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09-17 投稿


slicking 发音

英:[ˈslɪkɪŋ]  美:[ˈslɪkɪŋ]

英:  美:

slicking 中文意思翻译



slicking 词性/词形变化,slicking变形

名词: slickness |副词: slickly |动词过去分词: slicked |动词现在分词: slicking |动词过去式: slicked |形容词最高级: slickest |动词第三人称单数: slicks |形容词比较级: slicker |

slicking 短语词组

1、slicking glass ─── 光滑的玻璃

slicking 常用词组

oil slick ─── 水面浮油

slicking 相似词语短语

1、snicking ─── v.刻细痕于,切开小缝;(板球)切击,削(球);使发出尖利的滴答或喀哒声;n.小切口,刻痕;(板球)切击球,削球;喀哒声

2、sticking ─── adj.粘的;有粘性的;v.刺入;伸出;(非正式)使支付;粘住;坚持;(非正式)接受(stick的现在分词)

3、flicking ─── v.轻击;弹开;轻快移动;抽打(flick的现在分词)

4、slicing ─── n.切断,切片;限制,[电子]限幅

5、slacking ─── v.偷懒;(使)松弛;放慢;(非正式)懒散地工作;熟化(石灰)(slack的现在分词);n.偷懒,懈怠

6、clicking ─── n.微小静电干扰声;v.点击(click的ing形式);发出滴答声

7、sicking ─── adj.厌恶的;病态的;不舒服;渴望的;恶心的;生病的;n.病人;vt.使狗去咬;呕吐;追击;n.(Sick)(德、西)西克(人名)

8、licking ─── v.舔尝,舔湿;(火舌)舔食;(波浪)轻卷;(微风)轻拂;轻松战胜;揍,打败(lick的现在分词);n.惨败;痛打

9、slinking ─── vi.潜逃;溜走;vt.早产;潜逃;n.早产的动物;鬼鬼祟祟的人;adj.早产的

slicking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some of themodern cures offered by slick salespeople, he says, are just asempty and worthless as the old curiosities that he's collected inhis museum. ─── 他说,有些巧舌如簧的推销员所提供的现代疗法,跟他在博物馆里收集的那些老古董一样愚不可及,毫无价值。

2、He grabbed a slick and sailed into a dog. ─── 他抓起根棍子就朝狗打去。

3、I like that." If you really want to be slick, then take her values and improvise a routine which demonstrates that you also have those values. ─── 如果你真的想变的圆滑,那么就读取她的价值观,然后临时准备一个惯例丢出来,说明你的价值取向跟她一样。

4、Because they are dealing with various relations, therefore being slick, everywhere is predestined friends. ─── 因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。

5、Yet Barcelona star Hleb is adamant his side will cause England problems and liken their slick movement to his fluid style of his former club Arsenal. ─── 但是赫莱布坚信他的同胞会踢出像阿森纳那样行云流水的足球来给英格兰队制造重重困难。

6、Male readers responded overwhelmingly to the slick hedonism and Playboy's savvy and self assured pitch, snatching up more than 50,000 copies. ─── 《花花公子》一经问世就卖出5万多本,它那酣畅的享乐主义和机智自信的基调完全征服了男性读者。

7、But he is to be overweeningly ambitions,he is slick like a egg has already peel off the skin. ─── 可是他野心勃勃,圆滑的像一个剥了壳的鸡蛋。

8、McAuley was quick to give credit to a slick Arsenal side, but hailed the attitude of his own players on a difficult night. ─── “尽管他是1比4,但是这不是世界末日,他给机会我们重新开始,谁知道会怎么呢?”

9、Meanwhile, SVG 1.2 Offers a more extension-prone platform, with shadow trees and slick event integration, all encapsulated within the RCC framework. ─── 同时,SVG 1.2通过影像树和直接的事件集成机制,提供了更具扩展性的平台,并将这些封装在RCC框架中。

10、Instead, they found only bubbles and a thin oil slick. ─── 但,他们找到了泡沫和一罐浮油。

11、He has prime retail space, marketing expenses related to advertising heavily on radio and television, half-page ads in newspapers, major yellow page ads, and a slick Web site. ─── 他有基本的零售场地,营销支出被花在密集的广告上,收音机和电视,报纸上的半页广告,主要的黄页广告,和花言巧语的网站。

