行即时消息传送和聊天。

39、This error usually means that jabber was detected on the network. ─── 此错误经常意味在网路上侦测到含糊。

40、The Research and Implementation of IM System Based on Jabber ─── 基于jabber的IM系统的研究与实现

41、1. He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology. ─── 他叽叽咕咕地说了些我认为像是道歉的话.

42、We met a group of our friends at a local cafe,I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. ─── 在街上的一家小咖啡店里,遇到了一群朋友,我便和他们闲聊着我可能要走的事。

43、The Jabber server that is best for you depends on your needs (for instance, you may be using your organization's own Jabber server). ─── 根据您的需要使用最合适的Jabber服务器(例如您可能使用您的组织自己的Jabber服务器)。

44、With powerful features and completely open XML protocols, Jabber is by far the most advanced IM system available today. ─── 因为其强大的特性和完全开放的XML协议,Jabber是目前为止最高级的可用的IM系统。

45、Flexible -- Jabber applications beyond IM include network management, content syndication, collaboration tools, file sharing, gaming, and remote systems monitoring. ─── 之外,还包括网络管理,内容聚合,协调操作,文件分享,游戏,和远程系统监视。

46、What he got was a secure XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, alternatively known as Jabber) server waiting for connections. ─── 他所得到的是一个有保密机制的XMPP(扩展消息和存在协议)服务器正在等待连接的消息。

47、He began to protest, to jabber of his right of entry. ─── 他开始抗议,唠叨不休地说他有进来的权力。

48、"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." ─── 当老鹰沉默时,鹦鹉就开始叽叽喳喳了。

49、jabber out ─── 急促不清地说

50、One day, I was still a time when the warm blanket, was awakened by the sound burst jabber. ─── 某天,我还在暖暖的被窝的时候,被一阵吱吱喳喳的声音吵醒。

51、He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology ─── 他叽叽咕咕地说了些我认为像是道歉的话

52、Monkwords, marybeads jabber on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets. ─── 僧侣话,诵《玫瑰经》的念珠在他们的腰带上嘁嘁喳喳;江湖话,硬梆梆的金币在他们的兜里当榔当啷。

53、She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention. ─── 她喋喋不休,想分散他的注意力。

54、The host name of the Jabber server. ─── 服务器的主机名称。

55、Jabber peers communicate with each other through Jabber servers. ─── Jabber对等点通过Jabber服务器彼此通信。

56、The port number of the Jabber server. ─── Jabber服务器的端口号。

57、She jabbered out the words in what seemed a foreign language. ─── 她急促不清地说着,好像在讲外语。

58、Because of his hyperactivity and nonstop jabber, Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school. ─── 由于莱斯非常好动,又含含糊糊地说个不停,所以他小学就被安排进一个专门为学习有障碍的学生开设的特教班,直到高中毕业。

59、The monkey jabbered away in a corner. ─── 那猴子在角落里叽里咕噜地叫个不停。

60、to jabber; to blah-blah; to do a lot of talking ─── 磨嘴皮子

61、Smack is an open source, high-level library that handles the protocol details for communicating with Jabber servers. ─── Smack是一个开放源代码的高级库,它处理与Jabber服务器通信的协议细节。

62、Jabber is an open instant message and presence protocol and has been widely used. ─── jabber作为一种流行的开放式即时消息传递和现场服务协议,已经获得了广泛的应用。

63、Noisy, stupid talk; jabber. ─── 喧闹愚蠢的谈话; 唧唧喳喳

64、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说

65、To speak rapidly or incoherently; jabber. ─── 急促不清地说话急促而含混地说话;急促而不清地说话

66、He jabbered out what I assumed was an apology. ─── 他叽叽咕咕地说了些我认为像是道歉的话。

67、The last thing I wanted to do for a career was stand in front of a group of people and jabber. ─── 我最不想作为终身事业的事是站在一伙人面前叽叽喳喳说个没完。

68、jabber away ─── 反反复复说无意义的话

69、Jabber use agreement, a very strong function, compile-time to d... ─── 即时通信客户端源码,采用delphi语言编写。使用jabber协议,功能很强,编译时要下载相应的控件-instant messaging client source code, the language used delphi.

70、To connect to a Jabber server, ─── 为了连接到Jabber服务器

71、In the soft pink glow of morning, the ducks jabber, shake out their wings, and dunk for breakfast. ─── 在清晨柔和的淡红色光辉映照下,鸭野们吱吱嘎嘎地叫着,抖动着自己的翅膀,将头插进水里寻找早餐。

72、"Chatter:To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber ." ─── 不停地谈:急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说.

73、Your Jabber account needs to be set up and registered on a Jabber server, and you need a valid Jabber ID to enter in iChat. ─── 您需要在Jabber服务器上设置和注册帐户,而且需要一个有效的Jabber ID进入iChat。

74、A couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly. ─── 枝头有几只松鼠,态度友好地对着我吱吱地叫着。

75、It's easy for you to jabber away on the Kang. Do you want me to go out and steal? To rob someone? ─── "你老只会炕头儿上混说,难道叫我打劫偷去不成?"

76、By now even the small group of women had stopped, and a confused jabber of voices rose from the main body of the crowd. ─── 可是现在连那一小队也站住了。 同时那大队里腾起了一片听不清楚的喧闹。

77、Jabber provides explicit support for multiple client access. ─── Jabber对多客户机访问提供明确的支持。

78、Error frames can affect connectivity, and errors such as excessive collisions, CRC errors, and alignment and jabber errors are monitored for a link-fault indication. ─── 第二、与端口相连的设备连线不匹配或者端口配制错误;第三、端口与连接设备之间协议不匹配;

79、Cell phone elbow is the name of a new health complaint heard repeatedly by doctors from people who jabber daily on their phones to friends, family and work colleagues. ─── 手机肘是医生们再三听到的一个新的健康陈诉的名称,每天叽里咕噜地在手机上与朋友,家人和同事说个不停。

80、Those girls have jabbered along for hours. ─── 那些女孩们一连数小时都在闲聊。

81、We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. ─── 在街上的一家小咖啡店里,我们遇到了一群朋友,我便和他们闲聊着我可能要走的事。

82、In corridor, in the dining room, bathhouse child in the good place that is jabber. ─── 楼道里、食堂里、澡堂子里都是磨嘴皮子的好去处。

83、Jabber is an instant-messaging protocol that is supported by a lot of popular applications such as kopete, pidgin or Psi, so you do not need to install yet another chat-application. ─── Jabber采用了即时消息协议,它支持多种流行的应用程序,如kopete、pidgin或Psi,因此,您不需要再安装另一个聊天程序。

84、He jabbered out the words in what seemed a foreign language. ─── 他叽哩咕噜地好像在说外国话。

85、He jabbered out the words in what seemed a foreign language. ─── 他叽里咕噜讲的好像是外国话。

86、4.Listen to the jabber of those monkeys. ─── 听那些猴子在吱吱喳喳地叫。

87、Was it any wonder that he didn't want to jabber in Armenian to a little kid from home? ─── 他不愿意和从家乡来的小孩说话有什么奇怪?

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