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09-17 投稿


lich 发音

英:[lɪtʃ]  美:[lɪtʃ]

英:  美:

lich 中文意思翻译



lich 网络释义

n. 尸体(等于lych)n. (Lich)人名;(德)利希

lich 短语词组

1、lich-gate n. ( ─── 教堂墓地入口处有顶的)停柩门

lich 相似词语短语

1、Mich ─── n.米奇

2、dich ─── n.(Dich)人名;(丹)迪克

3、lichi ─── n.荔枝;荔枝树(等于litchi)

4、linch ─── n.(Linch)人名;(英)林奇

5、licht ─── n.(苏格兰)光;灯(等于light);vt.点燃;使明朗;vi.点着;发亮;adj.轻的;轻松的;adv.轻便地;轻轻地;少许;n.(Licht)人名;(英、德、匈、捷)利希特

6、Rich ─── adj.(Rich)(美、英、加)里奇(人名);adj.(rich)富有的;肥沃的;昂贵的

7、laich ─── 低的

8、lech ─── n.肉欲;好色的人;vi.好色;纵欲;adj.好色的;n.(Lech)人名;(瑞典)莱克;(德)莱希;(波、捷)莱赫

9、ich ─── (德)我要;n.(Ich)人名;(越)益

lich 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lich's Sacrifice Ritual cannot cast on Mechanical Units. ─── 巫妖天生技能牺牲仪式不能对机械单位使用。

2、Years after the destruction of Draenor、the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent、rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge. ─── 很多年后,无比强大的巫妖王制造了新一代死亡骑士:那些燃烧军团中险恶的,挥舞著符文的战士。

3、38 cases of erosive lich planus were treated in random with single-blind control method with MEBO or aureomycin glycerol paste (AGP). ─── 作者用湿润烧伤膏与金霉素甘油糊剂(AGP)随机单看对照治疗38例糜烂型扁平苔鲜病人。

4、In Wrath of the Lich King, you will be able to pick up a runeblade, don some plate armor, and wreak serious havoc using both melee abilities and offensive magic. ─── 在巫妖王之怒会加入一个新职业而且是第一个英雄职业,这就是通灵死亡骑士。

5、Knowing he had sealed the fate of the high elves, Arthas departed with the newly resurrected Kel'Thuzad to carry on in service of the Lich King. ─── 在知道自己已经封存了高等精灵的命运之后,阿尔萨斯与复活的克尔苏加德离开了被废弃的城市。

6、10. Years after the destruction of Draenor, the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge. ─── 很多年后,无比强大的巫妖王制造了新一代死亡骑士:那些燃烧军团中险恶的,挥舞着符文的战士。收藏指正

7、The lich King gived me the true power, I will kill my father ereyonce. ─── 巫妖王给了我真正的力量,我会次次杀死我的父亲。

8、Now released by the Lich King to aid in his crusade against the Sentinel, he cleaves through waves of enemies with his mighty anchor, breaking enemy sieges before they even begin. ─── 因此,它天生就有强大的魔法控制力,可以在施法的时候恢复它和它盟友的法力。它骄傲并狡猾,非常喜欢囚禁敌人并剥夺他们的智力。

9、Doomguard and Infernal pets will be improved at some point in the future, quite possibly in Wrath of the Lich King. ─── 恶魔守卫和地狱火宠物将在“不远的将来”得到增强;最可能的时候是在《巫妖王之怒》里。

10、Highlord Trion Fordring says: The Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction to our world. ─── 大领主提里奥.弗丁:巫妖王必须为他的所作所为付出代价!而我们也不能再允许他对这世界胡作非为!

11、The skies of Outland darkened as Kil'jaeden himself appeared before Illidan, furious at Illidan's failure to destroy the Lich King. ─── 基尔加丹对伊利丹未能击败巫妖王一事大感震怒,他的怒火令外域的天空都为之黯淡。

12、The Lich King watches over us, minions! ─── 巫妖王庇护我们,奴仆们!

13、To a time before the Scourge.Before Arthas and regicide ... before the Lich King. ─── 主教斯基特称那一天为“赤色黎明”。

14、Lich's Mirror shuffles tokens you own into your library, too. ─── 巫妖秘镜也会将你拥有的衍生物洗入你的牌库。

15、5.Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, she desired to become pure substance once more. ─── 在被巫妖王复活成女妖之后,她决定为自己寻找新的躯体。

16、71 A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city. ─── 71一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。

17、Death song, death door, death river awaiting! Lich! Scatter frozen blade of air! Clops! ─── 寒冷的冻气遮蔽了阳光,凝结的大气化为刺骨的利刃,去吧,刻下你的伤痕!