12、For him the wheel of slumber was wont to turn noiseless and slick and swift. ─── 在他看来,时间在睡眠中总是过得很快,静悄悄地就溜走了。

13、He said we must slick up our swords and guns, and get ready. ─── 他说我们得擦亮了刀枪,做好准备。

14、Study on the Two Dimensional Deep Bed Filtration Slicking Propertyof Tube-style Activated Carbon with water ─── 筒式活性炭二维深层过滤研究

15、He always acts in a slick way, so I ended my relationship with him. ─── 他这人爱耍滑,我跟他吹台了。

16、Because candle surface is slick, although have smeary be infected with above, also should brush gently only clean. ─── 因为蜡烛表面光滑,即使有油污沾染在上面,也只要轻轻一擦就干净了。

17、Copenhagen is a fairly small city, but it's slick and well-run. ─── 哥本哈根是一个相当小的城市,但它的运转却是高效的。

18、His hand's slipping down the wall for it's slick with rain. ─── 他的手的滑动,拆除隔离墙为它的光滑及有雨。

19、Fancy imported cars, five-star hotels and slick malls dot Guangzhou, the hub of a region that has blossomed into one of China's -- and the world's -- main economic engines. ─── 作为世界经济的发动机-中国,在它经济最繁荣的地区广州,到处可见高档的进口车,五星级宾馆,鲜亮的大卖场。

20、Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. ─── 六个生病的乡下人用十字镐和木棒在挖六块光滑的砖头。

21、The roads were slick with rain. ─── 下雨路滑。

22、Look back on the training days,for us the wheel of slumber was wont to turn noiseless and slick and swift. ─── 回顾训练的日子,在我们看来,时间在睡眠中总是过得很快,静悄悄地就溜走了。

23、He tumbled back against the slick damp wall. ─── 他在光滑潮湿的墙上摔了个跟头。

24、He was a slick stylist with all the special effects. ─── 他是个喜欢用特效的华而不实的时装设计师。

25、Youmight want that device with a slick new function, or to get the improved version of what you have now, but do you really need it? ─── 你想买那个有花俏新功能的东西,或者用升级版替换掉你现有的那个,但是,你真的需要吗?

26、He doesn't take any responsibility himself. Pretty slick!" Chueh-hui retorted indignantly. ─── 他说话一点也不负责,真是个滑头

27、Usable fine rubber is arenaceous drop contact surface burr, make contact surface slick level off. ─── 可用细砂皮砂掉触点表面毛刺,使触点表面光滑平整。

28、Why is a horse less apt to slip on slick ground when he is trotting than when he is cantering? ─── 为什么在光滑的地面上马用快步比用跑步更不易滑倒?

29、Seven slick sleepless sleeper seek sleep. ─── 七个失眠的人寻找睡眠。

30、An unusually tall man in a slick grey suit uncoiled onto the sidewalk, pausing to adjust a jet-black ponytail against the nape of his neck. ─── 一个穿着华丽的灰色西装,看着不同寻常的高个子,下车也走到了人行道上。高个子略微停了一下,整理了一下脖子后面的黑马尾巴辫子。

31、Six sick slick slim sycamore saplings. ─── 六棵受病的普通无花果小树苗。

32、He didn't know the driver, a young punk with slick black hair and an open shirt, but he got in. ─── 司机是个小阿飞,油光油光的头发,衬衫是敞开的。 他不认识这个小子,但他还是上了车。

33、Canada were blown away by Australia in the Bowl final, failing to score against a slick looking Australian outfit. ─── 加拿大在碗期末考试由澳大利亚被征服,没能对一个光滑的看澳大利亚人得分装备。

34、Indonesian fishermen say the slick has killed of thousands of fish and is causing illness among villagers who have eaten tainted seafood. ─── 印度尼西亚的渔民说泄露的时候已造成数千的鱼群受污染,并导致食用受染海产品的村民患疾病。

35、He is acting in a slick way again. ─── 他又在耍滑头了。

36、He used to slick his hair everyday before school. ─── 他曾经每天在上学之前梳好头发。

37、Did he see the double rubber gloves, the careful coveralls, the slick silk mask? ─── 他能够看见那些双层橡胶手套,那些工作外套,还有那真丝的面具么?

