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09-17 投稿


larcener 发音

英:[['lɑ:sənə]]  美:[['lɑ:sənə]]

英:  美:

larcener 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 盗窃犯


larcener 同义词


larcener 反义词


larcener 相似词语短语

1、parcener ─── n.共同继承人(等于coparcener)

2、darkener ─── 染黑剂

3、gardener ─── n.园丁;花匠;园艺家;n.(Gardener)人名;(英)加德纳

4、hardener ─── n.硬化剂

5、larceners ─── n.[法]盗窃犯

6、careener ─── 护工

7、larcenies ─── n.盗窃;盗窃罪

8、harkener ─── 哈肯斯

9、parceners ─── n.共同继承人(等于coparcener)

larcener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once there is so called sage emerged in this world, there is larcenist existed at the same time. ─── 天下之善人少而不善人多,则圣人之利天下也少而害天下也多。

2、2 However, to a real grand larcenist, all those measures are useless. ─── 可是对真正的大盗而言,这些防卫措施对他都是没用的。

3、We may be bold to say that all the intelligence and knowledge we learned which are supposed designing to protect us, are ready for the grand larcenist's stealing. ─── 我们更可以大胆的说,这世间那些设计来保护我们的智慧、知识等其实都是在为大盗做准备工作。

4、The criterion for Imposing Penalty ef Collective Larcener must be urgently unified ─── 共同盗窃犯的量刑标准亟待统一

5、recognition of larcener for larcenous amount plays an important role in deciding the punishment, which is valuable reference for current criminal judgment. ─── 行为人对盗窃数额的主观认识在定罪中有着重要作用,这一点仍然值得现今刑事审判工作借鉴;

6、We may be bold to say that all the intelligence and knowledge we learned are ready for the grand larcenist's stealing. ─── 我们更可以大胆的说,这世间的所有智慧、知识都是在为大盗储蓄财富。

7、The criterion for Imposing Penalty ef Collective Larcener must be urgently unified ─── 共同盗窃犯的量刑标准亟待统一

8、After 1956, public surveillance was established as one method of punishment, and expanded application scope into normal criminals (such as larcener, defrauder and rogue). ─── 1956年之后,确立了管制作为刑罚方法的一种,扩大适用到盗窃、诈骗、流氓等一般刑事犯罪。

9、3 In this viewpoint, our measures of prevention are done in fact for grand larcenist's stealing. ─── 这样看来,我们防护措施的用心,实际上是为大盗在储蓄财富。

10、In the fifth part, it mainly studies the influence of the subjective recognition of larcener for larcenous amount on the punishment. ─── 第五部分主要研究了盗窃行为人对其盗窃数额的主观认识是否影响定罪量刑的问题。

11、"Somebody uses a network to carry out larcener blame. ─── “有人利用网络实施盗窃犯罪。”



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