18、h King yells: PUPS OF ORGRIMMAR! HEAR ME, BRASH UPSTARTS OF THE HORDE! TREMBLE, AND KNOW YOUR DOOM, FOR THE LICH KING'S GAZE IS FIXED UPON YOU! ─── 巫妖王的使者喊道:奥格瑞玛的小子们。听我说,无理傲慢的部落!恐惧吧,你们的末日即将来临,巫妖王在看着你们

19、Legend: After a memorable battle with a powerful lich, Arete, a powerful psion, took the time to explore the path of lichdom. ─── 传说:在一次值得纪念的,与强大巫妖的战斗之后,奥雷特,一个强大的心灵术士,开始去探索巫妖的领域。

20、The innate ability of Lich, Dispell of Lich, will now deal 300 damage to summoned unit instead of 500. ─── 巫妖的天生技能尸巫之散对召唤单位伤害从500调整为300。

21、Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Agy +2, Int +4, Cha +2. As an undead creature, a lich has no Stamina score. ─── 属性:从基础生物的属性上增加:力量+2,智力+4,魅力+2。作为亡灵生物,巫妖没有耐力属性。

22、Power of the North (Su): A lich casts spells with the cold descriptor as a caster 3 levels higher for the purposes of determining damage, DCs, and other variable effects based on caster level. ─── 北地之力(超自然):巫妖施放冰系法术的时候,在所造成的伤害,DC,以及所有受施法者等级影响的效果上,视同于比自身高3级的施法者。

23、A lich fighting without weapons uses either its touch attack or its primary natural weapon (if it has any). ─── 不带武器的巫妖使用接触攻击或者主要天生武器(如果他有的话)。

24、Since hunters could not upgrade from the ammo available at the launch of Lich King, their damage had started and would continue to fall behind as other classes upgraded their gear. ─── 在巫妖王之怒上线后,猎人的弹药伤害输出一直没有升级,他们的攻击没有提高,也渐渐落后于其他的职业。

25、Wrath of the Lich King builds on the rich foundation established in World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade, providing a wealth of new content for players to explore. ─── 巫妖王的愤怒是以魔兽世界及其(首部)资料片燃烧的远征为基础,为玩家提供了一系列新的内容去探索。

26、68 Highlord Darion Mograine says: So too do the Knights of the Ebon Blade...While our kind has no place in your world, we will fight to bring an end to the Lich King. ─── 大领主达里安.莫格莱尼说:黑锋要塞的骑士也一样...尽管你们的世界不允许我们的存在,我们将为了打倒巫妖王而战斗到底。

27、A: Yes, we plan to add more bind-to-account items in the future, including the Wrath of the Lich King Collector’s Edition pet and the heirloom items being introduced in Wrath of the Lich King. ─── A:是的。将来我们计划增加新的帐号绑定物品,包括巫妖王之怒豪华版本宠物和巫妖王之怒中的金色物品。

28、Illidan's attack shattered the Lich King's defenses and ruptured the very roof of the world. ─── 伊利丹的法术粉碎了巫妖王的防御力量并割裂了世界之脊。

29、Mrs Lich's family was quickly evacuated from her small hamlet in Hoa An district, along with a dozen other ethnic Tay families. ─── 她回忆说,有人告诉他们往南边跑。

30、Illidan's theft sealed the defeat of Archimonde in Azeroth. Still, the victory was of short duration as the Lich King ordered Arthas to return to Northrend. ─── 伊利丹的窃颅行动使得阿克蒙德在艾泽拉斯的失败成为定局。短暂的胜利之后,巫妖王命令阿尔萨斯返回诺森德。

31、Die Triode nennt man auch den Transistor,einschlie ßlich PNP und NPN. ─── 6数据结构是计算机科学算法理论基础和软件设计的基础。

32、Even if you were to strike down the Lich King, another would have to take its place. ─── 即使你们击败了巫妖王也必须要有其他人来继承这个位置。

33、An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the Lich King's necromancers, this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world aroud it. ─── 在偶然地被巫妖王的亡灵法师们赋予了生命后,这具黑曜石雕像便成了一头依靠吸食四周魔法为生的无情的怪物。

34、Building on thefoundation established in World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusadeand Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm of the Maelstrom will add a richvariety of content to an already massive game. ─── 在魔兽世界,燃烧的远征和巫妖王之怒的基础上,大漩涡的灾变会在本已架构庞大的游戏中再加入丰富多元的内容。

35、06 Highlord Darion Mograine yells: The skies turn red with the blood of the fallen! The Lich King watches over us minions! Leave only ashes and misery in your destructive wake! ─── 大领主达里安.莫格莱尼喊道:天空将被堕落之血染红!巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从!在你们的毁灭之路上除了灰烬舆苦难甚麽都不要留下!