38、Is your kitchen a place to hang out and be comfortable or will it be, as Rayo put it, a "slick intimidation statement about my wealth? ─── 你的厨房大得可以溜达吗?舒适吗?或者它会成为,按照Rayo的叙述,“财富的一个不利证据吗?”

39、The silky smooth voices of Jim Reeves and Eddy Arnold epitomize the slick sounds which came out of Nashville recording studios in the 1950's. ─── 吉姆.里夫斯和埃迪.阿诺如丝般细腻流畅的嗓音最能代表五十年代纳什维尔地区的录音棚中的滑音。

40、Length came into style in the 1940s, which the filmmakers illustrate by giving the model a set of long fake nails before slicking them with a bright orange-red color. ─── 年代开始流行长指甲,视频制作人为了凸显这一点会让模特戴上一套长长的假指甲,然后涂上鲜艳的橙红色。

41、We need someone who can design a killer mockup and actually produce a slick interface using C/C++, J2ME, ARM Assembly. ─── 公司拥有雄厚的风险投资资金支持,海外创业团队的高效简洁的管理经验。

42、See a floor first arenaceous smooth surface is slick, have without grain bosomy protruding, cork grain is pure. ─── 先看地板砂光表面是否光滑,有无鼓凸颗粒,软木颗粒是否纯净。

43、The cafe's neon sign was reflected on the slick surface of the floor. ─── 咖啡店的霓虹灯招牌映照在光滑的地板表面上。

44、Both are slick and white and both are equipped with goggle-shaped LCD screens inside. ─── 两尊神像均呈现光滑的白色,并配备眼罩式液晶萤幕。

45、You know what a slick talker that little varmint is. ─── 他每次都能把她说得心平气和的。”

46、He said that?McGrady said later, laughing along with Yao.He's a jokester, our undercover jokester.I knew he was gonna say something slick. ─── 后来麦迪边朝着姚明笑边说:他这样说得?他是爱开玩笑的高手,是我们隐藏的讲笑话高手.我当是他准备说些漂亮精彩的事情...

47、The "Slick Tricks" booklet suggests tricks that require only simple household objects -- a rope, a rubber band or a banana. ─── “超级戏法”小册子所推荐的魔术对道具要求很简单,只需一些家常物品:绳子,橡皮筋或香蕉。

48、Amazingly, this means that not only can't the site be too cutting edge, clever or slick, it also can't be too horrible, garish or amateurish. ─── 令人惊异的是,这意味着网站不仅不能太先锋、乖巧或者平实,也不能太不友好、花哨或者不专业。

49、Colonel Cathcart was a slick, successful, slipshod, unhappy man of thirty-six. ─── 卡思卡特上校为人机灵圆滑,事业一帆风顺,年纪已三十六岁,他不修边幅,性格抑郁愁闷。

50、Be careful, New York is full of slick flimflam men. ─── 小心,纽约到处充满狡猾诡诈之人。

51、He did it out of slick perversity. ─── 他全然是出于不合情理的想法做了这件事的。

52、Because its surface is slick and the spinnability is not well, the depilation of rabbit hair product is easy. ─── 但兔绒纤维表面光滑,可纺性差,其产品脱绒现象较为严重。

53、Washington is Stone, a slick urban lawyer who's defending Crystal.Moony hates Stone. ─── 史东则是姬丝的辩护律师,蒙尼一向也憎恨他。

54、Another rule change for 2009 will see the reintroduction of slick tyres. ─── 2009年另一项规则的变动是光头胎的重现。

55、Chinese officials say they may dam a major river to stop a toxic chemical slick from reaching Russia, and the city of Khabarovsk. ─── 中国官员说,可能会在一条主要河流上修建一条坝,不让有毒化学物质污染带流入俄罗斯及其城市哈巴罗夫斯克。

56、She' s very slick, but I don' t believe a word she says. ─── 她很伶俐, 但她的话我一句也不信.