36、" Mrs Lich's family escaped to safety.Just 18 days later, in the same Hoa An district, retreating Chinese soldiers reportedly hacked to death 43 people - mostly women and children. ─── 18天后,从同一地区撤退的中国士兵据报砍死了43个越南人,其中大部分是妇女和儿童。

37、A15. Resolve "destroyed" Effects : Some effects trigger when a creature is destroyed, such as Brain Sucker, Corpse Collecting, Cowardly, and the Lich Necromancer's commander effect. ─── 处理“被消灭时”效应:某些效应会在生物被消灭时触发,如吸取大脑、尸体收集、胆怯以及死灵法师巫妖的指挥官效应。

38、A story-driven approach is a key element to the designs of all the new dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King. ─── “故事导向”的途径是《巫妖王之怒》中地下城设计的最主要元素。

39、For without the control of the Lich King, the scourge would wash over the world like locusts, destroying all that they touched. ─── 没有了巫妖王的控制,天灾将像蝗虫一样横扫这个世界,杀死他们遇上的一切。

40、Insider: What sort of challenges are there in this artistic transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King? ─── 那么,从燃烧远征到巫妖王之怒的艺术风格过渡里,将有些什么样的挑战呢?。

41、An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the Lich King's necromancers, this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world aroud it. ─── 在偶然地被巫妖王的亡灵法师们赋予了生命后,这具黑曜石雕像便成了一头依靠吸食周围魔法为生的无情的怪物。

42、One exciting new feature in Wrath of the Lich King is that all raid content will be available in both 10- and 25-person versions with completely independent progressions paths. ─── 巫妖王之怒一个令人兴奋的新特征就是所有的副本内容将以完全独立的处理方式对10人和25人版本都适用。

43、Lich masters have the ability to deal damage to all creatures (excluding mechanisms and undead) in the surrounding area (radius 3 tiles). ─── 巫大师能够对周围的(3×3)所有兵种(包括机器和不死)造成伤害。

44、Years after the destruction of Draenor, the immensely powerful Lich King created a new breed of death knights: malevolent, rune-wielding warriors of the Scourge. ─── 很多年后,无比强大的巫妖王制造了新一代死亡骑士:那些燃烧军团中险恶的,挥舞着符文的战士。

45、It sounded like the impossible voice of a shriveled dead thing, a mummy or a lich that, by rights, should have no voice at all. ─── 它听起来就像是枯萎的已死物体,比如木乃伊或者巫妖的声音,但事实上,它们是不可能有声音的。

46、I knew nothing of this lich of yours, but when my diviners told me of the explosion, I feared for the integrity of the Snarl's prison. ─── 我对你们那位巫妖一无所知,但当我的占卜师告诉我爆炸发生时,我开始担心死结囚牢的完整性。

47、In upcoming Patch 1.11, one of Azeroth's most feared denizens - Kel'Thuzad, the right hand of the Lich King himself - will return with the horrors of the undead in his wake. ─── 在即将到来的1.11补丁中,令艾泽拉斯居民们发抖的一个人--克尔苏加德,巫妖王的右手即将来散播不死族的恐惧。新的副本-克尔苏加德的老家,纳斯克马斯即将开放。

48、Kel'Thuzad is known for betraying the Kirin Tor of Dalaran by serving the Lich King as a necromancer, and later as a lich risen by King Arthas at the Sunwell. ─── 克总回北地,地球人都知道,达拉然法师议会肯瑞托的叛徒,巫妖王的仆人,被阿尔萨斯用太阳井复活的巫妖。

49、Tuz Kuz is a powerful lich adept at controlling insect minions. ─── 塔兹克兹是名擅长于操纵昆虫仆役的的巫妖。

50、lich gate ─── 停柩门, ph. 停柩门

51、You must destroy the Lich King! ─── 你必须摧毁巫妖王!

52、As part of Lich's Mirror's effect, it typically shuffles itself into your library. ─── 巫妖秘镜之效应中的一部分,通常会让你将它本身洗入你的牌库。

53、Brave the harsh new continent of Northrend, the icy domain of the Lich King. ─── 开辟新的区域:诺森德大陆,巫妖王的领地。

54、Any abilities that trigger when the permanents leave play will be put on the stack after Lich's Mirror's entire effect has been applied. ─── 任何因永久物离场而触发的异能,会在巫妖秘镜的整个效应全部生效之后才进入堆叠。

55、The Lich King: It is I, the Lich King. Danger draws near the Frozen Throne!You must return to Northrend immediately! Obey! ─── 巫妖王:是我--巫妖王.危险已经降临了冰封王座!你必须立刻回到诺森德大陆!快服从我的命令!

56、The Lich King yells: When next we meet, it won't be on holy ground, paladin. ─── 下次见面的时候,就不会在有圣光护佑你们的地方了,圣骑士.

57、Mind Blast (Su): At will, as a standard action, the Lich King can unleash a massive psionic attack in a cone 60 feet long. ─── 心灵冲击:任意一个标准动作下,荔枝王都可以释放对面前60英尺的锥型范围释放群体超能力攻击。

58、Highlord Trion Fordring says: I make a promise to you now,brothers and sisters;The Lich King will be defeated!On this day,I call for a union. ─── 大领主提里奥.弗丁:我向你们所有人许诺,兄弟姐妹们。巫妖王终将将被击败!在今天,我倡议我们团结起来!

59、Lich's Mirror has no effect if you concede the game. If you concede, you'll lose. ─── 如果你认输,巫妖秘镜并不会生效。如果你认输,就是输了。

60、We do have ideas to improve how the 10 person and 25 person dungeons coincide in Wrath of the Lich King, but nothing concrete we can discuss at this point. ─── 当然,当这两种游戏方式产生冲突时,我们也有应对之法;只是目前我不能透露进一步的信息而已。

61、Left to rule his kingdom unopposed, the Lich King began preparing for his true mission in the world. ─── 在一统诺森德大陆之后,巫妖王准备着手执行他真正的任务。

62、Einen Tag sp?ter sollten sich die Probanden schlie?lich zwischen jeweils zweider 80 Reiseziele entscheiden, die sie zu Beginn der Versuche gleich bewertethatten. ─── 一天后,被试应最终对刚开始做过评价的80个旅游目的地彼此之间分别选出两个。

63、Before bringing the battle to the Lich King, both the Horde and Alliance must overcome the immediate threat of the vrykul and answer the questions that the warriors' reemergence has posed. ─── 在与巫妖王交战之前,部落和联盟都必须克服瑞库尔的威胁并解答这群战士觉醒的疑问。

64、Week of Lich: Double growth for Liches and Archliches. ─── 巫妖周:巫妖产量加倍。

65、Eventually he became one of the Lich King's most valuable servants. ─── 最终,他成为了巫妖王手下最有价值的仆人之一。

66、Orc Unit: Convert its life * Lich's STR/3 to Lich's life. ─── 兽族单位:将目标单位生命值的(巫妖力量/3)%转换为巫妖的生命值。

67、Ihr Reichtum an fast jeder Mensch auf der Erde, einschließlich der jetzt, wie auch die Geschichte des Lebens aller Personen. ─── 你的财富几乎是每一个地球人,包括现在以及历史上的所有人的生命的一部分。

68、Great Lich Hefas resurrected the warrior and employed him. ─── 后来大尸巫复活并雇佣了这位战士。

69、The Lich King has given me true power. ─── 巫妖王给我的才是真正的力量。

70、However, Illidan's forces return from Outland and position themselves around the Lich King's tower before Arthas can reach it. ─── 但是,伊利丹的军队从外域归来,在阿尔萨斯到达巫妖王之塔之前将其包围。

71、Kil'jaeden captures the fleeing Ner'zhul and irreversibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing him in a block of ice. ─── 基尔加丹抓住了逃逸的耐奥祖并以不可逆转的形式将之变为巫妖王,将他罩在了一块冰壳中。

72、Human Unit: Convert its life * Lich's STR/4 to Lich's life.Other Summoned Unit: Convert its life * Lich's INT/5 to Lich's mana and its life * Lich's STR/5 to Lich's life. ─── 其他召唤类单位:将目标单位生命值的(巫妖力量/5)%转换为巫妖的生命值,并同时将其生命值的(巫妖智力/5)%转换为巫妖的魔法值。

73、Wrath of the Lich King will introduce a vast new land and many new dungeons to the game. ─── 巫妖王之怒将介绍大量的新地区和新地下城到游戏中。