57、Slick as a whistle, she pulled off the bandage. ─── 她身体恢复好后,就把绷带给取了。

58、Alex’s focus on Monday was a Bridgestone ‘slick’ tyre evaluation as development work continues to prepare for their return in 2009. ─── 周一,亚历山大的工作重点是对普利斯通“光头”胎进行评估,承担开发工作,进一步做好使用2009轮胎的准备。

59、This zany counting book features Australia's creatures, from the title character to five pesky platypuses, and up to 14 slick seals. Ages 3-6. ─── 在这本书中,作者用韵文的方式介绍了十四种澳洲不同的动物,同时也介绍了了1到14的数字说法,再配合生动的插画,全书看起来简单而生动。适合3岁以上儿童阅读。

60、Some of Cable's Louisiana fiction is a little slick. ─── 凯布尔以路易斯安那州为背景的小说有些有点油腔滑调。

61、A falling stone hit him slick on the head. ─── 一块落石正好击中他的头部。

62、"A lot of the fellers put on the gloves. There was a peach from West Oakland. They called 'm 'The Rat.'Slick as silk.No one could touch 'm. ─── “好多人都戴上手套打过几拳,从西奥克兰来了个好角色,人家叫他‘耗子’,手脚麻利,谁都挨不上他的边。

63、From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the greyblue waters. ─── 从破裂的油轮里,喷涌出一股股红棕色的原油,汹涌澎湃,渐渐地在蔚蓝色海面上形成了一层巨大的油膜。

64、But, despite impressing fans with his slick, direct passing, the Wallsend-born star feels that he is still improving and can go from strength to strength. ─── 但是,虽然他精巧、直接的传球让球迷们印象深刻,这位沃森德出生的球星觉得他还可以进步,从强大变得更加强大。

65、"There are so many changes aerodynamically with the car, and with the KERS also, and the slick tyres, they will need a lot of feedback from us. ─── “明年新车会有很多空气动力学套件的改进。还有新的KERS,还有光头胎,这会需要我们的很多反馈。

66、Be careful,new york is full of slick flimflam men. ─── 小心,纽约市到处充满狡猾诡诈之人。

67、The sidewalks are slick with ice, and we have to shovel the snow off the steps every other day. ─── 人行道上结着滑溜溜的冰块,我们每隔一天都得把台阶上的积雪铲掉。

68、He braced himself, feeling his hands slick with perspiration on the Wolverine rifle. ─── 他打起精神,握着金刚狼步枪的双手因为出汗而开始打滑。

69、The slick floor brought me down in a heavy fall. ─── 光滑的地板把我重重地摔了一跤。

70、Her reply was too fast, too slick. ─── 她回答得太快,太利落了。

71、"Seeing the slick tyres, the cars look fun to drive, so yeah, I'm missing it a bit now," he said. ─── “看光面轮胎,汽车外观驾驶的乐趣,所以是的,我失踪有点现在,”他说.

72、Slick your hair down before you go out. ─── 出门前把头发捋平。

73、She felt the silky slick walls of his long throat sliding down her body, tightly squeezing her rhythmically as she tried to struggle. ─── 她觉得丝绸般光滑的墙壁,他只要喉咙往下滑,她的身体,紧紧地挤她的节奏,因为她试图挣扎。

74、An iridescent oil slick;iridescent plumage. ─── 一片色彩斑斓的浮油;色彩斑斓的羽毛

75、His arms were muscled and toned, the skin pale, soft looking and slick with sweat. ─── 他的双臂富有肌肉,很耐看,皮肤苍白,看起来很软,上面全是汗。

76、DON'T: Slick back your hair.“ This isn't a season to try to get that ballerina bun. ─── 像芭蕾舞女演员那样将头发一丝不乱的束在后面已经过时。

77、To coat or slick with solidly frozen water. ─── 冰裹用冰包起来或用冰使光滑

78、When the weather turns to rain, the ground grows slick and gray. ─── 一旦进入雨季,地面变得光滑而呈灰白色。

79、Her story appeared in a national slick. ─── 她的故事登在一家全国性的通俗杂志上。

80、However, the stars “the withdrawal”, “resurface” now are only a concept, expands and contracts freely, being slick in each linguistic environment. ─── 不过,现在明星们的“退出”、“复出”只是一个概念,在各种语境里伸缩自如、八面玲珑。

81、You are not Susan's adversary if you act in a slick way. ─── 你和苏珊耍滑头可不是她的对手。

82、As race official, Slylock Fox allowed Smitty to run with the balloons. Is Slylock giving Slick Smitty an unfair advantage? ─── 作为比赛裁判的狐狸侦探允许斯密提系着气球跑步。难道狐狸侦探给斯力克.斯密提得到不公平的优势吗?

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