74、Mitte April). Sie m黡sen pers鰊lich an der Universit鋞 einschreiben. ─── 意思应该就是应该4月中旬前注册也是有效的吧。

75、The Lich King yells: You could have been my greated champion, Fordring: A force of darkness that would wash over this world and deliver it into a new age of strife. ─── 巫妖王大喊:你可能会是我最强的勇士,弗丁:一个从黑暗来的力量可能洗劫这个世界,并且让它成为一个新的时代。

76、So sweet was his tooth that he would tiptoe up to pine trees And lich their resin, hopping it would taste as treacly as it looked. ─── 他是如此贪恋甜食,甚至会偷偷摸摸地爬上松树,舔口松脂,尝尝它是不是像看起来那样甜。

77、However Hoang Van Lich now never has to worry about the weather. ─── 现在,Hoang Van Lich再也不用为天气发愁了。

78、Highlord Tirion Fordring says: The Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction to our world. ─── 巫妖王必须为其罪行付出代价,使其不再能够对我们的世界进行更多的毁灭。

79、For example, if your life total is -4 when you would lose the game, Lich's Mirror's effect will cause you to gain 24 life. ─── 举例来说,如果你原本将输掉时的总生命是-4,则巫妖秘镜会让你获得24点生命。

80、The character in the middle of the picture is the Lich King's mightiest Death Knight and also the legion commander. ─── 位于画面中央的是尸巫王手下最强大的死亡骑士也是军团指挥。

81、The Lich King watches over us minions! ─── 巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从!

82、Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth. ─── 他可以为了恢复魔力而不惜牺牲自己的盟友,是个不折不扣的冷血杀手。

83、World of Warcraft:Wrath of the Lich King will add a new option to the game's class roster with the introduction of the first hero class, the necromantic death knight. ─── 在即将到来的最新资料片WOW:WTK中将加入一个新的英雄职业,也就是使用邪恶魔法的死亡骑士。

84、Kil’jaeden, one of the lords of the Burning Legion, first created the Lich King to wreak havoc and terror across Azeroth. ─── 基尔加丹,燃烧军团的一位首领,最先创造了巫妖王到艾泽拉斯去制造破坏和恐慌。

85、Kel'Thuzad looked upon the Lich King's growing army and named it the Scourge, for soon it would march upon the gates of Lordaeron and scour humanity from the face of the world. ─── 克尔苏加德管理着这支日益庞大的部队,并称他们为"天灾",不久之后,它就会踏进洛丹伦的大门,并把人类从这个世界上永远抹掉。

86、Even if you were to strike down the Lich King another would have to take his place. ─── 即使你终结了巫妖王,也会有其他人继承这个位置的。

87、A powerful lich has unleashed an undead horde against a dwarf city. ─── 一个强大的巫妖释放了一个不死部落以对抗一座矮人城市。

88、Kil'jaeden captures the fleeing Ner'zhul and irreversibly transforms him into the Lich King, encasing him in a block of ice. ─── 基尔加丹抓住了逃逸的耐奥祖并以不可逆转的形式将之变为巫妖王,将他罩在了一块冰壳中。

89、When Ner'zhul the Lich King took control of Northrend, he used his powerful magics to raise the ancient Dragon skeletons from the dead. ─── 当巫妖王耐奥祖控制了诺森德大陆后,他使用强大的魔法复活了死去巨龙的尸骨。








目前疾病的检查分 5 个等级:组织器官水平、临床前、细胞水平、蛋白质水平、基因分子水平 ,而基因检测是最早的预警。

基因检测对于预防和治疗的价值,有一个非常典型的例子,就是BRCA2突变。该基因原本是抑癌基因,顾名思义,就是抑制癌症产生和发展的基因,发生突变后,可以增加乳腺癌、卵巢癌、胰腺癌和前列腺癌的发病风险。根据2013年发布在《临床医生肿瘤杂志》(《A cancer journal for clinicians》,简称《CA》)上的数据(原文标题《Recent Progress in Pancreatic Cancer 》),几乎4%-10%的德系犹太人(Ashkenazi Jews)胰腺癌患者携带家族性BRCA2突变,而且这种突变的比例随着亲戚中胰腺癌患者的数量呈正比,如果有不小于2个亲戚也得了胰腺癌,那么德系犹太人胰腺癌患者的BRCA2突变比例是6%~12%,如果有不小于3个亲戚得了胰腺癌,则德系犹太人胰腺癌患者的BRCA2突变比例是16%。




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